Since it is promised, it must be said and done.After all, this concert is T-ara's first concert, so they can't be screwed up.So they have to grit their teeth to learn even if they are struggling. Fortunately, many of them are people in the entertainment industry, and they have some basic skills in dancing, so they are not very difficult to learn.

Qin Feng went back to the love apartment to look at the little points who participated in the exchange of the Transformer, and then called the baby Qin Xueer in the mountain area.

On the phone, the baby is still a little angry.But Qin Xue'er seems to have had a great touch in her heart after experiencing this kind of experience in the mountains.

She was already ashamed of her previous behavior, which made Qin Feng very happy.This is a very good beginning, Qin Feng believes that Qin Xueer will definitely get rid of those problems.It will become the original Qin Xueer.

Qin Feng came to the company after a day's rest. Qin Feng had just sat down in his office when he arrived at the company. The secretary put the documents that had been accumulated in the past few days and needed Qin Feng's nod to be placed on Qin Feng's desk.

Qin Feng asked the secretary to make him a cup of coffee and sat there quietly watching.It didn't take long for Bai Yan to push the door and walk in.

Bai Yan walked to Qin Feng's desk and said with a smile, "Why don't you rest at home for two more days when you are so tired recently?" Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng rubbed his forehead and said, "Isn't this busy! It's good to have you guys watching for me at ordinary times, otherwise I guess I'll be exhausted sooner or later!"

As he spoke, Qin Feng circled the document in front of him.After reading this document, Qin Feng stopped and looked up and asked, "Sister Yan, what's the matter? Are you looking for me?"

Bai Yan smiled and said, "I'm looking for you to report to work! Mango TV's first episode of "Real Man" has been completed, and it is scheduled to be broadcast in three days! The first episode of the second season of "Run, Brother" The period is scheduled to be broadcast in five days! This is also to avoid a crash in the ratings of the two variety shows."

Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng said with a smile: "Sister Yan is very thoughtful, you are responsible for these things, you don't need to tell me!"

Bai Yan smiled slightly and said, "But "Blade of the Kingdom" and "Fire Phoenix" are up to you!" Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng fell into deep thought.

Because Qin Feng now not only has his own plans, but Qin Feng did not seem to put too much energy into the shooting of "Blade of the Nation" and "Fire Phoenix", after all, it was just to complete the above tasks.

Qin Feng thought about it and said, "As the star of "The Blade of the Nation", please ask Wu Jing and a few from the Southeast Military Region Art Troupe to play the role, and if the director wants to direct, please ask Director Zheng Xiaolong to direct!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan said in surprise, "Aren't you planning to direct this play? I'm worried about affecting the ratings!" Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "The producer and screenwriter can Write my name!"

Bai Yan nodded, and Qin Feng was right.Qin Feng continued: "As for the fire phoenix, I'm thinking about it, and then I will direct and star."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan nodded.After the two discussed about the two scripts, they planned to leave Qin Feng's office.

After Bai Yan left, Qin Feng sat there bored and browsed the web, and suddenly saw a question about the college entrance examination paper.

Seeing this question, Qin Feng took a look at the calendar. Isn't that right, these two days are the time for the college entrance examination.It is the time when countless college students are pursuing their college dreams.And the same summer is also a graduation season.

Qin Feng suddenly remembered his college days, and also thought about the fact that he had traveled to this plane in a daze, Qin Feng suddenly felt a little bit overwhelmed.

He suddenly missed his college life in the original plane, and he decided to make a movie to commemorate his college life.

Qin Feng thought about it and finally decided to shoot the "Girls We Chased Together in Those Years" that touched many boys and girls.Thinking of this movie, Qin Feng immediately started to write the script on the computer.

Qin Feng hummed the movie's theme song "Those Years" while writing the script. "The heavy rain that I missed in those years, the love that I missed, seems to embrace your courage to embrace the missed. I once wanted to conquer the world, but in the end I looked back and found that the world is all about you!"

Chapter eight hundred and sixty eight: everyone's misunderstanding

Under the tune of "Those Years", Qin Feng completed the script of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years".Qin Feng leaned back on the chair and drank coffee and watched the familiar story. Before he knew it, Qin Feng thought of his university life.

Although the filming of the film "Those Years" was Qin Feng's sudden idea, which disrupted Qin Feng's plan, Qin Feng still chose to direct the film himself.Because when watching this movie, Qin Feng always thinks of the good memories of his past.

Sometimes, Qin Feng also thought that if he hadn't gone downstairs that day to confess that he was hit on the head by an unknown object that fell from the sky, he would not have returned to this plane, nor would he have such a wonderful and unforgettable experience.

