Xie Wei has a cheerful personality and said with a smile: "I'm also joking with Qin Feng, talking about it. But there is one thing that everyone should take care of!"

Qin Feng smiled and asked, "Squad leader, are you talking about the military drill that Major Xu said?"

Xie Wei nodded: "The military exercise will start in a week, it should be the battle between the special forces brigade and our 327 brigade! And our Yang Gensilian is the task of reconnaissance in this acting battle sequence."

Hearing Xie Wei's words, the other people were all excitedly gearing up.Xie Wei was not so excited. Xie Wei said, "Qin Feng has been challenged by Xu Zhe just now. Then when the military drills come, I believe that our company will definitely receive special care from the special forces team!"

Xie Wei's words extinguished everyone's excitement.Everyone's face showed a bitter look.Targeted by special forces.The fun is a little bigger.

Qin Feng still looked calm and comforted everyone and said, "Don't worry. The goal of their special forces team is to win the drill, and they will specifically target us! Let's train hard and prepare for next week's drill! "

After hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone's mood improved a little.Wang Baobao said with a smile: "Next week's military exercise feels like a war! I'm a little excited!"

Xie Wei also encouraged everyone to say, "We have to train well! Come on!" Qin Feng and the others also shouted to come on, in fact, Xie Wei knew very well that the special operations team was not necessarily, but would definitely target his own company, and even said that it would target his own company. own class.

After all, Xu Zhe was the captain of the special operations team, and then he lost to Qin Feng. He must find this place back on Qin Feng's body.

The next day, Xie Wei brought Qin Feng and the others to the field training ground.There was a wicked smile on Xie Wei's face, because a special test for them was about to begin today, that is, the test of courage.

Qin Feng looked at the surrounding environment and then saw the tank parked not far away. He seemed to have a little understanding of what the training program was today.

Because this scene is very familiar in "Blade of the Nation".Qin Feng always thought it was the plot of a novel, but he didn't expect that he would actually encounter it.

Xie Wei turned his head and said to them: "Today, we have a very special test. That is the test of courage! As a soldier, you must have the courage to go forward. Have the courage to sacrifice for the country and the people at any time!"

Du Haitao asked nervously: "Squad leader, how are we going to test our courage today?" Xie Wei pointed to the tank in the distance and said, "Did you see that tank? Today's training is very simple, just lie on the ground. , let the tank drive past you!"

Hearing Xie Wei's words, several people almost bit their tongues!what the hell?Let the tank drive past him.Monitor, are you sure you're not kidding us?

Xie Wei also knew that what he said was a bit misunderstood by them.Xie Wei said with a smile, "It's not that the tank is running over you, it's just like that!"

As Xie Wei's fingers passed, the two soldiers were already in place, and the tank had already started.The tank slowly drove towards the position of the two soldiers.

The two soldiers stood motionless like two poles.Qin Feng was all too familiar with the scene in front of him.But Li Lianjie and the others all mentioned their hearts in their throats.

When the tank was about to drive in front of the two soldiers, the two soldiers moved, one jumped forward, and fell directly to the ground.At this time, the tank also happened to arrive, and the tank drove directly past them.The bodies of the two of them were right under the chassis in the middle of the tank.

After such a demonstration, everyone understood how this test was carried out.The faces of several people are a bit ugly!

Chapter eight hundred and ninety seventh: upcoming military drills

Listening to the roar of the tank engine, everyone's faces were not so natural.Except for Qin Feng, who was still calm as always, there was a trace of nervousness on the faces of everyone else.

Xie Wei can actually understand everyone's mood at this time, because when he was tested for the first time, he was too frightened to do it.But as a soldier, courage is a must.So this challenge is inevitable.

Because tanks are the most common combat units on modern battlefields, if you feel a sense of fear when you see tanks, then you don't have to fight this battle.You can surrender directly.

Xie Wei said to Qin Feng and the others, "Have you seen the demonstration just now? Does anyone dare to try it?" Hearing Xie Wei's words, a hint of hesitation flashed on everyone's face.

Qin Feng said calmly: "Report, squad leader! I dare!" Qin Feng's words were brief and firm.Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xie Wei smiled and said, "Okay! Is there anyone else?"

