Qin Feng was wearing sunglasses, followed by Hu Yifei and the staff behind him, while the principal led the way. After coming out of the reception room, he started to observe from the first floor of the teaching area.

Each classroom entered quietly from the back door. When the teacher saw the principal, the principal signaled them to continue the lecture, and the students looked back curiously.It was the principal who came with a group of people.

The students thought that their superiors were coming to check.All of them sat upright and did not dare to look back.So everyone didn't notice Qin Feng.

I just feel that the leader this time is so young and cool, and he actually came to inspect with sunglasses.The most important thing is that he still looks so handsome. Well, he looks a bit similar to Qin Feng's boss. He is probably a fan of the boss, and he has gone to the stick for plastic surgery.

All kinds of ideas for students to open their minds appeared, but no one thought that he would be Qin Feng. After all, everyone knew that Qin Feng was a big star and was so busy every day.Where would there be an unknown school? If it was Peking University and Tsinghua University, I guess I could guess, but after all, this is not a famous school, so students don't dare to think about such a good thing.

After Qin Feng walked to a classroom, he stood behind and carefully observed every student, especially the girls.He needs to find a girl who matches Shen Jiayi's temperament.Ke Jingteng is still easy to find, but if he really can't, he can find the actor who played Ke Jingteng in the previous movie.But Shen Jiayi's actor, he doesn't want to find the one from the previous life.

But unfortunately, Qin Feng walked dozens of classrooms from the first floor to the fifth floor without finding a suitable candidate.Everyone is tired and can't do it.

After all, Qin Feng's physique is unmatched by others.Hu Yifei's physical strength is also very strong, the two of them are fine, but the others are tired.

The worst is the staff. Although they are tired to death, they still have to grit their teeth and persevere. After all, their boss has not said that they are tired.

The principal was tired and sweaty and panted, and said, "Mr. Qin, let's have a rest first!" Looking at the tired and sweating appearance of the principal.Qin Feng will look back again to see that Hu Yifei is sweating too.The staff are all hard working.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Well, let's take a rest first! Then we'll continue to see!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, several staff members hurriedly found a step and sat there.

During their break, the school bell rang and get out of class was over.As the bell rang, students swarmed out of the classroom.

Some students can go back to the dormitory, and some students still need to take the next class.Qin Feng and the others were sitting next to the steps, and the students went upstairs and passed by them.

When the students saw the principal, they respectfully said to the principal, "Hello, principal!" Then they looked at Qin Feng and Hu Yifei who were standing beside the principal.

Hu Yifei is still familiar to many students. After all, she is a spicy female doctor who used to be a famous school.Although Hu Yifei is no longer at school, her deterrent power is obviously still there.

The students hurried past them, and suddenly Qin Feng stood up abruptly, looked at the backs of the two daughters who had gone away, and asked, "Who is that girl?"

Chapter eight hundred and eighty seventh: Shen Jiayi's best candidate

Everyone was taken aback by Qin Feng's sudden action.But when everyone reacted, the figures of the two girls had disappeared at the entrance of the stairs.

The principal is also embarrassed, the school is so big.How could he know who the two girls were.Qin Feng sighed and should have chased after him just now.

Qin Feng actually didn't pay too much attention to it, but after the girl walked over and went downstairs, she accidentally saw her back.Qin Feng felt that this figure really resembled the image of Shen Jiayi in his brain.It is simply the best candidate for Shen Jiayi.

Hu Yifei said: "This floor seems to be the Department of Literature!" Hearing Hu Yifei's words, the principal was not sure about it for a long time. Obviously, his principal is not as familiar with the school as Hu Yifei.

In the end, the principal called the director in charge of the literature department, only to confirm that Qin Feng and the others were all literature students in the building where Qin Feng and the others stayed.

It just so happened that the literature department had a master professor of literature in the auditorium to teach them a lesson, so the students should have all the literature students there.

Hear from the head of the literature department.Qin Feng and the others also immediately came to the auditorium of the Literature Department.At this time, the students of the Department of Literature were listening to the lectures very seriously, and the professor's lecture was not bad.The professor looked familiar, Qin Feng thought about it carefully, and it was Professor Yi Xiaotian, who was famous for talking about the Three Kingdoms in his previous life.He is very insightful about the history of the Three Kingdoms.This made Qin Feng also admire.

