Zeng Xiaoxian said gloatingly, "Brother Chao, what will Lily do after you see this? Will she be giving you a few slaps?"

Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Deng Chao's face was full of resentment.Zhiyan and Baolan both said apologetically, "Deng Chao-Oba, we didn't do it on purpose! It's just that I was too nervous just now!"

Hearing their explanation, Deng Chao was about to vomit blood, Nima.Hit me in the face when I'm nervous.Really depressing!But Deng Chao wasn't really angry either.

Deng Chao just wanted to remind them not to fight again.It's a bit unbearable to fight again.In fact, Quan Baolan and Park Zhiyan didn't intend to fight just now.

After saying not to slap in the face, the game continued, and Park Soyan followed the staff of the director team to the back of the boy.

The first one this time is Deng Chao.Park Suyan touched for a long time and said suspiciously, "This is Zeng Xiaoxian! His face is too droopy!" Deng Chao almost collapsed when he heard Park Suyan's words, God!How droopy is your face, you must take care of it next time.

As for Zeng Xiaoxian, he was sitting there with a depressed face. Obviously, Zeng Xiaoxian was also very unhappy about this innocent arrow shot, and he actually said that it was himself who was drooping his face.

It's simply not possible to continue playing.Too bad!The second Bao Beier was recognized because of his iconic forehead.

Bao Beier is really depressed. His bald head is as famous as Wang Zulan's nose. .

Chapter eight hundred and fiftieth eight: the second vote

Pu Suyan walked behind Wang Zulan, and Wang Zulan also gave up resistance.He also gave up all fantasies, after all, his nose can't stop it.It's just too late for a facelift now.Anyway, everyone knows that as long as the nostril can insert a finger, it is definitely Wang Zulan, and there is no second person.

As a result, Wang Zulan was recognized just like the script.Qin Feng, Wang Zulan, and Bao Beier have deeply felt the malice from the director team after playing this game.

But the most depressing thing is Qin Feng. He doesn't know how he was exposed to others.And it's completely self-explanatory.No matter how Qin Feng made a face, it would have no effect.

As long as they touch Qin Feng's face, they can immediately confirm that this is Qin Feng.Any cover up by Qin Feng is ineffective.Qin Feng is now extremely curious about how they recognized themselves.

Then Zeng Xiaoxian was also recognized.Deng Chao and Li Chen made a mistake, and Park Soyan and Park Zhiyan also recognized four people.Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Piao Suyan and Deng Chao team chose the right four people, now it's Han Enjing's choice!"

Zeng Xiaoxian was determined to win first and said with a smile: "Enjing, you have to remember Zulan's nose, Bao Beier's head and my teeth. As for Deng Chao and Li Chen, the one with the bigger face is Deng Chao! The one with the drooping face is Deng Chao! Li Chen!"

Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian burying a few of them, Deng Chao said with a smile: "Zeng Xiaoxian, you know what? You are misleading your companions! In this case, Enjing can only touch four right!"

Enjing also glared at Zeng Xiaoxian and said, "Zeng Xiaoxian, don't you mislead me, okay? Is Deng Chao's face as big as yours? Is Li Chen's face as droopy as yours?"

Hearing Enjing's words, Zeng Xiaoxian burst into tears.Oh Nima, can you still be a teammate happily?How can you make up for it like that.

"Enjing, we belong to the same team. Is it really good for me to say this?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Enjing full of grievances and said, hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Enjing scratched his head and smiled and said, "I know we are a team Ah, but I can't tell lies either, what if I make a mistake?"

Hearing Enjing's words, Zeng Xiaoxian was at a loss for words. Deng Chao smiled and said, "Enjing, you are awesome! We should tell the truth more!"

Seeing Deng Chao's complacent appearance, Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Yeah, Enjing, we should tell the truth! Are you saying that Brother Chao is black?"

Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's question, everyone at the scene laughed, and Enjing nodded and said, "Well, it's not white!" Although Enjing said it very euphemistically, it was enough to make Zeng Xiaoxian proud.

Deng Chao looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and said, "Xiaoxian, when you tear up the famous brand, wait!" Obviously Zeng Xiaoxian was already on the minds of Deng Chao.

Enjing's touch this time was a bit substandard. Although Zeng Xiaoxian, who was the first to touch, tried his best to rub his teeth against Enjing's hand, Enjing just didn't touch his teeth.Then it was judged wrong.

In the end, Enjing only recognized Qin Feng, Bao Beier, and Wang Zulan.Let the three of them once again experience the maliciousness of this game.

The last one to play was Xiaomin.Pu Xiaomin obviously carefully observed the characteristics of each person when the other people touched them, and the characteristics of Qin Feng, Zeng Xiaoxian, Wang Zulan, and Bao Beier were too obvious.Xiaomin guessed right without much effort.Then we arrived at Li Chen and Deng Chao.

