Qin Feng himself did not expect that a simple filming would make things like this.Qin Feng said with a wry smile: "Principal Ouyang, I want to finish today's recording as soon as possible for something like this that happened today, and then I'll take care of it after I return to the company!"

When this happened, Principal Ouyang did not dare to ask Qin Feng too much.So the first cast selection for "Those Years" at school began like this.

Although Qin Feng had told the female students not to wear too heavy makeup, these beauty-loving girls still put on some base makeup.

After interviewing the two girls, Qin Feng whispered to the staff behind him, "Go get a washbasin and bring some water."

After hearing Qin Feng's instructions, the staff quickly prepared these things. Qin Feng asked every girl who came for an interview to wash her face first and then see if her temperament matched Shen Jiayi's image.

But it is a pity that the whole day's selection of roles, the students of the entire Shanghai Theater Academy have come to watch, and they have not found the actors of Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi.

On the contrary, the pictures of men and men kissing make it a little difficult for many people to accept.The picture was simply too beautiful to watch. Many staff members lost their appetite after watching it.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Feng couldn't count how many students he had interviewed this afternoon, but none of them could be praised by Qin Feng.

In the end, Qin Feng shook his head in disappointment and ended the first day of interview.When I returned to the love apartment, it was already dinner time.

When Qin Feng walked to the living room, everyone surrounded Lu Ziqiao.And Lu Ziqiao sat cross-legged on the ground.Staring intently at the laptop on the coffee table in front of you!

Qin Feng asked suspiciously: "What's the situation?" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Tang Youyou hurriedly put his hand to his mouth and made a silent gesture.

Then Tang Youyou pulled Qin Feng aside and whispered, "Brother Feng, don't make a fuss. Ziqiao is playing League of Legends!" Qin Feng was even more speechless when he heard Tang Youyou's words.

As for being so serious about playing a game!Tang Youyou naturally knocked out Qin Feng's doubts.Tang Youyou said in a low voice, "Brother Feng, Zi Qiao chose a good player for the team you mentioned, but after he played the game today, he kneeled five times. The advantage of placing orders. But it is of no use.

The linkage between the jungler on the opposite side and the top lane directly forced Zi Qiao, who wanted to carry the audience.The top laner used all kinds of ganks three times within ten minutes by Lu Ziqiao, who was hanging and beating the opponent.

So Zi Qiao only had to be anxious.After Qin Feng just listened to Tang Youyou's words, Zi Qiao was forced again, and an unwilling roar resounded in the living room again.

Qin Feng walked over to take a look, and on the screen of Ziqiao's computer was written the word "Failure".At this moment, Lu Ziqiao's heart could only use ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping over to describe his mood at this moment.

Lu Ziqiao wondered if he didn't read the almanac when he went out today!Actually encountered the opposite god jungler.Looking at the name of the jungler opposite, Lu Ziqiao's eyes glowed red.

Qin Feng was curious about what kind of hero the opposite jungler was.Ziqiao's technique is not particularly good though.But it doesn't make sense to be like this by one of the opponent's junglers.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Ziqiao, tell me how you lost?" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Lu Ziqiao said beautifully, "It's not because of the jungler on the other side, he chose Widowmaker. . You also know that Widow's passive skill is the advantage of hiding. Our jungler and the opposite jungler are not at the same level. So we lost all kinds of things."

After listening to Lu Ziqiao's resentful words, Qin Feng walked over to Ziqiao's side and sat down.

After listening to this sentence, Qin Feng sat there and looked at the ID of the widow maker who was playing the jungle opposite: promise!It's familiar to see this ID.As if he had seen it somewhere, Qin Feng thought carefully, and suddenly Qin Feng seemed to think of a person.Qin Feng shouted in his heart, "It won't be him!"

Qin Feng stood up and said to Lu Ziqiao, "Ziqiao, please let me go, I'll play this game for you! I also want to experience the feeling of playing against a master!"

Chapter eight hundred and eighty second: find a place for Ziqiao

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Lu Ziqiao suddenly became energetic and said, "Brother Feng, you must avenge me this time!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Just watch it!"

Zi Qiao used her ID to privately chat the promise and asked the five to fight. Promise readily agreed, and wanted to play with his good friends.

In the love apartment, Qin Feng, Zhan Bo, Zeng Xiaoxian, Zi Qiao, and Guan Gu quickly moved their laptops into the living room.

Baby eagerly said, "Brother Feng, do you want me to play the ADC!" Qin Feng said with a smile, "It's too much trouble for you to deal with these little P boys! Let's see how I teach them to behave!"

