After hearing Qin Feng's words, Hu Yifei realized that she had never seen Lu Zhanbo since she returned from the military camp.If Lu Zhanbo knew about this, he would probably cry and faint in the toilet.It has been more than half a month since she left and Hu Yifei came back, and her sister still hadn't noticed that she was not in the love apartment.

Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "Where is Zhanbo?"

"I asked him to do one thing for me, and I think it will be done! Come back soon!" Qin Feng stared at the computer and kept clicking the mouse in his hand to answer Hu Yifei's question.

Soon Qin Feng's computer was debugged, and Lu Zhanbo's figure appeared in the computer!Qin Feng said with a smile, "Zhanbo, good evening!"

Lu Zhanbo laughed and said, "Brother-in-law, it's daytime at Citigroup! Do you all miss me?" Hearing Lu Zhanbo's question, everyone laughed awkwardly.Qin Feng hurriedly said: "Of course, we all think of you every day!" Everyone also agreed.

Obviously everyone wouldn't tell Lu Zhanbo that they had just discovered that Zhanbo was not in the love apartment.Lu Zhanbo's existence felt weak.

Qin Feng changed the subject and asked, "Zhanbo, how are things going?"

Lu Zhanbo patted his chest and said, "Brother-in-law, are you still worried about my work?"

Qin Feng said secretly in his heart: "It's because you are doing things, so I don't worry about it!" Of course, this kind of remark was just what Qin Feng thought, and he didn't say it.

Lu Zhanbo said in a very good mood: "I have already met Jake Linda, the owner of Nafi Island, and he has agreed to our offer! Now we are preparing for the handover procedures and so on! It is estimated that you will also be in two days. Come and sign a contract with them!"

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Well. After the preparation is over there, it's OK for you to message me directly! I'll just fly over there!"

Lu Zhanbo smiled and said, "No problem, brother-in-law. Don't worry!"

Hearing their conversation, everyone was at a loss and had no idea what Qin Feng and Lu Zhanbo were talking about.What the hell is Nafi Island?

For Jake Linda.Lin Wanyu still knew that he was a rich man.But what kind of connection does all this have with Qin Feng?

After Qin Feng and Lu Zhanbo ended the video call, everyone looked at Qin Feng curiously, and wanted to know what Qin Feng did by letting Lu Zhanbo go to see the rich man at Citi.

Seeing everyone's expectant expressions, Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "What's wrong? You are all very curious about what I asked Zhanbo to do?" Everyone nodded in unison.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'll tell you! In the future, please call me Lord Qin Dao!"

"Qindao Lord?! Why do you want to call you Qindao Lord?" Hu Yifei asked without thinking.Before Qin Feng could answer, Yang Ying and Wan Yu had already reacted.

Lin Wanyu held her small mouth and said, "Oh, God! Brother Feng, didn't you buy that Nafi Island from Jake Linda?!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "[-] points for correct answers! I'll give you a reward tonight!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone turned to petrification!what the hell?I actually bought an island!

When everyone recovered from the shock, Yang Ying asked suspiciously, "Brother Feng, why did you buy this island? Are you planning to move to it?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "If that's the case, I might consider it in the future, but now it's just to shoot a 3D movie for the Lunar New Year!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone's heart poured out a sentence: "rich and self-willed!" Just spent an astronomical sum to buy a small island just for filming?

Everyone has an unbelievable expression, buying a small island to film.Then the cost of this play is too high!How high is the box office to make a return!

Lu Ziqiao asked weakly, "Brother Feng, how much is this island?" Qin Feng replied indifferently, "Not much, just over fifty million!"

Hearing this, everyone feels that buying a small island and spending [-] million Huaxia coins is still okay.But Qin Feng added two words behind it: "USD!"

Chapter nine hundred and thirteen: Qin Feng buys the island

The two words behind Qin Feng almost didn't make everyone bite their tongues, fifty million dollars!You must know that the exchange ratio of Huaxia coins to US dollars is one to eight, which is a full [-] million Huaxia coins!

