Looking at Guan Gu's appearance, Qin Fengrao was both mentally prepared and taken aback.Looking at Guan Gu's crying swollen eyes, Qin Feng comforted him and said, "Guan Gu, are you alright?"

Guan Gu miraculously choked his voice while wiping away his tears and said, "Qin Feng, you are so cruel! You actually disfigured Xiao Gu!" Hearing Guan Gu's words, Qin Feng's heart was black, and it seems that Guan Gu is really not ordinary when reading novels. The heart of the heart, can actually indulge in the plot can not extricate themselves.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Guan Gu, then this is a novel!"

Guan Gu miraculously choked and said, "It's just a novel, can you do this? You actually disfigured Xiao Gu! Such a pure and lovely girl! You have been ruined like this!" Guan Gu just remembered Qin Feng disfigured Hua Qiangu!

Guan Gu's loud voice woke up Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao, who had been watching Hua Qiangu all night like him. The two of them looked no better than Guan Gu, and both had red eyes.

The only good thing is that both of them are still sensible. Although I feel that Qin Feng's book is too cruel, he is not as addicted to the plot as Guan Gu.

Lu Ziqiao sighed and said, "Brother Feng, this time I admit defeat! This story is too cruel! I can't stand it anymore!" As he said that, Ziqiao would think of the abusive love between Xiaogu and Bai Zihua in the plot, and his nose was full of tears. The sour looks like she is about to cry again.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Then you owe me something!"

Seeing Qin Feng smiling, Guan Gu couldn't bear it anymore, Guan Gu said angrily: "Brother Feng, you are so cruel! You can still laugh, Xiao Gu is disfigured! Do you know? Xiao Gu is disfigured! !"

Guan Gu's movement woke everyone up. Hu Yifei yawned and walked out of the room and said, "What are you arguing about? Don't let people sleep in the early morning?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that Hu Yifei's eyes were also red. Everyone in the apartment had a red eye, and at a glance, they knew that this was the rhythm of crying all night last night.

After breakfast, everyone was busy doing their own thing, and suddenly Park Hyomin screamed: "Ah! Ah! Ah! It's over! We have an announcement to make today, but my eyes!"

The other members of tara also screamed in agony, and everyone else reacted to their movement.Go to the unit with a pair of rabbit eyes and still not be laughed to death!

Especially tara and baby, Liu Yifei, they are all celebrities who face the media.Each has a red eye, which will surely make the gossip heart of those reporters burn.

And tell them the truth is because they read novels, they absolutely can't believe it!

Qin Feng said with a wry smile: "It seems that you can only go out with sunglasses today!" Zeng Xiaoxian scratched his head and said, "But I don't have sunglasses here?"

Enjing suddenly remembered and said, "Ju Li, there are a lot of sunglasses there!" Everyone looked at Ju Li when they heard Enjing's words.

Among the six people in tara, Ju Li is the most beautiful one. She has a lot of bags, cosmetics, sunglasses and other things, and fans often give them these gifts after knowing each of them's preferences.

Because it is sent by fans, tara attaches great importance to the interaction with fans, and will also collect the things sent by fans, so Ju Li keeps a lot of sunglasses sent by fans.

Gu Li pouted and said, "Okay! It's just loaned to you!" After saying that, Gu Li went back to her room and took out her collection of sunglasses and put them on the sofa.

Ju Li said, "Come on, choose! There are all styles!" Looking at the sunglasses that Ju Li took out, everyone was surprised. Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Ju Li. Are you a wholesaler? Why are there so many? ?"

Ju Li smiled proudly and said, "It's all from the fans!" Hearing Ju Li's words, Zhang Wei, Zeng Xiaoxian, and Lu Ziqiao were also heartbroken.

They are all stars, why is the gap so big, and why don't their fans send gifts to themselves?They were also depressed for a while, but although they were depressed in their hearts, the movements in their hands did not stop.

I've been picking out my favorite styles.After ten minutes of chaotic selection, everyone chose a pair of sunglasses that suits them.

Everyone went out wearing sunglasses.Qin Feng drove his car to Dingtian Entertainment and walked into the company and was shocked. Almost everyone was wearing a pair of sunglasses.

what the hell?Is it popular to wear sunglasses today?On the contrary, Qin Feng, who didn't wear sunglasses, seemed a little different in the crowd.However, the eyes of everyone looking at Qin Feng also had a different meaning.

This scene is happening in many places all over the country. When many white-collar workers take the bus or subway to work, they find that many people are wearing sunglasses like themselves.

Moran watched Hua Qiangu all night last night, her eyes were red and swollen and could not see anyone, so she had to wear sunglasses to the traffic police to go to work. On the way to work, she found several illegal cars, whether the driver or the passenger inside the car. All with goggles.It's the same as the underworld.

