Hearing the broadcast, Li Chen and Zeng Xiaoxian were dumbfounded. At this time, Qin Feng smiled and said, "Want to know the reason?" Qin Feng turned around slowly.

When Li Chen saw Qin Feng's back with a small nameplate with a counterattack card on it, his whole person was in a bad mood.It's too pitiful, it's actually a counterattack card.

Li Chen was counterattacked like this!It turns out that when Qin Feng and Xiaomin were looking for the whistle just now, they didn't find the whistle, but they found the counterattack card.That is to say, there are counterattack cards on Qin Feng's back and Xiaomin's back.

Zhiyan turned her head and ran away when she saw that Li Chen was eliminated.Enjing still wanted to help Zhiyan, but Zeng Xiaoxian dragged Enjing and ran away.

Zeng Xiaoxian said, "After Zhiyan was eliminated, it was our turn to be attacked! Why don't you run?" After Zeng Xiaoxian finished speaking, he took Enjing's hand and ran away.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "I'll go after Zeng Xiaoxian and Enjing, you and Zhiyan go head-to-head!" Xiaomin nodded, because Xiaomin had a counter attack card behind him.So Qin Feng is not worried that Xiaomin has a problem.

In the end, Xiaomin tore off Jiyeon's nameplate after chasing it for several laps.And as Jiyeon's brand name was torn.The target of the attack shifted to Zeng Xiaoxian and Han Enjing.

Qin Feng followed them all the time, and after hearing the broadcast, he rushed up and tore off the famous brands of Zeng Xiaoxian and Enjing effortlessly.In the end, Qin Feng, Park Xiaomin, Wang Zulan and Quan Baolan were left.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Zulan stayed at the end with this trick again!" Hearing Qin Feng's words.Wang Zulan also smiled helplessly.

Although Qin Feng finally asked Xiaomin and Baolan to single out!But Bo Lam is not Hyomin's opponent.After Xiaomin tore off Baolan's famous brand, Qin Feng and Xiaomin won the final victory.

Chapter [-]: Day Trip to Phuket

After Xiaomin tore off Baolan, Qin Feng and Xiaomin's team won the final victory, and the running man of this issue also completed the final recording.

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Qin Feng won again this issue!" Hearing Cao Zhen's words, Li Chen was the most depressed one, and he finally tore Qin Feng off.But he never thought that there was a counterattack card behind Qin Feng.

Deng Chao said bitterly: "This is also too annoying. The cards Zulan and I picked up are all bullshit cards, but the cards that Qin Feng picked up are useful cards! I doubt whether Qin Feng has cheated. !"

Wang Zulan is also very angry. This time it was because of which subordinate card that he became Wang Zangzang again. The most important thing is to hide from the beginning with the cute Baolan.

Originally, Wang Zulan wanted to stage a counter-attack in front of cute girls, but it was destroyed by that damn subordinate card.

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "It's your bad luck! Well, the show has been recorded. We have booked the ticket for the day after tomorrow. So tomorrow you can have a good day in Phuket!"

Hearing Cao Zhen's words, everyone immediately cheered. Although it was very tiring to record a day's program today, everyone felt a lot less tired when they thought that they could have a good day in Phuket tomorrow.

Moreover, Phuket is far away from the country, so you don't have to worry about fans being chased and blocked. You can also relax and enjoy this short vacation.

Cao Zhen said with a smile, "This time the show is also to promote T-ARA's upcoming new album. So at the end of the show, we still have to advertise for them. Of course, you guys have to support them when the time comes. !"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem! As a single young man, I naturally want to cheer for them with all my heart!" Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Deng Chao said with a smile: "Xiaoxian, you are really not afraid of those words. Did Zi Xuan see it?"

Zeng Xiaoxian laughed and said, "Uh, Brother Chao, why do you always love to expose me. I was cooperating with the director just now! After all, we have to promote it for T-ara and the others!"

Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Quan Baolan's eyes turned and he suddenly smiled and walked in front of a few running men with a cute mouth, and instantly turned a group of people over.

Quan Baolan smiled and said, "Oppa, are you really willing to help us promote it?" Hearing Quan Baolan's words, the five people except Qin Feng rushed to say, "Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem!"

Quan Baolan smiled and said, "We have something we want to ask a few Oppas for help?"

A few people laughed and said, "Baolan, as long as you say it! We will all agree!" Zeng Xiaoxian said even more exaggeratedly: "Don't worry, we won't frown even if we go up the Knife Mountain and go down to the oil pan!"

