The sweat and hard work of the soldiers are just invisible to everyone, but that doesn't mean they haven't done anything.The duty of a soldier is to protect the family and the country and protect the people!

Chapter eight hundred and ninetieth: the effect of real men

When everyone saw that Du Haitao was tired and vomited when he participated in a simple training, everyone's mood was very complicated at this time.Because everyone can see it, these training should be the simplest training for the troops.But five of the six stars who participated in the training, except Qin Feng, all had bad looks on their faces.Apparently the intensity of the training was too much for them.

Wang Baobao is a star from Shaolin Temple, and he definitely has a foundation in kung fu. Li Lianjie is also the king of kung fu. It can be said that the five people except Du Haitao and the other four have stronger physiques than the average person, and the worst is similar to the average person.

And it is such a group of people who are already tired and pale and even vomited in the face of some basic training in the recruit battalion in the army.This shows what the problem is, and everyone should think about it.

Those who said that the soldiers did nothing with the high-quality treatment given by the state completely shut their mouths this time, because the show has swelled their mouths with facts.

On the second day, when they saw Qin Feng run five kilometers with a weight of more than [-] kilograms on his back, the honeys all cried, and they all felt sorry for Qin Feng.

In the love apartment, baby, Hu Yifei and Liu Yifei all have red eyes.Lu Ziqiao, Lu Zhanbo and the others looked at Qin Feng with admiration, but their eyes were more like looking at monsters.With a load of more than [-] catties, few of them are estimated to be unable to carry it.Five kilometers to go.It's terrifying to think about.

Many radical honeys started yelling in front of the TV that the soldiers were too cold-blooded and unfeeling, and they didn't talk about their feelings at all, but before these fans finished their scolding, they saw a very warm scene where Xie Tian gave Qin Feng breakfast. Concerned about Qin Feng's scene.

When they saw this scene, those who were scolding shut up, because they understood one thing from this, that is, it is not that the soldiers are ruthless, but that the military rules are ruthless.

The friendship between soldiers is a very unique emotion in the world. Although it is not a family relationship, it is better than a family relationship.All comrades in arms will care for each other.

After practicing target shooting, Qin Feng's [-]th ring result surprised not only the fans in front of the TV, but also the officers in the army.

In a certain auditorium of the Nanjing Military Region, many soldiers were watching this episode of Real Men, because this is a program to promote the army.

When the soldiers saw Qin Feng hit the fifty-fifth ring, there were incredible expressions in their eyes. No one would believe that a star who touched a gun for the first time could actually make a score that only a top sharpshooter can achieve.

The achievement of ten rings in a single shot is not uncommon for soldiers, but each shot passes through a bullet hole, which is not something ordinary soldiers can do.Soldiers who can achieve this level of shooting are basically elite snipers of various special forces.

Many soldiers are discussing whether this is deliberately done by the troops for propaganda effect.But an officer in the auditorium stood up and said, "Have you all seen it? A star who has just touched a gun can score [-] rings for the first time. Shouldn't you train well?"

When I heard the officer's words, there was a dead silence, because the meaning of this sentence means that this is the fifty-fifth ring shot by real guns and live ammunition, not the effect of the show.This is too brutal!A star simply does not give the soldiers a way to survive.

After that, every bit of the army continued to allow people to have a deeper understanding of the meaning of the word soldier, and to understand more about the hard work and difficulty of the soldier.

I also understand that I can have a stable life now because there are soldiers who are silently guarding the country and guarding myself.The once indifferent heart also became hot.

The first episode ended when Qin Feng and the other six left the lower company from the boot camp with tears in their eyes.After watching it, everyone was a little more emotional.

Knowing the difficulties of soldiers, but also the duties and missions of soldiers.Some people who did not respect the military before felt a trace of guilt in their hearts.

Inside the love apartment, the baby sat there looking at Qin Feng with red eyes and said, "Brother Feng, don't go to the army, it's too hard!"

When I saw Qin Feng on TV just now carrying a weight of more than [-] kilograms and running [-] kilometers, the baby's tears couldn't stop at all.

These are beyond the baby's imagination, although the recording of running men often has some scratches and bruises.But that was a five-kilometer run with a weight of more than two hundred pounds.

Zeng Xiaoxian was the most emotional, because when he was running as a man, he once carried an aunt who weighed more than [-] pounds and almost [-] pounds after walking a dozen meters, and he was too tired to sit on the ground and couldn't get up.And Qin Feng ran a full five kilometers.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "What I have experienced in the army is something that every ordinary soldier has experienced!" Everyone fell silent when they heard Qin Feng's words.