Qin Feng and the others were not taken seriously by Yi Xiaotian, they thought they were late students and continued to give lectures.

The students also listened very carefully and didn't care about Qin Feng's entry.Qin Feng stood at the door and started scanning row by row.But what disappointed Qin Feng was that the back was not found.

Qin Feng shook his head in disappointment.Seeing Qin Feng shaking his head, everyone knew that the person they were looking for had not been found.Hu Yifei wondered: Isn't that girl from the literature department? "

Several people did not want to disturb the students in class.He quietly backed out from the door.Qin Feng was still very depressed when he didn't find the girl.

Qin Feng didn't speak here, and few other people dared to speak, and the group walked out in silence.At this time, two girls ran over from the opposite side.

The two girls ran in a hurry. One girl said while running, "Hurry up! Xiaoxue, hurry up! The class has already started!"

Another girl with a shawl and a shawl on her back also ran with sweat and said, "I know. Momo!" The two of them hurriedly ran forward.When they ran to Qin Feng's side, Qin Feng suddenly stretched out both hands and pulled one arm and left the two girls behind.

The two girls who were running suddenly felt their arms being pulled.Both of them turned their heads and saw a man in a suit with sunglasses and a suit pulling their arms, and their department chair was standing behind them.

Immediately, the two girls stuck their tongues out, secretly calling out unlucky in their hearts. The first time they were late for class and they met the dean of the department, what kind of luck is this?

Qin Feng smiled and said, "What are your two names?" He heard the young man ask his name.Seeing that his director treated him respectfully, he seemed to be a big leader.

One girl said, "My name is Xia Mo!" Another girl said timidly, "My name is Luo Xue!" Then the two girls lowered their heads and waited anxiously for the school leaders to deal with them.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "You don't have to be nervous! Come with me!" Qin Feng turned his head and said, "Head of the department, I'll use your office!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the head of the department said with a smile on his face, "No problem, Mr. Qin! The principal said that he will cooperate with you fully!" After speaking, the head of the department led the way.

Xia Mo and Luo Xue's expressions worsened.The principal is so cooperative, is this the leader of the Education Department?Both of them are worried about their future.

When they thought that they had bumped into the hands of the leaders of the Education Department this time, even if the leaders didn't punish them, it was estimated that when the leaders left the school, they would have enough to drink a pot.

The more they thought about it, the more afraid they became, not to mention that the female teacher standing beside the leader was Hu Yifei, a well-known spicy teacher in the school, who was famous for her strict teaching.

A group of people came to the office of the head of the department.Qin Feng and the others all sat down on the chairs, and then Qin Feng pointed to the chair on the side and said, "Xia Mo, Luo Xue, please sit down too!"

Hearing that the leader actually let them sit down so graciously, the two of them felt a little unbelievable, with a hesitant expression on their faces.

The head of the department said, "Mr. Qin asked you to sit down, so you sit down!" I heard the head of the department say so.Although the two were flattered, they sat down obediently.

Qin Feng took off his sunglasses and said with a smile, "Hello, I'm Qin Feng!" Hearing that the leader actually introduced himself, the two of them were still a little confused, but the name sounds familiar, Qin Feng!

The two of them hurriedly raised their heads and looked at Qin Feng carefully, and suddenly screamed, "Ah! Ah! It's really the boss!" The two of them looked at Qin Feng sitting opposite them in disbelief.

This is not a leader, but Qin Feng.They almost felt like they were dreaming.How did he meet Qin Feng?Simply incredible!

But Qin Feng sat in front of them alive.Qin Feng said with a smile, "I'm looking for you two today to invite you to play the female lead and female lead in one of my movies!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the two were completely stunned.Xia Mo said to Luo Xue: "Luo Xue, hurry up and pinch me! I'm not dreaming! The boss invited us to star in his movie No. [-] and No. [-]!"

Luo Xue also said excitedly: "Momo. It's not a dream. It's real! It's really the boss!" Seeing their excited look, Qin Feng said with a smile, "You guys didn't dream! It's true! "

Chapter [-]: "Real Man" starts broadcasting

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