Chen Meijia began to calculate how much [-] million was with her fingers, and the others were frightened by Qin Feng's generosity.

"I bought an island with [-] million yuan, and then told everyone that I used this island to make movies. Believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway," Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

In fact, Qin Feng bought the island for his own future consideration.And it happened that the movie I made was a story that happened on an island, so I could just use it.So after Qin Feng found the island, he did not hesitate to send Lu Zhanbo to find the owner of the island, Jack Linda, and took over the ownership of the island.

And this small island in the Pacific Ocean is also a big rock on Jacklinda's shoulders.At the beginning, Jake Linda also bought the island with the dream of becoming the owner of the island.Then spent a lot of money to develop it.

Jacklinda spent nearly two hundred million dollars before and after the development of the entire island.But the final result of development disappointed Jake Linda.Frequent power outages and disconnections have made Jake Linda experience what is called life on an overseas island.There is even a feeling of being Robinson incarnate.

When he planned to sell the island, he discovered that many private islands are now for sale.It is completely impossible to recover the more than two billion dollars in expenses that I have invested in.

Just when he was extremely depressed, Lu Zhanbo came to him.When Lu Zhanbo proposed to buy the island, Jake Linda was like seeing the savior.

Fortunately, Qin Feng's offer was a reasonable $[-] million. Jake Linda agreed immediately without any hesitation, and it was Lu Zhanbo who was graciously entertained.Then immediately have someone go to do everything needed for the handover.

Qin Feng really has his own unique ideas for this small island.Although the island fell into Jake Linda's hands, in Qin Feng's hands, it could turn waste into treasure.

The shock of Qin Feng buying the island was indeed a little too big. , It took several days for everyone to accept this.Lu Zhanbo's work efficiency is very high. To be precise, Jake Linda has been dragged down by this small island so badly that she can't wait to get rid of it.

Two days later, Lu Zhanbo informed Qin Feng to go to Los Angeles to sign the contract.Qin Feng still likes the city of Los Angeles very much, because his favorite team, the Lakers, and his favorite star, Kobe Bryant, are all here.

Qin Feng took Yang Ying, Hu Yifei, Liu Yifei, and Lin Wanyu to Los Angeles. They were still very curious about the island that Qin Fenghua bought astronomically.Can't wait to see what the island looks like.

Qin Feng is one of the most famous people in China.Naturally, his every move could not avoid the eyes of the media, and of course Qin Feng did not intend to avoid the media.

So the news that Qin Feng went to Los Angeles at Citigroup attracted the attention of the media.Qin Feng is a recognized model worker in the entertainment industry.During the year, I am either filming, doing variety shows or holding concerts.

In short, Qin Feng has been very busy, and it is rare to have a few breaks every year.Therefore, Qin Feng must have something important to do when he went abroad.

In order to dig up the news, the media followed Qin Feng to Los Angeles.

After Qin Feng arrived in Los Angeles and checked into the hotel, he first called Kobe. Kobe was very fond of Qin Feng.Their previous relationship was still very good.

Kobe hosted a banquet for them, and they also came to Staples Arena to cheer for Kobe and the Lakers in the evening.Jake Linda heard that Qin Feng couldn't wait to sign a contract when he arrived in Los Angeles, and he also came to Staples accompanied by Lu Zhanbo.

Lu Zhanbo and Jake Linda walked into the arena and saw Qin Feng and Yang Ying behind the Lakers' bench.Lu Zhanbo walked over excitedly.

Qin Feng also waved when he saw Lu Zhanbo.Jack Linda and Lu Zhanbo sat next to Qin Feng and the others.Jake Linda is also a well-known rich man in Los Angeles, and Kobe is also an old acquaintance.

Kobe, who was sitting on the bench, turned around and smiled and said, "Hey, Jack! Why are you here?" At this time, the Lakers were ahead by more than ten points in the first quarter, and Kobe was also relaxed.

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