I remember the pure friendship and tender love at that time.At that time, it was all ignorant and ignorant of love.These are the best memories in my life.

When Zhanbo and the others fell into memories, fans who had downloaded the songs also fell into the memories of their youth when they heard Qin Feng's songs.

And those graduating students feel that the song sings their true thoughts.Those things in the song are things they used to do.

Unconsciously, many students' eyes are sore.In my heart, I have different feelings towards my campus life and my youth.

In this night, countless honeys and netizens seemed to dream back to their school days in the tune of Qin Feng's school-style songs.How many people recalled their innocent friendship and youthful love in their youth!

Chapter eight hundred and seventy-four: Did you negotiate?

After Qin Feng and the others had dinner, everyone dispersed.After Qin Feng returned to the apartment with Xue Er, who was already asleep in his arms, with the baby, he saw Zhan Bo and the others sitting on the sofa, their eyes were all red.In the living room, there were several new songs that Qin Feng had just released.

After Qin Feng and the baby looked at each other and smiled, Qin Feng hugged Xueer and took her to the room, covered with a quilt and let her have a good rest. Although the baby was taking care of her during this period, life in the mountains was also eaten by Qin Xueer A lot of suffering.It also made her understand things better.

Everyone was thinking about the memories of their school days, so everyone went back to their rooms to sleep without much chatting.Early the next morning, Qin Feng was woken up by the phone.

Qin Feng rubbed his sleepy eyes, picked up his mobile phone and looked at Bai Yan's phone.Qin Feng knew that there must be something urgent.If there is no urgent matter, Bai Yan would not be able to call herself at this point. After all, Qin Feng and baby are also newly married.Bai Yan would not have known it.

Qin Feng answered the phone and asked, "Sister Yan, what's the matter? You called early in the morning!" Hearing Qin Feng's tone of complaint, Bai Yan said with a smile, "Qin Feng, it's not that I want to disturb you. It's something serious here! Come to the company quickly! A group of people are waiting for you here!"

Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng was also confused, a group of people were waiting for him?Who came to find you so early?Although Qin Feng was very upset.But he also knew that business was important, so he got dressed and got up, took a simple shower, and drove his Kosenig to Dingtian Entertainment.

Now Qin Feng is liking this Kosenig more and more.It's getting easier to drive.After Qin Feng came to the company, Bai Yan's secretary was already waiting for Qin Feng at the door.

Qin Feng parked the car, and Bai Yan's secretary walked over and said, "Chairman, Mr. Bai is already waiting for you in the reception room!" Qin Feng was stunned when he heard what Bai Yan's secretary said. What a bunch of people are waiting for you.

Qin Feng and Bai Yan's secretary came to the reception room.I only saw Bai Yan sitting there.There were seven or eight foreigners sitting across from her.They seem to be chatting happily.

Seeing Qin Feng coming, everyone stood up, Bai Yan smiled and introduced to the foreigners, "This is Mr. Qin Feng, the chairman of our Dingtian Entertainment!"

Several foreigners hurried over, Bai Yan smiled and introduced to Qin Feng: "Qin Dong, these are all 3D technology experts we invited from Hollywood!"

Before Qin Feng asked Bai Yan to dig some 3D technology experts from Hollywood, although Qin Feng could directly exchange the most advanced 3D technology from the system.But after all, it still needs a suitable reason to be able to come up with and not arouse the suspicion of others.The last "Transformers" even shocked the country.This time Qin Feng didn't want to be in the limelight like last time.

Bai Yanhua found a 3D special effect research team composed of these eight people from Hollywood with a lot of money.This side just picked them up from Hollywood today.Bai Yan knew that Qin Feng took this very seriously, so she immediately called Qin Feng and asked him to come and meet with these experts.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Welcome to join Dingtian Entertainment!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Professor Smith, who led the team of foreign experts, replied with a smile, "Chairman Qin, you are welcome! We joined Dingtian Entertainment too! Because you can provide us with the best conditions for us to study the 3D technology of the film! And as far as I know, the 3D special effects used in the last time you filmed "Transformers" are already leading the world! So we also want to learn a bit!"

Professor Smith directly stated why his team joined Qin Feng's Dingtian Entertainment.Hearing Smith's words, Qin Feng smiled, Qin Feng also likes to deal with such straight-tempered people.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Professor Smith, don't worry, since you have joined Dingtian Entertainment. I will definitely provide you with the best treatment. Of course, we can also tell you all about the 3D technology we have mastered. After all, I also rely on you. Come and develop the most advanced 3D technology! But please also do a good job of confidentiality!”

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Professor Smith nodded: "No problem, Director Qin!" Professor Smith also knew that Qin Feng asked them to study 3D technology for his own film company. For this kind of 3D technology, many Hollywood companies The company is also researching, but the progress is very slow.

3D technology will be the general trend of future movies. The sooner you master the core technology of 3D, the film company will be at the forefront of the world, and the benefits it can get will be the greatest.As an expert, Smith naturally wants to do a good job of keeping secrets for Dingtian Entertainment.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Ms. Bai Yan, you all know her. She is the executive chairman of Dingtian Entertainment. You can contact her directly if you need any research, such as funding or technology. She has full authority. Represent my opinion!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Professor Smith nodded.

