Qin Feng looked at the two cute little girls in front of him and said with a smile: "You didn't listen to it, and you didn't dream it. It's all true, I want to invite you to play the female lead and female lead in my new film. !"

Hearing Qin Feng's emphasis again, Xia Mo and Luo Xue suddenly screamed in surprise, with expressions of excitement on their faces.It was already exciting for them to meet their idols, and now their idols have invited them to make a movie.Now their inner excitement is no less than winning five million in the lottery.

Hu Yifei stood beside Qin Feng and looked at Xia Mo and Luo Xue in front of him and not only nodded.Not to mention these two are really pretty.And especially the temperament of Xia Mo's body, a touch of innocence with a touch of innocence.It suits the role of Shen Jiayi very well. Hu Yifei, the script of "Those Years", has long read it.The final ending also made Hu Yifei burst into tears.

Naturally, the two little girls would not refuse the invitation of their idols. When the school saw that the students of their own school were selected by Qin Feng to shoot the movie, it was natural that they would not refuse.

After the heroine was selected, Ke Jingteng and several of his buddies were also selected in the school.Of course, in this era when basic friends are not everywhere, although the students feel disgusted about the kissing of men and women, they don't have too many other ideas.If it was in a previous life, it would probably be the rhythm of picking up soap every minute.

Qin Feng is quite satisfied with today's harvest.Several main actors have already been dealt with.This made Qin Feng breathe a sigh of relief.

For those years, everyone was paying attention to Qin Feng and Dingtian Entertainment. After all, the director was Qin Feng.And the most puzzling thing is why Qin Feng didn't use a movie star this time.Is he really not afraid of throwing himself in the street?Although Qin Feng has always been the creator of miracles since his debut.However, everyone thought that it was Qin Feng's strength and luck, and everyone thought that luck would not always favor one person!

And this time Qin Feng announced the theme of a small and fresh campus style.The biggest advantage of this type of film is that the production cost is not high, but the market for such films is very small, not as good as those of action films.

And there has been no decent campus style work in China for a long time, although Qin Feng's campus style songs have set off a campus trend in China.But this does not become Qin Feng's box office guarantee.No one knows why Qin Feng made such a movie?Obviously, with Qin Feng's current strength, it is not a problem to shoot a big work.After all, as the second richest man in the country, can Qin Feng be short of money?His Kosseig was enough for the movie.

Both the Internet and the media have given their own guesses about this matter, but no one has guessed Qin Feng's true thoughts.

After selecting the actors, Qin Feng and Hu Yifei walked around the campus to take a closer look at the scene here. After all, the filming location of the movie was planned to be here, so Qin Feng and Hu Yifei watched it very carefully.

After returning to the apartment in the evening, the baby asked with a smile: "Brother Feng, I heard Feifei say that you have found the main actor?" Qin Feng smiled and nodded and said, "Yes! You know it. The current student of the Film and Television Academy Their temperament is a bit like a student!"

Although Qin Feng said it very euphemistically, the baby still understood what Qin Feng meant. In fact, the baby himself knew that the current entertainment industry's various atmospheres cannot be changed by one person, after all, it is a general trend.

The baby smiled and said, "I found the actors, so it's time to shoot soon, right?" Hearing the baby's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Well, it depends on the arrangement of the company? After all, the sharp blade of the country has already It’s filming, and I’m also preparing for Fire Phoenix, I’m thinking about which one to shoot first!”

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the baby smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Feng, what are you doing so tired? Take your time. Don't wear out your body!"

Regarding the baby's words, Qin Feng just smiled lightly and said, "I'm fine!" Qin Feng's heart was bitter at this time, but there were some things that he couldn't tell the baby and the others.

Baby knew that it was useless to persuade Qin Feng, and said with a smile, "Sister Yan, I called today! They said that the first phase of "Real Men" co-produced by the company and Mango TV has finished post-production. It will be broadcast soon. , and asked about your arrangement, when will the second episode of the show be recorded?"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Let's see the effect of the first phase first! Then the second phase is scheduled!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, the baby nodded, and the baby could see some inconsistencies in Qin Feng's expression and reaction. It's an ordinary place, but the baby doesn't know what's so unusual.

After the post-production of "Real Man" was completed, Mango Guardian decided not to disrupt his program plan and decided to broadcast the first episode first, and then go to shoot the second episode.

Mango TV has already vigorously promoted it before.Therefore, "Real Men" has already had many audiences looking forward to it.Moreover, Qin Feng's name was hanging in the planned list.

Moreover, there is still Qin Feng in the promotional posters issued before, which is enough to make the honeys look forward to it.The most important thing is that this show is also the first domestic variety show to cooperate with the military.

According to the propaganda posters and clips of the VCR, the six stars should be trained like soldiers.This makes many people wonder what the situation will be when these stars who usually hang out in the entertainment industry get to the army.What's more, it is the first variety show of Kung Fu Emperor Li Lianjie.

Although I don't know what the show is like, the gimmick is already full.Enough to catch everyone's attention.Everyone is looking forward to the start of the show.

