The blind monk wants to go to the top lane to help Riven after finishing F4 and the red buff, and by the way, find an opportunity to gank a wave, in order to quickly destroy the red buff.His punishment has remained.But just when he was about to finish the last one of F4, he suddenly promised to see a blood-filled Annie standing in front of him!Almost didn't freak out.The last wild monster didn't even bother to fight and ran away.

But the blind monk learns the E skill at the second level.Not W.The most important thing is that Qin Feng's hand speed is much faster than his, and W, who is close to his face, all hit the blind monk.

At this time, Annie was dizzy. With the help of F4, Qin Fen successfully got one blood and successfully took over the game, taking away F4.Then slowly go to join the ADC.

Chapter [-]: Auxiliary Teaching Blind Monk

At this time, the promise is called a gas.Because he never expected that he would be squatted here by the opposite assistant.You must know that the attack power of the general support is very low in the early stage, and they are all protecting the ADC and the opposite ADC. However, this time the opposite side actually switched the ADC to the top lane, and the bottom lane's own ADC is completely powerless against a big tree. , and this big tree has also become a horse, even if it stays under the tower and can't come out, it can be repaired if it can be repaired.

Promise has the best skills among them all, and he plays as a jungler, so he often roams to bring the rhythm, and the game can be carried.But now the blind monk lost F4 by single kill.The rhythm has been forcibly interrupted.

After the blind monk was resurrected, he looked at the map first, but there was no bird use, because the map was still black at this time.Both the top half of the jungle and the bottom half of the jungle are all black.

My top laner, Riven, is laning under the tower with the ADC on the other side. Although Riven is a strong laning hero, she has no way to face the ADC with long hands. The combination of Jinx's W and E skills allows a Rui to play. Wen had a hard time protruding her face.Of course, if Riven can get into Jinx's face, Jinx will want GG Smecta too.

The second half of the big tree was still coaxed into a horse under the tower, the plane man on his side was making up the knife, and Thresh was vigilant against the gank of the opponent's wine barrel while making a vision.As for hooking the big tree, Thresh said he didn't have this idea.It is better not to take risks if there are not three or four people in the tower to kill the big tree, otherwise it is very likely that he will lose his wife and lose his troops.

But the fact that the other side's Annie and the wine barrel did not appear all the time made the blind monk very cowardly.Worry about whether they are hiding there and yawning themselves.

Suddenly saw Annie and the barrel appear in the bottom road.The blind monk hurriedly sent a signal to his teammates to let the bottom road retreat to the tower.Then the blind monk went to his own red BUFF, ready to take down the red BUFF to make up for his development.

Because the wine barrel has never invaded his upper half of the jungle, the blind monk is not worried about his red being hanged upside down.On the opposite side, Annie and the wine barrel see that there is no way to gank the bottom road. They should continue to brush wild monsters.

At this time, the blind monk is very annoying to Annie on the opposite side. You said that you are a support who can't stay on the line and support your ADC. What are you doing in the wild area.

The blind monk came to the red buff very carefully, and then the blind monk still carefully made a vision and fought steadily, but he didn't know where Qin Feng had inserted him as soon as he arrived at the red buff. Good eye position to see.

Then in fact, the wine barrel and Annie knew that Xiaolong had an eye position deliberately for the blind monk to see, and then the two of them read their position to the blind monk.went straight to the middle.

The little fishman in the middle saw three people coming and went back to the tower.But the target of the barrel and Annie is not him but directly into the upper half of the jungle.

The little fishman felt that something was wrong and hurriedly reminded the promise. When the promise saw his teammate's prompt, he felt bad for a while, and hurriedly said: "Come here to support at the upper and middle speed. He also saw that his red buff has already hit two-thirds, and the punishment has already been taken. It's a pity not to destroy it!"

But here he didn't have a chance to destroy it, although Riven and the little murloc hurried over to help.But the plane man in the bottom road said: "The big tree in the bottom road is TP!"

The blind monk suddenly tensed up and was about to give up the flash, but he passed his flash in the first wave just now, and the current blind monk hasn't reached level three, and hasn't learned W yet.

I saw a sudden flash of light, and the big tree flashed W directly trapping the blind monk.At this time, the barrel and Annie also rushed to one person, and the barrel harvested the head.

After Promise died, she hurriedly said, "Go back to the city at medium speed and run!" But it was still a step away. At this time, Riven was blocked by Jinx and the three people who killed her. Although she handed the flash, she was still killed. .

The little murloc flashed and took a life under his second tower.But this time it was a big loss.At this time, the promises in my heart are really all kinds of grass and mud horses.I inserted my eyes, but I didn't expect that the other party's assistant also gave the eyes.This is obviously self-calculating.

The wave that appeared in the bot lane just now was just trying to figure out oneself.Then the four people on the opposite side did not chase people greedily, but the four people pushed a tower on the road with a large wave of soldiers.

Promise said reluctantly: "Thresh and I are brushing the jungle. Pay attention to the ADC's bot lane. We will give you a good vision to prevent you from being ganked!"

But Qin Feng knew what the promise was thinking, and Qin Feng would definitely tell him with a smile: "I'm not going to catch your airplane man, I'm going to catch your little fish man!"