Xie Wei glanced around the faces of Li Lianjie and the other six.Li Lianjie stood up and said loudly, "Report! I dare!"

Hearing Li Lianjie's words, Xie Wei said loudly, "Okay! Let Qin Feng and Li Lianjie lead the class! Qin Feng and Li Lianjie are listed!"

Following Xie Wei's password, Li Lianjie and Qin Feng left the queue and came to the place where the two soldiers who were demonstrating just now stood.The remaining four people in the team, Yuzhen, Wang Baobao, Yuan Hong, and Du Haitao all showed a hint of shame on their faces.

Li Lianjie was the oldest among them all, and now he was the first to stand up and take the test together with Qin Feng. This courage has already made several people admire and feel ashamed for their actions.

After Qin Feng and Li Lianjie stood up, Xie Wei said, "Considering that this is the first time you are being tested, you can just lie down on the ground now!"

Hearing Xie Wei's words, Qin Feng just smiled and said, "No! I can do it!" Although Li Lianjie wanted to be like Qin Feng, after all, Li Lianjie was no longer the Shaolin Kung Fu boy he was when he was young.So Li Lianjie chose to fall on the spot.

There was a burst of applause and cheers at the scene, Qin Feng and Li Lianjie's performance was very perfect and standard.Xie Wei nodded with satisfaction and said, "Qin Feng and Li Lianjie did a great job! Who would dare to come next?"

Du Haitao raised his hand unexpectedly and said, "Report! I dare!" Immediately after, Bao Bao Wang shouted, "I dare!" Yuan Hong and Aftershock also raised their hands at random.

Xie Wei was very satisfied with the performance of the six of them. Xie Wei said with a smile: "Very good! Du Haitao and Wang Baobao are in one group, Yuan Hong and Aftershock are in one group. The second group is out!"

Following Xie Wei's slogan, Wang Baobao and Du Haitao came to Qin Feng and Li Lianjie's side. Qin Feng smiled and encouraged them and said, "Baby, come on Haitao! You can definitely do it!"

Wang Baobao and Du Haitao both nodded vigorously.Qin Feng and Li Lianjie returned to the queue and stood up.Wang Baobao and Du Haitao both took a deep breath and lay motionless on the ground.

Although their performance was not as calm as Qin Feng and Li Lianjie, the overall performance was still acceptable.So the soldiers gave them the same encouragement and applause.

The last group of Aftershocks and Yuan Hong also completed the test without much difficulty.Xie Wei was very satisfied with the performance of the six people.Their performance is already better than ordinary soldiers.

In the days that followed, Qin Feng and the others also completely integrated into the army, and lived the same life, the same diet, and the same training as ordinary soldiers every day.

The program team was just recording quietly next to it, hardly participating in or interfering with the soldiers' training.Qin Feng and the others really integrated into the army wholeheartedly.It feels like this is no longer a recording program, but a real soldier.

The real man broadcasts it as soon as it is recorded. The broadcast of the second episode has caused even greater fluctuations, and it has set off a fever in many parts of the country.Many people who did not want to be in the army changed their minds after watching this show and wanted to join the army to protect their family and the country, of course, there are many college students.

Qin Feng and the others have been staying in Yang Gensilian for half a month without knowing it, and the production of the program is not much, only the upcoming military exercise is left.

After the recording of the military exercise, the entire real man's show has come to an end.Whether there will be a second phase is unknown.

Qin Feng and the others also knew that the time they spent in the army was one day less.After this period of time together, they have developed strong feelings for the troops.

In the face of the military exercise that will start soon, everyone is training more hard. They are determined to play this exercise well and draw a successful end to their military career.

Chapter eight hundred and ninety-eight: drills of actual combat

With the passage of time, the final exercise finally began, which was also the first and last time Qin Feng and the other six participated in the army.

Just after lunch at noon, a piercing siren sounded from the entire company's camp.After hearing the siren, all the soldiers rushed to the weapons depot to get their weapons.

Xie Wei brought Qin Feng and the other six to the weapons depot to get the weapons, and then hurriedly came to the large playground of the camp to join the officers and soldiers of the whole company.

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