After finishing speaking, Zeng Xiaoxian still looked at Deng Chao proudly, Deng Chao said angrily: "Zhan Bo told you again!" Zeng Xiaoxian pouted and said, "Zhan Bo has been in the United States recently, this is my own Found it online!"

Zhiyan asked curiously, "What are 3D glasses? Do you have to wear glasses to watch 3D movies in the future?"

Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't answer, Qin Feng continued: "Yes, 3D movies must use 3D glasses to see the three-dimensional effect of 3D."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, although everyone didn't quite understand it, they were already looking forward to it.Everyone is the first to hear that you need to prepare a pair of glasses to watch a movie.

After chatting for a while, everyone continued the shooting of "Fire Phoenix".On the other hand, Wang Jianxiang couldn't sit still in his office.

Because he got the news that Qin Feng's "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years" has passed the review, but he has not found any theaters talking about its release.

This made Wang Jianxiang very uneasy. Qin Feng did not talk about the release, and he would definitely wait until all his [-] theaters were built before broadcasting.In this case, Qin Feng will completely tear his face with the theater party.

Qin Feng's purchase of Kojima has been confirmed, and the first 3D movie is in preparation.This is what makes Wang Jianxiang feel very hopeless. No one has ever seen a 3D movie.But Hollywood is said to be working on it.Then it proves that 3D movies can definitely crush the effect of 2D movies.

And one of the issues that worries Wang Jianxiang the most is Qin Feng's prestige in the entertainment industry.If Qin Feng's [-] theaters are completed, Wang Jianxiang is very worried that Qin Feng will directly pull all the film and television companies to his side at the cost of reducing the score by virtue of his connections and prestige in the entertainment industry.

If Qin Feng really did this, it would be a disaster for the theater party.Although I have so many movie theaters, there are no movies.Just had to close the door.

At that point, Wang Jianxiang can be 3% sure that some small companies in the theater will definitely join Qin Feng's camp. If that's the case, the theater can only obediently reduce the share.At that time, if Qin Feng proposed to change the [-]D cinema, they would only have to be obedient.

Wang Jianxiang is a visionary.He also basically guessed Qin Feng's thoughts.Regarding Qin Feng's thoughts, although Wang Jianxiang has already guessed it, he has no good way to prevent this from happening.

The film and television company has long been dissatisfied with the [-]-[-] split, and now there is a Qin Feng who can stand up to help them play the movie and fight against their side with them.The result is completely unknown.

Qin Feng was a naked conspiracy to let Wang Jianxiang know his thoughts and movements, but he just couldn't stop it from happening.

Wang Jianxiang sat in his office and thought about it for a whole day, but he didn't pay much attention. The bosses of several other theater chains also knew the stakes behind this matter after Wang Jianxiang explained all this.

In the end, Wang Jianxiang had to decide to give up the game with Qin Feng and surrender.Although the other bosses are not reconciled, there is no way. If everything happens according to their expectations, the loss of the theater chain will be huge. Not only will they have to pay for the renovation of the theater chain, but also reduce One percent share.

At that time, they are really the fish on Qin Feng's chopping board, and they will be slaughtered by others!Although Wang Jianxiang was very aggrieved, there was nothing very good to do.

After Wang Jianxiang came to Dingtian Entertainment alone, he was told that Qin Feng was going to film.Wang Jianxiang could only wait downstairs in the love apartment.

Qin Feng and the others returned to the love apartment after filming. As soon as they got out of the car, they were seen by Wang Jianxiang, who was waiting in the car.Wang Jianxiang hurriedly got out of the car, walked over and said with a smile on his face, "Chairman Qin, you are back!"

Qin Feng heard someone call him and turned his head to see Wang Jianxiang.Qin Feng also guessed Wang Jianxiang's intention, smiled and said, "Boss Wang, why are you free to come to me today?"

A bitter smile appeared on Wang Jianxiang's face: "Today, let's talk to Director Qin about the transformation of the theater into 3D!"

Chapter [-]: Those Years Released

Qin Feng heard Wang Jianxiang's soft tone and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, all of which were expected by Qin Feng. "Boss Wang, let's pack up first, let's go upstairs to talk slowly!" Qin Feng, who held the initiative, took the initiative.

Wang Jianxiang could also see that they had just come back from filming and said with a smile, "I'll help you get it!" He took the items in Yang Ying's hand regardless of his own shelf.

Qin Feng saw all Wang Jianxiang's actions and smiled slightly.The group returned to the love apartment, Qin Feng said with a smile: "Boss Wang, please sit on the sofa for a while, I'll pack up!"

