Qin Feng decided to give up killing Xu Zhe, Qin Feng will use his actions to prove to the independent regiment and Yang Gensilian to prove it!Just as Qin Feng quietly evacuated, Xu Zhe was inadvertently alarmed.

When Xu Zhe noticed the movement, he broke out in a cold sweat.He didn't expect Qin Feng to follow him near him all the time, his intentions are self-evident.

Xu Zhe never expected that Qin Feng had been waiting to kill him.After Xu Zhe found Qin Feng's trail, he picked up the weapon he shot and chased in Qin Feng's direction.

When Qin Feng saw that he was noticed by Xu Zhe, Qin Feng no longer hid his tracks, turned his head and ran into the depths of the jungle, intending to get rid of what Xu Zhe was talking about.

Xu Zhe also followed closely behind, but Xu Zhe became more and more frightened as he ran, Qin Feng's speed was too fast.Xu Zhe is an elite of a special team.Trail running is arguably what they do best.

But Qin Feng is now running faster than himself.This made Xu Zhe very depressed. As a veteran of a special team for many years, he encountered Qin Feng, but he repeatedly encountered a wall in Qin Feng's place.Every step of his own is in Qin Feng's calculation.Now that I saw Qin Feng, I found something even more tragic, that is, I couldn't catch up with Qin Feng at all.

Xu Zhe could only watch helplessly as Qin Feng disappeared from his field of vision.Xu Zhe stopped his steps with a wry smile.

At this time, Xu Zhe faintly felt that if he could not catch up with Qin Feng this time, there would be many changes in this exercise.Xu Zhe opened his communicator.

Xu Zhe said, "Headquarters, headquarters! I'm Sirius! Qin Feng has run away! Start the thermal imaging tracking technology to lock Qin Feng's position!" Location!"

After hearing the reply from the headquarters, Xu Zhe was relieved, because as long as it is impossible for individuals to avoid thermal imaging tracking and positioning, but Xu Zhe is also very depressed, it is the first time that he needs to rely on thermal imaging tracking after entering the special forces team. Completed a heads-up with others.

However, considering that there would be no accidents in the final exercise, Xu Zhe still made the most correct choice, because Xu Zhe knew that if something happened to Qin Feng that affected the result of the exercise, then it would be a shame to throw it home!

Chapter [-]: The elusive Qin Feng

Xu Zhe continued to chase along the route of Qin Feng's escape, and soon news came from the headquarters of the Special Forces Brigade: "Sirius, Sirius! This is the headquarters!"

Xu Zhe hurriedly replied, "Headquarters, Sirius received it!"

The headquarters continued: "We have locked Qin Feng's location through thermal imaging technology! Now I will send you Qin Feng's coordinates!"

Xu Zhe was not surprised that the headquarters used thermal imaging technology to lock Qin Feng's location.Xu Zhe said lightly, "Headquarters, Sirius needs support!"

Xu Zhe's words almost didn't let the operator at the headquarters bite his tongue.what the hell?Sirius actually asked for support?There was only one person on the opposite side, a recruit.The commander of the special forces actually needs support.

All the commanders and staff of the headquarters of the special operations brigade were dumbfounded. Xu Zhe's request for support now meant that he admitted that he could not catch Qin Feng.

It is equivalent to Xu Zhe admitting defeat in the contest between himself and Qin Feng.That's what shocked everyone.After Xu Zhe lost to Qin Feng at the shooting range, he wanted perfect revenge, and the Special Forces Brigade Headquarters also actively cooperated.But now Xu Zhe admits defeat.

After regaining their senses, the headquarters responded quickly: "The headquarters has received it! Support will arrive soon!" The two sides ended the call, and the special forces brigade also knew Xu Zhe very well.

Xu Zhe is a very confident person. He took the initiative to ask for support, which means that he really can't catch Qin Feng, and he is worried that Qin Feng will make bigger moves.

The special operations brigade dispatched Xu Zhe's special operations team to immediately set out to join Xu Zhe to hunt down Qin Feng.After receiving Qin Feng's coordinates, Xu Zhe walked to that place first.

Just as Xu Zhe left, Qin Feng's figure appeared in the grass not far behind him.Qin Feng was relieved while lying in the grass, and was almost found by Xu Zhe.

