Xu Zhe was very curious why Qin Feng was not only good at marksmanship, but also so proficient in field operations. In the face of ten experienced special forces, he actually killed ten special forces unscathed.

Xu Zhe now seriously doubts whether Qin Feng is a member of some special secret department of the country, otherwise how could he be so powerful.

But Xu Zhe didn't have much time to think about it.Xu Zhe had to give an order: "Now I order all the team members, ten people to form a team, and the gap between teams should not be too large. Prevent attack!"

Hearing Xu Zhe's order, the special forces members hurriedly followed Xu Zhe's order and began to act.Today is destined to be a night that makes everyone sleepless.

The leaders of the special operations brigade listened to the report from the front line, and their eyes were full of wonder.A man who was not even a recruit actually wiped out ten special forces.And now the special forces have not been able to find his trace.

If someone said this in normal times, the leaders of the special operations brigade would definitely think it was a fantasy, but now that Qin Feng's facts were in front of them, they had to believe it.

The brigade commander of the special operations brigade looked at the electronic map in front of him and said with a gloomy expression: "In addition, we will send two special operations battalions to support, and we must bring Qin Feng back alive!"

The brigade commander's order came down quickly.The two special forces battalions also rushed to the front line quickly.When Xu Zhe knew that the brigade commander had sent someone to support him, he was frustrated and frustrated.

This time, Xu Zhe and his ace special forces brigade are considered disgraced by the entire military region. Tomorrow, the entire military region will know that Xu Zhe and his special warfare brigade were chasing a recruit, but they were killed by the recruits. Only the special forces team participated in the operation.

Although Xu Zhe was very reluctant to see this scene, in fact, up to now, the entire special team has not seen Qin Feng's shadow.Instead, a few team members accidentally guessed the mines that Qin Feng laid.

Qin Feng's current performance is that of a cunning old special forces member with rich combat experience.This made Xu Zhe and his special forces very uncomfortable.

In the depths of the jungle, Qin Feng hid above a big tree, and his figure was completely hidden by the dense branches and leaves of the big tree.Now Qin Feng's physical strength is very high, and Qin Feng is racing against time to recover his physical strength.

Although Qin Feng had just knocked out the ten opposing team members, it was also a huge drain on Qin Feng's own physical strength.Moreover, Qin Feng eavesdropped on the special operations brigade's every move through the communication equipment that had just been seized.

Qin Feng also showed a wry smile when he knew that there were two more battalions of special forces soldiers coming to kill him. The special forces brigade really looked down on him.Actually sent three special forces battalions to arrest him.

Qin Feng decided that he could no longer hide, and taking the initiative was his only way to survive.

After Qin Feng made up his mind, after his physical strength had almost recovered, Qin Feng began to move to the headquarters of the special forces brigade, thinking about his next countermeasures as he moved.

Qin Feng's plan was to infiltrate the headquarters of the special operations brigade and kill their commander-in-chief, that is, the brigade commander of the special operations brigade, but obviously the headquarters of the special operations brigade was not so easy to infiltrate.

So Qin Feng gave up the plan to sneak in and kill.But now Qin Feng is only facing thousands of troops alone.Qin Feng was very anxious.

Suddenly Qin Feng thought of a plot in "Fire Phoenix".Qin Feng felt that the trick could be learned and used.After Qin Feng had an idea, he deliberately used the special operations brigade's communication equipment to force contact with the 327th brigade.

And their connection was naturally overheard by the special forces brigade. The brigade commander of the 327th brigade had a surprised expression when he learned that Qin Feng was still alive on the battlefield.

Especially when I heard that Qin Feng had infiltrated the headquarters behind the enemy, it was more like seeing a ghost.He couldn't believe that Qin Feng not only killed the special forces, but also sneaked into the enemy's general headquarters under their strict search.

After detecting this news, the brigade commander of the special operations brigade turned green.Xu Zhe also quickly returned to the defense headquarters with three special teams.

Qin Feng's strategy of turning the tiger away from the mountain has been successful.Qin Feng gently turned off his headset.Then set off towards the set goal.

Xu Zhe was very annoyed at this time.The three special forces brigades caught one person and let them slip to the headquarters.Back at the headquarters and looking at the brigade commander's livid face, Xu Zhe had nothing to say.

The brigade commander said in a deep voice, "Now all the special forces of the brigade are starting to search for me at the headquarters, and I have to find Qin Feng after digging three feet in the ground!"

Xu Zhe wanted to execute the order and suddenly thought of something and hurriedly turned around and said, "Brigade commander, I think we have been fooled?" Hearing Xu Zhe's analysis, the brigade commander was stunned.

