Now it was Deng Chao's turn to be chased, and Bao Beier and Li Juli also quickly found a whistle to help Deng Chao.At the same time, Wang Zulan and Quan Baolan are also looking for a whistle.

Wang Zulan shook his head while walking and said, "Qin Feng's speed is really fast! I didn't find anything. He found it so quickly!"

Suddenly Quan Baolan saw a box, and Quan Baolan said in surprise: "Zulan, there is a box there!" Wang Zulan also came to the spirit and ran over to open the box to take a look.

The originally excited face suddenly turned into a bitter face.Because there is a note inside the box with the subordinate card written on it!what the hell?It was the first time that Wang Zulan saw this kind of card.But obviously Wang Zulan has triggered the slave card.

Then Wang Zulan looked at the introduction on the card and immediately became Sparta.The introduction is written like this: After triggering this card, the trigger will become the subordinate of the attacked object. Only by finding the elimination card can the subordinate effect be eliminated, otherwise it will remain the attacked object.

After reading the introduction, Wang Zulan was about to cry.Quan Baolan pouted after understanding the meaning of this card, although it looked cute.But at this time Baolan's mood is not cute at all.

A random broadcast sounded: Wang Zulan and Quan Baolan triggered subordinate cards, and now they can be attacked! "After hearing the broadcast, everyone was stunned.

What the hell is a subordinate card?This is the first time everyone has seen such a card.But obviously the point is that Wang Zulan and Hequan Baolan, the weakest team other than Zeng Xiaoxian and Han Enjing, can be attacked!

Li Chen smiled and said, "Deng Chao is handed over to Qin Feng. I'm going to chat with Zulan now, and get in touch with her!" But obviously Li Chen didn't bring any kindness to Zulan at this time.

At this time, Zulan had completely felt the malice brought by the card.Wang Zulan took Quan Baolan and found a place to hide.

Wang Zulan said with a wry smile: "Let's hide first, and then find a chance to find the elimination card! Otherwise, it will be bad! Now that we meet Li Chen and Qin Feng, we will kneel!"

Quan Baolan pouted and said, "I don't have a chance to meet Zeng Xiaoxian!" Wang Zulan said indifferently: "Zeng Xiaoxian is very weak. I can handle him!"

Hearing Zulan's words, Baolan pouted and said, "But Enjing is a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo! I can't do it!" After hearing Baolan's words, Zulan suddenly became spartan.Unexpectedly, in the end, the strength of my own group was the worst.

So Wang Zulan took Quan Baolan incarnations of Wang Zangzang and Quan hide away.The two of them felt a little scared, and if there was a little movement, they hurriedly changed places to hide.

At this time, finding the elimination card is not as important as hiding.Wang Zulan once again took out his life-saving skills in the first season, that is, hide and seek.

After all, Wang Zulan was also the one who hid until he slept and everyone hadn't found him yet.That time, if it wasn't for the photographer to follow, the director team couldn't find Zulan's person in the end.

The other Deng Chao, who was being pursued, was obviously not so lucky.Although Deng Chao tried his best to find the whistle, he was excited to open a box when he saw it, but he soon felt the malice designed by the director team.

Because in the box there was no whistle as he expected, but a card.The card has an angel card written on it.And the following introduction made Deng Chao want to cry without tears. The so-called angel card is to put angel wings on his famous brand.

As soon as Deng Chao and Suyan's famous brand became bigger, Qin Feng chased after them, and Deng Chao and Suyan, who were stuck in a blind spot, were eliminated by Qin Feng and Xiaomin without any difficulty.

At this time, the broadcast came, "Deng Chao, Pu Suyan OUT! The next target of attack, Bao Beier and Li Curie!" Bao Beier, who was calm after hearing the news, was like a monkey whose tail was stepped on.Bao Beier said in surprise: "I heard it right? The next one to be attacked is me? Not Li Chen?! What the hell is this?"

Before Bao Beier finished complaining, he was blocked by Zeng Xiaoxian and Enjing who were passing by.Bao Beier and Li Juli were blocked in the corner. After Bao Beier failed to negotiate with Zeng Xiaoxian, he was helplessly eliminated.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Enjing were very excited after getting their first kill. "Bao Baier and Li Juli are out! The next targets are Li Chen and Park Zhiyan!"

After hearing this, Li Chen and Park Zhiyan also hurried to find the whistle, and Zeng Xiaoxian said with a mean smile: "Enjing, let's tear them all up!"

Although Enjing dislikes Zeng Xiaoxian's cheap appearance, it is still important to tear off famous brands.Soon Li Chen and Park Zhiyan were blocked in the corner by Zeng Xiaoxian and Han Enjing.

At this time, Qin Feng arrived in time to send the whistle, and Li Chen was saved from being torn apart.And Zeng Xiaoxian also took out the whistle that had been prepared for a long time and blew it.

