Many fans went to Qin Feng's Weibo to leave a message!

"Boss, the bones are so pitiful! What did she do wrong? She just fell in love with Bai Zihua. God! Do you want to torture her like this! Why did you write such a cruel ending! Boss, you are so cruel !"

"Yeah, a girl with such a cute bone, she is right about everything, she is so kind to everyone! Is it because of her kindness that she shoulders the responsibilities for everything in the Three Realms that should not be borne by her? ?"

"Bai Zihua is too cruel! Although he is for all beings in the Three Realms, he has hurt the bones that love him the most! Such a kind girl!"

Not only Qin Feng's Weibo, but also posts on Tieba on many websites are discussing the final outcome of Hua Qiangu.Many people were moved to tears by the ending of Hua Qiangu and Bai Zihua.

Many celebrities have left messages to express their views, all hoping to have a happy ending in the end.Deng Chao's Weibo said: "Qin Feng, I didn't expect your story to be so cruel! Please give Xiao Gu and Bai Zi a perfect ending! This ending is too cruel!"

Under everyone's booing, more and more fans began to leave messages on the Internet, hoping to change the final outcome.It is unknown who started the post "Saving the Fate of Hua Qiangu and Bai Zihua" on the Internet.

As soon as this post came out, it instantly killed all the annual god posts.Many people left messages on it, hoping that Qin Feng could change the final outcome.

In just half an hour, more than [-] people have left messages online.Everyone's purpose is to hope that Qin Feng can change the final outcome and Hua Qiangu's fate.

Qin Feng is naturally very clear about the reactions of netizens, but he knows that everyone is venting their emotions and doesn't care too much.

Bai Yan walked into Qin Feng's office and said with a smile, "Qin Feng, don't you really intend to change the fate of Xiao Gu and Bai Zihua? This finale is indeed too uncomfortable!"

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly: "Sometimes incompleteness is a kind of beauty. Too perfect is not good!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan shook her head.

However, Bai Yan came in not long after leaving, "What's wrong?" Qin Feng asked suspiciously.

"The door of the company was blocked!" Bai Yan replied with a wry smile.

Chapter [-]: The Perfect Ending of Hua Qiangu Fanwai

Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng was immediately forced. "What? Blocking the door of the company? Who blocked it?" Qin Feng hadn't reacted yet.He hadn't thought that book fans would be so crazy.

Bai Yan smiled and said, "Of course it's your book fans! Their dissatisfaction with the ending of "Flower Thousand Bone" has blocked the door!"

Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng was speechless.The fans are really crazy.This is also the first time that Bai Yan and the others have seen fans gather to block the door because they are not satisfied with the ending of the novel and ask for the ending to be changed.

This is a rare occurrence in recent years.Qin Feng said with a smile, "These fans! It really doesn't make me worry!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan smiled. In fact, Bai Yan was very supportive of fans outside this time, because she also watched Hua Qiangu. Although she was a very rational person, she was still because of Hua Qiangu sad ending.So she also really wanted Qin Feng to rewrite the ending.

Although many people know that Hua Qiangu is actually a character fabricated by Qin Feng.But when they saw Hua Qiangu's tragic ending, everyone was still a little reluctant to accept this fact.

Whenever I think of Hua Qiangu dying under Bai Zihua's sword in the end, my heart is always sour and unpleasant, and I feel extremely sad and heavy.

Therefore, as soon as someone on the Internet initiates an activity, they immediately get the swarming support of countless people.And many citizens of Shanghai Stock Exchange also spontaneously organized to hope to see Qin Feng at Dingtian Entertainment.

Because Qin Feng is very friendly to fans, the citizens of Shanghai Stock Exchange can often see Qin Feng.And Qin Feng came very politely to take photos with fans or something.Facing the demands of fans, Qin Feng tried his best to satisfy them.

So fans hope to see Qin Feng, and then ask Qin Feng to change the final ending of the story.I hope to see the ending of Hua Qiangu and Bai Zi painting together.

After hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng stood up and walked to the window to look down.The front entrance of the Maple Leaf Building was already crowded with many fans.Security guards are doing their best to maintain order.

