As a result, Qin Feng and Pu Xiaomin completed the task after two ice bucket baptisms.It took 32 seconds.Became the last of the round.

Wang Zulan and Quan Baolan took the first place, Li Chen and Park Zhiyan took the second place, Bao Beier and Li Curi took the third place, Deng Chao and Park Suyan took the fourth place, Zeng Xiaoxian and Han Enjing took the fifth place, Qin Fenghe took the fifth place. Park Xiaomin is sixth.

Then in this order, Wang Zulan has five tickets, Li Chen has four tickets, Bao Beier has three tickets, Deng Chao has two tickets, and Zeng Xiaoxian and Qin Feng have one ticket each.

Wang Zulan's five chapters gave Qin Feng three votes.Two votes went to Zeng Xiaoxian.Li Chen's four votes went to Bao Beier, Deng Chao's two went to Li Chen, Zeng Xiaoxian's one went to Qin Feng, and Qin Feng's one went to Deng Chao.

Three rounds of voting were quickly counted.After Cao Zhen got the result, he smiled and said, "Okay, let's go to the final tearing of the famous brand right now!"

Hearing Cao Zhen's words, everyone was shocked, and it was finally time to tear off the famous brand.The suspense that was buried before is also known.

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "I'll announce the rules for tearing up famous brands!" Everyone listened carefully to Cao Zhen's words when they heard that Cao Zhen was about to announce the rules.

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "The rule for tearing up a famous brand is for couples to tear up a famous brand. This time your famous brand is no longer a single person. Instead, two people have a chapter!"

Hearing Cao Zhen's words, Qin Feng asked suspiciously, "How can two people use a famous brand?" The props brought by the director's team soon solved Qin Feng's doubts.

But after seeing the props, Qin Feng said speechlessly: "Director, are you sure you can still play like this?" Hearing Qin Feng's question, Cao Zhen smiled and said, "This is fun!"

Cao Zhen picked up a famous brand and said: "The way to tear off the famous brand in this issue is that the two people in each group's famous brand are together, as long as the famous brand on the back of the female guest is torn off, this group will be out! A couple wins!"

Everyone nodded to indicate that they knew the rules.Cao Zhen smiled slightly and said, "I said just now that the vote with the most votes will be the biggest disadvantage in the audience! Now I will announce the disadvantage." Hearing Cao Zhen's words, everyone was extremely concentrated.

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "Another rule for tearing up famous brands in this issue is that only one group of couples can be torn by the other five groups at a time. The order of being torn is based on the level of voting just now. After the couple cup is identified as the target, this group of couples needs to find the whistle and blow it. At this time, the next group of targets will be automatically locked. And there are many card effects hidden in the building where the brand name will be torn off later. And the effect of the card Only the one who found the card!"

Hear Cao Zhen's detailed explanation.Qin Feng and the others have already understood all the rules of the entire competition.

Deng Chao said with a smile, "Qin Feng, guess who will be the first to be chased?"

Hearing Deng Chao's words: "Qin Feng smiled and said, "It must be me and Xiaomin, so we have found a very safe way to protect Xiaomin! "

Chapter eight hundred and sixty-three: Tear the famous brand war

Deng Chao turned his head to look at Qin Feng and Pu Xiaomin, and was immediately amused. After Qin Feng and the two had put on their nameplates, Xiaomin just happened to be standing in front of Qin Feng.

The best protection Qin Feng said was to completely hold Xiaomin in his arms, so that other people really couldn't reach Xiaomin and carry the famous brand on his back.

Deng Chao smiled and said, "Qin Feng, are you planning to hold Xiaomin in your arms for protection? Do you know that baby is like this?" Hearing Deng Chao mentioning baby, Xiaomin was a little embarrassed.But Qin Feng was very calm.

Qin Feng smiled and said to the camera, "We are recording a show. I believe that baby will understand me! But Brother Chao, I'm worried about you! Do you think Sister Lily will understand you?"

Deng Chao felt a little cowardly when he heard Qin Feng mention Sun Li.Sun Li's deterrent to Deng Chao was quite strong, and Deng Chao did not dare to jump too much in front of Sun Li.

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "Okay. The rules have been announced! Now give you five minutes to prepare! Then start today's final brand-name battle!"

After Cao Zhen finished speaking, several groups of men in black suddenly came and took all six groups to different places in the whole building.Soon six groups of players were taken to the designated location.

Li Chen said, "Qin Feng will definitely be the first one to be attacked. We want to find the whistle in the shortest time and help him. If I guess right, Deng Chao should be the second one. At that time, our two groups will join forces to tear up Deng Chao!"

Park Zhiyan nodded and said, "The third one should be us, right?" Hearing Zhiyan's words, Li Chen smiled bitterly and said, "Yeah, so we have to protect Qin Feng, so that we can be safe when it comes to us. !"

Deng Chao said with a smile: "Qin Feng's side is definitely number one, and I'm definitely number two. We must take him down before he finds the whistle, or we'll be finished!"

Park Suyan also recognized Deng Chao's analysis very much. Suyan said, "We can join forces with Baolan, Ju Li, and Enjing first! They shouldn't let Qin Feng and Oppa stay in the end!"

