Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng smiled. The movie "Those Years" is indeed an interesting movie, but it is inappropriate to put it in the New Year's Eve.

Qin Feng turned his head and asked, "Is there any news about the Hollywood special effects team we invited in to study this in 3D!"

Bai Yan seemed to have long known that Qin Feng was going to ask this question and replied: "The special effects have been completed and can be used at any time, but you also know that there are very few 3D theaters in China now! And the broadcast of 3D movies requires theater lines. Transform the theater!"

Qin Feng pondered for a while and said, "Have you discussed this with the theater party?"

Bai Yan smiled bitterly and said, "We've talked about it, but the theater chain asked us to bear [-]% of the renovation costs. If this is the case, the renovation of theater chains across the country will be a huge cost!"

Qin Feng sneered and said, "You tell them, yes. As long as they can reduce the film's revenue ratio by 20%! I can transform the theater for them!"

Chapter [-]: Qin Feng wants to open a cinema

Bai Yan glanced at the corner of her mouth when she heard Qin Feng's words.She knew Qin Feng and knew that what Qin Feng just said was just angry words.You must know that although domestic film and television companies and cinemas have a cooperative relationship, the relationship has always been in a very tense state.

After all, the theater chain took [-]% of the film's box office revenue, which made the film and television company very unhappy.And some small film and television companies and theaters have a split ratio of even four to six.

Although everyone is very reluctant, there is no way. If the film cannot be released on the theater line, then the film will be completely lost. It is even said that if the theater line deliberately shorts the film when arranging the film, or arranges it in the early morning or early morning. When there is almost no attendance point, the film does not have a good box office, which means less profit for the cinema side, but for film and television companies, it is necessary to consider whether their production costs can be recovered.

In this regard, the theater party has the upper hand, so even if he proposes the overlord clause.Film and television companies also dare not refuse them easily.

Qin Feng paused for a while and said, "The bastards from the theater chain are really greedy! They all want money and want to go crazy!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan said with a wry smile, "But we don't have anything. What a great way, after all, our films can only be broadcast through the theater chain! Without the theater chain, our films cannot be released!"

Qin Feng rubbed his forehead. If the theater company cooperated with him to transform his theater, it would be fine if he split the account by five or five, and he didn't particularly care about the money.But now they still want to make money to renovate the theater. They really want a lot of money.

Qin Feng knows that 3D movies will be a big trend in the future. If the cinema chain does not renovate cinemas, then their cinemas will be eliminated sooner or later.

Qin Feng thought about it and asked, "Sister Yan. How about we open a cinema by ourselves?"

Hearing Qin Feng's thoughts, Bai Yan was stunned for a moment, but did not expect Qin Feng to have such thoughts.But if you open the theater yourself, the cost will be higher.

Bai Yan said with a smile, "It's possible, but we have to find our own film sources, and we have to find venues all over the country! The investment in a movie theater requires a lot of money!"

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly and said: "If you have money, you can go to Ma Yun and Ding Sanshi to move the money! By the end of the year, 200 movie theaters must be built, and these movie theaters must be able to play 3D and 2D movies at the same time. The city chooses the place to open the cinema!”

Bai Yan was a little stunned to hear Qin Feng's decision.For [-] movie theaters, the venue, construction, equipment, and decoration add up to an astronomical figure.

Bai Yan asked again: "Qin Feng. You have decided!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "I've decided! I'll go to Maple Leaf Group to get as much money as I need, and inform that the construction of 200 cinemas is the group's top priority. Give way to everything!"

Bai Yan nodded and said, "I understand! I'll go and inform you now!" After speaking, Bai Yan got up and left Qin Feng's office.

Qin Feng sat on his chair and thought quietly about what kind of 3D blockbuster he was going to shoot to celebrate the New Year?Moreover, the broadcast of the Lunar New Year file at the end of the year will definitely be broadcast in its own 200 cinemas.

Bai Yan contacted Ding Sanshi and Ma Yun.Everyone was taken aback by Qin Feng's generosity, but fortunately, everyone was used to Qin Feng's frequent surprising actions.

Therefore, Ma Yun and Ding Sanshi also hurriedly mobilized funds from all over the world to start doing this.Maple Leaf Group is one of the largest groups in China, and this group's collection of funds must attract everyone's attention.

Everyone is wondering what happened to the Maple Leaf Group, and it actually collected funds?Is there an internal problem?Soon under the inquiries of good people.Everyone knows that Qin Feng, CEO of Maple Leaf Group, will build 200 movie theaters in China within a few months.

Hearing this news, everyone was very curious, why did Qin Feng go to a movie theater?Do movie theaters make money?

