Chapter nine hundred and twentieth: box office hits

The scene spontaneously burst into thunderous applause, everyone stood up consciously, and then clapped their hands excitedly.In today's faster and faster pace of life, people's lives are increasingly lacking such things that can make people feel in their hearts.

In the process of watching "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years", everything in it touched everyone's heart, making everyone seem to have returned to their green days when they went to school.Aroused everyone's inner resonance.

After the movie was over, the premiere was over, and their leaders also left the scene after wishing Qin Feng a big box office sale.

Those fans left the scene with the aftertaste of the plot, and the star guests also sent their blessings in front of the camera and left one after another.

Reporters stopped fans at the door of Dingtian Entertainment and began to interview their comments on the movie.The unanimous evaluation is that it looks good, don't regret it!

"The last scene is so touching, I have forgotten the last time I was moved to cry when I watched a movie!"

"Although I watched it at the premiere, I'm going to watch it when it's released. Not only do I want to watch it myself, but I'll pack a few movies for the entire company's employees to watch! It's so good!" This is a local tyrant The boss's style.

The interviews of the reporters appeared in the headlines of major newspapers in the evening. After the premiere of "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years", it received rave reviews!

Fans who didn't go to the scene were also very curious after seeing such a high evaluation. When it was released, they must go and see if it was so magical.

Some professional film critics also gave "Those Years" a high evaluation on their own Weibo and major film and television websites, and the score on directly came to 9.5 points.

"It is possible to make a small low-cost movie so delicate and touching, and touch people's hearts. There is only this "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years"!"

"When I first went, I didn't have much expectations for this movie, but when I watched it, I realized that my eyes were full of tears. Looking at Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi, I thought of my first love!"

These high evaluations are the reason why this movie has attracted many fans to watch it.Many stars are also gaining popularity on their own Weibo and Weibo Qin Feng's movies.Strongly recommended.

When their fans saw that their idols recommended this movie, they were also very curious about what kind of movie could move so many people.

In the face of so many fans' attention, the major theater chains are also very face-saving, and "Those Years" also has a high film placement rate, giving a 35% film placement rate almost on the day of its premiere.This is almost the kind of treatment that a blockbuster can have.

On the day of the premiere, many fans flocked to the cinema early in the morning. The premiere arranged by Qin Feng happened to be on the weekend.People who were originally going to sleep late at home all got up early and came to the cinema one after another.

As a result, before ten o'clock in the morning, the staff of the major theaters found that all the tickets for the day had been sold out, and the attendance rate was [-]%.

This made the bosses of the theater also refreshed.Coincidentally, they made the same move, which was to increase the filming rate on the second day.

At [-]:[-] noon, all the tickets within three days have been sold out, but there are still a steady stream of movie fans who come to buy the movie tickets that follow.

In this situation, these bosses have opened cinemas for so many years, and in this situation, only Qin Feng's films, the previous "Myth", "Partner", and the current "Those Years".At this time, the owners of these theaters also really realized what is the real box office guarantee.

Moreover, the film placement rate is still increasing, and some small cinemas even give a [-]% film placement rate.This is also the treatment that domestic movies have never had except Qin Feng's movies, other's movies.

The reporters squatting at the entrance of the cinema also quickly discovered this situation.And interviewed fans who have watched "Those Years".

The answer given by all fans is that this is a classic campus love movie, a movie worth remembering.

The online reviews have exploded.Of course, film and television companies are more concerned about the box office of Qin Feng's film on the first day.

At around [-] o'clock in the evening, the box office statistics of the major theater chains have already come out.The total domestic box office combined has reached [-] million box office.

When this data was published online, everyone was baffled.Are you sure this is correct?A niche type of campus love movie has a box office of [-] million on its first day!Are you sure you're not kidding us?

On the first day, there were [-] million. According to the news obtained by the reporters, the film scheduling rate continued to increase in the next few days, and the attendance rate was still [-]%. Isn’t this the rhythm of breaking [-] million in minutes and a day?

There are not only movies that break [-] million in a single day in China, but every movie is a big production with high investment.Like "Those Years", the investment is only [-] million, of course, half of them are still used for publicity. The film broke the box office of [-] million in a single day.What a brutal thing this is!

If this momentum continues, it is estimated that the box office in a week can exceed everyone's expectations.When Qin Feng said that he predicted a box office of [-] million, everyone thought he was crazy.

But now the box office has truly told everyone that [-] million is an underestimate.If this momentum continues, it will not be a problem to break through one billion.

Seeing such results, the companies that made campus romance movies all cried.For the same type of movie, Qin Feng's box office is too brutal!It's totally not giving people a way to live!

Chapter [-]: Qin Feng wants to write about the love between master and apprentice

"Those Years" is a complete hit.Such a movie with a niche theme actually sold the box office of a first-line blockbuster, which made countless film and television companies envy, jealous, and hate, but they did not.

In the love apartment, Qin Feng is writing the script of "Jurassic World", and Zeng Xiaoxian and the others are accompanying the HIT team in the final training.

The two special forces films, "Fire Phoenix" and "Blade of the Nation", have been filmed successively and have entered the post-production process. The specific broadcast depends on the arrangement of CCTV.

For the premiere rights of Qin Feng's TV series to promote the army, other TV stations have absolutely nothing to consider.It was directly taken away by CCTV.

Competing with CCTV for the premiere rights is something that other TV stations do not have the financial resources or the courage to do.Hu Yifei smiled and said, "Brother Feng, I'll pick up Zhanbo!"

Qin Feng raised his head with a smile and said, "Well, good. It's been a lot of hard work this time around! We'll catch up with him later! Tell Yang Ying to let her book a private room at Hilton!"

Hu Yifei agreed and went out, and Qin Feng also came to the living room after finishing his own affairs.As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian saw Qin Feng, he complained: "Brother Feng, the apprentice you accepted is too powerful! I can't beat him!"

Zeng Xiaoxian, who was miserably abused by promise, was full of depression at this time.Qin Feng smiled. Promise was a legendary player in his previous life.It is normal for Zeng Xiaoxian to be abused.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "What hero did he use to abuse you?" Zeng Xiaoxian said helplessly, "Any hero abuses me! Just now I used Teemo as a jungler, and my jungle has become his home!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "You are too bad! Teemo can't even win as a jungler!" Zeng Xiaoxian said helplessly, "Timo is passive and invisible, he can't see without his real eyes, how do you want me to fight!"

When Qin Feng was about to educate Zeng Xiaoxian, Hu Yifei and Lu Zhanbo came back.Everyone was very happy to see Zhanbo back.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Zhanbo, you've worked hard this time!"

Lu Zhanbo said excitedly: "Brother-in-law, I just came back from Nublar Island! That island is really nice!" Qin Feng said with a smile, "Let's go get the wind for you first! Then we will talk slowly!"

A large group of people drove downstairs to the Hilton Hotel. Along the way, Lu Zhanbo showed his photos and videos for everyone to see. The scenery of Nabral Island attracted everyone's attention.

Yang Ying said excitedly, "Wow, that's great! I can't wait to travel! Brother Feng, when will your movie start?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Come on! I've already written the script! As long as the props are ready, we can officially shoot!"

Guan Gu asked curiously, "Qin Feng, if your island is full of peach trees, it will be exactly the same as Peach Blossom Island!"

When I heard Guan Gu's words, everyone was in a black line.Tang Youyou said helplessly: "Guan Gu, how come you can think of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" about everything!"

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