It's finally time for the show to start airing.Mango TV set the time to broadcast at [-]:[-] p.m. in prime time.At eight o'clock in the evening, in countless families, everyone is sitting in front of the TV waiting for the broadcast of "Real Man"!

Eight hundred and eighty-ninth chapter: the shock brought by the real man

The time came to [-] o'clock in the evening, and Mango TV had already started to broadcast the wonderful clip of "Real Man". Of course, after the broadcast, a wave of advertisements had to be forcibly inserted. After all, the advertising fee for the prime season is still quite high.Especially in the time period before a show as compelling as "Real Man."

Although it was only a few minutes, it was enough to make Mango TV millions more.After all, it sucks money!At this time, many families were already sitting on the sofa waiting for the start of the show.

Many people who are keen on the Internet have also landed on the official website of Mango TV or LeTV, a subsidiary of Dingtian Entertainment.The show was broadcast on Mango TV's official website and LeTV at the same time.

Although this has reduced Mango TV's online ratings by a large margin, Mango TV cannot refuse Dingtian Entertainment's request for live broadcast. After all, the copyright of this program is still in the hands of Dingtian Entertainment's boss Qin Feng.

In addition to being curious, fans are more interested in watching Qin Feng's performance in the show "Real Man" and Li Lianjie's variety show debut.

In fact, the two of them are the driving points of the ratings, so for fans of Qin Feng and Li Lianjie, LeTV, which has a relatively fast live broadcast speed, is a better choice than the official website of Mango Satellite TV.

Mango Satellite TV actually knows it, but it is very helpless. After all, LeTV is a professional video website, and their technology is at the leading level in China and even internationally, while Mango Satellite TV is just a TV station, how can it be compared with it? , and then again and again, the gap comes out.

In the love apartment, everyone is also sitting in the living room waiting for the start of the show. At this time, the love apartment is no longer the original love apartment with only seven or eight people.

At this time, the love apartment had already lived in many people.Fortunately, Qin Feng renovated the love apartment after he bought it. Otherwise, the living room really wouldn't be able to seat so many people, but even so, it still seemed crowded.

But everyone still likes this feeling very much, because everyone has a very good relationship. Although they are just friends, they already have family-like feelings in it.

It was precisely because he liked this feeling that Qin Feng insisted on buying the love apartment instead of choosing to live in another villa.In fact, with Qin Feng's current status and financial resources, it is not too much to live in any kind of villa.But Qin Feng still chose to live in the love apartment with everyone.

After a wave of commercials passed, the show finally started. First of all, the show started from the homes of six people.The private lives of Qin Feng, Li Lianjie, Aftershock, Yuan Hong, Wang Baobao, and Du Haitao were briefly revealed.This is also to satisfy the little curiosity of fans.

Then the six people gathered at the hotel to set off for the barracks. At this time, Du Haitao was late for the roll call, and many people were speechless when they were still eating in the hotel, but for Du Haitao's fans, they are used to their own The idol is a foodie.

After that, after they arrived at the barracks, they were fined to run away because of Yuan Hong. When they saw this, the audience was shocked.Because they thought that the stars went to the military camp to record the show, and it was impossible to make a real move.

But I didn't expect it to be real from the beginning.And it's a penalty run.In fact, many people can understand Yuan Hong's behavior, because they feel that this behavior is too common and too common.But Yuan Hong and the others were in the barracks. As soldiers in the barracks, some actions that can be done in life are taboo here, just not allowed.There's nothing to explain, just because you're a soldier.

Although it has only just begun, the audience has already felt that this show is different from the usual ones.This is a real show.

Inside the love apartment, Lu Ziqiao said in surprise, "Brother Feng, you guys won't be punished for running away for so long, will you?" Lu Ziqiao's question asked everyone's heart, and Qin Feng replied with a smile, "Of course it's true. It's over!" Hearing Qin Feng's answer, everyone's heart was full of shock, Qin Feng would not lie to them.

For a person who is accustomed to living in the city, to let him run such a long distance, Lu Ziqiao, Zeng Xiaoxian, Zhang Wei and others would be discouraged from their imagination.

But now it was Qin Feng and the others who were really punished for running away. At this time, the screen on the TV cut to the scene of Qin Feng and the others running on the playground, and the expressions on everyone's faces could be clearly seen.

Every audience can see that this is definitely not acting, it is really running that far.This makes many fans feel sorry for their idols.

More is to admire these stars, actually can really let go of the figure to run so far.You must know that idols are high in the hearts of many fans.But they didn't expect that when they arrived at the barracks, they were really the same as ordinary soldiers.

Afterwards, the conflict between Yuan Hong and the instructor turned their morning run into a five-kilometer cross-country run.When everyone saw the heavy equipment, they were all stunned.

Getting used to urban life, everyone thought that the smoke of the war had long been gone.Many people have lost the sense of crisis, so everyone has lost the initial respect for the soldiers.

Because everyone feels that war is very far away, and even feels that war cannot happen beside them.Therefore, many people have become indifferent to the army and to the soldiers.

Some people even feel that those soldiers who took advantage of the favorable treatment given by the state did not actually make much effort.But after watching the show today, those thoughts had vanished from their minds.

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