The beginning of the movie is Ke Jingteng, who grew up. He looks in the mirror and arranges his hairstyle, then ties himself into a bow tie and a suit. He is very handsome.There is a bright red apple on the table.

At this moment, Ah He shouted loudly, "Hurry up! You want a bride to wait for you!" Ke Jingteng smiled lightly, picked up the apple on the table and took a bite...

Obviously this is the final ending. It seems that this campus love is a perfect ending. The male and female protagonists are getting married.This is what everyone thinks.

Then the film time goes back to when Ke Jingteng went to middle school, and suddenly there is a strong Taiwanese style school and style.Ke Jingteng introduced a few of his good friends.

When introducing the erection, there was a burst of laughter, especially when the girls blushed shyly after seeing the erection.

But all this also brought back memories of everyone's youth. Although it is Taiwan's middle school, it can remind everyone of the ignorant appearance when he was in high school.

With the development of the plot, everyone resonated when they saw that Ke Jingteng handed the textbook to Shen Jiayi and he was punished to jump in the corridor carrying a chair.

"I thought of the scene when I was in high school and was punished by the teacher for not completing my homework! Sure enough, teachers in high school have the same attributes!"

"The role of this teacher is like the head teacher of my high school!"

"Are you also studying in Jingcheng Middle School?"

Later, Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi turned from enemies they looked down on to friends, and then they fought against the instructors in training together, and then gradually developed a good feeling for each other.But it's a pity that at that time they were young and ignorant and what they didn't understand was the feeling of first love, that is the taste of love.

After graduating from high school, they went to different schools with each other, and good friends also went their separate ways.The first Christmas in college, the first date of the two, let the Kongming lanterns carrying the hope of love fly together.Shen Jiayi and Ke Jingteng were already attached to each other, but they missed the opportunity to confess again.

The audience who saw this scene was not only anxious for the two protagonists.

Chapter nine hundred and nineteen: moving the audience

At this time, everyone on the scene was already immersed in the plot. Looking at Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi who were shy in the face of love, everyone not only thought of when they were facing the boys and girls they liked during their school years Such shyness.It's all very feeling.

Seeing Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi who accidentally missed the opportunity to confess, everyone felt anxious for a while. "Qin Feng, just let them be together!"

However, it is clear that the plot did not develop as well as everyone imagined.In order to prove himself, Ke Jingteng held an indiscriminate free fighting competition at the school.

When the scarred Ke Jingteng stood in front of Shen Jiayi, the scene of Shen Jiayi's joy and excitement he expected did not appear.

Looking at Ke Jingteng with scars, Shen Jiayi was more angry than distressed.Feeling angry for Ke Jingteng's childishness.

"Ke Jingteng is such a man!" Zeng Xiaoxian whispered.

"Zeng Xiaoxian, why do you feel very manly? This is simply childish behavior. If Deng Chao dares to do this, I will never let him enter the house!" Sun Li, who was sitting next to Zeng Xiaoxian, whispered.

Deng Chao also smiled awkwardly when he heard his wife's words, but as a man, Deng Chao also felt that Ke Jingteng's actions were too impulsive and childish.But it fits the personality of a teenage boy.

The plot of the movie is still going on. Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi broke up because of this matter, and each has someone by their side who will walk with them.It wasn't until two years later, when an earthquake hit Shen Jiayi's city, when Ke Jingteng walked a few streets anxiously with his mobile phone in his hand before connecting to Shen Jiayi's call.

There were tears in many people's eyes.Everyone's eyes were red.The experiences of Shen Jiayi and Ke Jingteng are the experiences that everyone had when they were young.Looking at them reminds me of my own experience when I was young.

As time passed, Ke Jingteng graduated and embarked on the path of being a writer. The contact between Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi became less and less, until Shen Jiayi called later.

The girl who accompanied him to put the Kongming lantern with him was about to get married, but the groom was not himself.This different kind of taste made many men at the scene recall their past.

When we first fell in love, we didn't understand love, but when we knew love, they were far away from us and could never be recovered. We could only helplessly watch someone put on a wedding dress for her.So helpless, so powerless.

The audience at the scene all complained, "Damn it, how can I do this? What about the perfect ending? Isn't this a fool?"

"Shen Jiayi and Ke Jingteng are not together! I'm so disappointed!"

"Qin Feng, you are too cruel! Can you give us a beautiful scene that we can imagine?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said lightly, "Do you think Brother Feng will design a scene where the male protagonist will grab the wedding at the scene?" Zeng Xiaoxian saw Zhang Wei on the other side of him staring at him with a murderous look in his eyes.

With Lu Ziqiao's hint, Zeng Xiaoxian remembered that Zhang Wei came to the love apartment because his fiancée had escaped from marriage, and he was also a cheapskate, which touched his sore spot.

The plot continued to develop in everyone's discussion. At the wedding scene, the classmates and friends of a class gathered together to talk about the memories of middle school and the embarrassing things that everyone made to chase Shen Jiayi.

When Shen Jiayi, who was wearing a wedding dress, appeared at the wedding scene with an uncle-level man, all her friends sent their best wishes one after another.

The audience at the scene was all agitated! "Fuck, this groom is too rubbish! I support Ke Jingteng to grab the marriage!"

"Ke Jingteng, quickly take Shen Jiayi's hand and escape from the marriage!"

"What the hell? This groom is too ugly! How could Shen Jiayi like him?"

However, the scene that everyone was looking forward to did not appear, and Ke Jingteng just quietly became a spectator.After the wedding reception, the guests took a group photo with the newlyweds.

Liao Yinghong asked to pay attention to kissing the bride. The groom just smiled and said, "If the bride agrees, I have no problem!"

Shen Jiayi said with a smile, "Okay!"

Everyone is agitated at this time. Now that Ke Jingteng has given up on robbing the marriage, you should at least kiss the woman you love the most!But the groom was not so generous.

The groom said a turning point: "But how you kiss the bride later, you are going to kiss me!" Hearing this sentence, the audience immediately felt nauseated.

It doesn't matter how old the groom is, he still has a piercing beard on his chin.Looking at such a face, if you kiss it, will it spit out directly?

Everyone retreated, but at this time, Ke Jingteng suddenly stood up, hugged the groom and kissed him hard!Seeing this scene, all the audience at the scene were stunned!

Immediately everyone was moved by Ke Jingteng.The men's exclamations, the women's tears.It all speaks to the greatness of this scene, even though the two men hugging and kissing look disgusting.

But the scene in front of me seems so uncompromising, Ke Jingteng is so brave!Two people who love each other have never held hands, and even the way to express their love in the end is so shocking.

A familiar melody sounded at the scene, "The heavy rain I missed in those years, the love I missed in those years, I really want to tell you, I haven't forgotten, the sky was full of stars that night, the agreement under parallel time and space, I will hold you tightly when we meet again. , hold you tight!"

After Ke Jingteng kissed the groom, his best friends all flocked to the groom's side, and Ke Jingteng walked up to Shen Jiayi and said with a bright smile, "Then I will continue to be childish!"

Shen Jiayi also said with a bright smile, "You must!"

Then the familiar music played, the lights were turned on, and the whole movie was over!The eyes of the audience are all red!

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