The conversation between the two ended happily.After Qin Feng handed over the 3D technology in his hand to Smith, Smith did not rest with his team, and immediately went to conduct research.And their life and other problems were naturally solved by Bai Yan.

Qin Feng finished his work and returned to his office just as he sat down when the phone rang.Qin Feng took it out and saw that it was Ding Sanshi's.Qin Feng connected Ding Sanshi's phone.

Qin Feng asked, "Mr. Ding, what happened to NetEase?" Because Qin Feng handed over NetEase's affairs to Ding Sanshi, usually it's not a big deal, Ding Sanshi would not call Qin Feng.

If you make a phone call, then it must be a big deal.Ding Sanshi said on the other end of the phone, "Dong Qin, come to the company quickly, there are several people waiting to see you!"

Hearing Ding Sanshi's words, Qin Feng's head was suddenly full of black lines.Did you discuss it today?Why are you all getting together today?

Chapter [-]: Internationalization of League of Legends

After Qin Feng and Ding Sanshi finished talking on the phone, they drank the coffee in the cup and then turned off the computer and walked out of the office.As soon as they walked to the door, they met Bai Yan who had just arranged for Professor Smith and the others.

Bai Yan smiled when he saw Qin Feng was about to leave and asked, "What's the matter? Our Director Qin is going to sneak away lazy?" Hearing Bai Yan's ridicule, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Sister Yan, there is something going on at NetEase. , Just now, Mr. Ding called and said that someone wanted to see me over there. So I went over to see what was going on. "

Bai Yan also knew that Ding Sanshi would not usually call Qin Feng, but now that he has made a call, there must be something important that he cannot control.

Qin Feng walked to the elevator, pressed the floor where NetEase headquarters was located, and walked in.Now Qin Feng told himself that he had decided to buy the Maple Leaf Building.Then I was very satisfied with the attention that brought together the headquarters of several companies.Because of this, Qin Feng saved a lot of things.No matter which branch has something to do, just press the elevator and you will arrive.

Qin Feng took the elevator to the floor of NetEase headquarters.Ding Sanshi's secretary was already waiting for Qin Feng at the door, and Qin Feng followed the secretary's butt to the reception room in the headquarters.

After Qin Feng pushed in the door, he found that there were also a group of foreigners sitting there chatting with Ding Sanshi.Seeing Qin Feng coming, Ding Sanshi hurriedly introduced to those people, "This is our chairman, Mr. Qin Feng!"

Several foreigners stepped forward to shake hands with Qin Feng, and Ding Sanshi also wanted to introduce these foreigners to Qin Feng.Ding Sanshi said with a smile, "Dong Qin, this is Mr. Cagelin, the head of the US fist company. He is also the US agent of our World of Warcraft!" Cagelin hurriedly stepped forward and shook hands with Qin Feng and said with a smile, "Hello, Chairman Qin!"

Qin Feng also said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Caglin!" Ding Sanshi then introduced the following people, all of whom are the heads of game companies from various countries.

Cagelin asked suspiciously: "Mr. Ding, didn't you just say that Mr. Qin is in another company?" Hearing Cagelin's words, Ding Sanshi smiled and said, "Mr. Cagelin, I forgot to tell you just now that this The companies in the [-]-story building are all owned by Qin Dong! Our NetEase company is just a small subsidiary of Qin Dong's Maple Leaf Group!"

Hearing Ding Sanshi's words, the foreigners present all gasped.The fact that Qin Feng absorbed the industry and formed the Maple Leaf Group has not spread abroad due to the short period of time, so although foreigners know that Qin Feng is the boss of Dingtian Entertainment, they did not expect Qin Feng's assets to be so huge.

They are all engaged in games, so they know Ding Sanshi or game companies very well.The developer of two of the hottest games right now, World of Warcraft and League of Legends.

Kaglin smiled and said, "Dong Qin is really young and promising!" Hearing Kaglin's words, Qin Feng smiled, then sat down and said with a smile: "Mr. I don't think you came all the way from the United States to praise me! You came here for the agency of the League of Legends, right?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Kaglin was stunned for a moment. Although he is an American, he has a lot of dealings with Huaxia's bosses. Many bosses like to listen to compliments, but he did not expect Qin Feng to be so direct.They directly pointed out their intentions. Since Qin Feng was so direct, he naturally couldn't hide it.

Cagelin said with a smile: "Mr. Qin is a straightforward person, so I'll say it straight, I'm here for the agency rights of "League of Legends" in the United States!"

Another middle-aged fat man spoke British English: "Mr. Qin, my name is Merlot, and I'm from Yingguo Defoe Game Company! I'm here this time for the agency of "League of Legends" in the European Union. here!"

Hearing their proposal, the remaining few people hurriedly expressed their opinions. They all came for the same purpose, all for the agency of the League of Legends.

Chapter eight hundred and seventy-six: sky-high agency

Qin Feng is not at all surprised that the head of this group of game companies came to Huaxia to find himself to buy the agency rights of "League of Legends". After all, League of Legends in the previous life was still a game all over the world.Moreover, the global competition of League of Legends is also the largest competition in the e-sports industry in the previous life.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "I'm very honored to come to the Shanghai stock market from your own country to buy the agency rights of "League of Legends"!"

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