The reporters had no choice but to talk about some of the things that were there, and those who didn't, to report on this matter.Of course, there are more words that can only be praised and praised.

This also makes everyone look forward to this controversial movie since the casting of the actors.Everyone knows that this is Qin Feng's movie.Everyone is looking forward to whether Qin Feng can break the sluggish market of domestic campus romance films and whether he can create a box office miracle.

From the perspective of professional film critics, judging from Qin Feng's appeal, it is no problem for this movie to have a box office of [-] to [-] million yuan.The rest depends on the plot of the film itself and the acting skills of the actors.The prediction given by film critics is that as long as the box office of Qin Feng's "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years" can exceed [-] million, it will be a breakthrough.

Although the box office of [-] million is actually an astronomical figure for a domestic campus romance movie, it was directed by Qin Feng after all.If it's a movie starring Qin Feng, you don't even have to think about it at the box office, it will break one billion yuan properly.

In China, Qin Feng's popularity is at least one billion yuan at the box office. Many people want to invite Qin Feng to act in the movie, but obviously Qin Feng is not so easy to invite.

The first-line celebrities have asked Qin Feng to make an appointment, but Qin Feng rejected all the scripts after seeing the script. For those bad movies, Qin Feng avoided them.Qin Feng is the guarantee of the box office in China. This is a fact recognized by everyone.

But Qin Feng was disdainful of the predictions given by film critics.In Qin Feng's view, the box office in those years will definitely not be only so much.

Qin Feng began to prepare for the shooting of Fire Phoenix after participating in the final drink party.Fire Phoenix is ​​also about the special forces, and is a female special forces.

So after Yang Ying and the others found out, they all found Qin Feng and asked to play the role in it.Sitting on the sofa and looking at the beautiful women standing in front of him, Qin Feng really had a headache.

When they knew that they were going to shoot a TV series about female special forces, everyone came over and hoped to appear in this TV series.

This made Qin Feng feel a big head for the first time.Even if they came, Zeng Xiaoxian, Deng Chao, Lu Ziqiao and Zhang Wei also came to join in the fun.

A group of people looked at him eagerly, Qin Feng was both angry and funny.It is estimated that other directors are overjoyed to see so many stars asking for no remuneration to act.But Qin Feng looked at it with a big head.

If it hadn't been for "Blade of the Nation", the actors would have been selected and started, and they would probably have gone there to apply for actors. In Deng Chao's words, even if we were to be a soldier, it would be an excellent actor.

Looking at the group of people in front of him, Qin Feng said to Zeng Xiaoxian, "Mr. Zeng, how can you let go of training?" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Zhanbo is in charge of the team, so I don't need to worry about it!"

Lu Zhanbo said dejectedly, "Hey, Teacher Zeng is too cunning! I'm also in the loop!"

Qin Feng looked at Deng Chao again, and Deng Chao hurriedly said, "I haven't announced or filmed assignments recently!" After speaking, he smiled proudly.

Qin Feng knew that he couldn't get rid of their purpose of having fun.Qin Feng thought about it for a while and said with a smile, "Since everyone wants to act in this play so much, I'll do it for everyone!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone was excited!But Qin Feng immediately stopped their excited actions and said, "Don't worry, I haven't finished my words yet!"

Everyone looked at Qin Feng excitedly. Qin Feng said, "You can act in this drama, but you must first go to the military camp for half a month to learn the minimum tactical moves!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone said in unison, "No problem!" Originally, they were like experiencing the feeling of being a soldier, but now Qin Feng asked them to study in the military camp.Of course they would!

Qin Feng looked at the excited everyone and said with a smile: "But the number of leading roles is limited! Only good performers can become the lead roles, and poor performers can only be used as supporting roles!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone suddenly became nervous again.Everyone is secretly determined to study hard to win the starring spot.

As soon as everyone heard that they were recording the company of "Real Men", they all shouted excitedly!A look that can't wait to enter the military camp.

Qin Feng accompanied Yang Ying and the others to the gate of Yang Gensi Company Camp.The deputy company commander had already greeted him at the door.The deputy company commander is also very grateful to Qin Feng. If it weren't for Qin Feng, the heroic company of Yang Gensilian would be smeared!

Qin Feng talked with the deputy company commander and threw them all inside.And these people are all excited.Qin Feng went back to study each person's role.

