Suddenly Li Chen asked curiously, "Xiamin, how did you recognize Qin Feng, Zhiyan? And Xiaomin, why did you know it was me or brother Chao after a slap?"

Hearing Li Chen's curious question, Xiaomin and Zhiyan smiled at each other, Qin Feng also turned his head curiously and asked, "How did you know?"

In the other two cars, they asked the same question.And the members of T-ara also looked at each other and smiled.

Looking at a few thiefly smiling girls, all of them looked depressed, but you guys said, why are you smiling all the time?In the director's car, Cao Zhen and several staff members also stared at the monitor with a curious expression.

Sure enough, it proves that gossip is the fourth instinct of human beings.For this matter, Xiaomin finally gave the answer!

Xiaomin just gently leaned over to Qin Feng's side and took a deep breath, then stopped talking.Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and sniffed on his arm, Qin Feng immediately understood.

It turned out that the six of T-ara didn't feel the difference on Qin Feng's face, but smelled the different smell on Qin Feng's body.

Since Qin Feng traveled back to the plane of love apartment, he accidentally used an orange-smelling perfume that Lin Wanyu gave him.I fell in love with the smell of this perfume.

Because the smell of this perfume always reminds Qin Feng of his college life in his previous life.So Qin Feng has been using this perfume, although this perfume is very cheap and cheap, but Qin Feng has formed a habit over time.

Those who have been in contact with Qin Feng are used to the faint orange smell on Qin Feng's body.Habits come naturally, so no one will find that Qin Feng is different from other people in this regard.

Even Qin Feng himself had never noticed the difference in himself, but the girls at T-ara had discovered it carefully.

Pu Zhiyan smiled and looked at Pu Xiaomin and said, "Qin Feng Oppa, do you know? This is what Xiaomin discovered first!" Hearing Zhiyan's words, Qin Feng looked at Pu Xiaomin in surprise. Xiaomin lowered his head and his cheeks were already flushed red. .

Qin Feng's feelings at this time are really mixed. He knows that it is his blessing to have Baby, Hu Yifei, Lin Wanyu, Liu Yifei.

Qin Feng has been trying very hard to avoid provoking other girls, so after T-ara was established, Qin Feng produced a lot of songs to make them famous.But most of the time, he deliberately avoided contact with them, but Qin Feng never expected that Xiaomin, who was not in contact with him, could understand everything about him so carefully.

Qin Feng suddenly didn't know what to say.Li Chen also noticed the different atmosphere in the car. As long as Zhiyan was under 18 years old, she didn't see what happened between Xiaomin and Qin Feng and Oppa.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became subtle.In order to break the embarrassment of the atmosphere, Li Chen asked with a smile, "Then Xiaomin, how did you distinguish between me and Brother Chao!"

Xiaomin raised her head and glanced at Qin Feng. Although the resentful eyes were very subtle, Li Chen still noticed it. Li Chen sighed, there was a girl who was captured by Qin Feng's charm.But I have to say that Qin Feng's charm is really great.

Xiaomin pretended to be very calm and said: "It's easy to tell you and Brother Chao! Brother Chao was beaten by Zhiyan and Baolan before, and I could tell that the beating was very painful, and they both left marks, so I beat him. When I rub it once and then I can feel that this face has been beaten a few times, if it was only the one I hit just now, it would not be Deng Chao-Ouba!"

Hearing Xiaomin's method, Li Chen suddenly had black lines all over his head. No wonder the last Xiaomin actually distinguished them all, but Li Chen still admired Xiaomin's carefulness.

The three vehicles soon arrived at the location of the third round of the game.This is an outdoor playground.There are several tables on the sports field, and several sets of props are placed on the tables.

The six groups of players trotted all the way to see the props and everyone felt bad. "This episode is too stupid!" This was the unanimous thought of the six running men including Qin Feng!

Chapter eight hundred and sixty: Fancy abuse of running man

Seeing the props at the scene, the runners all kneeled.This is simply the rhythm of carrying out the fancy abuse to the end. The members of T-ara are obviously not familiar with these props.So their performance is still a little normal, but if they know what these props are for, it is estimated that they will be hahaha.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Director Cao, you are a bit ruthless!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Cao Zhen smiled and said, "It's normal! These are just tricks you have played! It's not difficult! "

Hearing Cao Zhen's words, everyone looked at Cao Zhen with a black line. If his eyes could kill people, it is estimated that Cao Zhen would have turned into a meatball by now, and there is no slag left.

