Looking at the expectations in the eyes of the foreign company bosses who sat down, Qin Feng continued with a smile: "This time, since everyone came here to buy the agency rights in good faith, then I won't waste everyone's time. Agency fees The price is [-] percent of your annual sales in each region."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, several bosses were dumbfounded, because in the past, the agency rights of any game were all directly represented by a one-time agent for many years.

The first time I heard that the cost of agency rights is also divided.There is a reason why Qin Feng proposed to divide.Because League of Legends achieved one billion dollars in global sales in its previous life.This value is equivalent to one-tenth of the global online game revenue in the previous life.

Now Qin Feng proposes to take [-]% of it, excluding the income from the Huaxia region, Qin Feng can get about [-] million US dollars a year.

But if they were all bought out, Qin Feng would lose a lot.Qin Feng naturally would not choose to buy out.When they heard Qin Feng's agency fee, several bosses secretly calculated their own interests.

Cagelin obviously still does not want to accept such a division method.Cagelin smiled tentatively and said, "Mr. Qin, our Riot Company is willing to pay an agency fee of [-] million a year. How do you feel?"

Hearing Kaglin's words, the other bosses all sighed that the fist company was rich, but in fact Kaglin's own heart was bleeding.

And this time, Cagelin directly offered the agency fee of [-] million US dollars a year, or US dollars, if converted into Huaxia coins, it would be more than one hundred million Huaxia coins.This price is also considered a high agency fee.

Cagelin is also very confident in his asking price. He believes that it is absolutely impossible for anyone to offer a higher price than himself.After all, such high agency fees have never appeared in the world.But he shook his head calmly at Kaglin's offer and said, "I have already said that the agency fee this time is [-]% of the sales in each region!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Kaglin almost bit his tongue.He also never thought that Qin Feng would decisively reject his proposal about agency fees this time.

Melot said with a wry smile: "Mr. Qin, "League of Legends" is a new game, no one knows what its sales will be like now. I'm also willing to pay [-] million US dollars to win it within a year. Agency in the European Union.”

But the answer he got was the same answer that Caglin got.That is, NetEase only accepts [-]% of the share. If it cannot be accepted, then the issue of agency rights does not need to be discussed.

At this time, the faces of several bosses were not as excited as they were when they first arrived. Qin Feng's asking price this time was a bit unbearable for these bosses.

The reason why they are willing to go to Huaxia Shanghai stock market to come to Qin Feng to interview the agency rights of "League of Legends" is that they value the market of "League of Legends" and want to make a lot of money by relying on League of Legends.

But Qin Feng's request this time made it a little difficult for them to accept, [-]% of the sales.For any company, it needs to be carefully considered.

Several bosses still wanted to bargain with Qin Feng, but Qin Feng's calm expression made these bosses uneasy.Qin Feng's expression expresses nothing but four words, "Refuse to bargain!"

For a while, the reception room fell into an awkward silence.Qin Feng sat alone in the main seat, while Ding Sanshi sat beside Qin Feng and the two were chatting secretly.Several bosses are you look at me, I look at you, there is no way to solve the problem.

A moment when the scene reached a stalemate.But Qin Feng and Ding Sanshi were not worried at all.It seems that he is not worried at all that his agency rights will not be sold.Obviously, Qin Feng also decided that since they can travel so far to buy the agency, they don't want to come back empty-handed.

Qin Feng has calculated with his brain and computer that [-]% of the regional sales is not unacceptable for those companies that want to be agents.

In fact, as long as you buy the agency rights of "League of Legends", it is earned.Now Qin Feng's request for [-]% of the marketing amount is only to make these agents earn a little less.Others don't have much impact.

In the office for a while, Qin Feng had a disagreement with these foreign bosses who came to buy agency rights, and then both sides were waiting for the other side to let go.

As time passed, Qin Feng and Ding Sanshi kept talking about the game.After several bosses on the opposite side, after careful consideration, Kaglin and Melot stood up again.

Cagelin said: "Dong Qin, I accept your proposal! [-]% is [-]%!" Hearing Cagelin's words, Melot did not dare to lag behind and said, "We also agreed to pay [-]% [-]/[-]th of the sales to buy the copyright!"

With these two people taking the lead, the other bosses also accepted Qin Feng's proposal.In the end, the North American agency of "League of Legends" fell to Kaglin's fist company.The EU's agency rights were sold to Melot Caglin and Melot, and the bosses returned to their own countries to start preparing for the introduction of "League of Legends"!