Maple Leaf Building is the headquarters of Maple Leaf Group, and Dingtian Entertainment is only on the first floor of this building.The congestion of these citizens has led to traffic jams on nearby streets and also affected the normal travel of Maple Leaf Building.

In order to prevent fans from breaking into the building, the main entrance of the building has been urgently closed, leaving only security guards to maintain order.However, the number of citizens has been increasing, and this growth rate can be seen with the naked eye.

Qin Feng looked at the crowd with a wry smile and said, "Hey, these fans! Sister Yan, let me go down. Let me explain it to them!"

Bai Yan glanced at Qin Feng and said, "Qin Feng, don't you plan to revise the ending?"

Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "This story was originally a heartbreaking love story. And I have already planned to adapt it into a TV series. If the ending changes, it will change."

Bai Yan looked at Qin Feng and said, "Qin Feng, if you don't plan to change the ending, then your explanation for going down will have no effect. It's better to let the police force them to disperse!"

Qin Feng turned his head to look at Bai Yan and said, "The police can manage for a while, but he can't be on call! And doing so will have a great impact on Dingtian Entertainment!"

Qin Feng took Bai Yan into the elevator.Qin Feng said with a smile, "Although I can't have the ending, I can write a side story!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan asked suspiciously, "What's the side story?"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "In layman's terms, fanwai is a rumor. Fanwai is some branch stories outside the main story. The characters in the story are treated differently to create a new small story or a story similar to the main body but with other people. To tell or stage. Another is to tell some parts mentioned in the main story but not elaborated, and expand them here completely. Give the reader an explanation. Usually, in novels, the author often reveals or reveals the plot of the story. Develop some aspects of the content."

Hearing Qin Feng's explanation, Bai Yan also understood the meaning of Fanwai.Bai Yan asked, "Are you planning to save the bones in the show?"

Qin Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "At the end, a trace of Hua Qiangu's remnant soul was preserved by Zhu Ran. Sha Qianmo took this trace of remnant soul and wanted to save Hua Qiangu. This is what I left behind for the show. Foreshadowing!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan's eyes brightened and he hurriedly came over and asked, "Then Xiao Gu and Bai Zihua were together in the end?" Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng nodded slightly and said, "The final outcome will be better than Now this is more acceptable!"

Qin Feng's ambiguity also made Bai Yan's heart hang again.Bai Yan followed Qin Feng to the door of the company.When the security guard saw Qin Feng coming, he hurried over and said, "Dong Qin and Mr. Bai are too chaotic outside. It's better not to go out!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Open the door, I want to go out and talk to the fans!" After hearing Qin Feng's words, the security guards were hesitant, but Qin Feng was their boss after all.

So the door was opened, and the fans outside the door saw that the door was opened, Qin Feng was excited when he arrived at the door, and shouted loudly, "Boss, please give Xiao Gu and Bai Zi a happy ending!"

Moran, who was maintaining order, also turned his head and saw Qin Feng walking out of the company after hearing this sentence.

Qin Feng came to the steps of the company's entrance and took the loudspeaker from Bai Yan: "Hello everyone! I'm Qin Feng! I know everyone has something to say to me! But the premise is that I hope everyone will not be crowded. I will definitely listen to anything!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the fans all quieted down and stood up spontaneously.A fan standing in front said loudly: "Boss, we just hope you can change the fate of bones! We hope to see Bai Zihua and Hua Qiangu together!"

Chapter nine hundred and twentieth: TV series

Hearing the fans' words, Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "In this case, everyone can rest assured! I'm already writing the extra volume of "Hua Qian Gu"! In the extra volume, Hua Qian Gu will be resurrected again! Everyone can look forward to what kind of story will there be between Hua Qiangu and Bai Zihua!"

When Qin Feng said that Hua Qiangu would be resurrected, the fans at the scene were already screaming with excitement! "The bones can still be resurrected! I'm so happy!"

"Let's just say it! Hua Qiangu's remnant soul is taken away by the killing Qianmo is definitely not the final outcome!"

"Don't brag, buddy? You cried like an idiot when you saw the ending, are you sure?"

"Brother, can you give me some face? Why do you always expose me! Can you still have fun?"

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