As a female doctor of economics, Hu Yifei quickly understood what Qin Feng meant.Hu Yifei asked suspiciously: "Brother Feng, are you planning to rely on the professional league of "League of Legends" to develop the commercialization of the game?"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Yifei is right. This is what I propose to commercialize e-sports. E-sports is also a kind of sports. Only by commercializing e-sports can we maximize the benefits."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Hu Yifei looked at Qin Feng with admiration and said, "Brother Feng, I really want to dissect you to see how your brain grows? You are so genius! You can turn waste into treasure in your hands!”

Although Lu Zhanbo still didn't quite understand the meaning of commercialization of e-sports, he knew that what Qin Feng said would not be wrong.

Lu Zhanbo nodded and said, "Well, I'll talk to President Ding tomorrow about this matter!" Qin Feng nodded and said, "You come to my room later, and I'll give you the LPL plan I made. Discuss with Mr. Ding tomorrow to start it as soon as possible!"

Chapter [-]: Go to school to choose roles

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Lu Zhanbo's head clicked like a rattle.Lu Zhanbo admired Qin Feng even more. Qin Feng had already made a plan.That means that Qin Feng is already preparing for all these things now.This makes everyone feel that Qin Feng is really a genius.

After eating, Qin Feng brought Lu Zhanbo to his room, and gave Lu Zhanbo the plans and rules of the LPL professional league that he had prepared a long time ago, and asked him to bring it to Ding Sanshi.

Qin Feng is still very confident in Ding Sanshi. He believes that Ding Sanshi will understand his intention and will do better.After all, he is the founder of NetEase.Ding Sanshi's understanding of network commercialization is absolutely first-class.

In the evening, after Zeng Xiaoxian returned to the apartment, he heard that Qin Feng was going to start the LPL professional league, and he was excited. Zeng Xiaoxian said excitedly: "Brother Feng, I have decided to form a LOL team with Ziqiao, Zhang Wei, Guan Gu, and Brother Chao. Go to the professional league!"

Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Qin Feng almost bit his tongue.Qin Feng smiled and said, "Are you kidding me? Are you going to play the professional league?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said in a serious manner: "Yeah, how can I say that he is also the king of the Telecom Zone [-] jungler!" I have to say that Zeng Xiaoxian can't do anything else, he is really strong in LOL.Although it has something to do with Qin Feng's teaching them a lot of skills, Zeng Xiaoxian is also very slippery to be among the top [-] kings in Telecom District [-] among the vast number of players in the country.And Zeng Xiaoxian is now also a famous wild thigh in District [-].

When many players saw Zeng Xiaoxian in the rankings, they took the initiative to let the wild position, let the resources, let Zeng Xiaoxian take them off, and Zeng Xiaoxian also lived up to expectations.He has a lot of jungle heroes, and his win rate is also very high. Basically, he can carry the whole game a lot of the time.

Therefore, if it is said that a professional team is formed, it is estimated that Zeng Xiaoxian will also become a popular candidate.Hearing that Zeng Xiaoxian was going to form a team, the baby also came over and smiled and said, "Hey! I've reserved the ADC position! I'm the number one policewoman in the national service!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile, "Baby, if you want to be an ADC, you have to solo with Brother Chao!" Hearing their conversation, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Okay! If you want to form a team, follow me first. SOLO! If you win, you can go to the organization!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, several people stopped talking immediately.You must know that their skills are all taught by Qin Feng, and they and Qin Feng's solo is simply looking for a rhythm of abuse.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "But this time Xiaoxian, I really have a task for you! You have to form a constant team!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Zeng Xiaoxian, who was originally unhappy, was instantly overjoyed.

Zeng Xiaoxian said excitedly: "Really? Brother Feng, you are so good!" Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's excited look, Qin Feng said with a smile: "Your task is to form a team, but you are the head coach of the team, Brother Chao. The boss of the team, Zi Qiao is the manager of the team! Of course I'm the boss behind the scenes!"

When they heard Qin Feng's words, they were all stunned.Qin Feng said with a smile: "The LPL professional league is only our domestic league. Then after the first season of the professional league is over, I want to promote this league to the world. Then it is divided into several divisions. Then the top three in each division every year. Come together for a world-class finals!"

After Qin Feng finished explaining, everyone was in awe of Qin Feng. The LPL league hasn't even started yet, but Qin Feng has already planned a world-class event a year from now.This made them have no other thoughts in their minds except admiration.

Qin Feng continued: "The goal of your team is to be the champion of the world finals a year later! Now your task is to dig out ten game masters in the game. The position is not limited, but the awareness and operation must be strong!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Lu Ziqiao patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Brother Feng. Tomorrow, I will see the slippery players in double-row with Teacher Zeng and chat with them privately!"

The next day, Qin Feng got up early in the morning.Today Qin Feng still has a very important thing to do, and that is to openly select a role for "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years".

Previously, Qin Feng had decided that all the actors would use newcomers this time, and among them, Ke Jingteng, Shen Jiayi and other leading roles were all selected from among the students in the school.

