Just ten minutes after the artillery fire stopped, the exercise director team came here to convey the instruction to end the exercise: "After the decision of the base director team! At 10.27 pm. Qin Feng, a soldier from Yang Gensilian of the 327th Brigade Independent Regiment, invaded the combat system of the Special Forces Brigade to convey the order. Misleading the special operations brigade artillery battalion to carry out coverage bombing on the special operations brigade base. All leaders including the brigade commander of the special operations brigade headquarters and the leaders of the special operations teams were all killed! The special operations brigade headquarters was paralyzed! The 327th brigade counterattacked! Exercise! It's over, the 327th Brigade has won the final victory!"

After listening to the order to end the exercise, everyone in the Special Forces Brigade had a look of loneliness on their faces.They failed, not to the 327th Brigade.Instead, he lost to one person, that is Qin Feng.

At the end of the exercise, Qin Feng returned to the station of Yang Gensilien of the Independent Regiment along with the large troops.Qin Feng became the hero of the whole company.But the end of the exercise also means the end of the real man.

It was time for Qin Feng, Li Lianjie, Aftershock, Wang Baobao, Du Haitao, and Yuan Hong to leave the army.Everyone's heart is full of remorse.

Although life in the barracks is short, everyone already has a sense of belonging.I feel like I really are a soldier.

In the early morning, the six people packed their luggage with the help of Xie Wei. Today, they will leave the army and return to their respective lives.

All six people's eyes were red.Xie Wei also had a red eye socket.After the seven people came down from the dormitory, where are the officers and soldiers of the whole company waiting.

They all came to see Qin Feng and them today.In this short half-month period, Qin Feng and the others have been recognized by the officers and soldiers.

In the hearts of soldiers, they are the same as their comrades.In particular, Qin Feng also helped them defeat the special forces brigade in the exercise and maintained Yang Gensilian's honor.

Qin Feng and the others looked at the soldiers standing in a row, and there was even more reluctance in their eyes.Qin Feng did not expect Xu Zhe to send him off.

Xu Zhe was not a careful person. Although he lost the exercise, Xu Zhe didn't hold any grudge against Qin Feng. He asked himself that it was impossible for him to reverse the situation in such an almost desperate situation.

But Qin Feng has done all this. He also knows that Qin Feng is stronger than himself, so he admires Qin Feng more in his heart. Qin Feng has become one of his goals, a motivation that motivates him to train hard to improve his level.

Xu Zhe held Qin Feng's hand and said with a smile, "I hope to have a chance to fight with you next time! I will definitely defeat you with my own strength!"

Hearing Xu Zhe's words, Qin Feng just smiled.Because Qin Feng knew that he would not have the next chance to fight against Xu Zhe.So in this case, there is not much difference between answering and not answering.

Under the blessings of all the soldiers, Qin Feng and the others gradually disappeared in the realization of everyone.

Chapter [-]: The launch conference in those years

The real man is over, Qin Feng and the others left with reluctance to part with the troops.Returning to their original life, of course, it is undeniable that the experience of this military career will make them remember for a lifetime.

On the plane back to the Shanghai market, Qin Feng reclined on his seat and fell asleep. During this time, his physical strength was exhausted, and after returning to the Shanghai market, he had to do his own business non-stop.

When Qin Feng woke up, the plane had already landed at Shanghai Airport.Qin Feng walked out of the airport and looked at the familiar city in front of him and not only sighed.

Outside the airport, because the baby was filming in other places, Hu Yifei was already waiting for Qin Feng anxiously outside the airport with the people in his car and the love apartment.

Li Lianjie and the other five returned to the company under the escort of company staff.And Qin Feng and Hu Yifei went directly back to the love apartment.

Along the way, Lu Ziqiao and the others were also curiously asking Qin Feng about some things in the military camp. Qin Feng also told them about his experience in the army in detail.

The next day, Qin Feng slept until noon before getting up.After Qin Feng got up, he came to the living room, where Lu Zhanbo was lining up with Zeng Xiaoxian.

Qin Feng asked, "Mr. Zeng, have you organized the LPL team?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "It's already organized! Your apprentice's promise is really awesome! Now it is estimated that there is no jungler who can compete with him in China. And his training is very hard!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Where is the team? Let's go see them when you have time?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "The team is in our Shanghai market, and their base is near the Maple Leaf Building. Brother Chao named our team HugeImmenseTeam for short HIT!"

After speaking, Zeng Xiaoxian still smiled proudly, obviously he was quite satisfied with the name Deng Chao took.Qin Feng nodded and said, "It's alright! I didn't expect Brother Chao's English level to be able to know the meaning of these words!"

Zeng Xiaoxian nodded and said: "Yeah, I also checked these words before I knew they meant supernatural powers! Our team has already signed up. Now we are preparing for the League of Legends National City Challenge, which will start in a month! Then we will choose The best [-] teams participated in the first LPL League of Legends Pro League! But I'm worried about HIT being gossiped!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "The game is held in the name of our Maple Leaf Group, and the boss of the HIT team is Brother Chao, you are the head coach, Zi Qiao is the manager, and has nothing to do with the Maple Leaf Group."

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "I see, no wonder Brother Feng, you didn't let us form a team in your name at first!" After Zeng Xiaoxian finished talking, he went to double-queue with Lu Zhanbo.

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he rubbed his head and dialed Bai Yan's number, which was quickly answered. "Qin Feng, any instructions?" Bai Yan's sweet voice came.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "No instructions, I just wanted to ask how the preparations for "Those Years" went?"

"Everything is ready! Just waiting for the director to have a schedule!" Bai Yan teased Qin Feng.Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng smiled and said, "Let's start the promotion. Take the time to hold a press conference in the past two or three days, and then the machine will start!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan smiled and said, "Okay, I'll arrange it now!"

Soon the promotion of "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years" was on the homepage of Dingtian Entertainment's official website.News quickly spread online and among the media.

Many media have also received invitations to participate in the launch conference.Originally, the heated discussion caused by the casting some time ago has attracted the attention of netizens.

Movie name: "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years"

Movie Type: Youth, Love, Campus

Investor: Maple Leaf Group Dingtian Entertainment Company

Director: Qin Feng

Seller: Qin Feng

Starring: Lai Luo (playing Ke Jingteng), Xia Mo (playing Shen Jiayi), Luo Xue (playing Hu Jiawei)... After reading the names of the main actors, everyone was dumbfounded.

Because of the names of these actors, they have never heard of them.Although Qin Feng said that all newcomers were used in this movie, there were already many people who were against it at that time.

Everyone thought Qin Feng would listen to everyone's opinions.But I didn't expect Qin Feng to actually use newcomers in the end.This made audiences worry about the quality of the film.

The actors are envious and jealous of these actors who were able to star in the years directed by Qin Feng.Because everyone knows that they can star in films directed by Qin Feng, then in the future, they will not have to worry about their future in the entertainment industry.

There are all kinds of discussions on the Internet, but the honeys are still the supporters of Qin Feng as always.The media are also paying attention to the filming of Qin Feng's film.

Although this is not Qin Feng's film debut, it is definitely the one that caused the most criticism.However, Dingtian Entertainment no longer responded after announcing the time and location of the press conference.

The media had to wait until the press conference to find Qin Feng to answer their belly full of doubts.The time soon came to the day of the press conference.

As soon as Qin Feng and the others arrived at the door of the Hilton Hotel, they were surrounded by reporters from the media.All the talkers are asking something about "Those Years".

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Everyone, don't be impatient, I will answer your questions one by one, but please make a way for me to enter the venue?"

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