Quan Baolan said with a smile after they finished speaking, "I want to invite you to be our backing dancer!" Hearing Quan Baolan's words, Qin Feng shook his head with a smile.Sapphire is really naughty.

The other runners all had spartan expressions.What the hell, when he was the backing dancer at the concert, Zeng Xiaoxian really wanted to give himself a mouthful at this time.

For Zeng Xiaoxian, dancing is better than giving him a knife in the neck.It was simply fatal.Although a few people do not want to agree.But who made them all rush to talk to death just now.No choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

T-ara will hold the first concert since the group was established in Shanghai the night before the release of the new album.And T-ara's performance has always been the rhythm of song and dance.

So a dancer is a must.Now several people have promised themselves to be T-ara's backing dancers.Feeling a lot of pressure.Several people watched Qin Feng change this tragic fate.After all, none of the five have the skills to dance.The five people never expected Quan Baolan to make such a request.

Qin Feng shrugged and said, "Since you agreed, you must do it! It doesn't matter to me. Originally, the solo song I wrote for Xiaomin and Enjing this time needs to sing and dance."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, several people bowed their heads and accepted their fate. The only one who could refuse was Qin Feng, but now Qin Feng blew himself up that he had joined their performance and danced.They also gave up.

After several running men agreed to Quan Baolan's request, the program team also packed up the props on the scene, and the members of T-ara and the running men returned to the hotel together.

Xiaomin and Zhiyan were chatting and discussing where to play tomorrow.Of course, Zeng Xiaoxian and the others also came together to come up with ideas.

The last few decided to go to the beach in Phuket the next day to play together.The three most famous beaches in Phuket, Karon.Kata can be played during the day.In the evening, you can go to Patong in the west to play.

After finishing the schedule, they all returned to the hotel. After dinner, everyone rested early. After all, we recorded a day's program today.Are all tired.

The next day, Qin Feng and the other running men were woken up by T-ara and the others before they woke up.The six of them came to Phuket for the first time. Although they were very tired yesterday, they still got up early in the morning.There is no sense of exhaustion at all.

After the group had breakfast, they set off in the car arranged by the director team.Although this place is not in China, for the sake of insurance, the director team still sent staff to follow their car, just in case.After all, there are still many domestic tourists in Phuket.

After arriving at Kata Beach, it was still early and there were not many tourists.Under the guidance of the guide hired by the director group, several people climbed to the southernmost Karon viewing platform.

The tour guide told them where to see the whole beach, so a few people excitedly followed the tour guide to the Karon viewing platform, but before they got halfway up, Zeng Xiaoxian was already tired and screamed.

Zeng Xiaoxian shouted: "Ah! I'm so tired! Tour guide, how far is it? I'm going to die of exhaustion! I can't do it!"

Chapter eight hundred and sixty seventh: another year of graduation season

Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, the tour guide smiled and said, "We're halfway there! We'll be there soon!" Hearing the tour guide's answer, Zeng Xiaoxian's heart was racing.

What the hell, it's only halfway gone, you'll be there soon after you tell me, are you sure you're not kidding me?Tour guide, come here, I promise not to kill you!

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian had all kinds of resentment in his heart, and Enjing turned her head to look at Zeng Xiaoxian with contempt and said, "We girls haven't said that they are tired yet, so how dare you talk about class?"

Hearing Enjing's contemptuous words, Zeng Xiaoxian was speechless.Although he really wanted to say that all of you are girls who have practiced Taekwondo, Zeng Xiaoxian obviously didn't dare to say it. If he did, he might be beaten into a pig head on the spot.

Zeng Xiaoxian gritted his teeth and climbed to the Karon Observation Deck at the back of the line.I have to say that here is exactly what the tour guide said, standing here and overlooking the beach.The whole Karonkata beach has a panoramic view.

On this day, they also had a fun day in Phuket, although Qin Feng also played with everyone.But it is obvious that Qin Feng still avoids too much personal contact with Xiaomin.After all, Qin Feng still cares about how the baby feels.

The next day, they followed the director's team and returned to Shanghai on a domestic flight from Phuket.After arriving at the Shanghai market, the members of T-ara just took a short rest and then devoted themselves to the final preparations for the concert.

And Deng Chao and the others also worked hard to learn dance with Xiaomin and Zhiyan. After all, they promised T-ara to dance at the concert.

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