Guan Gu shrugged and said, "There are no good novels to read now, and those online novels are now commercialized. All fantasy and immortals are just a routine. I read the first ten chapters and the next few hundred chapters. It's conceivable!"

Hearing Guan Gu's words, Qin Feng smiled awkwardly.In fact, the commercialization of online literature was also facilitated by Qin Feng.With their high popularity, those well-known online writers have taken out the copyrights of their classic works and adapted them into movies, TV series, comics, games, etc. These copyrights have sold for sky-high prices.And online writers have become billionaires overnight.

After entering commercialization, online novels are more about following the trend and accumulating the number of words.Much less creative.For those well-known online writers, they have formed their own routines, and readers are accustomed to their routines, and no matter what the content of the novels they write, as long as they are famous, they can sell sky-high copyrights.It can be converted into economic benefits, so there is no guarantee of quality.

Guan Gu noticed the smile on Qin Feng's face and hurriedly explained: "Brother Feng, I don't mean to blame you! It's just that the novels are too boring now. I think the martial arts novels written by Jin Yong are still good!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts novels are really good! They are much better in terms of writing and handling!"

Guan Gu smiled and said, "My favorite is "The Legend of Condor Heroes", but what happened to Xiaolongnu and Yang Guo was so tragic!" Guan Gu's eyes turned red as he spoke.

This made everyone speechless. Guan Gu’s tears were very low, and he often cried when he read a novel. Everyone in “The Condor Heroes” couldn’t find the tears at all, but Guan Gu actually cried. You can cry out loud.

Qin Feng looked at Guan Gu and said with a smile, "It's a good thing that Guan Gu didn't watch "Flower Thousand Bone" or else I'd cry to death!" After hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone turned to look at Qin Feng.

Guan Gu asked suspiciously, "What kind of novel is "Flower Thousand Bone"? Haven't heard of it before? Could it be your new novel written by Brother Feng?" Hearing Guan Gu's words, Qin Feng smiled and said, "Well, it's considered a kind of novel. Right! It just hasn't been published!"

As Qin Feng's die-hard book fan, Lu Zhanbo asked curiously, "Brother Feng, what is your new writing? Tell us about it!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "The content of "Hua Qiangu" is a bit similar to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", both are master-apprentice love, but "Hua Qiangu" is about the female apprentice falling in love with the master. And it is a very abusive Heart love! I'm afraid you won't be able to hold back and cry! You should wait until you get back to the apartment, I'll post it on the Internet for you to see!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Lu Ziqiao smiled proudly and said, "Brother Feng, don't look at us the same way you look at Guan Gu! Guan Gu's tears are too low! We won't!"

Qin Feng turned to look at Lu Ziqiao and said with a smile, "Would you like to make a bet?"

Lu Ziqiao asked with a smug smile, "What are you betting on?"

Chapter nine hundred and twentieth: The love between master and apprentice of abusive book fans

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly and he said with a smile, "We'll bet if you will cry when you see Hua Qiangu!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Lu Ziqiao said proudly, "Brother Feng, you are going to lose this time, I am Lu Ziqiao. Have you grown up to cry because of the novel over there? Do you think I am the kind of person in Guan Gu who would cry when an ant dies?"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Then you mean to gamble?"

Lu Ziqiao said proudly, "Why don't you gamble, I'll win this one!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Okay, if you win, I will play the male lead in the next movie for you. If you lose, promise me to do one thing!"

"No problem!" Lu Ziqiao rubbed his hands excitedly, and he didn't ask Qin Feng what he wanted him to do, because he didn't believe he would lose at all.At this time, Lu Ziqiao already felt that he had become the leading male lead in Qin Feng's movie.

Seeing his dejected appearance, everyone cast a look of contempt. Hu Yifei and the others had absolute trust in Qin Feng, and apart from Lu Ziqiao himself, it was estimated that no one else would think he could win.

Of course, what everyone is most looking forward to is Qin Feng's new book.Returning home after lunch at Hilton, Qin Feng was urged to write a book as soon as he sat down.

Qin Feng returned to his room with a slight smile, and exchanged "Flower Thousand Bone". Qin Feng is not particularly optimistic about this novel, because in some aspects, it is still unsatisfactory, but "Flower Thousand Bone" is the biggest The highlight of the book is the sadomasochism between Hua Qiangu and Bai Zihua.