Wang Jianxiang sat on the sofa and stroked his thoughts.After Qin Feng packed up, he came to the living room and sat down opposite Wang Jianxiang. Yang Ying also poured water for the two of them.

Everyone knows that the two of them have something to talk about, but they avoided each other and went about their own business.Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao, Guan Guqi, and Zhang Wei, together with Deng Chao who came over to eat, formed a team of five and played a training match with the players of the hit team.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "I wonder what Boss Wang thinks about the renovation of the theater?"

Wang Jianxiang took a sip of water and said, "In this case, as long as Director Qin provides technical support, each of us will bear the cost of the modification, and then our share of Dingtian Entertainment will be changed to [-]%!"

Hearing Wang Jianxiang's words, Qin Feng frowned slightly and said, "Is it only our Dingtian Entertainment's Sanqi Kai?" Wang Jianxiang smiled and said, "Qin Dong's movies are all high box office, so the Sanqi Kai, we can still do it. Accepted, but the box office results of other movies are too low, and we have lost too much to accept. If other movies are also open, we would rather not play them!"

Qin Feng just looked at Wang Jianxiang with the corners of his mouth raised slightly. Qin Feng knew Wang Jianxiang's careful thinking too well. If Qin Feng agreed to this move, it would be difficult for Qin Feng to call on film and television companies to unite in the future.

Wang Jianxiang reluctantly gave Qin Feng [-]% ​​of the benefits, and then deteriorated the relationship between Qin Feng and other film and television companies, destroying the possibility of their union.

Qin Feng just smiled and said, "Boss Wang, your sincerity is really good!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Wang Jianxiang's face showed a relaxed look.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "I have no opinion on the renovation of the theater. As for the division into this part, I feel that such division is not very appropriate. I have a suggestion!"

Wang Jianxiang was stunned for a moment and said, "Dong Qin, please speak!"

Qin Feng said: "As for the share, everyone is fair. I can't make a company special by myself!" Wang Jianxiang asked: "What do you mean?" Wang Jianxiang was very afraid that Qin Feng would ask them to give all the companies It is three to seven.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Since Boss Wang said just now that the movies with the highest box office can be opened in [-]. Then let's divide the algorithm according to the box office. The high box office will open in [-], and the bad box office will be divided into five. Five!"

Wang Jianxiang smiled bitterly when he heard Qin Feng's words and said, "It's still Dong Qin's thoughtful thinking!" In fact, Qin Feng's idea was still for himself.

As long as Dingtian Entertainment's films are directed by Qin Feng, all of them have high box office.Now Qin Feng proposes to decide the share based on the level of box office, which is the same to Qin Feng to a certain extent as directly proposing to open Dingtian Entertainment [-].

But in this case, the film and television company would have no opinion on Qin Feng, but thank Qin Feng instead.Because after all, every company can make one or two high-box-office movies. If they are all low-box-office movies, then the film and television company can also be closed directly.

Qin Feng's request is also disguised to inspire domestic directors to use more thought and more managers to shoot a better movie.

In this way, the concession of the theater chain is also within their budget, and Qin Feng will not lose the good cooperative relationship with other domestic film and television companies.

For this request made by Qin Feng, the theater party can only agree to it.Wang Jianxiang knew that if he did not agree with Qin Feng's request, then this time it would be in vain.

Wang Jianxiang nodded helplessly after thinking about his own gains and losses.Qin Feng smiled and said, "Boss Wang, since you agreed, I will announce this publicly tomorrow."

Wang Jianxiang could only helplessly agree.After chatting about the specific details, Wang Jianxiang also got the broadcast copyright of "Those Years" and left.

The next day, Dingtian Entertainment officially started to promote Qin Feng's work "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years".On the other hand, the bosses of major domestic film and television companies have received notices from Qin Feng, that is, the box office share is linked to the box office performance.

Just after receiving the news, everyone was surprised, why did the theater party suddenly let go!But when they thought that Qin Feng had notified them, everyone knew that the theater party must have suffered from Qin Feng's loss.

Everyone reacted to this new sharing system. Isn't Qin Feng always a guarantee of the box office?This is simply a system tailored for Dingtian Entertainment!

For this kind of system, everyone can only envy and hate Dingtian Entertainment, but they can't say anything.Who can blame your own movies as inferior to other people's movies?

However, in addition to complaining, all film and television companies have motivation, that is, to work hard to produce good films.Many companies have found directors who often work with their companies to study scripts.

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