Jake Linda smiled and said, "Hey, Kobe! I'm here to talk business with Mr. Qin!" Hearing what Jack Linda said, Kobe smiled and said, "Hey, Qin Feng. Has your business reached Citi? Are you not making movies?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Of course, I'm still making movies. Remember to join us when it's released in Citiland!"

Kobe turned to his teammates and said, "When Qin Feng's movie is released, I will invite everyone in the team to watch it!" Hearing Kobe's words, the players on the bench also shouted.

Kobe knew that Jake Linda and Qin Feng had their own things to talk about and didn't bother them. He turned around and carefully observed the game on the court.

Jacklinda said with a smile, "Mr. Qin, we have completed all the formalities for the contract of Nafi Island. As long as you sign and pay, the island will be yours!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Jack, don't worry! We will sign the contract tomorrow! Let's cheer for Kobe together tonight!"

When Jake Linda heard Qin Feng's affirmative answer, she was relieved and said with a smile, "Let's watch the game together!"

Their conversation was overheard by two reporters sitting not far behind.They all took a deep breath.Qin Feng actually came to Citi Country to buy a private island!OMG!It's crazy!

The two reporters also snapped a few photos with their cameras.It clearly shows that the protagonists are Qin Feng and Citi's richest man Jack Linda.

After taking the photos, the two left the arena in a hurry, and the wonderful game could not attract them anymore.They know that when this news is announced, it will definitely be a headline in the country tomorrow.

Chapter nine hundred and fourteen: shock the world

After Qin Feng and Jake Linda talked about the details of this island purchase, the two sat on the sidelines and started cheering for the Lakers.And Kobe also lived up to expectations and led the Lakers to easily win the game.

Hollywood is located on the outskirts of Los Angeles.Los Angeles is less than [-] minutes away by car.Los Angeles, which is on the verge of Hollywood, has naturally become a star-studded place.Of course, the biggest sign in Los Angeles is the Lakers boss Kobe Bryant.

After winning the game and accepting the interview, Kobe invited Qin Feng, the others and Jacqueline to be guests at his home.This scene was also filmed by all the reporters who followed.

The next day, the headlines of major domestic media were replaced with pictures of Qin Feng and Jielinda chatting.The title was changed to "Qin Feng bought a small island at a sky-high price, becoming the first person to buy an island in China!"

As soon as this news was released, it immediately attracted the attention of countless Chinese people.For the value of something like an island, no one in China has ever bought it, and no one wants to buy a small island in the past.But you can still fully imagine how expensive it is.

Everyone was talking about it, and countless netizens went to Qin Feng's Weibo to leave a message. Everyone wanted to know what was going on?The reporter only took pictures secretly, but I don't know how much the island was bought for.But the price will definitely not be low, so the reporter also directly crowned the sky-high price.

Fans are eager to know the authenticity of the purchase of the island.The rich people in the country are also sighing and sighing. When everyone is still paying attention to the domestic market, Qin Feng has already taken his steps to the international market.

Qin Feng was woken up by Bai Yan's phone call. Because of the [-]-hour time difference, it was night in the country during the day and night outside.Qin Feng answered the phone and asked, "Hey, Sister Yan, is there a lot of noise in China about my purchase of the island?"

Bai Yan said angrily, "You said that you deliberately disclosed the news to the media and didn't tell me how to deal with this matter!" Hearing Bai Yan's complaining tone, Qin Feng smiled and said, "Tell the truth! I'll send you the contract details later."

Qin Feng hung up the phone after telling Bai Yan how to deal with this matter.Bai Yan waited for a few minutes to receive the contract documents sent by Qin Feng.

Just when there was a lot of uproar in the outside world because of Qin Feng's purchase of the island, Qin Feng's Weibo suddenly updated: "I have reached an agreement with Mr. Jake Linda to formally purchase Nafi Island!"

The Weibo was very brief, but it told everyone that Qin Feng's purchase of the island was a fact, not a media hype.This shocked fans, an island.What is this for?

