The exercise started without warning.Xie Wei said loudly: "Qin Feng, the six of you follow me!" As Xie Wei ran forward, Qin Feng and the others followed closely behind Xie Wei.

This time, the confrontation between the 327th Brigade and the Special Operations Brigade officially began.Yang Gensilian is in the independent regiment of the 327th Brigade, which is also the battle sequence of this performance.

Qin Feng and the others followed Xie Wei to the area designated by the regiment headquarters for Yang Gensilian to arrive.After arriving, everyone was nervously building fortifications.

At this time, Qin Feng and the others were doing the same thing as ordinary soldiers.But just as they were building their positions, the special operations brigade of the special operations brigade had already arrived.

Standing in the jungle not far away, Xu Zhe looked at the busy soldier Yang Gensilien through the binoculars, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

A special combat team member next to Xu Zhe whispered: "Captain, our people have surrounded Yang Gensi, and we can attack and annihilate them all at any time!"

Xu Zhe turned his head and asked, "When will the other reinforcements of the Independence Regiment arrive here?" The special forces member replied, "If Yang Gensilien asks their superiors for help, the regiment guard company closest to here will meet in [-] minutes. Get here. Then their two mechanized infantry battalions and two tank battalions."

The corner of Xu Zhe's mouth rose and said confidently: "This time we not only want to keep Yang Gensi here, but also to win, this will be a fatal blow to the 327th Brigade!"

Hearing Xu Zhe's words, the special forces around him showed excited expressions.You must know that the independent regiment is the elite force of the 327 brigade. If the independent regiment is annihilated at the beginning of the exercise, it will not only have a great blow to the morale of the 327 brigade, but also reduce the combat effectiveness of the 327 brigade by at least half.

This time, Xu Zhe not only came to find Qin Feng's troubles in revenge, but also set up a situation to let the independent regiment drill into it.

Therefore, everyone knew about Xu Zhe's actions to find his place.But everyone was very curious about how Xu Zhe could find his way back to Qin Feng.

After Qin Feng and the others finished building their company's defensive positions, everyone sat there with a sigh of relief and rested, waiting for the next order from their superiors.

This time, Yang Gensilian was transferred here to prevent them from being attacked by the special forces team for revenge, but unfortunately, the special forces team knew everything about the independent regiment.

Seeing that the vigilance of Yang Gensilian's soldiers had relaxed a little, Xu Zhe picked up his weapon and pulled out the insurance and said with a smile, "Come with me, we will wipe out Yang Gensilian and resolve the battle within ten minutes."

Hearing Xu Zhe's order, the soldiers of the special operations brigade all turned on the insurance of their weapons and continued to approach Yang Gensilian covertly. When the soldiers of Yang Gensilian found out that the special operations brigade was approaching, it was too late.

With Xu Zhe's order, the special forces team broke through Yang Gensilian's line of defense instantly. No one thought that the special forces team would appear here, and they were all caught off guard.

The combat effectiveness of the Special Forces Brigade was too strong, and Yang Gensilian's soldiers could not resist it at all.In just five minutes, the battle was over, and everyone in Yang Gensi's entire company except Qin Feng was captured.Five people, including Li Lianjie and the others, also became prisoners of the Blues.

When Xu Zhe counted the number of people, he found that Qin Feng was missing, not only a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's not easy, but it's interesting!"

Xu Zhe smiled and said, "You escort them back to the base. I'll find that fish that slipped through the net!" After speaking, Xu Zhe picked up his equipment and was about to leave.

The special combat team member just now asked: "Captain, what about the other units of the Independent Regiment?" Xu Zhe smiled and said, "I ordered the tank battalion of the special combat brigade to carry out fire cover, and you will be parachuted and beheaded tonight!"

After hearing Xu Zhe's order, the special forces team did not say more. Everyone knew that Xu Zhe was going to fight Qin Feng one-on-one.Everyone knows the temper of their own captain very well, and they also know that this is something that cannot be persuaded.

Moreover, these team members did not think that Qin Feng could defeat their team captain. Even if Qin Feng's marksmanship was not comparable to his own captain's, he was not able to win with good marksmanship on the battlefield.

In a bush not far from Yang Gensilian's position, Qin Feng held his breath until Xu Zhe had left before he could breathe a sigh of relief.

I have to admit that the gap between ordinary combat troops and special operations brigade is still a bit big.Qin Feng also saw that the timing was not good, so he found the grass to hide for a while. If Qin Feng hadn't hid quickly, it is estimated that he, like the other five people, would have been caught and become a prisoner by now!