Because Qin Feng is right, these things are hard and tiring for everyone.It's everyday life in the army.Soldiers do this just to be always ready to defend their homeland.

The next day, the headlines of the major media reported the news about "Real Man". Obviously, everyone has seen a lot of this show and thought about it a lot.They also understand the difficulty of soldiers.

As soon as Qin Feng came to the office, Bai Yan walked in and said with a smile, "Qin Feng, 'Real Men' is really good. Now many people are discussing this matter, and even many young people are eager to try it on the Internet. I want to join the army!"

Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng smiled.Bai Yan continued: "T-ara's concert is ready, and the promotion has been going on for a long time. The time is set for the day after tomorrow, and the venue is the Shanghai Stadium! Are you going to be a special guest at the concert?"

Qin Feng stopped what he was doing and thought for a while, and said, "Well, I'm going to support them, after all, it's their first concert! Sister Yan, how are the preparations for "Fire Phoenix" and "Blade of the Nation"? ?"

Chapter eight hundred and ninety first: help out the concert

Hearing Qin Feng's question, Bai Yan paused and replied, "The main actors of "The Blade of the Nation" are all ready, and the preparations are almost done. It will start shooting in about two or three days!"

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Sister Yan, you need to worry more about the shooting of "Blade of the Nation"!" Bai Yan smiled and said, "Don't worry, these are my jobs! But "Fire Phoenix" here... …”

Qin Feng said with a smile, "If you're talking about "Fire Phoenix," don't worry about it. After I finish filming "Those Years," I'm going to shoot!" Bai Yan replied, "Actually, Qin Feng, you can find someone else. Shoot the phoenix! Why shoot yourself? You'll be very tired!"

Bai Yan was also worried that Qin Feng was exhausted from overwork.Qin Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, Sister Yan!" Bai Yan had no choice but to sigh and turn around silently for Qin Feng's words, because she knew that she could not change Qin Feng's decision.

Qin Feng got up and walked out of the office by himself and walked along the elevator to the top floor of the Maple Leaf Building. Standing on the top of the thirty-story building, Qin Feng leaned over and looked at the whole Shanghai market. At this time, Qin Feng's Unlimited emotion inside.

In the dance studio of Dingtian Entertainment, the six members of T-ara are still nervously conducting the final rehearsal. This is their first concert since they formed a group.

Everyone was nervous and excited.They have high expectations for their concerts, and of course they are worried that their concerts will not be as good as they think.Uneasy and complex emotions filled their hearts.

In order to have a perfect performance in the concert, the six members of tara are working hard to prepare for the concert.

While they were preparing for the concert, Dingtian Entertainment's publicity was also in place.The media are also very concerned about Tara's concert. After all, Tara is one of the few domestic groups that can still be popular in the music scene.

Running Man's continued popularity has made many celebrities discover another way to gain popularity is to participate in variety shows.The TV station also regards variety shows as a magic weapon to increase the ratings.

As a result, various variety shows emerged one after another, including film and television stars and singers.

After all, with the extremely successful case of Running Man on the front, everyone knows how much money this show is.I also know that after Running Man, Deng Chao, Baby, Li Chen, Zeng Xiaoxian, Wang Zulan, and Bao Baier all doubled their worth.This is a fatal temptation for both TV stations and artists.

Against this background, tara and Shao Shi still stand out in front of the major music charts, especially since tara has come to the top and has been steadily pressing on Shao Shi.

In fact, this is also normal. Except for Lin Yuner and Jessica who could hold on to the scene when they were young, the strength of the other members was indeed a bit average.

And tara's six people have their own characteristics and beauty.The six people are all good-looking.Moreover, tara's songs are Qin Feng's handwriting after all, but when they were young, they were not comparable.

So tara has the momentum to become the No. [-] girl group in Asia when there is less pressure in both singing and dancing.Now their first concert is happening at the same time as their debut album.It made the fans ecstatic.

Tara's fans were looking forward to the start of the concert early in the morning. Tara's concert was also held at the Shanghai Stadium. At first, they were worried about the attendance rate of [-] tickets.But after the sale, the sales of tickets surprised everyone.

Before the album went on sale, there was a signing event with only [-] people. These [-] people were drawn from the audience in the VIP area of ​​the concert.

The announcement of this incident even caused the ticket price of the VIP area of ​​the tara concert to skyrocket several times overnight.

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