Fortunately, Qin Feng exchanged the invisible potion from the system.Just now, Xu Zhe and Qin Feng have heard all the conversations at the headquarters. Qin Feng also knows that the thermal imaging technology of the Special Forces Brigade can locate him and has something to do with the label of the 327 Brigade on his body. As long as the label is not the label of the Special Forces Brigade, it must be It will be exposed on the instruments of the special forces brigade.

So Qin Feng put his armband on a rabbit.Then he quietly hid, and sure enough, the thermal imaging technology locked the rabbit with Qin Feng's armband.

Looking at Xu Zhe's retreating back, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and found a hidden place to take out a shrunk biscuits to replenish his physical strength, and then prepared to take the initiative to attack Xu Zhe's special forces team at night.

After Xu Zhe and the special forces team converged, they followed the thermal imaging positioning system to find Qin Feng's trace.When they caught the rabbit with Qin Feng's armband on it, everyone's faces became so ugly.

Qin Feng played all the members of their special forces brigade with just one rabbit, and also escaped the high-tech positioning.

At this moment, Xu Zhe felt like a thousand grass and mud horses galloping past.Is this Qin Feng really just an untrained recruit?Why does it feel harder than the Navy SEALs.

The members of the entire special forces brigade have already moved for real.It was the first time in history that all the members of the Special Forces Brigade were being teased.

Now all the team members want to catch Qin Feng to see what kind of person has played with thousands of people in their brigade.

Xu Zhe said with a sullen face: "Now I order a group of five to enter this mountainous area. Search the mountain overnight! Be sure to capture Qin Feng!"

All the team members said loudly, "Yes!" Then they began to disperse in groups of five to look for Qin Feng's traces.

Xu Zhe also brought four special forces into the mountain area, when the sky was completely dark.The temperature in the mountains is also much lower than during the day.

In the usually quiet mountain area, a rustling sound can be heard from time to time.From time to time there are subtle human voices.The special forces have all dispersed into the mountains.Then the whole mountain area is divided into several pieces for careful search.

A small team of five people from the special team was walking on the road, and they were constantly scanning their surroundings, but what they didn't know was that Qin Feng was squatting in the grass in front of them.

Qin Feng gently took out his pistol.Then pull the safety off.At this time, Qin Feng had already put on the night vision lens exchanged from the system.

Qin Feng could see the movements of the five people clearly.But they did not find Qin Feng's existence at all.The five people moved forward cautiously.

Qin Feng moved his body quietly, then grabbed a stone on the ground and threw it aside. The sound of the stone hitting the ground attracted the attention of five people.

Just when the five people turned their heads to look at the place where the sound was made, Qin Feng suddenly burst into the pistol and spewed flames without any hesitation.

Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Five shots hit the helmets of five people with precision.There were bursts of blue smoke from their heads, Qin Feng said with a smile: "You are all dead! Please obey the rules of the exercise!"

The five people looked annoyed at this time. Just now, the five of them were all headshots by Qin Feng without any response.This made them extremely depressed.

In the previous drills, they had been blowing other people's heads, but today they were headshot by Qin Feng.Qin Feng confiscated their weapons, communication equipment, and some dry food!Then took the spoils and jumped into the night.

The five special forces team members were stunned when they saw Qin Feng's professional technique. Is this a recruit?Why does it make him feel more like a special forces soldier?

The news that the team was attacked and killed quickly reached Xu Zhe, and Xu Zhe was also surprised.He felt that he had paid enough attention to Qin Feng, so he searched in groups of five, but now Qin Feng actually killed a group.

You must know that five special forces are enough to fight against a class of ordinary soldiers.It's not easy to solve them even by yourself.This surprised Xu Zhe.

Xu Zhe took a deep breath and said, "Pass my order, and now the special forces team of ten will continue to search! Don't underestimate our opponents!"

Just when Xu Zhe delivered the order, another news came that another special warfare team was completely wiped out by Qin Feng!

Chapter [-]: Qin Feng's Countermeasures

When Xu Zhe heard the report of his soldiers, he lost his temper.Ten special forces were killed by Qin Feng in minutes.This made Xu Zhe have identified Qin Feng as the most dangerous person in this exercise.

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