The official Weibo of Maple Leaf Group also released a message: "My company's CEO, Mr. Qin Feng, reached an agreement with Mr. Jack Linda in Los Angeles, the United States yesterday to purchase Nafi Island under the name of Jack Linda at a price of 3 million US dollars! At the same time, Maple Leaf The tourism development company is preparing, and Nafi Island will be the first project developed by the tourism company! At the same time, the world's first [-]D film directed and starring Qin Feng is also in preparation and will be filmed on this small island! "

This Weibo post immediately caused a world-class shock. In addition to being shocked by Qin Feng's $3 million purchase of the island's tourism project, domestic fans also saw the last sentence.The world's first [-]D movie directed and starred by Qin Feng.

Fans are wondering what the hell is a 3D movie?Since 3D technology has not been developed before, and movies are all 2D, many people do not understand what a 3D movie is.

But this news is enough to shock the world film industry, Hollywood has been silently developing 3D technology.Although it is a little fruitful, it is not enough to shoot a movie with 3D effect.

But suddenly Qin Feng told them that he could shoot 3D movies and was preparing for it.This makes those film and television companies in Hollywood unbelievable.

Although Qin Feng has already developed the 3D game "World of Warcraft", it is still difficult for these film and television companies to believe that the technology that they have not researched has been researched by the film and television company of Huaxia Kingdom by applying 3D technology to film shooting. .

They always thought that their film and television shooting technology was leading the world, but they were suddenly surpassed by Huaxia's film and television company. There was a big gap in their hearts and they could not accept this fact at all.

However, just after they studied for a long time and decided to fly to Los Angeles to meet Qin Feng to confirm the authenticity of the matter, Qin Feng and Yang Ying and the others signed the contract and officially renamed the island to Nabra Island. I hurriedly flew back to China to continue the shooting of "Fire Phoenix".Lu Zhanbo was left to deal with the unfinished business.

After fluttering for nothing, the Hollywood film and television company decided to take a look first and say that if Qin Feng really made a 3D movie, it would not be too late to find him for cooperation.

Back in China, Qin Feng and the others were surrounded by Deng Chao, Li Chen, and Tara as soon as they arrived on the set.Xiaomin still asked with an expression of disbelief, "Qin Feng Oppa! Did you really buy an island?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Yeah, I've already bought it. When my new movie starts shooting, I'll take you there to play!" Everyone exclaimed when they heard Qin Feng's words.

Zhiyan leaned over curiously and asked, "Oppa, is that island beautiful? Do you have any photos?"

Qin Feng took out his mobile phone and showed them the photo of his island that Jake Linda sent to him.Deng Chao and the others also squeezed in. Deng Chao said excitedly: "Wow, what a great island! It has been developed so well! Wait until next summer to have a place to vacation!"

Hearing Deng Chao's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Brother Chao doesn't have to wait for next year. After filming "Fire Phoenix", he will go over to make a new movie. You can't run away!"

Deng Chao asked curiously, "What's the name of the movie?"

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly: ""Jurassic World"!"

Chapter [-]: The theater party has softened

"Jurassic World? What is this about?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously.


"Wow, Brother Feng, you are so knowledgeable! But what is there to write about in that world?" Lin Wanyu asked curiously.Everyone looked at Qin Feng curiously.

Qin Feng said in surprise: "Don't you know the dinosaurs of that era?"

"Dinosaurs?! Brother Feng, you want to make a dinosaur movie?!" Hu Yifei asked in surprise.

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Yes, so this movie will be shot on Nablar Island. After the filming, Nablar Island will be developed into a tourist attraction."

Deng Chao smiled and said, "Qin Feng, I must star in this movie! This is the first 3D movie!"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Brother Chao, do you know what a 3D movie is?"

Deng Chao was at a loss for words, because at present, there is no complete description of 3D movies in the world, and no one has tried to make this type of movies.

Deng Chao said unconvinced: "Zeng Xiaoxian, you act like you know!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said proudly: "Of course I know! 3D movies are stereoscopic movies. It superimposes two images to produce a three-dimensional effect. When the audience wears stereoscopic glasses to watch, they will feel like they are there. Also known as "3D" Stereoscopic movies. "

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