But only after an investigation did we find out that it turned out that after watching Hua Qiangu last night, his eyes were so red and swollen that he couldn't see anyone anymore.Such movements must not be concealed from reporters.

Reporters go everywhere to interview, but many reporters also wear sunglasses.The reason is the same for everyone.Soon the headlines of the major media changed.

"Qin Feng's new work "Flower Thousand Bone" leads today's new fashion - the city is full of black sunglasses!" Sogou's homepage reported on the phenomenon of interviews on the street today.

Anyone who wears sunglasses today is the one who cried with red eyes after watching "Flower Thousand Bone" all night yesterday!Everyone's comments on Qin Feng's book "Flower Thousand Bone" are nothing more than good-looking but very sad!

Since there was only one night, although Qin Feng's article was finished, no one had seen the ending.Therefore, in the interview, everyone expressed their hope that the ending of the work can be a little more satisfactory.I hope Hua Qiangu and Bai Zihua can be together!

Chapter Nine hundred and twentieth: The whole people demand to write an extravaganza

But obviously everyone thinks very well, but the reality is very cruel.Seeing the messages posted by netizens on the Internet, Qin Feng smiled bitterly, because the finale of "Hua Qiangu" was that Hua Qiangu died at the hands of Bai Zihua, and Bai Zihua wanted to die with her. At that time, Hua Qiangu made an oath: "Bai Zihua, I curse you in the name of God, in this life, in this life, in eternity, never grow old, never die, never hurt, never die!"

Qin Feng still hopes that everyone can accept this ending.But things often go beyond his expectations.In the sales department of a company, today all employees are wearing sunglasses and lying in front of the computer silently busy with their work. Several people were distracted at work due to reading books all night last night.

The department manager who usually stared at them was not here today, because their manager was hiding in the office to catch up with sleep.Suddenly, a female salesperson in the sales department suddenly stood up from the seat and cried out of control.

Her actions immediately attracted the attention of many people.Several staff members who usually have a good relationship with her hurried over to comfort her and wanted to know what happened.

"What's the matter, Zhou Jing? What's wrong with you?" There were words of concern from everyone around.Zhou Jing choked and said, "Xiao Gu is dead! Killed by Bai Zihua!"

Zhou Jing is usually a fan of novels, very fascinated by Qin Feng's novels.Yesterday, after Qin Feng published his new book "Flower Thousand Bone", she was the first to come to read it!It turned out to be one night, Hua Qiangu's fate had been affecting her heart, so she put on a pair of bunny eyes and quietly lay on her seat and watched "Hua Qiangu" on her mobile phone. Fortunately, their manager was also there. Supplementary sleep.Otherwise, she must have been caught.

But when Zhou Jing saw the ending, she couldn't hold back any longer and started to cry.She felt worthless for Xiao Gu, her mood was very complicated at this time, and she hated Bai Zihua very much!One killed Xiao Gu for the fate of the Three Realms.Xiao Gu loves him so much.Even Bai Zihua hurt her so many times.But she still loves Bai Zihua so deeply in her heart, this deep-rooted love.It looks distressed.

When they heard Zhou Jing's words, everyone didn't react at first, but as people who watched Hua Qiangu all night last night, they quickly reacted. Zhou Jing was talking about the ending of Hua Qiangu.

If they are usually very angry, they may even say: "spoiler to kill the whole family".But now they are more concerned about the fate of Hua Qiangu and the ending of the story.

"Zhou Jing, don't cry! You tell us the final outcome first! Why did Bai Zihua kill the bones?" Everyone asked with concern.

Several employees took out their mobile phones and hurriedly turned to the final ending to see what happened.

Soon Hua Qiangu's finale spread on the Internet. Everyone knew the ending of Bai Zihua killing the bones. When they saw Hua Qiangu's curse, everyone couldn't help but fall. tears.

Even if Bai Zihua hurt Xiaogu to such an extent, Hua Qiangu still loves Bai Zihua, so much that he can give everything for him, and he loves him deeply.

A lot of emotional girls cried and said, "Bone, you are so stupid!" As Hua Qiangu said, "It's ridiculous, the Six Realms are mad because of me, and the people are smeared because of me. The accumulation is like a mountain. But I actually killed only Luo Eleven."

Many fans on the Internet came to Qin Feng's Weibo and the book review area of ​​the novel to leave their opinions.Their comments were full of sighs and sympathy for the abusive love of Hua Qiangu and Bai Zihua, the master-student lover.

Many people are complaining about Qin Feng's cruelty. Why did he have to write such an ending, where two people who love each other the most can kill each other, and they will be separated forever and never be together!

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