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "Now there are six kinds of props placed in front of everyone, that is, six different games. Now, in the order just now, go forward to draw lots to choose the games you want to do, and then choose the games you want to play according to the completion of the task. According to the length of time, you can get the corresponding voting card in order!”

Hearing Cao Zhen's words, the running men, including Qin Feng, all prayed in their hearts that they could get the easiest task.But obviously these six games are not too simple.

Obviously this time Cao Zhen made enough preparations to abuse the six members of the running boy group.However, the members of T-ara just came to the running men in this issue, so they will be tricked by the running men.

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "According to the order of the tasks just now, the first draw was for Qin Feng and Xiaomin, the second was for Wang Zulan and Quan Baolan, and the third was for Deng Chao and Park Soyan, The fourth is Li Chen and Park Zhiyan, the fifth is Zeng Xiaoxian and Han Enjing, and the last is Bao Beier and Li Juli!"

After hearing Cao Zhen announce the order, Bao Beier put his hands together and said, "God bless, let them leave me a simple one!"

Hearing Bao Bei'er's words, Deng Chao smiled and said, "Bao Bao, you said that you are here with a bald head and praying to God. Are you sure that the Buddha will not help you to be a monk and be hacked by Yilei?"

Bao Beier smiled and said, "How is that possible? I'm not a monk! Can Buddha even tell the difference between a bald head and a monk?" Hearing Bao Beier's answer, Qin Feng jokingly said, "It's really possible, in case now The incense in the temple is not good. When the Buddha was angry, he saw a bald head and prayed to God. Isn't this a clear business grab?

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone's stomach hurts.Qin Feng is also a spoof. He can come up with such a funny reason, and he is also drunk.

Deng Chao defended his ally and said: "Don't worry, Bao Bao, this is not Huaxia, and the Buddha can't control it! As long as you don't return to China, you will be fine!"

Hearing Deng Chao's words, Qin Feng laughed and said, "Brother Chao, you are really a scholar! Buddhism originated in the ancient kingdom of Tianzhu in the Western Regions, and the kingdom of Tianzhu should be today's India! Christianity originated in Pakistan, and we Now in Thailand, the distance is almost the same, what do you say?"

Qin Feng's words left Deng Chao speechless. As a scholar, Deng Chao obviously couldn't make others feel that he was not good at geography.

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "Okay, don't discuss whether this is God's or Tathagata's territory, you must listen to me, the referee, in this game!"

When they heard Cao Zhen's words, everyone was speechless, because what Cao Zhen said was the truth!I can only listen to his director.Otherwise how to play?

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Okay, as long as you have the strength! No challenge is a problem!" Qin Feng's face was full of confidence. Seeing Qin Feng's self-confidence, Bao Beier could only laugh.

After all, he is not as strong as Qin Feng's BT.Bao Beier was thinking that if he had Li Chen's strength, he wouldn't have to pray to God.

When I think about Zeng Xiaoxian's counterattacks, Bao Beier is all kinds of depression. He has participated in so many running men, and he has really never counterattacked anyone.

Bao Beier is still in the position of playing soy sauce among running men. Of course, if Zeng Xiaoxian was there, it would be soy sauce and vinegar.

Qin Feng smiled and walked up to Cao Zhen and said, "Director, I'm here to draw a mission!" Cao Zhen said with a smile, "You can choose!" Qin Feng looked at Xiaomin standing beside him and said, "Xiaomi , you take this task!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xiaomin said hesitantly, "Qin Feng Oppa, you should do it, I'm afraid I'll get a shot..." Although Xiaomin didn't finish his words, Qin Feng still understood what he meant, just worried. Too difficult a task.

Qin Feng patted Xiaomin on the shoulder and said, "You draw the same as mine! It doesn't matter. You draw! Maybe you are lucky enough to draw one of the easiest tasks!"

Looking at Qin Feng's encouraging eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiaomin's mouth and said, "Okay! I'll do it, but it's too difficult a task! Don't blame me!"

Qin Feng nodded and said, "It doesn't matter. I'm here! No task is a problem!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Pu Xiaomin took a deep breath and reached out to extract the task.

Park Xiaomin took out a note and took it out.Qin Feng took the note and looked at it before showing it to everyone.

Deng Chao said in surprise: "This task! This task is too simple for Qin Feng! The speed at which she completed it in the first season was amazing!"

Qin Feng showed a confident smile.Cao Zhen looked at Qin Feng's mission card with a weird smile and said, "This mission is an ice bucket challenge. Qin Feng and Pu Xiaomin need to complete this challenge within 30 seconds. The shorter the time, the better. The mission items are there!" Following Cao Zhen's fingers, everyone looked over.

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