Xu Zhe said: "Since Qin Feng's military quality is so high, how can we forcefully use our communication equipment to communicate with the Red Army and reveal his coordinates? I dare to conclude that Qin Feng is not in our headquarters!"

The brigade commander thought for a while, then said with a smile, "Xu Zhe, you were frightened by Qin Feng! He is just a recruit. Even if he has excellent military qualities, he is not willing to be too concerned about communications. Deep understanding! If he understands even this, I feel that we can all retire!"

Xu Zhe still said worriedly: "Brigade Commander, I suggest that we move the location of the headquarters. After all, the 327th Brigade already knows our location!"

The brigade commander's face sank and said, "Xu Zhe, don't you think this time is not enough shame? Because one person sneaked in, the entire headquarters will be moved! Our special forces brigade will lose all face!"

Xu Zhe was speechless when he heard what the brigade commander said.She also knew the brigade commander's persistence.But what Xu Zhe was afraid of was what was going on with Qin Feng.

If that's the case, then the Special Forces Brigade is really over.But Xu Zhe still carried out the brigade commander's order.Xu Zhe and the special team searched the camp several times but found no trace of Qin Feng.At this time, Xu Zhe had a strong ominous feeling.

Chapter [-]: The end of the real man

But Xu Zhe couldn't say why he had such a strong and ominous premonition.Not finding Qin Feng means that he is not at his headquarters, or that he has quietly slipped away while he was searching.

Although Xu Zhe didn't have much contact with Qin Feng, he could feel that Qin Feng was not the kind of person who gave up easily.So he was sure that Qin Feng must be hiding somewhere now, waiting to give him a fatal blow.

Xu Zhe knew that the brigade commander still did not pay enough attention to Qin Feng.Xu Zhe felt that the brigade commander was likely to pay a heavy price for his carelessness.

But now Xu Zhe doesn't have much say in the brigade.When he admitted that he failed to use thermal imaging, he could no longer have the right to speak on this matter.

At this time, Qin Feng was hiding in a jungle not far from the Special Forces Brigade Headquarters. He was using binoculars to observe every move of the Special Forces Brigade Headquarters.

Qin Feng noticed that the other party did not intend to move the headquarters.Qin Feng smiled slightly, the brigade commander of the special operations brigade was really confident.

Originally, Qin Feng wanted to take advantage of the chaos to kill the brigade commander of the special operations brigade, but now the special operations brigade does not move the base.And the base is also impregnable defensively.Qin Feng couldn't get in at all.

Qin Feng had no choice but to choose the last resort, which was to take their base in one pot.Before Qin Feng came to the headquarters of the special operations brigade just now, he went to the artillery battalion, which is only three kilometers away from the headquarters, and used the communication equipment he obtained at the artillery battalion to invade the special warfare with the help of the skill book in his system exchange office. The command system of the brigade, and the special operations brigade did not know that its combat system had been hacked.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and issued the first fake order: "The headquarters was attacked by the Red Army airborne troops. The brigade commander has withdrawn. The artillery battalion was ordered to conduct a test attack of artillery fire coverage to the headquarters!"

Qin Feng conveyed the order to the command system of the artillery battalion with just one click.After receiving the order, the artillery battalion also followed the instructions to prepare for the artillery coverage test strike.

The artillery battalion never thought that its combat system had been invaded by Qin Feng.At the same time, Qin Feng also issued this order to other units of the surrounding special operations brigade.

All the troops rushed to the headquarters to support the headquarters. The 327th Brigade saw abnormal troop movements in the Special Forces Brigade.Know what Qin Feng may have done inside.

The 327th Brigade relied on the position to take the initiative and began to counterattack the Special Operations Brigade.And when the advance support unit of the special operations brigade arrived at the headquarters, the brigade commander was still in the dark.

Hearing the support troops say the orders he received, Xu Zhe immediately understood what was going on.Xu Zhe hurriedly said: "Brigade commander, let's move quickly! If we don't leave, we will all die!"

The brigade commander also took a deep breath. He never expected that he underestimated Qin Feng's strength.Just as they were about to evacuate, a sentence appeared on their command screen: "Xu Zhe, you just remembered to leave now, it's too late!"

As soon as they saw this line of words, Xu Zhe and the others heard the sound of roaring shells.The cover test of the artillery battalion began, but they all killed their own people this time.

Xu Zhe looked at the exploding shells everywhere, and smiled bitterly when he looked at the blue smoke rising from the clothes of himself and the brigade commander.

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