Chapter [-]: LPL Professional League

The next day, the news that Qin Feng signed the agency rights of "League of Legends" with game agencies from various countries made headlines on major websites. While people were shocked by the sky-high agency fees, they were also very excited.

Huaxia Kingdom has always been importing various things from abroad, whether it is movies, variety shows, animations, and games, they are often imported from abroad.

For example, "Let's Run, Brother" is a variety show introduced from South Korea. This show is doing well in China, but after all, it can't get rid of the mark of Korean variety shows.It was even impossible to record due to copyright issues in the second season.These are all injuries.

But since Qin Feng's debut, the online novels he wrote have become popular all over the country, and the show "Where Are We Going, Dad" he designed has been introduced into their variety shows in South Korea.

The "One Piece" jointly created by Qin Feng and Guan Gu was introduced by Japan, South Korea and other countries and achieved global success. Now there is no one in the world who does not know the name of "One Piece".

Qin Feng invented a four-wheel drive, a simple toy.It has now become a global game event, and countless children around the world are crazy about it.

The "Talk Show" invented by Qin Feng has led a new trend of entertainment variety shows in the world.

Qin Feng's original space walk led the trend of world dance, and Qin Feng's songs led to the madness of world music.Qin Feng's "Myth" let the whole world know the magical charm of the ancient East.Qin Feng's "Transformers" shocked Hollywood.

The "World of Warcraft" developed by Qin Feng and the current "League of Legends" once again triggered a worldwide upsurge.Qin Feng has become a miracle creator in the hearts of countless people.

After Qin Feng signed contracts with game companies in these countries, Ding Sanshi and Lu Zhanbo were responsible for introducing the "League of Legends" system into these countries.

They have the experience of the last "World of Warcraft", and this time they are familiar with it.And foreign netizens were eagerly awaiting when they heard that "League of Legends" was about to land in their countries.

Many foreigners in China sent their videos of playing "League of Legends" back to their own countries, especially the exhibition game Qin Feng and the others played before the game was released.

Qin Feng's magical operation and dreamlike positioning made countless netizens turn into fans overnight and became loyal fans of League of Legends.

Since "League of Legends" only had domestic servers at the time, foreign netizens like them also downloaded domestic servers to get addicted.Due to the language barrier, many foreigners have already started to learn Chinese.

Many tepid Chinese classes were suddenly full of people.It is precisely because of seeing such a picture that game companies in various countries are determined to introduce "League of Legends".

In the love apartment, Qin Feng was having lunch with baby, Hu Yifei, Liu Yifei, Qin Xueer, and Lin Wanyu.Qin Xueer has changed a lot after participating in the first issue of "Metamorphosis".She is no longer the unruly and willful little princess she used to be, she has returned to the cute and obedient little girl she used to be.

Lu Zhanbo pushed open the suite and walked in and said, "Wow, the rice is delicious! I'm going to starve to death!" Hearing Lu Zhanbo's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Zhanbo is back! Hurry up and sit down to eat!"

Lu Zhanbo moved a chair and sat down. Hu Yifei served Lu Zhanbo a meal, and then brought Lu Zhanbo a set of tableware.Lu Zhanbo sat there and said with a smile, "Thank you, old lady!"

Qin Feng asked with a smile, "Zhanbo, how's the "League of Legends" thing going?" Hearing Qin Feng's question about "League of Legends", Lu Zhanbo hurriedly smiled and said, "It's no problem! The country has been debugged! The final pre-launch testing work is being done. It can be officially launched in half a month at most!”

Hearing Lu Zhanbo's words, Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, you are doing very well, and then your next task is to develop the domestic LPL professional league! Promote the commercialization of e-sports!"

Qin Feng's words made Lu Zhanbo stunned! LPL professional league?Commercialization of eSports?What the hell is this?If Ding Sanshi is sitting here now, he will definitely understand what Qin Feng means, and will also know how big business opportunities and profits there are.

But after all, it is Lu Zhanbo who is sitting here, so it is a bit difficult for him to understand the commercialization of professional leagues and e-sports.Qin Feng said patiently, "Do you know what the full name of the NBA in the United States is?"

Lu Zhanbo nodded and said, "Of course I know, the National Basketball Association!" After Lu Zhanbo finished speaking, he responded in surprise and asked, "Brother-in-law, don't you want to start a League of Legends professional league?"

Hearing Lu Zhanbo's words, Qin Feng said with a smile: "I can make a four-wheel drive into a global competition, why can't League of Legends?"

Everyone looked at Qin Feng in shock.But think about it.A little kid's stuff like a four-wheel drive can be turned into a global event.League of Legends is not impossible.

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