Everyone is not surprised that Zeng Xiaoxian has a whistle. After all, there is no amulet, how could Zeng Xiaoxian come out and take the initiative to attack and tear up Li Chen's famous brand.

The broadcast sounded: "Zeng Xiaoxian blew his whistle, and the attack target rotates! Now the attack targets Qin Feng and Park Xiaomin!"

Chapter [-]: Running Man recording ends

Hearing the broadcast, the three groups were all stunned, but Qin Feng randomly reacted and pulled Pu Xiaomin and ran away. Although Qin Feng didn't know why it turned to him, since it was set as the target of attack by the system, then I ran first and said, because either Li Chen or Zeng Xiaoxian could tear himself apart, so Qin Feng decided to run away first.

At this time, Wang Zulan and Quan Baolan were still hiding in a small room on the fourth floor. In Wang Zulan's words: "The outside will be torn off at any time, so it's better to be safe here!"

Although Quan Baolan is also eager to tear off famous brands, but considering his group's poor fighting power, Quan Baolan feels that keeping himself safe is the most important thing.

So Quan Baolan hid here with Wang Zulan and the two of them, and no one in the three groups outside paid attention to Wang Zulan and Quan Baolan. It is accurate to say that everyone is immune to Wang Zulan's hide-and-seek behavior.If Wang Zulan stood up now, everyone would feel very strange.

Li Chen deliberately blocked Zeng Xiaoxian who was going to chase Qin Feng, and Zhiyan also stopped Enjing.Enjing is so anxious.Eunjing said, "What are you doing? Why don't you let us tear up Hyomin?"

Zhiyan smiled and said, "Xiaomi and I are allied! So we have to protect her!" Hearing Zhiyan's words, Enjing said anxiously, "Jiyan, there is only one winner in this game, you hope that you will be with us in the end. The duel is still against Qin Feng Ouba! Do you think you can win against Qin Feng Ouba?"

Hearing Enjing's words, Zhiyan turned her head to look at Li Chen, and Zeng Xiaoxian also persuaded Li Chen, "Chen'er, do you think it's better for me to tear up or Brother Feng to tear up? If you want to win in the end, join hands with us to tear up first. Dropping Qin Feng is the most correct choice!"

Li Chen and Zhiyan combined, it is true that they are more certain to win the duel than the duel with Qin Feng.So Li Chen also betrayed their alliance with Qin Feng.

This scene was obviously expected by Qin Feng, so after escaping the sight of them, Qin Feng pulled Park Xiaomin carefully to find the whistle.

Pu Xiaomin patted his chest and said, "Fortunately, Zhiyan and Li Chen stopped us just now, otherwise we would be in danger. Brother Feng, why don't we go with Li Chen and the others in a group?"

Hearing Xiaomin's words, Qin Feng smiled and said, "If I guessed correctly, now Li Chen and Zeng Xiaoxian have reached an alliance!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xiaomin asked suspiciously, "Why? Isn't Li Chen an alliance with us?" Hearing Xiaomin's words, Qin Feng smiled and said, "You said if you were Li Chen and Zhi. Yan, which group do you want to have the final showdown with me or with Zeng Xiaoxian?"

Xiaomin replied: "I hoped to have a final duel with Xiaoxian at that time..." When Xiaomin said this, he immediately understood what Qin Feng meant.Even if he thinks this way, then Li Chen and Zhiyan don't have to think about it. It must be Zeng Xiaoxian and the others who joined forces.

Qin Feng took Xiaomin's hand and carefully looked for the whistle.Li Chen, Zhiyan, Zeng Xiaoxian and Han Enjing were looking for Qin Feng and Xiaomin separately.

In the end, Qin Feng and Park Xiaomin were blocked by four people at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor.Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Brother Feng, give it up. You can't tear us apart now! How could the four of us tear you apart!"

Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Xiaoxian, Li Chen, should we have a good talk! You guys think about not tearing me and Xiaomin!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile, "That's impossible! Right, Chen'er. Let's tear Qin Feng apart, and leave Xiaomin's words to Zhiyan and Enjing."

Li Chen nodded.Jiyeon and Eunjing are both [-]rd dan black belts in Taekwondo.The two of them were still very easy on the last Park Xiaomin.

Qin Feng guarded Xiaomin tightly.Then he stopped Li Chen and Zeng Xiaoxian with his hands to come and tear him apart.But after all, two fists are no match for four hands.

In the end, Li Chen grabbed Qin Feng's famous brand, and then pulled it hard, only to hear a stab, and the brand had already arrived in Li Chen's hands.

Li Chen said excitedly, "Qin Feng, you lost!" But at this time, Qin Feng was not in a hurry, with a very strange expression on his face.Park Hyomin was also calm.

Li Chen and the others all felt that something was wrong there.At this time, the broadcast sounded "Li Chen OUT! The target of the attack has shifted to Park Jiyan!"

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