Dingtian Entertainment also began to vigorously promote "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years", and many fans also paid attention to this matter for the first time.

Some previous questions about "Those Years" were also followed by people's attention again.Some clips and clips of the film were also leaked online, arousing the attention of netizens.

While everyone was talking about it, Dingtian Entertainment also invited the media to attend the premiere conference of "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years" held by Hilton two days later.

Chapter nine hundred and seventeen: grand premiere

"The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years" is Qin Feng's first campus romance film, and the box office of this type of film itself is not very good.And the lead actors are also a bunch of newcomers.

Therefore, for the sake of box office, Dingtian Entertainment still carried out crazy publicity, not to mention the popular headlines of major media.Even the propaganda columns of Dingtian Entertainment in major cities are hung with posters and propaganda pages of "Those Years".

Dingtian Entertainment's publicity basically covers online publicity and offline publicity.Both lines are made very large.The prime-time commercials of various David Video channels were also given to "Those Years".

The cost of publicity for this play has already exceeded the cost of filming.Such a life-threatening publicity also shocked countless media and film and television companies.

Originally, "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" had already attracted the attention of countless people before it was filmed.So much propaganda now.Basically, no one in China does not know that Qin Feng's movie "Those Years" is about to be released.

At the same time as the promotion, Dingtian Entertainment is also preparing for the premiere of "Those Years" in an orderly manner. As a large film and television company, these things are commonplace.It is also quite easy to do.

The premiere is very important for a movie. A successful premiere will have a good effect on the increase of the box office, because the premiere broadcasts the film, movie clips, or even the whole movie.These are all to arouse everyone's goodwill and curiosity about the movie, and then they will go to the cinema to buy tickets to watch the movie.

Qin Feng's estimate for the box office of this movie is [-] million.Because the subject matter of this movie is too niche, not too popular.But Qin Feng's directing can attract at least [-] million box office.

The premiere of "Those Years" was held in a large exhibition hall in the Maple Leaf Building. This exhibition hall is dedicated to the films invested by Dingtian Entertainment to hold the premiere.

At this point, only Dingtian Entertainment in the country has such a treatment. The movies of other film and television companies are all rented to the movie halls of the movie city to hold.

Dingtian Entertainment has also shown its status as a leader in domestic film and television entertainment from many places.

The premiere of "Those Years" was very grand. To be precise, the premieres of the films invested by Dingtian Entertainment were very grand, but the guests from the movie "Those Years" directed by Qin Feng were too shocking.

In addition to the main creators and main actors of the "Those Years" crew, reporters from major domestic media, professional film critics, and essential star guests were also invited.

At the same time, Qin Feng's old practice is to invite some lucky fans to watch the premiere together.These lucky fans were randomly selected from the official website of Dingtian Entertainment.A total of [-] lucky spectators were drawn.

And there are many viewers who have not been drawn, who spend a lot of money to buy places online.Because the seventy lucky viewers just sent out invitations based on their screen names.There is no name written on it.So anyone can enter as long as they have the invitation.

Although LeTV will broadcast the grand premiere of the whole film on this day, fans still want to get in touch with their idols on the spot. Of course, the premiere will be watched for the whole movie, and this will not be broadcast live. .So fans still want to get a sneak peek.

On the day of the premiere, the seventy audience members who received the invitations came to the premiere early in the morning wearing uniforms with Qin Feng's name on them.

The reporters who came to the scene also recorded the enthusiasm of the honeys with their own cameras.On the day of the premiere, all the domestic first-line media rushed to the scene early.

On the other hand, the on-site staff is carrying out the layout of the venue and the debugging of the live broadcast line.Fans who couldn't come to the scene also waited early on the LeTV live page.

Qin Feng and Yang Ying, as well as the main creators and leading actors of the crew, came to the venue at more than nine o'clock. Qin Feng and Yang Ying's intimate arm was also the film that murdered many reporters.As Qin Feng's career became bigger and bigger, it was rare for everyone to see Qin Feng and Yang Ying, a pair of golden boys and girls, appear on the screen.