Because the little fish man has already handed in the flash, as for the plane man, just wait for the card to fly after the card reaches six.Now Annie's roaming level is still relatively low, so Qin Feng decided to play a wave in the middle lane first, and then let the cards roam, and then go to the middle lane to eat a wave of lanes.

Sure enough, the little murloc jumped from home to the line after finishing his stuff, and he was still making peace with the card, but suddenly the card flashed and rushed over and gave himself a yellow card, and the little murloc was scared to pee.

But at this time, it was too late to run. The wine barrel went from the side E to the little fishman, and Annie's stun was also given here, and the three cooperated to complete the kill.

At this time, the blind monk was brushing his three wolves, and the first wave of wild resources was eaten up by Annie and the wine barrel.The blind monk is now losing too much.The blind monk decided to leave the mountain before he caught up with the gap.This is also what Qin Feng wants him to do, because the blind monk is a hero with rhythm in the early stage, and it is not very useful in the team battle in the later stage.You can only use roundhouse kick to kick to the opposing C position.

At this time, Annie and the wine barrel were wandering around.The bot lane is again with the card level [-] big move to land a yellow card and kill the bot lane duo.At this time, the first tower on the road was also dropped by Jinx.

Then the whole game entered Qin Feng's control.In a normal game, they surrendered their promises within [-] minutes. The strangest thing was that Qin Feng and the others won without even brushing Xiaolong.

Chapter [-]: Accept promises as apprentices

Promise was very frustrated. After the League of Legends came out, he was crazy about this game, and he often studied the play style and technology very seriously.So his technology is also progressing rapidly.

In the Telecom District [-], he is also one of the junglers who can be as famous as Zeng Xiaoxian.But today he suffered all kinds of setbacks, if it was said that he was squatted by Zeng Xiaoxian's wine barrel, it would be fine.But he couldn't understand why he was inexplicably being assisted by the other party's various calculation routines.

Twenty minutes after a game, when the opponent did not fight Xiaolong, one of his six outer towers fell.The kill ratio is 15 to 2.The wine barrels and big trees on the opposite side stood in front of them, and they couldn't move at all.On the opposite side, the wine barrel E flashes, the big tree's home guard teleports flash W, Annie's flash R, and the card's golden body is simply all kinds of fancy slings and fancy formations.

Faced with such a situation, they promise they can only surrender.Lu Ziqiao, who had won the game, was now spitting out the breath that had been overshadowed by promises for a day today.

Lu Ziqiao said proudly, "Haha, that kid isn't very good in the jungle? He was beaten by one of Brother Feng's assistants!" Qin Feng smiled when he heard Ziqiao's words.In fact, to be honest, although promise's jungler can't compare to Zeng Xiaoxian and himself now, he has great potential.

Qin Feng didn't mention that he brought several years of experience, and Zeng Xiaoxian taught it himself.It's like opening up.And promises are made by myself since League of Legends went online.If at the same time, under the same conditions.Qin Feng doesn't think he can be better than promise.

Baby and the others watched Qin Feng play Annie so slippery, their eyes were full of admiration. Baby took Qin Feng's arm and said, "Brother Feng, teach me to play Annie!"

Qin Feng nodded the baby's nose and said, "Okay! No problem!" Liu Yifei, Lin Wanyu, and Hu Yifei all came over and said, "I want to learn too!"

The image of Annie this hero is a cute little girl is very cute.So it's understandable that Hu Yifei and the others like this kind of hero image. Of course, this also has something to do with them seeing Qin Feng play so well.

Ten people came to the game exchange room, and Lu Ziqiao was there for a while.The chattering Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't stand it any longer. Promise didn't say a word as if struck.

Zeng Xiaoxian has fought with promise several times, and he knows his strength is very strong.Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "Promise is actually very good! You are not wronged to lose to my master today!"

Promise was also surprised when he saw what Zeng Xiaoxian typed. Zeng Xiaoxian is famous for his various fancy jungle styles in the district.He admired Zeng Xiaoxian's level.

After seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's ID today, he took out his blind monk and wanted to fight Zeng Xiaoxian.But I didn't expect to be restrained by an Annie.

When she heard that Annie was Zeng Xiaoxian's teacher, her heart was instantly balanced.If he can teach an apprentice like Zeng Xiaoxian, then the master's level must be higher than himself.Losing is not a loss.

Qin Feng was typing at the moment and said, "Promise, have you accepted it?" The opposite side was silent for a few seconds when he saw Qin Feng's words, and said, "I accepted it! But I will defeat you one day!"

Qin Feng looked at this sentence and smiled, not only did the ID look familiar, but also the character was so similar.Qin Feng typed and said, "Okay! Are you interested in taking me as your teacher! I'll teach you to play wild!"

When they saw Qin Feng type this line, Zeng Xiaoxian and the others were all stunned.They asked Qin Feng to learn the skills of League of Legends.Now Qin Feng actually said that he would take the initiative to teach promises to play jungler!This is not Qin Feng's character!

Seeing Qin Feng's typing, Promise didn't hesitate to say, "Okay, master!" Seeing that promise called him master, Qin Feng showed a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

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