Deng Chao said with a smile: "Well, staying at the end of Qin Feng is the biggest threat to everyone! We can find everyone to join forces later!"

In a corner of the fourth floor, Pu Xiaomin stood in front of Qin Feng with an excited and a little nervous expression. Qin Feng followed behind Xiaomin to block Xiaomin's famous brand. Qin Feng knew that no one could get the famous brand behind him. Tear it off, but Xiaomin's is the most dangerous.

As he walked, Xiaomin said, "Oba, I feel so nervous!" Qin Feng comforted her when he heard Xiaomin's words and said, "Don't worry, it's alright! It's just that everyone will be nervous when it comes to tearing up the famous brand! They also Same!"

Xiaomin was a little worried and said, "What will you do later?" Hearing Xiaomin's words, Qin Feng just replied lightly, "Run! Then look for the whistle!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xiaomin looked at Qin Feng with a bit of surprise, Qin Feng said with a wry smile, "We will only be able to hide and not fight back when we tear up the famous brand, and we have to face the pursuit of three or four teams. There's nothing we can do but run away from them and hurry up to find the whistle!"

Xiaomin asked: "Don't we still have two allies?" Hearing Xiaomin's words, Qin Feng smiled and said, "Li Chen is still reliable for the time being, but Zeng Xiaoxian can't count on it anymore!"

Xiaomin asked in confusion about Qin Feng's answer: "Why?" Qin Feng explained: "Li Chen knows very well that once I am torn apart, he will definitely be the second besieged. And Zeng Xiaoxian is too weak. , and he has not yet voted. It is estimated that he is the last one or two, so he is not in a hurry. And he also knows that staying with me until the end will definitely lose!"

I have to say that Qin Feng's analysis is quite reasonable. As soon as the time came, Cao Zhen's voice came from the broadcast: "Qin Feng and Pu Xiaomin are the first to be attacked with the most votes!"

Hearing the broadcast, Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "I knew it was like this! Hurry up and find the whistle!" Qin Feng put his arm around Pu Xiaomin's shoulder.He blocked Xiaomin's name tag with his arm, and then pulled Xiaomin, who was blushing, and ran forward to start looking for a life-saving whistle.

And Li Chen and Park Jiyan were also looking for a whistle for them.Deng Chao, Pu Suyan, Wang Zulan, Quan Baolan, Bao Beier, and Li Curi began to wander around looking for Qin Feng and Pu Xiaomin.

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled proudly and said, "This time our estimate and Wang Zulan are in the last group! Now let's find a whistle!"

Enjing asked suspiciously: "Are you going to help Qin Feng, Ouba and the others?" Hearing Enjing's words, Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head with a low smile and said, "How can I help him? I want to protect myself!"

Sure enough, this is the character of the slut Zeng. Enjing silently stopped talking. Originally, Enjing wanted to tear up the famous brand for fun, but it was too difficult to have such a pig-like teammate.In order for the team to stay until the end, Enjing could only endure it!

Zeng Xiaoxian is still promoting his ideas and saying: "As long as we can stay in the end! We can only hope to win this game! Otherwise, we really don't have to play!" Jing obviously still doesn't approve of Zeng Xiaoxian's cowardice from beginning to end.

Deng Chao smiled complacently and said, "Qin Feng! Qin Feng! You're out! You can't escape this time!" Listening to Deng Chao's tone, every minute there was something that made people dance to the ancient evil and bully. Drama!

However, Deng Chao did not feel proud for too long, because Deng Chao hadn't seen Qin Feng's people yet.Then I heard the broadcast, "Qin Feng and Park Hyomin blow their whistle. The targets of the attack are rotated, and the second group's attack targets are Deng Chao and Park Soyan!"

After hearing the broadcast, Deng Chao and So Yeon were startled.Su Yan asked in surprise: "How is it possible? They found the whistle in just a few minutes?"

Deng Chao also said with a wry smile: "Don't say anything, hurry up and find the whistle! Li Chen and Qin Feng will definitely be here soon!" Deng Chao took Su Yan's hand and ran forward.

Chapter eight hundred and sixty-four: Zeng Xiaoxian wants to counterattack

Deng Chao pulled Pu Suyan and ran away. Qin Feng had been hiding from Deng Chao just now, but Deng Chao had been calling Qin Feng's name there. Qin Feng certainly knew Deng Chao's location.He was chased by Deng Chao for a long time just now, how could Qin Feng let Deng Chao go now?

But it was really Li Chen and Park Zhiyan who rescued Qin Feng and Xiaomin just now.The whistle just now was found by Li Chen and Park Jiyan.And just when Bao Beier and Li Curi blocked Qin Feng, they handed over the whistle to Qin Feng.Otherwise, Qin Feng, who could not resist, would be called by Bao Beier to Deng Chao to contain him here.

After Qin Feng blew his whistle, Bao Beier also left unwillingly.After all, it was an excellent opportunity to kill Qin Feng, yet he just watched Qin Feng stay behind his own eyes.Bao Beier's heart was full of helplessness and unwillingness, but it was of no use.

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