After Bai Yan made some preparations, she contacted the heads of the major art schools in Shanghai.I heard that Dingtian Entertainment wanted to choose an actor.And it's a movie directed by Qin Feng himself.The heads of these colleges and universities were immediately amused.You must know that Qin Feng is now the vane of the Chinese entertainment industry.

And Qin Feng is a great director who directed the Palme d'Or, if he can choose the hero and heroine, his future star career is limitless.

It is true that Qin Feng also wanted fans and audiences in China to show his powerful star-making ability, not to mention Girls' Generation and T-ara, which are in full swing in the music industry.Even the great gods of internet literature created by Qin Feng when he focused on internet literature can be found everywhere.

All of these online literature gods have grown from diaosi to today's tens of millions or even billionaires.And they are all young.He has become an idol in the hearts of countless netizens.

When Qin Feng came to Dingtian Entertainment, Bai Yan had already arranged everything.Qin Feng took the company's staff and set off for the Shanghai Theater Academy.

The Shanghai Theatre Academy is the largest art institution in Shanghai, and it is also as famous as the Central Academy of Drama and the Capital Academy of Film and Television in the country.Many Chinese artists were born here.

After Qin Feng set off, the person in charge of the Shanghai Theatre Academy got the news that Qin Feng came to choose an actor for a long time. One of the best moments of a show of fame.

For Qin Feng's choice, there are still many criticisms on the Internet.Many professional film critics feel that Qin Feng is overconfident this time, and is a little overconfident.It is important to know that stars are also very important to a movie's box office.Otherwise, why do film and television companies spend so much remuneration to invite movie stars to act?

Chapter [-]: Strange interview questions

Of course, they didn't know Qin Feng's script, so they didn't know Qin Feng's intentions.Qin Feng will not explain anything.Qin Feng will only use the results to tell everyone that what he did is correct.This silent explanation is the most useful explanation.This makes many people question whether Qin Feng is a little arrogant because he has been too smooth.However, Qin Feng's fans still believe that their boss will bring them miracles.

After receiving the notice from Dingtian Entertainment, the person in charge of the school immediately sent out a school-wide broadcast.Since today is a day off, many students are still sleeping, and of course some students are not at school.

After hearing the school's broadcast that Qin Feng would come to the school in an hour to select actors for his new movie, everyone moved.

Those students who were still complaining that the school's early morning radio was making them sleepy also didn't have time to complain, so they all dressed up in a hurry.I hope that I can be favored by Qin Feng.In this case, his future is unpredictable.

The last time Qin Feng came to the Shanghai Theatre Academy was to select the heroine for his debut show "Myth". Bai Yan, who was selected by Qin Feng at that time, is still one of the popular artists of Dingtian Entertainment.Star Road that is called a bright.Bai Yan's experience is what these students now dream of.

So when they knew that Qin Feng was coming, everyone was excited and nervous.When Qin Feng and the company's staff came to the Shanghai Theater Academy by car, the entrance of the entire school was already hung up to welcome Mr. Qin Feng to the Shanghai Theater Academy!

The students and staff of the school consciously formed two long lines at the entrance to welcome Qin Feng.Qin Feng came to the door and watched the Shanghai Theater Academy parked his Kosenig at the door and got out of the car.I walked into the campus with the person in charge of the school who came to greet me.As for his car, he was handed over to the staff to drive into the parking lot of the campus.

Qin Feng's actions also flattered the person in charge of the hospital.He has also received other stars. Generally, when the cars of the stars have to enter the campus in the parking lot, the stars will come out of the car under the protection of security.But there is really no one like Qin Feng who got off the bus at the gate and walked into the campus with the staff.Qin Feng was the first.

And the students who came to welcome him were also very happy. Among so many students, there were hardly any who disliked Qin Feng, and of course there were many fans of Qin Feng.

Facing the enthusiastic students, Qin Feng smiled. Although he was wearing sunglasses to see Qin Feng's eyes, the smile on Qin Feng's face still showed that he was in a good mood.

Qin Feng waved to his classmates as he walked. Many of the students who were leaning inside stretched out their hands to shake hands with Qin Feng. Qin Feng also stopped to shake hands with the students beside him after walking for a while.

The students who were shaken by Qin Feng were all excited.Some girls were so excited that tears fell.Of course, tears are also tears of happiness for them.

Although it was not too far from the school gate to the office, Qin Feng still walked for about half an hour, because Qin Feng would always stop to shake hands with fans and take photos and sign autographs.

Because Qin Feng knew that they all lined up here early in the morning to wait for him to like him and support him.So Qin Feng couldn't bear to walk over directly.

Qin Feng is a person who is very happy to communicate and interact with fans.There is no celebrity air at all, which is why Qin Feng is loved by everyone.

Maybe some people in China are not particularly obsessed with Qin Feng, but there is absolutely no one to black him.If someone black Qin Feng, it is estimated that others around him will despise him.

Qin Feng was led by the person in charge of the school to the reception room of the school.The person in charge of the school is President Ouyang Jian.Principal Ouyang said with a smile, "Welcome Mr. Qin to come to our Shanghai Theatre Academy to select actors! The students of our school are all excellent!" Principal Ouyang could not help but praise his students.

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