Qin Feng said with a smile, "The Shanghai Academy of Drama has been supplying a large number of outstanding artists to the domestic entertainment industry, and it is also an excellent academy in China! This time I also hope that I can choose suitable actors!"

Principal Ouyang smiled and said, "Our hospital will definitely cooperate with you!" Hearing Principal Ouyang's words, Qin Feng nodded and said, "Principal Ouyang, is the selected venue ready?"

Principal Ouyang said: "Today is a day off in our school, so some students are still outside and have not come back, but the venue is ready, but I hope that Mr. Qin's selection can start a little later to give more students a chance, of course. Mr. Qin can also have more choices!"

Qin Feng understood Principal Ouyang's actions very well, smiled and said, "Let's follow Principal Ouyang's arrangements today! But I have two requests!"

Hearing that Qin Feng agreed to his proposal, Principal Ouyang was even more flattered. He was ready to be rejected by Qin Feng, but Qin Feng agreed.

As for the conditions Qin Feng said, Principal Ouyang does not need to consider it at all. No matter what Qin Feng asks, Principal Ouyang will agree without hesitation.

When all the students gathered in the sports hall to wait for Qin Feng to choose the actors, the school broadcast sounded again: "The following broadcast! The female students who are going to participate in Mr. Qin Feng's role selection for the film today are not allowed to wear too much makeup. Male students need to be able to take the first question. The first question for boys is that you need to be able to kiss another boy in public!"

When this broadcast came out, the whole campus went into a frenzy after being silent for a few seconds!Although Qin Feng's film has not been revealed, according to some clues it can be analyzed that it is a youth campus drama, and it is understandable that girls are not allowed to wear too heavy makeup.But the second one is a bit weird!

What the hell kind of topic is this!Boys want to kiss another boy.This is simply a scene full of love.What's going on with this exam?

Chapter [-]: Is Qin Feng gay?

Although the current plane is not the era in the previous life when friends walked all over the place, and it was possible to pick up soap anytime, anywhere, the word "friend" still existed.

So after hearing Qin Feng's first bizarre interview question, all the boys felt a chill in their hearts, and goosebumps arose.

What the hell is Qin Feng doing?There was such a question full of love, but the students had no other way, after all, this opportunity was too rare for them.If Qin Feng is selected, then it will really become famous in one play.

Is the purpose of their admission to art colleges and universities to be able to step into the entertainment industry and become stars?Now there is a chance to realize their dreams and save them years of struggle. This temptation is like putting a cigarette in front of a smoker who has been smoking for more than ten years.

It's an irresistible temptation.Although this topic is very BT, they are still willing to take over it. After all, some students don't care about the unspoken rules in order to be higher.What does this subject matter?

This question from Qin Feng was quickly forwarded to the Internet, and netizens almost spit out blood after seeing Qin Feng's question.

what the hell?Is Qin Feng gay?How could he come up with such a question with basic affection?Or is his new work about gay affairs?

Then this topic is hot.Although things between homosexuals were common in previous lives, people are not particularly disgusted, and they are still acceptable.

But in this plane, homosexuality is discriminated against.Completely incomprehensible.If Qin Feng is going to make this kind of movie, the box office really doesn't need to be considered.Because no one went back to see it.It is estimated that the radio and television audit will not pass.Even if Qin Feng has a close relationship with Radio and Television, this kind of film cannot pass.

The discussion on the Internet is also in full swing, many people are paying attention to this matter, and even many netizens in the Shanghai market have gone to the Shanghai Theater Academy, wanting to go to the interview site to find out.

At this time, the gate of the Shanghai Theater Academy was already blocked with reporters, and the reporters' long guns and short guns were already set up.In Dingtian Entertainment's office, Bai Yan was dumbfounded.

Others haven't read the script of "Those Years", so there are many things they don't know, it's just their guesses.

And Bai Yan had read the script, so she was very clear about why Qin Feng did this, so she would feel that the words of those netizens were speechless.But thinking about Qin Feng's approach, those who don't know can't avoid thinking about it.

The members of T-ara and Deng Chao just practiced a dance.He was about to take a break and resume his practice when Li Chen suddenly looked at his phone and exclaimed in surprise, "Hey, come and watch it! Big news!" After speaking, Li Chen couldn't help laughing.

