Hearing Qin Feng's words, the reporters flashed a path, and Qin Feng came to the scene with Bai Yan and the leading actors of the movie.Sure enough, they are all newbies.The reporters have never seen the faces of these people.

After Qin Feng and the others entered the venue, reporters rushed in after them. Everyone wanted to get first-hand news materials.

Chapter [-]: "Those Years" Start Trial Shooting

A lot of reporters came to the press conference.Qin Feng, Bai Yan and a group of leading actors came to sit on the seats in the middle of the venue.After the reporters also sat down in the seats arranged for the reporters, the press conference officially began.

Looking at the dozens of reporters under the stage and the long guns and short guns in their hands, several leading actors who had never experienced such a battle showed varying degrees of nervousness.

What's more, the guest seats are full of domestic first-line stars, and the second-tier ones are embarrassed to come.Even the guests of the show after the press conference are the now popular girl group Tara.

These protagonists are all students who have not yet graduated. Seeing their idols in front of their eyes, the excitement and panic filled their hearts.

After the press conference started, Qin Feng first introduced the young starring Xia Mo and Luo Xue to the reporters.At the same time Qin Feng introduced, the reporters also took out their cameras to take pictures.

LeTV, a subsidiary of Qin Feng, directly broadcast the press conference live.The live broadcast of the press conference was also carefully watched by many fans on the Internet.

After Qin Feng introduced the main actors, the reporters couldn't wait to enter the question-and-answer session.

"Mr. Qin! Why do you suddenly want to make this movie?"

Hearing this question, Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "How do you say it? If I said it was for the sake of making money, you wouldn't believe me!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, the reporters in the audience also burst into laughter.

Qin Feng, are you kidding us?As the second richest man in China, you actually told us that you spent more than [-] million to make such a low-cost movie to make money?Are you sure you're not kidding us?

"Mr. Qin, why did you use all the newcomers this time?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly and replied, "Can I say that I hired big-name stars because I don't have the money?" Everyone burst into laughter when they heard Qin Feng's answer.

Qin Feng, can we still chat happily?You tell everyone that as the president of Dingtian Entertainment, you have no money to hire big-name stars to film?Are you kidding everyone?

Two questions in a row, Qin Feng answered jokingly.Looking at the resentful eyes of the reporters under the stage.Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Just now, it was just a little joke I played with everyone!"

"I will answer the two questions just now! Youth is beautiful! It carries the dreams of our youth! Everyone has been young and frivolous, and everyone has been crazy about a certain thing! If you say " "Huaxia Partners" records the dreams and stories of three men! Then "The Girls We Chased Together in Those Years" records the growth experience of a group of teenagers and the love they missed in the process of growing up! As for why please All of them are newcomers, that's because the stories are about students, so they are the most suitable candidates!" Qin Feng answered the reporters' questions with a long speech.

"Mr. Qin, but have you considered the issue of the box office? At present, the campus romance movies on the market are very poor. Facing such a harsh environment, what do you think?"

Qin Feng raised the corner of his mouth and said, "However, it looks good!" After hearing Qin Feng's answer, the reporters laughed again, and Qin Feng did not answer the question properly.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "I'm not worried about the box office, because I'm very confident in my script and my directing ability! Our filming team is also first-class. The actors are also first-class! My box office is still good. Are you worried?"

Qin Feng's rhetorical question made the reporters not know how to continue to ask questions. Do you want to say that all your actors are students, so how can you be considered a first-class actor when you act for the first time?That is really smashing Qin Feng's place.

"Mr. Qin, how much do you expect the box office will be?"

Qin Feng pondered for a while and said, "Seven or eight hundred million!" After hearing Qin Feng's words, the reporters below couldn't close their mouths in surprise, but this was the biggest gain they had come to the scene today.

You must know that the highest box office of the previous campus love movies was only tens of millions of dollars.And Qin Feng's mouth is a box office of several hundred million.

The box office of several hundred million is the standard of domestic first-line blockbusters.Moreover, Qin Feng's cost was only more than ten million yuan, and he dared to say that there were several hundred million yuan at the box office.