In the past, everyone was not clear about the division between film and television companies and theater chains. They always thought that the consumption of watching movies in movie theaters was earned by film and television companies.

But Qin Feng's sudden action now makes everyone wonder what's wrong with the theater party.Soon, people familiar with the matter revealed the proportion of the discharge party and the film and television company.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they knew the ratio.Half of the share, it is no wonder that Qin Feng is going to open a theater. In this case, how much of his movie's box office is his own.

Moreover, Qin Feng is the representative of the box office myth in China.Everyone has to admire Qin Feng's economic acumen.Of course, the theater party will not be unaware of such a big thing.

The bosses of the major theaters were in a hurry, and no one thought that Qin Feng would come to grab the market with him.Obviously, in this case, the works produced by Dingtian Entertainment will definitely take the opportunity to reduce the share.After all, Qin Feng has a theater, so his movies don't have to worry about nowhere to broadcast.And Qin Feng's super popularity is impossible to stop, the most important point, if Qin Feng has the right to speak in the split.If he lowered his share, he would also lower it, otherwise the film and television companies would run to him to play movies, wouldn't his theater be closed?

Several theater owners got together to discuss how to solve this matter, but they didn't pay much attention to it.Qin Feng's own strength is very strong, and he has very friendly relations with Director Su Yu of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, government departments, and even the military.This made several bosses dare not use some shady means.

For a time, these bosses couldn't think of any good way to solve this problem.The last few bosses discussed for a long time and only came up with one method.That is to talk to Qin Feng together.He can open a movie theater, but it's okay if he messes with everyone!

Qin Feng sat in the office and wrote the script of the new movie he prepared for the Lunar New Year.Bai Yan walked in with a smile and said, "Qin Feng, the representatives of the theaters are here!"

Chapter nine hundred and ten: those years were completed

Hearing Bai Yan's words, the corners of Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly: "Those bosses can't sit still anymore! Now they know they're coming to find me! Let them wait in the reception room for a while, and I'll show these documents first! "

Bai Yan smiled when she heard Qin Feng's words, turned and walked out.Several theater owners are sitting in the conference room and discussing in a low voice, what to say when they see Qin Feng later.

Bai Yan pushed open the door and came in with a smile: "Oh, I'm sorry everyone, our chairman is currently approving some very important documents. He will come over as soon as he finishes the approval! Please wait a moment!"

The owner of one of the theaters stood up and said, "Is he the only one Qin Feng is busy? Are we all idlers?" Hearing his words, Bai Yan still said with a smile on her face: "Sir, if you have anything to do, you can go first!"

The owner of the theater chain was directly choked by Bai Yan's words.They didn't expect Qin Feng's attitude to be so tough.Everyone knows that Bai Yan is the second-in-command of Dingtian Entertainment.Her attitude has actually explained Qin Feng's own attitude.

The owner of the theater chain was very embarrassed when he heard Bai Yan's words, he got up and was about to leave, but was immediately dragged back by their chosen leader.

Their leader is Wang Jianxiang, the owner of Wantong Cinema. Wang Jianxiang said with a smile: "Chairman Qin manages such a large enterprise and has a lot of time to manage. It is definitely not comparable to us. We should wait!"

Speaking of which, Wang Jianxiang pulled the man back to the chair and sat down.Wang Jianxiang smiled and said, "We'll wait! We'll wait!" Although Wang Jianxiang was smiling, the people sitting beside him could hear him clenching his teeth.

Bai Yan smiled and said, "I still have things to do! I won't accompany you for now!" Then she turned and left the reception room.Seeing Bai Yan gone, the boss who was pulled back asked Wang Jianxiang, "Mr. Wang. Isn't it obvious that Qin Feng is showing us a look?"

Wang Jianxiang snorted coldly and said, "I'm not a fool, I can see it. But we have no other way now. If Qin Feng really reduces the share of the film and television company, then Qin Feng's strength will be used to open thousands of domestic companies. The theater is not a problem. All the film and television companies will find Qin Feng to cooperate! We will wait for the door to close and drink the Northwest Wind!"

The boss retorted: "Does Qin Feng have that much cash in his hand?"

Wang Jianxiang explained: "I don't know if Qin Feng has it, but Lin's International Bank definitely has it! Qin Feng has a close relationship with the chairman of Lin's International Bank. It's hard to say that he will not lend to Qin Feng! With Qin Feng's worth. The bank. Isn't that how much you want over there?"

After listening to Wang Jianxiang's words, everyone gasped.It seems that Qin Feng's origin is too mysterious.What is he doing?

It seems that Qin Feng's debut is a very inexplicable person who appeared out of nowhere and then became famous, and has been popular all the way to the present.Few people know what Qin Feng was doing before his debut?It seemed that the first twenty years of his life were blank.

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