Xu Zhe looked for Qin Feng everywhere where he could hide people.He has always been brooding about his loss to Qin Feng, so he wants to defeat Qin Feng face to face today.

Qin Feng knew that Yang Gensilian was the only one left. Although he was just a new recruit, he still wanted to defend Yang Gensilian's honor.

In the company of such a hero as Yang Gensilian.Qin Feng did not dare to give up!Even if only himself is left, he will fight to the death with the honor of Yang Gensilian.

The scene where Xu Zhe was left alone was seen by Qin Feng, Qin Feng decided to deal with Xu Zhe first and then join the army.

So Qin Feng quietly followed Xu Zhe to the depths of the jungle.

Chapter eight hundred and ninety ninth: Xu Zhe who failed in heads-up

Qin Feng sneaked into the jungle behind Xu Zhe.Xu Zhe didn't notice that Qin Feng was following behind him, but even if he knew, he would not be surprised but happy.Because this time he is going to fight Qin Feng one-on-one.

Qin Feng knew that through the scene just now, he knew that every step of the independent regiment was under the control of the special forces brigade, and it was only a matter of time before they were annihilated. The 327 Brigade's situation here is very serious.

The biggest difficulty Qin Feng is facing now is Xu Zhe.Although Qin Feng was lurking behind Xu Zhe, Qin Feng was not sure that he could kill Xu Zhe with one shot.

Then Qin Feng sniped Xu Zhe, and the satellite of the special operations team in the sky would also guide the ground fire coverage to kill Qin Feng.This result was not what Qin Feng wanted to see.

Qin Feng's purpose is to solve Xu Zhe quietly, and then he is trying to find a way to find a place for Yang Gensilian.But now Qin Feng has not found a very suitable time.

Xu Zhe has been trying to find the traces of Qin Feng's departure just now. Xu Zhe knew that Qin Feng had not received professional military training before.Then a recruit who has not received professional training will definitely leave traces on the battlefield.

Xu Zhe just wanted to find Qin Feng's hiding place through these traces.Xu Zhe never thought that Qin Feng would want to kill himself.From Xu Zhe's point of view, Qin Feng must have escaped just now.

Qin Feng's marksmanship is very accurate, but it does not mean that he can face the battlefield as calm as a veteran.After all, shooting targets on the battlefield and on the training ground are two completely different things.

Xu Zhe carefully looked for the traces in the jungle, but what puzzled Xu Zhe was that he could not find the traces left by Qin Feng at all.It can only be seen that Qin Feng has escaped into this jungle.

When Xu Zhe was looking for Qin Feng, the troops of the Independent Regiment who came to support Yang Gensilian were completely wiped out by the special forces that had been ambushed for a long time.

Time passed quickly, and it was already dark.Xu Zhe still hadn't found Qin Feng's trace, but Qin Feng had been hiding not far behind Xu Zhe.

The special forces team took advantage of the darkness to lock the headquarters of the independent regiment, and made a direct airborne surprise attack.The head of the Independence Regiment was captured.The independent regiment quit the battle sequence of acting!

Now Qin Feng has become the only person in the independent regiment who is still on the battlefield.What was originally just a simple one-player confrontation became the most striking confrontation.

People on both sides are concerned about whether Xu Zhe solved Qin Feng or whether Qin Feng killed Xu Zhe.At this time in the prisoner of war camp, Li Lianjie put his hands on his forehead and said, "I hope Qin Feng can join the others!"

Xie Wei said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that the special operations team was really watching us fight. We all entered the prisoner of war camp only a few hours after the exercise started!"

Hearing Xie Wei's words, everyone smiled bitterly.They were taken special care of by the Special Forces Brigade, and there was nothing they could do. The combat capability of the Special Forces Brigade and ordinary soldiers was clearly manifested in the battle just now.

The disparity between the strengths of the two sides is too great, and the special forces team still raided the field.Before Yang Gensilian's soldiers could react, blue smoke was already coming from their bodies.Du Haitao and the others are listless.

Xu Zhe had already received the news that the Independent Regiment was annihilated.Xu Zhe felt very aggrieved at this time.He thought he would solve Qin Feng easily, but several hours have passed, and he has not even found Qin Feng's shadow.

Xu Zhe knew that this time he underestimated Qin Feng's strength again.Xu Zhe was even more motivated. Since Qin Feng could hide for so long without being discovered by himself, he must have other ideas.

Of course, what Xu Zhe knew was also passed on to Qin Feng, because Qin Feng was carrying the communication equipment of the 327th Brigade, and he also knew that he had become the only soldier in the Independent Regiment.

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