All this made Wang Jianxiang worried.This is also the reason why Wang Jianxiang insisted on reconciling with Qin Feng.Because his intuition told him that if he went against Qin Feng, he would probably lose his family and fortune in the end.

After Qin Feng read the documents in the office, he walked slowly to the reception room.At this time, everyone was still discussing Qin Feng's life experience.

Seeing Qin Feng coming, everyone suddenly became quiet.Qin Feng glanced at everyone in the conference room.Qin Feng said with an apologetic smile: "I'm sorry! I have something to deal with just now! I'm late, sorry!"

Wang Jianxiang said with a smile: "Chairman Qin, you have a lot of work, we should wait!" The tone was extremely polite.Hearing Wang Jianxiang's words, Qin Feng walked to a seat and sat down.The secretary also hurriedly brought tea to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took a sip of the tea and said, "A few of you are here with me today, don't you know what's going on?" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Wang Jianxiang said with a smile, "Dong Qin, what about us? Mingren won't say anything. Secret words, you must also know what we mean by coming here, we are all here for that kind of thing in the theater!"

Qin Feng laughed when he heard their words and said, "I don't know what Wang always wants to talk about with me about the cinema." Hearing Qin Feng's words, Wang Jianxiang smiled wryly and said, "Our cinema company and the film and television company are divided into two parts. What everyone has worked out together is a five-to-five split. We also hope that Mr. Qin Feng can be consistent with us. At the same time, we also hope that we can cooperate better with Mr. Qin Feng's film and television company in the future."

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Let's put aside the first topic. Let's cooperate! It is estimated that we will not be able to cooperate in the future!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, the expressions of all the bosses changed.

Wang Jianxiang asked with an ashen face, "Why?"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "We Dingtian Entertainment have developed the latest 3D technology. In the future, our movies will be more inclined to 3D movies, while your cinemas can only play 2D effects. 3D effects require special technology. Screens and specially made eyes to see!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, several people's hearts were filled with galloping grass and mud horses.It was because of this.Bai Yan had approached them before to talk about the renovation of the 3D cinema hall.They were all dismissive.I didn't expect to be waiting here for myself!

Chapter nine hundred and eleven: to start shooting

Wang Jianxiang and the other bosses were all depressed at this time.But they don't have a good solution right now.Qin Feng said with a smile: "We Dingtian Entertainment have successfully developed 3D film and television technology. The future film market belongs to the 3D era!"

For 3D film technology, Wang Jianxiang has not heard of it, but there is no 3D film in Hollywood at present. It is said that Hollywood has been studying 3D film.But there doesn't seem to be much progress.

So Wang Jianxiang doesn't care about 3D movies at all.But now Qin Feng actually told him that he had researched it.This surprised Wang Jianxiang.

Wang Jianxiang asked suspiciously, "Mr. Qin, do you mean that you have developed 3D film technology?"

Qin Feng smiled and nodded and said, "My New Year's Eve movie will be the first real 3D movie in the world!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Wang Jianxiang said incredulously, "Then President Qin's New Year's Eve movie will be the first real [-]D movie in the world!" Are the movies shown in their own cinemas?"

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Yes, because now you don't have the ability to broadcast 3D movies!"

The owner of one of the theaters smiled and said: "Qin Dong, what about this matter, Mr. Bai has talked to us before, and we are actually willing to upgrade the theater! As long as this upgrade fee Qin Dong can take out! We will upgrade. .After all, now only your film, Director Qin, needs a 3D theater, and neither do other companies. Our transformation is entirely for you!"

Wang Jianxiang's face turned green when he heard this man's words.I'm about to cry stupidly by this boss!Actually put forward this condition again in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "It's not impossible for me to help you remodel the theater, but how about changing the split between our Dingtian Entertainment's movies and yours to [-]?"

As soon as Qin Feng's words came out, the scene was instantly fried.The boss sneered and said, "Dong Qin, are you kidding us?"

Qin Feng leaned on the seat and said, "Didn't you start the joke first? In a word, you can't change it. Anyway, I have a theater myself. Without you, my movies are still online!"

What the boss wanted to say was directly stared back by Wang Jianxiang's eyes.Wang Jianxiang smiled and said, "Dong Qin, why are you so angry? It's easy to discuss this matter!"