Chapter [-]: Choose a role

Qin Feng looked at Deng Chao and Yang Ying who were still excited, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.Qin Feng knew that they would not be able to laugh tomorrow.The company commanders in Yang Gensilian will not show mercy because of them.But they are willing to come by themselves, and they can't blame others.

Qin Feng returned to the love apartment and suddenly now that they are gone, only Lu Zhanbo and Qin Yumo are left in the apartment.

Qin Feng sat in front of the computer and opened the script of "Fire Phoenix" and began to find the most suitable candidates for each role.

This matter quickly spread on the Internet. Originally, the topic of "Those Years" has not passed, but now it's better, and immediately another "Fire Phoenix".Especially about the stars being sent to the barracks for training to pick roles.

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about this.Many netizens agree with Qin Feng's approach, and feel that people who have really experienced in the military camp will perform better in special forces.Whether it is the feeling to the person or the tactical action conveyed, it is correct.

Of course, there are still a small number of people who feel that this is a bit of a fuss. It's just a TV series. There have been so many TV dramas in the past. Do these people have to fight?

However, the effect is that this TV series has attracted everyone's attention and attention. The impact of "Real Men" is continuing.Therefore, the society is very keen on TV dramas and movies with military themes.

After Qin Feng selected actors for all the roles, he went to the barracks to see Yang Ying, Hu Yifei, and Deng Chao who were training there.

When Qin Feng arrived at the barracks, they were training under the supervision of the deputy company commander.Seeing Qin Feng's arrival, the deputy company commander gave them half an hour to rest.

Qin Feng walked over to sit with them on the playground and asked with a smile, "How do you guys feel about being a soldier now?" Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone's faces showed different expressions.

Deng Chao sighed and said, "Being a soldier is really hard! When I look at a real man, I already feel that being a soldier is hard. When I think that I can defend the country, my heart is still boiling. But when I really stepped into the military camp and put on the military uniform and started training I found out that this is really harder and more tiring than I thought! Now I really admire the soldiers in my heart, and I am grateful for the soldiers who have paid so much for the country and our happy life!"

Zeng Xiaoxian lay on the ground and said, "I'm so tired that I don't want to talk! I was tired and vomited on the first day! I thought Du Haitao was tired and vomited for the effect of the show, but it turned out to be true! I can only say one thing to the soldiers. , that's why I admire you!"

Hu Yifei looked at Zeng Xiaoxian who were lying on the ground and said angrily: "You guys, you don't know how to exercise in the apartment. You've lost the face of the love apartment!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said cheaply: "The most important thing is that Zhang Wei is not me and Ziqiao!" Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Yang Ying said with a smile: "Wan Yu, Zhiyan, Baolan, they all persevered! The three of you took over. You and Ziqiao are just a little better than Zhang Wei! He is tired and faint, and you two are tired and vomited!"

Hearing Yang Ying's words, Qin Feng also burst into laughter, Zhang Wei's physique is so poor.Immediately passed out.Qin Feng turned to look at the six girls in Tara.

The six people are also exhausted these two days.Fortunately, they are still exercising.Especially Eun Jung and Ji Yeon have the best physical strength.The worst estimate is Hyomin and Ju Li!Fortunately, all six of them carried it.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "You are all good! Come on!"

Yang Ying smiled slightly and said, "We will persevere to the end! In fact, all of us are very grateful to you for letting us come to the barracks! Only then did we realize how hard it is for our happiness to come, and how many people are helping us. , for the country and for the stable life of the society! Soldiers are a group of lovely people!"

After the video of Qin Feng talking with these stars in the military camp was posted on the Internet, netizens were also quite touched, and while they were distressed for the stars, they wished the soldiers in their hearts.

Qin Feng returned to Dingtian Entertainment after watching them, Bai Yan came to Qin Feng's office and said angrily: "Qin Feng, you have sent all the stars to the military camp! Many people's announcements and advertising schedules It's been cancelled! These two days are all calls from the organizer, and I'm exhausted!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Sister Yan, you've worked hard! Come on, I'll give you a massage!" Qin Feng walked over to Bai Yan and pressed her on the chair.

Bai Yan smiled and opened Qin Feng's hand and said, "Don't come! I'm here to find you for a business purpose!"

Qin Feng sat down beside Bai Yan and asked, "What's the matter?"

Bai Yan turned her head to look at Qin Feng and said, "It's the Chinese New Year schedule soon! Don't you get ready? Your previous "Huaxia Partner" won the Palme d'Or! Now many domestic film and television companies are watching you You shouldn't use "Those Years" as a movie for the New Year!"

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