Qin Feng typed with a smile, "I'll go online every night at nine o'clock to teach you how to play wild! You can also ask your senior brother for advice!" Qin Feng was referring to Zeng Xiaoxian.

Promise replied, "Yes, I know Master!" There was still no resistance to calling Master Qin Feng a promise. After all, he was a master at hanging himself.

After Qin Feng and the others went offline, Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously, "Brother Feng, don't you want him to be our team's jungler?" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Otherwise, what do you think?"

Everyone nodded, too.Being able to let Qin Feng teach him to play as a jungler is naturally to prepare for the team's jungler position.In fact, there are several in the first district that are similar to the level of promises.Zeng Xiaoxian didn't know why Qin Feng had to choose him.

In fact, Qin Feng has vaguely guessed the identity of promise. Promise means promise in English.So that's what promises mean.

In the previous life, the promise of the national uniform was made, and it is estimated that no one knew about it.Promise's real name is Ming Kai.Later nicknamed the factory manager, Nodao.The national service is recognized as the first jungler.It is also one of the top three junglers in the world.

Qin Feng had seen many promise games in his previous life, and it was really exciting.Both operation and consciousness are perfect, which is why everyone calls him Nuo Dao.

I remember that when Promise first debuted, I couldn't lift my pants with a single-handed Widowmaker, and I only had one thought when I saw the promise and got the Widowmaker, [-] shots!

After that, promise began to play in the professional league, and also won numerous championships.In the era of the explosion of League of Legends, the name of promise is also quite loud.Of course, promise is also a very hardworking and hard-working person.His hunger for championships is stronger than anyone else.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Xiaoxian, Ziqiao, you have to hurry up and find someone!" It is estimated that in a few days, the news of the LPL league at Zhanbo will be announced! "

Chapter eight hundred and eighty fifth: clarify the misunderstanding

Lu Zhanbo nodded and said: "Yeah, we have already made preparations here, and the news will be released in two or three days! At that time, there should be many people in the country to form a team! But this time my brother-in-law is also down. It's bloody. The prize money for the first place in the National League is a full one million!"

Hearing Lu Zhanbo's words, Hu Yifei said in surprise, "Brother Feng, are you crazy? You actually took out one million in prize money for the first place in a game?"

Everyone looked at Qin Feng with a puzzled look. Although one million is really a small amount of money for Qin Feng now, money can't be spent like this!This is just the bonus for the first place, plus how much is the bonus for the second and third place!

Qin Feng smiled. After all, the commercialization of e-sports only exists in theory and has not yet been able to achieve results. When it is effective, they really won't feel much about the money.After all, the annual salary of the team members in the previous life was more than one million.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Don't worry, we don't have to pay this money! Someone will pay!" Hu Yifei was stunned after hearing Qin Feng's words and asked, "Who will pay?"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "A sponsor!" Hu Yifei understood instantly after hearing Qin Feng's answer.He smiled and said, "So you already planned it! You didn't say it earlier, I thought you were going to lose your family?"

Hearing Hu Yifei's words, Qin Feng smiled and said nothing.Qin Feng is very clear that with the current popularity of the League of Legends, once the news of the LPL league comes out, there will definitely be many merchants who will come to send him money.So Qin Feng is not worried at all.

Baby asked with a smile, "Brother Feng, how are you picking candidates for the Shanghai Theater Academy today? You've all been put on a gay hat!"

Hearing the baby teasing himself, Qin Feng replied with a smile, "Am I gay, aren't you the ones who know the most?" Qin Feng also looked at the baby and Hu Yifei with interesting eyes.

The girls blushed instantly, and the baby said coquettishly, "Brother Feng, you are too bad!" Hearing the baby's words, Qin Feng smiled and said, "Today's role selection didn't go well at all!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the baby asked with concern, "What's the matter?" Qin Feng sighed and said, "My play is going to be a play in the style of a youth campus, so the requirements for the heroine are very high, and there must be something like that. This kind of pure temperament. This kind of pure temperament is not the pure temperament of Ye Fei, but a kind of pure and green feeling! But now the girls in the art school have fingernails on the foundations on their faces. It's so thick. If you don't know, you think you've come to the red light district! Everyone is full of dust, and they can't do school dramas. If they were asked to film Qin Huaihe's drama, it would be their true colors!"

Obviously Qin Feng was very disgusted with the appearance of those girls in the art school now and said a lot.Hearing Qin Feng's words, the baby stuck out his tongue.

Hu Yifei persuaded Qin Feng to say: "Brother Feng, if you can't do it, go to another school tomorrow! If you can't do it, you won't go to the art school!" In fact, everyone knows that the art school has become what it is now, and the students have become what they are now. This is not the fault of the students. When people discuss this, they always complain about the school and education.In fact, the school is just taking the blame for the whole society.

