Deng Chao called the baby, and the baby's voice came: "Hey, Brother Chao! Why did you call? Did Sister Lily punish you for kneeling again, let me intercede for you!"

Listening to the baby's teasing words, Deng Chao said in spite of his embarrassment, "Baby, I'm looking for you on business! Are you having a conflict with Qin Feng?"

Baby heard Deng Chao's words and said suspiciously: "We had a little dispute over Xue'er. He told you all about it?"

Hearing the baby's words, Deng Chao said, "Are you sure it's a small dispute? Then why did Qin Feng cry?" Hearing Deng Chao's words, the baby almost bit his tongue.

Chapter [-]: The campus style brought by Qin Feng

Hearing Deng Chao's words, the baby almost bit his tongue.what the hell?Qin Feng actually cried. Baby suddenly panicked. Baby hurriedly asked, "Brother Chao, you didn't tease me, did you? Brother Feng really cried?"

Deng Chao smiled helplessly and said, "Why am I teasing you? Qin Feng's eyes were red just now, and I wasn't the only one who saw it. Li Chen and the others are all beside me now. This phone is fooling you!"

Baby got Deng Chao's affirmative answer, and his heart suddenly became a mess!I just played a little bit of my temper yesterday.Brother Feng actually cried.It seems that he really annoyed Brother Feng.

In fact, the baby stayed in the mountains with Qin Xueer inseparably these few days, and she also saw the changes in Xueer.She also experienced a different life.

She also knew that Qin Feng's decision was not a problem.But obviously she was still a little angry that Qin Feng didn't allow Xueer to be brought back when Xueer was sick.So she also knew that she was playing a petty temper.

But she heard Deng Chao say that Qin Feng was crying.This makes the baby messed up.Because baby has never encountered anything that can make Qin Feng cry since knowing Qin Feng.

As someone who doesn't cry easily, I suddenly cried.This made the baby overwhelmed, and thought that he had made Qin Feng angry.

Baby hurriedly said, "Brother Chao, look for Sister Yan and ask Sister Yan and Yifeiduo to accompany him. I'm going to pack up tonight, no, I'll go back with Xueer now!"

Deng Chao asked, "Is the show finished?" The baby replied, "Everything that should be recorded has already been recorded. I was planning to go back tomorrow. I'll go pack now!" .

After the baby's call, everyone agreed that Qin Feng was pissed off by the baby.If you think about it carefully, it seems that no one other than baby can make Qin Feng angry to the point of crying.

At this time, Qin Feng knew nothing about Deng Chao's discussion.Qin Feng returned to his office and read the script of "The Girl Who Chased After Those Years" carefully again.

This time Qin Feng intends to direct himself, but for the lead role, Qin Feng has no suitable candidate yet.The role of Ke Jingteng is a child from junior high school and high school.That is, teenage children.

Although Qin Feng's acting skills are outstanding, and it's not impossible for Qin Feng to make up himself to be young, Qin Feng always feels that he has a feeling of pretending to be tender, and in the play, Ke Jingteng and his friends have a lot of non-mainstream characters. Actions such as playing in class and flying.The final shot kisses the groom.This made Qin Feng give up the idea of ​​starring himself.After all, Qin Feng now has a heavy burden of idols.

When I think about the popularity of "Those Years", there are still pictures of Qin Feng fighting, airplanes and men kissing everywhere on the Internet.Qin Feng felt a pain in the ass.

And now Qin Feng is the boss of the Maple Leaf Consortium.It is gradually necessary to transform behind the scenes, and it is impossible to say that you must do everything yourself.Qin Feng would be exhausted sooner or later.Qin Feng didn't want to learn from Zhuge Liang.

After Qin Feng returned to the office, he sat in his chair and quickly wrote the names of several songs on the computer "You at the Same Table", "Those Years", "Gardenia Blossoms", "Sleep in My Upper Bunk" Brothers" and "The First Dream" are all very classic and pleasant campus ballads in previous lives.

Qin Feng wrote all these lyrics and scores in only half an hour.When Qin Feng had just finished writing and was about to go to the recording studio, a large group of Bai Yan and Deng Chao all came.

Qin Feng looked at them suspiciously and said, "What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?" Bai Yan smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just came to see you!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Look at me? If you have nothing to do, just go to the recording studio with me!" Everyone was stunned when they heard Qin Feng's words.

Zhiyan asked, "Oppa, why are you going to the recording studio?" Qin Feng said with a smile, "Of course it's recording a song!" Everyone was surprised when they heard Qin Feng's words.