Soon the two sides established the room.All ten people clicked in.Then the two sides began to choose heroes.On the side of the love apartment, Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile, "Brother Feng, do you want to come to the jungle?"

Qin Feng shook his head slightly and said, "You come to the jungle, and you can choose the wine barrel!" The wine barrel is a very strong hero in the early stage, and it is easy to set the rhythm.

The E-plus flash that Qin Feng taught Zeng Xiaoxian is simple, but it is too test of hand speed. There are very few people in China who can use it perfectly except Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian is still very obedient to Qin Feng's command.Lu Zhanbo asked, "Brother-in-law, where do you play top laner, mid laner, and ADC?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Zhanbo, you play mid lane, Ziqiao, you play top laner, Guan Gu, you play ADC. I'll play support!" He heard that Qin Feng wanted to play support.Everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

Zi Qiao said with a sad face, "Brother Feng, aren't you going to help me lead me to lie down and win? How can you help me lie down and win?" Hearing Zi Qiao's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Zi Qiao, don't look down on me. Auxiliary, auxiliary can also take you to fly!"

As a player who has played League of Legends for several years in his previous life, Qin Feng has a much better understanding of the game than them. The most crucial position in League of Legends is actually the support.

A good support can also drive the rhythm of the audience.In the early stage, when Ye Fu double-played, he could make the rhythm of the audience in his own hands.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Don't choose Jian Ji for the top lane, choose a hero who can withstand pressure!" After hearing Qin Feng's words, Zi Qiao thought about locking on the tree man who was very resistant to pressure among the top lane heroes.

In the ADC position, Guan Gu chose the runaway Lolita Jinkos.Lu Zhanbo chose a card in the mid-lane position.Finally, everyone turned their attention to Qin Feng.It depends on what kind of auxiliary hero Qin Feng can come up with.

Qin Feng thought about it for a while and finally locked on Annie, the daughter of the dark hero, who was a relatively fragile hero.After seeing Qin Feng locked Annie, everyone was once again surprised.

Because so far everyone has used Annie to hit the mid lane without exception.Although Annie is brittle, the outbreak of Annie growing up is terrifying.A set of skills is used to seconds people.

But now Qin Feng actually uses Annie to assist, which makes everyone a little wonder what Qin Feng is going to do?Looking at everyone's surprised expressions.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Today, I will teach you another way of assisting!" Seeing the confident smile on Qin Feng's face, everyone did not speak.

Everyone still believes in Qin Feng's strength, and everyone has a faint feeling that Qin Feng will show a different Annie this time!Soon both sides have chosen roles.Then the game starts.

Promise's jungler is Blind Monk this time, and their top laner is Riven, who is very strong during the laning period.The mid laner is the Murloc, the bottom ADC is the Airman, and the support is Thresh.

After seeing the lineup of both sides, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Just change lanes on and off the road!" Following Qin Feng's command, Zi Qiao pulled his big tree and walked down the road.Qin Feng did not forget to remind Zi Qiao to use the three little monsters of Sapling F4.

He directly helped Guan Gu to destroy the toads, and then let Guan Gu eat all the experience, and Guan Gu was directly promoted to the second level. Qin Feng said with a smile: "Guan Gu, you can play against the line yourself!" Qin Feng said that. Flashed into the wild.Zeng Xiaoxian still started with a red BUFF in the bottom lane. Although the blind monk is very strong, he is a good player in the anti-wild game.But in the face of the wine barrel with the red buff, the blind monk was still a little cowardly.So when the two sides started the game, neither went to counter-squat or go to the wild.

After the blind monk finished playing the blue buff, he had no chance to see the middle and lower levels, and the wine barrel was obviously still in the lower half, so the blind monk went straight to the upper road.Come to help Riven, looking for a wave of opportunities to GANK.Riven is very strong in the laning matchup with the top laner, but once the lane changes, Riven is really under a lot of pressure.

Compared to Riwen, Lu Ziqiao's tree was much happier, with the protection of the wine barrel's vision.Although it is facing the double road, the big tree is wretched with the supplies under the tower and has nothing to do with the small saplings to make up for the knife. The life is not too leisurely, and the two-level tower is simply dead.So the bot lane is very stable.

Just when everything was peaceful, the system suddenly prompted Annie to kill the blind monk to gain a blood, and everyone was stunned.Annie killed the blind monk?

Isn't Annie assisting in the bot lane?How to kill the blind monk.Everyone hurriedly looked at the location of the map, only to find that Annie was walking slowly into the wild area from the second tower opposite.

The promise in front of the computer is like a thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in my heart at this time.He never imagined that the other side's Annie would put an eye in his F4 and squatted nearby waiting for him.

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