But no one will feel that Qin Feng is talking big, the reason is very simple, because he is Qin Feng.

After the reporters got what they wanted to know from Qin Feng, they wanted to know about the plot from the protagonists, but obviously they had received Qin Feng's instructions before and knew what to say and what not to say.

After the press conference was over, Qin Feng led the crew to worship God and then officially started the show.A group of people came to Hu Yifei's school in a mighty way.

The school had already negotiated with Dingtian Entertainment before, and the props and everything had been prepared.Qin Feng walked into the classroom and looked at the wooden desks and chairs that had been replaced, and the wooden blackboard.Everything is dressed in the style of the time when the story of "Those Years" takes place.

Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction.The overall layout is OK.At this time, several extras who starred and played the students had already changed into the school uniforms of that time.These group performers are also university students.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Everyone sit down in the classroom! The filming will start immediately!" After hearing Qin Feng's instructions, the leading actors and group performers all found their places to be ready.

Qin Feng watched the students and teachers who were ready to return to the monitor. The assistant director came over and said, "Everything is ready! Director Qin!"

Qin Feng carefully looked at the layout and the attire of the students on the scene, then nodded and said, "Well, we can start! Let's shoot the scenes of Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi in the classroom first!"

The assistant director nodded and gestured to the photographer, and the filming of the crew officially started!

The first scene shot was the scene in which Ke Jingteng was punished to carry a chair and jump in the corridor because he lent the book to Shen Jiayi who forgot to bring the textbook in class.

Chapter [-]: Director Qin, really?

In order to capture the effect and feeling of Ke Jingteng dancing a lot outside the classroom, Qin Feng said to Lei Luo who played Ke Jingteng: "Lei Luo, you will keep dancing without saying stop later!"

As a newcomer, Lei Luo did not dare to ask why he did this when facing a big director like Qin Feng.Just follow Qin Feng's instructions honestly.

Laidlaw held the chair above his head and jumped up and down outside the classroom.When the photographer was about to shoot, Qin Feng stretched out his hand to stop the photographer's movements.

Qin Feng said, "I'll turn on the phone when I'm playing the board later!" Everyone was stunned when they heard Qin Feng's words.This has not started shooting yet, let the protagonist jump up here first.What is this for?

Lei Luo also stopped with a different look on his face. Qin Feng saw Lei Luo stop and said to him, "Lei Luo, keep jumping. If you don't stop, don't stop!"

Hearing Qin Feng say this, Lei Luo had to keep jumping up, but his face was full of doubts and grievances.The surrounding staff and extras all looked at Lai Luo with sympathy.

Everyone thought that Lei Luo had made Qin Feng angry, and Qin Feng deliberately wanted to punish him.But at this time, everyone forgot one point. If Qin Feng really wanted to punish him, would he still appear on the scene of the filming?

After about ten minutes, Qin Feng still did not let the staff hit the board and start shooting.Laiduo's head was sweating, and his breathing became thicker.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth rose. This is what he wanted. He didn't expect that Lei Luo's physique was so good that it took ten minutes for him to breathe and sweat. If he had known, he might as well have gone to the playground to run two laps faster.

Qin Feng waved his hand to the staff around him and said, "Play the board, start shooting!" Qin Feng gave an order, and the staff hurried to play the board. The photographer immediately adjusted the camera to aim at Lei Luo, and then started shoot.

Laidlaw breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the camera started to shoot, and continued to bounce back and forth along the corridor.After jumping back and forth three more times, Qin Feng finally saw a scene that he was satisfied with and said with a smile, "Knock! This scene is over!"

Hearing Qin Feng calling the card, when the recording passed, Lei Luo put his chair on the ground and sat on the ground.Qin Feng hurriedly stepped forward to help Lei Luo up and asked with concern, "Are you all right? Lei Luo!"

Seeing that Qin Feng cares about Lei Luo so much, the person who thought Qin Feng was deliberately trolling Lei Luo immediately passed the thought!Obviously, what Qin Feng did just now should be for the effect of shooting!

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