Qin Feng said coldly: "I don't think there is anything to discuss. Whether or not the theater can be changed is your own business. For these, I can only say that I am willing to change and I will provide you with technical support! I still have a meeting to open. , go first!" After speaking, he stood up and left without looking back.Where did the bosses of the theater party who were left dumbfounded stare blankly.

After Qin Feng returned to the office, Bai Yan was reading the script there, and Bai Yan asked with a smile, "How was the talk?" Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "With a group of people who only recognize money, what do you think you can talk about? "

Bai Yan sighed and said, "But "Those Years" has already been produced! What should I do with the release? They will definitely be embarrassed if it is released now!"

Qin Feng rubbed his head and said, "How soon will our cinema be built?"

Bai Yan smiled bitterly and said, "The fastest time is at least a month! The venue has been found, the equipment has been purchased, and it is now being renovated!"

Qin Feng pondered for a while and said, "Send the trial first! I'll talk when the trial is over!" Bai Yan nodded and got up to deal with the matter.

On the other side, after Wang Jianxiang and several bosses went back, several people sat in Wang Jianxiang's office and began to talk about it again.

The boss who asked Qin Feng to pay said angrily: "Qin Feng is completely making trouble for us! There is nothing to talk about!"

Wang Jianxiang looked at the boss angrily and said, "Wu Jun, I feel that calling you stupid is an insult to stupid words! Bai Yan came to talk to us about something. Qin Feng would not know? Isn't that the reason why he opened the theater? ? You're actually bringing it up in front of him! Have you lost your mind?"

Obviously, Wu Jun took Wang Jianxiang's anger seriously, and Wang Jianxiang scolded him!When Wu Jun heard Wang Jianxiang's scolding, he could only sit there and listen.After all, Wang Jianxiang is the core figure of the theater party, the backbone!

Wang Jianxiang pondered for a while and said, "Qin Feng's new film is about to be released in those years! His cinema has not been built yet! He will definitely come to us! Let's wait! My personal opinion is to have a good talk with Qin Feng. Let's go! As long as we don't talk about collapse, it will be the best result!"

Due to the lack of coordination with the cinema side.So Qin Feng decided to shoot the fire phoenix first before shooting the 3D New Year blockbuster at the end of the year.

Qin Feng also already has a good theme for the Lunar New Year movies at the end of the year.This subject is also a very shocking subject.

The stars who were sent to the barracks to shoot the Phoenix finally came out of the barracks after half a month of living in the barracks.Of course, the life in the military camp for the past two weeks also made them feel deeply.

Qin Feng stood outside the barracks and looked at them who came out of the barracks. Everyone's eyes were red.You can even see the crystal tears in the eyes of the girls Yang Ying and Hu Yifei.

The training in the barracks is hard, but the camaraderie is unforgettable.Everyone will shed tears of reluctance in the face of this kind of camaraderie.

After returning to the Shanghai market, Qin Feng and Bai Yan have prepared everything the show team needs, and now the actors are also here.The TV series has officially started.

This time I made a TV series because I was in a hurry.Qin Feng and the others just held a small press conference for the opening ceremony, but this was enough to attract a lot of media.

The matter of Qin Feng and the theater party was also the focus of media interviews.But Qin Feng avoided answering.Just after answering a few simple questions, the staff began to ask the reporters away.Then Qin Feng led the crew to the shooting location in a low-key manner.

Chapter [-]: Please call me Lord Qindao in the future

Now it is estimated that Qin Feng's Dingtian Entertainment is the only one that can cooperate with the military in filming.This made other film and television companies jealous, and everyone was even more afraid of Qin Feng's origin.

However, with the low-key filming of the "Fire Phoenix" crew, the reporters could not dig out any big news.So everyone is still curious about what the film will be like.

The low profile of the "Fire Phoenix" crew could not stop the reporters from caring about them, but after countless reporters were kicked out by the guards of the military area, everyone could only wait quietly for the broadcast of "Fire Phoenix".

After filming and returning to the love apartment, everyone was exhausted.Yang Ying rubbed her shoulders and said, "This special forces scene is really not so tiring."

Lin Wanyu sat there with her head down and looked exhausted and said, "I'm already tired and falling asleep! Don't talk to me!"

Qin Feng sat there and took out the computer to keep checking something.Hu Yifei asked curiously, "Brother Feng, what are you doing?"

Qin Feng replied with a smile, "I'm contacting Zhanbo!"

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