Deng Chao scratched his ears and said, "Am I right? Are you going to record a song?" Qin Feng said with a smile, "You heard that right. I wrote a few songs and I want to record them! I'll record them later. After the song is over, there is a movie script to discuss with Sister Yan!"

After hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan was completely stunned. To be precise, Bai Yan couldn't keep up with Qin Feng's thinking.She felt that Qin Feng's thinking was too jumpy!

Qin Feng took the lyrics and sheet music and went out to the recording studio. Bai Yan and the others also hurriedly followed. Xiaomin asked in a low voice, "Brother Chao, didn't you say that Oppa is very sad? Why did you go back to record the song? "

Deng Chao shrugged his shoulders and replied in a low voice, "I want to know too!" Qin Feng noticed the whispers of Deng Chao and Xiaomin, turned his head and asked, "Brother Chao, Xiaomin. What are you talking about?"

Xiaomin smiled awkwardly and said, "Uh, I'll ask Brother Chao again to see if he knows what song Oppa you are going to record this time?" Hearing Xiaomin's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Then you Why don't you ask me directly! What I've recorded this time are all campus songs!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan said suspiciously, "Qin Feng, why did you remember to record campus songs?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Isn't it just July!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan immediately understood that July is the graduation season every year.

Every July is a season of parting sentimentality.How many students bid farewell to their dear alma mater in July, and their dear roommates and girls whom they have a crush on entered the society from then on.

After a group of people came to the recording studio, the staff were shocked when they got Qin Feng's score.As expected of the chairman, it's fine if you don't record songs, there's only so much you can do once you record.

Especially after hearing that this was written by Qin Feng within half an hour, the staff were already shocked.

Bai Yan and the others were also surprised. Although they all knew that Qin Feng's songwriting skills were brutal, now it's not a question of brutality, it's a bit of BT!

Chapter eight hundred and seventieth: The campus is hot

Although they were surprised, the staff quickly made preparations.After all, it is the BOSS who wants to record songs, and the most important thing is that Qin Feng's songs will become popular as long as they are released.

Qin Feng hasn't released a new song for a long time. Last time he played a famous concert for Park Zhiyan, Qin Feng sang all the old songs.Many people are looking forward to Qin Feng's new song, not just the honeys.

The staff are also looking forward to what kind of song Qin Feng's new song will be.Bai Yan and the others have the same mentality as the staff.After all, I haven't heard Qin Feng's new song for a long time.

Recently, all of Qin Feng's songs are in Korean and English, and they are also for T-ara and Girls' Generation.For Girls' Generation's Southeast Asia tour, Qin Feng specially prepared several new songs for them.

After the staff was ready, Qin Feng walked into the recording studio, put on headphones, closed his eyes and adjusted his state, and then began to sing.

Outside the recording studio, Bai Yan and others also held their breaths and waited to listen. Everyone wanted to know what kind of song Qin Feng sang.

An hour later, Qin Feng had finished recording all the songs, and Bai Yan and the others outside the recording studio had red eye circles.

Apparently Qin Feng's song reminded them of their college life.University life is the memory of everyone's youth.In those youthful years, everyone had their own initial dreams and initial hopes.

After Qin Feng finished recording the song, Deng Chao said with red eyes, "Why do you sing the campus song so emotionally?" Qin Feng said with a smile, "Campus life records every bit of our youth. There are a lot of feelings in it! It's just that after staying in the society for a long time, those things we once said that we will never forget in our lifetime are forgotten by us in the days we never forget!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone sighed and sighed. Everyone had good memories of college campuses, so when they heard these simple campus songs, they couldn't help but evoke memories.

Qin Feng said to the staff: "Now that the song has been recorded, it will be released on my homepage on the official website later! Then the official website's Weibo will also post a description!

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the staff nodded and said, "Okay, Chairman!" The staff turned around and went to work.Qin Feng turned around and asked, "Did you guys come to my office collectively just now to find me?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, several of them immediately looked at each other.After Qin Feng recorded the song just now, everyone has thought that Qin Feng may have been crying just now when he was writing these songs, thinking of his college life, and moved.It has nothing to do with the baby losing a dime.

Deng Chao pulled Qin Feng aside and asked in a low voice, "Qin Feng, did you cry in the office just now because of these songs?" Hearing Deng Chao's words, Qin Feng suddenly had black lines all over his head, rolled his eyes and asked: " Brother Chao, didn't you tell everyone about my crying?"

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