Everyone knows that Li Chen has a very stable personality, unlike Zeng Xiaoxian and Deng Chao who like to be funny!So they were curious about what kind of news could make someone as calm as Li Chen do this.

Everyone walked over and had a look, and they were all happy!Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said: "Spit, if Brother Feng sees such news, I don't know what he will think? This media is too guessing!"

Deng Chao and the others are also happy to lean forward and back together.Because the news of that media boldly predicted that Qin Feng was [-]% gay!

If Qin Feng sees this news, Qin Feng guesses that he would have leveled the media in minutes.

In the reception room of the Shanghai Theater Academy, Principal Ouyang was still talking with Qin Feng, and the assistant to the principal came in and said, "Principal, Mr. Qin. There are many reporters at the school gate, and they all want to live broadcast about Mr. Qin's selection of actors. !"

Qin Feng frowned and said, "Go and disperse them all. We won't accept any interviews this time around!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, the assistant did not hesitate.He knew that Qin Feng's words were what their principal meant.

Principal Ouyang was afraid that the assistant would not be able to handle it and said, "You asked all the people in the security department to help disperse it. You really can't call the Public Security Bureau and ask them to come and help!"

The entertainment industry attaches great importance to security issues, and sometimes they are worried that there will be problems with the stars, so they will invite the armed police to the scene to help maintain order. This kind of behavior is not uncommon.

The assistant nodded and said, "I'll do it right away!" After speaking, he turned and left the reception room.Qin Feng frowned and asked the staff behind him, "How did the media know about the fact that I came to cast an actor today?"

The staff members were all confused. They knew that Qin Feng did not like to let the media know about everything, so none of them dared to inform the media.

But now reporters actually blocked the door.They were also puzzled.Principal Ouyang was also confused. Dingtian Entertainment was afraid that too many reporters would make Qin Feng unhappy, so he specially notified Principal Ouyang not to notify reporters.

Just when everyone didn't know what happened, Bai Yan called. She just asked Qin Feng to read the reports and news on the Internet.

After Qin Feng hung up the phone, he immediately used his laptop to log in to the web page and searched. Everyone had strange expressions on their faces, and everyone had to endure it very hard.

Qin Feng was embarrassed.Qin Feng glanced at the surrounding staff, and everyone lowered their heads after seeing the gaze of their boss.I'm afraid I can't stop laughing.

Qin Feng had to sigh that the current network is too developed. The campus broadcast here has only been broadcast for less than an hour, and there is already a lot of noise on the Internet about the reason why Qin Feng asked this strange interview question.

And the analysis on the Internet made Qin Feng's head full of black lines, and he wanted to cry without tears.There are two kinds of sayings on the Internet, one is that Qin Feng is GAY, and the other is that Qin Feng is doing this for an audition.

On the Internet, there have been votes on the possibility that Qin Feng is gay and the audition. The result of the vote is actually the former. Many people think that Qin Feng is gay.

Chapter [-]: Lu Ziqiao was hanged?

For a while, various discussions appeared on the Internet.It felt good to think as if Qin Feng himself admitted that he was gay, and all kinds of comments came out.

Even the normally calm and stable honeys could no longer calm down their inner excitement.Even some [-]-year-old diving kings were blown up by this news.

Many male fans ran to Dingtian Entertainment's official website to leave a message and said: "Boss, we didn't know your special hobby. Now that we know, we male fans are ready to devote ourselves to you. We have all washed It's clean!"

Female fans expressed their doubts about the news, and then all kinds of loss.A man who had always been the perfect marriage partner in their hearts suddenly became gay, and then didn't like women anymore. This kind of gap made people feel collapsed.

There are also many girl fans who said that since the boss has made a foundation, then the baby is not the biggest victim. We have to save the baby. Since the boss has made a foundation, then we can also be with the baby lily!

These bizarre remarks on the Internet made many celebrities who paid attention to this matter wondered whether they should laugh or cry.The protagonist of the incident, Qin Feng, was watching these rumors on the Internet in the reception room.

For these bizarre remarks, Qin Feng said that he could only laugh.What the hell is this news.Qin Feng felt that the reporter who wrote this report could really write a supernatural novel.

Qin Feng took out his mobile phone and clicked on his Weibo, but just tapped a line of words to explain that he was not gay!But to no avail.

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