The entertainment industry is full of dragons and snakes, and there are all kinds of people.And the students went to study acting just to realize their dream and become a star.And those with ulterior motives take advantage of this.Makes the current entertainment industry a mess.

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Well, that's what I plan to do too. From tomorrow, I'll take the staff to go around the colleges and universities!"

Hu Yifei said with a smile: "By the way, Brother Feng, you asked me to communicate with the leaders of my former school about the filming location, and they have already agreed! When they heard that it was you who wanted to film, they didn't wait for me to finish. He just kept nodding his head and said no problem. He also told me to help him get your autograph, saying that they are all your fans!"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said: "Wow, Brother Feng is so powerful now! It's okay to kill both men and women. It's even [-] to three years old. It's amazing!"

Hu Yifei glared at Zeng Xiaoxian and said, "You are jealous of Brother Feng!" Hearing Hu Yifei's words, Zeng Xiaoxian said angrily: "Brother Feng is like this, who doesn't envy, jealous and hate!"

Qin Feng changed the subject with a smile and said, "Yifei, go say hello to the leader and ask if it's convenient for us to go there tomorrow?" Hu Yifei asked doubtfully, "We will pass tomorrow?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "I just happened to be able to inspect the filming site in the past, and by the way, see if there are suitable characters to appear in the school!"

Hu Yifei nodded and said, "I'm going to make a call now! I think the leaders are going crazy!" Hu Yifei took the mobile phone and went to the side to make a call.

Soon Hu Yifei came back and said with a smile, "It's done! The principal was planning to hold a grand welcome ceremony, but I rejected it!" Hearing Hu Yifei's words, Qin Feng nodded.I chose the role myself, and nothing else.Too ostentatious is not good. Today was blocked by reporters at the gate of the campus, and because of that question, Qin Feng still carries the notoriety of being gay.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took out his mobile phone and sent a Weibo to clarify.Qin Feng's repeated clarifications were added to the explanations from Dingtian Entertainment's official website and many celebrities.The fans on the Internet finally believed that Qin Feng was not gay!Just put my heart in my stomach.

Many netizens left messages one after another: "Seeing the boss's Weibo, I believe in love again! Boss, you saved our worldview!"

Some netizens said: "How can you do this, boss? I just came out for you! Now you tell me again that you are not gay. What do you want me to do?"

Chapter [-]: Who is that girl?

After Qin Feng and Hu Yifei had breakfast the next morning, they went to Dingtian Entertainment and the staff together to go to the school where Hu Yifei used to work, which was also Hu Yifei's alma mater.

When they arrived at the school, the school's welcome banner had been pulled up.This time, due to the reason that Hu Yifei had greeted beforehand, the school did not let the school organize students to welcome them.

Of course, Qin Feng personally didn't like those fake things, so Qin Feng got off the bus at the door, and walked into the school with Hu Yifei and the principal who came to greet them.

After entering the reception room, the principal said excitedly, "Welcome Mr. Qin Feng to our school! This is our school's honor!"

Ordinary schools are not like the Shanghai Theater Academy and the Capital Film and Television Academy.The students of those schools go to their schools just to be stars, so there is no shortage of celebrities.But normal schools are different.

Not to mention first-class schools like Tsinghua University and Peking University in general, because they are not comparable, but such first-class schools in the middle and lower reaches are different.They desperately need some celebrities to raise the profile of their school.

If you say that the students of your school can become stars and so on.These are enough for them to blow for years.At least this is also a way to attract students. When you say it out, you are the younger brother and younger sister of that star.It still sounds very fanciful, although it is not really useful.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Mr. Principal, hello! I'm a good friend of Yifei. I heard her say that the students in our school are all excellent talents! This time I came here specially, hoping to find them in your school. The right person to star in my new movie!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the principal's face immediately smiled like a chrysanthemum!The principal said: "This is also an honor for our school, and we will definitely cooperate with Mr. Qin!"

The principal continued: "Mr. Qin, you can rest here now. We are now organizing all the students to gather in the school's gymnasium, and then you can choose in the past!"

Hearing the principal's words, Qin Feng said with a smile: "Principal, don't be so troublesome, the students are all in class now, and I can't delay their class. Let's go around the classrooms later, and go in through the back door to see the right place. I'm going to be called out for an interview alone!"

Since Qin Feng has said so, the principal naturally won't say anything.Of course, he fully agreed with Qin Feng's opinion, and even blew a wave of flattery that Qin Feng cared about students' studies.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Then let's go now!" The principal nodded, then stood up and opened the door to personally lead Qin Feng to each classroom.

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