The previous life book is also the most classic among the master-apprentice sadomasochistic essays written by the originator of the master-apprentice sadomasochism.The system-repaired "Flower Thousand Bone" is even more abusive than the book in the previous life.

After Qin Feng got it done, he put it on the computer and opened the vest that he had not used for a long time, and then uploaded the novel. This time Qin Feng finished the entire novel at one time.

Qin Feng didn't plan to charge for this novel, after all, he had already made a lot of money.It can be regarded as giving back to so many book friends who support him.

And after uploading here, the headquarters of Yingfengfei Literature Network immediately went into chaos.Qin Feng's vest actually passed a book, and it was all passed at one time.What is this boss doing?

The company's phone number immediately called to ask for instructions.Qin Feng just asked them to push the book on the homepage of the website, and made it clear that the book was free.The boss gave an order, and the person in charge of the website immediately complied.

Qin Feng walked out of the room and said with a smile, "Okay, all the books have been posted on the literature website, you can click to read them!"

Hu Yifei asked in surprise: "All?! Are you finished?"

"Well, I finished writing it a long time ago, and I haven't had time to upload it!" Qin Feng replied with a smile.Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone immediately took out their mobile phones and opened the mobile app of Yingfengfei Literature Network to search for the book "Flower Thousand Bone"! "

Qin Feng also took out his mobile phone and posted a link on his Weibo with a smile and said, "Thanks to the fans for their support all the way, my new book "Flower Thousand Bone" has been distributed to Yingfengfei Literature for free! You can click and watch! It's also a feedback for everyone's support!"

Qin Feng's Weibo has already exceeded [-] million followers. After seeing Qin Feng's Weibo, everyone immediately lowered their heads and took out their mobile phones to start searching for this book.

Since Qin Feng stepped into the entertainment industry, he has basically never published a book.Therefore, everyone still has great expectations for Qin Feng's novels.

Under the mode of commercialization of online literature, many readers are tired of reading novels.Now suddenly Qin Feng told them that his new book was released, and the whole book was passed on.

Everyone immediately thought of Qin Feng's previous classics.Can't wait to read this book.

The headquarter of Yingfengfei detected a large number of netizens pouring into the website as soon as "Flower Thousand Bone" was put on the homepage, as well as the customer service terminal of the mobile app.

The headquarter of immediately turned on all servers to reduce the pressure of website operation, but the eggs were not.The website only lasted for five minutes before it was paralyzed, and the server exploded directly!

Many book lovers have just found the book, haven't clicked it, and haven't looked at the website and mobile APP at the same time, and the screen is blank at the same time!

"What the hell? Why is the screen blank?" Hu Yifei just read two chapters and the third chapter flashed back before opening the mobile client, so he couldn't get in again.

This happens to everyone's cell phone.Lu Zhanbo said with a wry smile: "The server exploded! The system is paralyzed!" He held up the distress text message from's headquarters on his mobile phone.

Lu Zhanbo picked up his jacket and hurried to the literature website. Hu Yifei suddenly thought: "Brother Feng has a manuscript on his computer!" He was the first to get up and ran into Qin Feng's bedroom, then took out the computer and put it in A group of people on the table watched around the computer.

Netizens are still complaining about the website downtime.After Lu Zhanbo arrived, it took half an hour to repair the website, the website's server was fully opened, and the diversion and decompression could barely run.

Everyone rushed in and clicked "Flower Thousand Bone" as soon as the website was restored.At this time, everyone went to the name of Qin Feng's King of Net Literature!

However, after reading a few of them, everyone was attracted by the content of the book. Qin Feng's delicate writing and wonderful plot set off the characters' distinct personalities.

Simple, cute, kind little bone.A foodie candy.The mechanics, the funny Dongfang Yuqing, and the noble and indifferent Bai Zihua all make everyone unable to stop watching.

In the evening, when Qin Feng made dinner and called everyone to eat, everyone reluctantly walked to the table.But after sitting down, the first thing I did was not to take the chopsticks, but to take out my mobile phone one after another.

The next day, Qin Feng opened his eyes and saw Yang Ying lying on the bed sideways asleep, holding the phone in her hand, the tears from the corners of her eyes had not yet dried.

Qin Feng covered her with the quilt, then got up and went to the living room to see Guan Gu Jiji holding a mobile phone in one hand and a tissue in the other.There were tears on his face.

Chapter [-]: Is it popular to wear sunglasses today?

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