Taking such a rare opportunity naturally requires taking pictures. Qin Feng and Yang Ying also smiled at the enthusiasm of the reporters and signaled to everyone.

Seeing his die-hard fans holding banners wishing him a big box office hit, Qin Feng took Yang Ying's hand and walked over to take a group photo with the fans enthusiastically in front of the banner.

This made the [-] fans excited. The fans in front of the computer were all envious and jealous, and some of the fans who sold the tickets at a high price also regretted it.

The guests who came to attend the premiere after ten o'clock also arrived at the scene one after another.Seeing the lineup arriving at the scene, the reporters all had an illusion, did they come to the film festival?

Chapter nine hundred and eighteen: official release

The hosts of today's premiere are He Jiong and Wang Han, the hosts of Mango TV, and Yiyi and Liu Yan, the beautiful hosts of Shanghai TV.This lineup is also quite luxurious.

The scene was star-studded and dazzled the seventy fans, but they were also very proud, because these stars also came to support their bosses.

The mayor of Shanghai, the officer, Su Yu and Li Feng were sitting in the first row of the auditorium, and no one dared to step forward and sit in the same row with them, after all, their identities were insufficient.

Whether it is a star artist, a director or a person from a film and television company, they cannot be compared with these officials in terms of status.So they sat in the third row, and the second row was for the stars and the organizers.

The reporters were also quite depressed. These big bosses sat here. They had prepared a lot of sharp questions, but they dared not ask a single word now. They were afraid that one of them would accidentally offend the mayor or the radio, television, and military officials. That's what they got.

The military is a little better, as long as they don't mess with it, they'll be fine, but the radio and television and the mayor can give them a good look every minute.Even one look is enough.

For Qin Feng to invite such a luxurious lineup, other film and television companies have absolutely no idea other than envy, jealousy and hatred.After all, these people are not people you can hire if you have money.

But Qin Feng just shrugged when he saw them coming, indicating that they were all uninvited and had no invitations at all.So annoying!

If Qin Feng's thoughts were heard by the bosses of the film and television companies, he would really vomit blood.Even if he wanted to invite no one, Qin Feng was still annoying.It just doesn't make sense.

Qin Feng sat in the first row with a smile and chatted with these people in a low voice, with envious, jealous eyes behind him.I can sit and chat with the mayor, the colonel, the director of CCTV, and the director of radio and television.Everyone wanted to know what they were saying, but they didn't dare to eavesdrop.

The guests also arrived one after another around eleven o'clock. He Jiong, Wang Han, Liu Yan, and Yiyi came to the front of the venue and said their opening remarks with smiles on their faces.

These are all things that they do often and are handy!After that, Qin Feng, the director, was invited to speak on stage. Qin Feng talked to several leaders and then left his seat and came to the front.

Qin Feng simply said some polite words of thanks, and then introduced the main content of the movie.Then he was interviewed by reporters.

The reporters were very embarrassed and asked some very routine questions. There were several leaders, but none of them dared to stab Qin Feng.The interview process for the entire premiere was exceptionally harmonious.

The only question that shocked everyone was about the box office, because Qin Feng's estimate was far higher than the estimated box office given by film critics.

After the interview, several leading actors also came on stage and made very official speeches.The main actors are also very clear that everyone can listen to their speech or not.

The main purpose of coming here today is to watch the movie.Because of the arrival of several leaders, the scene is also preparing to broadcast the film in its entirety.

The live broadcast of LeTV released the pre-prepared footage for everyone to see.The online audience immediately felt comforted.For the [-] fans at the scene, who could see it from the beginning to the end for the first time, everyone had only envy, jealousy and hatred in their hearts.

As the lights dimmed, the screen turned on.The on-site security staff patrolled in rows to prevent anyone from secretly filming at the scene.

The cameras and cameras of the reporters at the scene were all turned off.There is an advertisement on the screen at this time.Suddenly, a security guard found a reporter hiding in the corner and secretly filming and walked over to invite the reporter to the scene.

When it was confirmed that no one was secretly filming the scene, everyone was very anxious to wait, and the film finally started.

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