Everyone was watching Park Xiaomin's actions.Because other members are most likely to have problems with the identification of Li Chen and Deng Chao.

Both Park Jiyan and Park Soyan were mistaken for both of them.So everyone was very nervous and wanted to know if Xiaomin could successfully distinguish Li Chen from Deng Chao.

Xiaomin walked to Li Chen's side, first gently touched his face twice, touching all the places that should be touched, suddenly Xiaomin raised his hand and slapped Li Chen in the face.

Immediately, Li Chenmeng was in the circle, didn't he agree not to slap his mouth?What is Xiaomin doing?Deng Chao looked at Li Chen gloatingly. When he was beaten just now, they were all laughing at him. Now it's finally your turn to be beaten.

Before Li Chen could react, Xiaomin reached out and rubbed Li Chen's face hard again.After rubbing a few times, Xiaomin showed a confident smile and said, "You are Li Chen!"

Everyone was surprised for a while, what method was this, and they recognized it with a slap?Xiaomin went to Deng Chao's side as well.

But this slap made Deng Chao, who was still laughing just now, cry. What kind of ghost game is this? Are you sure it wasn't made to prank yourself?

After this round of competition, he was beaten three times. What kind of grievance did he have with T-ara?Why do these little girls see that they are serving with big mouths?

Xiaomin smiled and said, "This must be Brother Chao!" Everyone was stunned when they heard Xiaomin's words, because all six of Xiaomin's guesses were correct.

Cao Zhen smiled and said: "Okay, Park Xiaomin and Qin Feng's team guessed six correctly. They won the first place. Quan Baolan and Wang Zulan's team guessed five right. They won the second place. Park Suyan and Deng Chao's team guessed right. Four, Li Chen and Park Zhiyan's team tied for third place with four correct guesses. Han Enjing and Zeng Xiaoxian guessed three correct, Bao Beier and Li Juli guessed three right in fourth place!"

The Qin Feng team got five voting cards again, Wang Zulan got four, Deng Chao, Li Chen three each, Zeng Xiaoxian and Bao Beier one each.

Then entered the voting session, Qin Feng said to Li Chen: "Wang Zulan got four votes this round, Deng Chao three votes! Bao Beier one vote, they have a total of eight votes, I feel they must still vote for me. In the last round, I should have five votes, and Deng Chao had ten. Now I add eight to make thirteen. It is enough for Zeng Xiaoxian and I to vote our six votes for Deng Chao, and your three for Bao. Belle!"

Li Chen completely agreed with Qin Feng's opinion, so the voting results came out. Qin Feng received eight votes from Deng Chao, Wang Zulan, and Bao Beier.Li Chen got a ticket from Zeng Xiaoxian.Deng Chao received five tickets from Qin Feng.Li Chen's three tickets were given to Bao Beier! "

Chapter [-]: Qin Feng's Secret

After the second round of voting, Qin Feng calculated that Deng Chao had 15 votes and 2 more votes than himself, but in fact, Qin Feng had 14 votes, Deng Chao had 13 votes, Bao Beier had 3 votes, Li Chen had 2 votes, and Wang Zulan and Zeng Xiaoxian had 0 votes. ticket.

It was precisely because Zeng Xiaoxian secretly formed an alliance with Deng Chao that Qin Feng's estimation was wrong.In fact, Qin Feng did not expect Zeng Xiaoxian to secretly form an ally with Deng Chao.

Qin Feng thought that everything was under his control, but the fact had unknowingly deviated from Qin Feng's plan.In this way, Qin Feng became the biggest disadvantage in the end.Of course, none of these Qin Feng knew, and the only ones who knew the truth were Zeng Xiaoxian and Han Enjing.

Although Zeng Xiaoxian and Han Enjing formed an alliance with Deng Chao.But instead of sharing the information he knew with Deng Chao, he gave the wrong information.

Deng Chao asked in the car, "Xiaoxian, how did your group vote this time?" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile, "Qin Feng was misled, thinking you had a lot of votes, so let me and Li Chen vote. I voted for you, and he voted for Bao Beier! However, I voted for Li Chen."

Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Deng Chao smiled proudly and said, "This time Qin Feng is going to fall into the pit! Haha!" Zeng Xiaoxian also gave a smug smile.

Obviously Zeng Xiaoxian also intends to have a little more advantage at the last moment. Zeng Xiaoxian didn't plan to rely on it, and wanted to win a complete victory with his own strength.

Three vehicles drove six groups of people to the location of the third mission.At this time, Qin Feng smiled confidently and said, "I won the first place twice in a row this time. Deng Chao is about to cry!"

Li Chen also smiled lightly and said, "This time, Brother Chao probably didn't expect such a result!" In fact, in addition to the advantages of the first game over Qin Feng and Li Chen, the second game was entirely based on It was only because of Xiaomin's strong outburst that he won the first place. It has to be said that Xiaomin's judgment is still first-class.

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