The coffee on the table gradually became cold, and Qin Feng's eyes were also blurred by tears unconsciously.Just when Qin Feng fell into memory.The door of the office was pushed open, "Qin Feng, we still can't learn how to dance! Come and teach me!" It was Deng Chao who came in.

Deng Chao and the others are working hard to learn dance in order to accompany T-ara, but obviously those dances are still quite difficult for them.So they wanted to find Qin Feng to teach them.

Because Deng Chao was very familiar with Qin Feng, he pushed in without knocking on the door.Because Deng Chao also knew that Qin Feng didn't care about these things.

But he didn't expect Qin Feng to cry.In Deng Chao's memory, Qin Feng never cried at any time. Even if he was injured while filming, everyone would only see Qin Feng with a smile.

The scene in front of him scared Deng Chao a bit, because in Deng Chao's consciousness, Qin Feng had always been a very strong person, and he never thought that Qin Feng would cry like a child now.

Deng Chao's intrusion also interrupted Qin Feng's memories.After regaining his senses, Qin Feng hurriedly picked up the tissue on the table to wipe his tears and asked, "Brother Chao, what's wrong? What's the matter?"

Hearing Qin Feng's question, Deng Chaocai recovered from his daze: "Qin Feng, what's wrong with you? What happened?" Hearing Deng Chao's words, Qin Feng's face blushed and replied embarrassedly, "I didn't Things! I just thought of something worth remembering!"

Seeing that Qin Feng didn't want to mention it, Deng Chao simply said his intentions without asking: "T-ara's dance is too difficult. We want to ask you to come and give us some pointers!"

Qin Feng wiped away his tears and said, "Well, okay. You go first, I'll be there soon after I clean up!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Deng Chao also knew that Qin Feng was going to wash his face.I left Qin Feng's office first.

When Deng Chao returned to the training room, he had not recovered.Li Chen and the others were all anxiously waiting.Li Chen hurriedly came over and patted Deng Chao on the shoulder and said, "Brother Chao, where is Brother Feng?"

Deng Chao was taken aback by Li Chen's sudden slap, Deng Chao covered his heart and said, "I'll go, Chen'er, don't scare me to death next time!"

Hearing Deng Chao's words, Li Chen said with a gloomy expression: "What are you thinking? You can ignore my existence even when I walk up to you!"

Deng Chao replied absent-mindedly, "I'm thinking about Qin Feng!" After hearing Deng Chao's words, everyone gathered around curiously.Deng Chao said in a low voice, "I went to Qin Feng's office to find him just now and saw that he was actually crying. And he was crying like a tearful man, and he didn't know what happened. I asked him, but he didn't say anything. !"

Hearing Deng Chao's words, everyone's mouths could not be closed in surprise.Zeng Xiaoxian said in surprise: "Brother Chao, this joke you said is not funny at all! Brother Feng is crying? Are you kidding us?"

Deng Chao said angrily, "What kind of joke? Do you think I would joke about this kind of thing?" Hearing Deng Chao's words, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

Li Chen still asked uncertainly: "Are you sure, Brother Chao. Did you cry when you saw Brother Feng? Still crying very sadly?" Deng Chao nodded affirmatively.

All of a sudden, everyone showed disbelief. At this time, everyone's mood was exactly the same as that of Deng Chao, who had just seen Qin Feng cry.

Because in everyone's subconscious, Qin Feng has never cried.It seemed that nothing could stumped him.Therefore, when everyone heard Deng Chao say that Qin Feng was crying, they all felt very incredible.

Just when everyone was wondering, Qin Feng walked in.Everyone was very tacit and did not mention this matter.Although Qin Feng washed his face just now.

But when everyone looked carefully, they could still see that Qin Feng had definitely cried just now.At this time, everyone no longer had any doubts about Deng Chao's words.

At the same time, everyone's mind was occupied by another thing, that is, what happened to make Qin Feng cry like that.

Qin Feng didn't say it, and Deng Chao and the others were not easy to ask.So after Qin Feng finished teaching dance and left, the members of T-ara and the five running men members started to gather there for a meeting.

Xiaomin said with a worried look: "Qin Feng Oppa, what's wrong? What happened?" Hearing Xiaomin's words, Li Chen sighed and said, "Xiaomi, don't worry, we all want to know, but We can't ask directly. Even if we ask, Qin Feng probably won't be able to tell us!"

Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously, "Could it be related to baby, Hu Yifei, Liu Yifei?" Deng Chao immediately took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll call baby now!"

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