Everyone was whispering about a story about what the extra volume would be like, although everyone didn't quite know what the extra volume was.But all of this is not the point, the point is that Hua Qiangu has been resurrected, then according to the final confession of Hua Qiangu and Bai Zihua, it is completely logical for Hua Qiangu and Bai Zihua to live happily together, and no one else can to interrupt their happy life.

But it seems that everyone has forgotten Dongfang Yuqing. After all, the protagonists are Bai Zihua and Hua Qiangu.

Qin Feng looked at the fans who had been talking about it with a slight smile and said, "I will announce another news next. "Flower Thousand Bone" will be adapted into a TV series. I will play Bai Zihua in the TV series! This is also the last film I will star in. TV series, if there is no accident, I will not be in any TV series!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone including Bai Yan was stunned.Qin Feng's last personal TV drama?

This also means that Qin Feng will not be seen on TV in the future?This is a bit unacceptable to fans.Qin Feng is still very young.Why don't you act in TV shows when you're less than [-] years old?Are you planning to go behind the scenes in the future?

At this time, people remembered that Qin Feng is not only an actor, but now he has grown into the second richest man in China unknowingly.And it's about to be the first.

It's normal for him not to appear in TV shows.Although everyone understands all this, understanding and acceptance are two different things.After Qin Feng announced the matter, he handed the loudspeaker to Bai Yan, then turned around and walked into the hall, when the citizens responded.They could only watch the back of Qin Feng leaving.

Everyone's heart is stuffed, and the boss will not be acting in TV dramas in the future.This made everyone inexplicably lost.Such a big movement today is naturally hidden from the eyes of the reporters.

Soon the front page headlines of major media were occupied by Hua Qiangu and Qin Feng's last TV series!

Fans on the Internet saw these two news with mixed hearts, happy and disappointed.I am happy that Hua Qiangu will be resurrected, but I am disappointed that the boss I admire will not act in TV dramas in the future.

Qin Feng also updated on his Weibo: "Thank you for your support, the reason for the last TV series is just to create more wonderful movies to hit Hollywood!"

Qin Feng's Weibo also reminded fans of God once again, there are no TV dramas and movies to watch!The boss is no longer in TV dramas, but his movies are still the same wonderful!all the same!

Qin Feng and Bai Yan were sitting in their office, and Bai Yan said with a smile, "Qin Feng, you said that you won't be doing TV dramas today, it surprised me!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "In order to be able to impact Hollywood, more of our Dingtian resources will be used to create movies in the future. As for TV dramas, let's release them first!"

Bai Yan nodded: "I see!"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Because the movie "Jurassic World" is going to be filmed overseas, I plan to finish filming Hua Qiangu first and then go to "Jurassic World"!"

Bai Yan frowned and asked, "Qin Feng, I'm afraid the time will be too late!"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "It's still too late to work overtime! As for the female lead, ask Zhao Liying if she is willing to appear?" Bai Yan was surprised when she heard Qin Feng's words. She thought the female lead was the lead actress. It will be Yang Ying or Liu Yifei.Who is Zhao Liying?Bai Yan is really not sure, but since Qin Feng has said it, it must be very suitable.Bai Yan nodded and said, "I'll find her right now!" After speaking, Bai Yan got up and went out.

Bai Yan is such a character, as long as Qin Feng assigns a task, whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, as long as Qin Feng makes a decision, she will implement it [-]%.

This is also what Qin Feng admires her most. She is very serious and dedicated to her work, which many people cannot do.Qin Feng got up and packed his things and drove back to the apartment.

Just after returning to the apartment and sitting down on the sofa, Yang Ying and the others gathered around. Seeing the red circles on everyone's faces, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile.

Yang Ying slapped Qin Feng coquettishly twice to express her protest against Qin Feng's smile.Yang Ying asked, "Brother Feng, are Bones and Bai Zihua together in the end?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "I won't give any spoilers! You'll find out when you read it!" Everyone was helpless when they saw Qin Feng selling out.Yang Ying asked again, "Is it really going to be a TV series for "Flower Thousand Bone"?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Yes, I will play Bai Zihua as the male lead! If the female lead is to be played, I plan to ask Zhao Liying to play it!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone was confused: "Zhao Liying is Who is it?"

Chapter [-]: Crew established

Qin Feng looked at everyone's puzzled expressions and suddenly thought that Zhao Liying at this time was not as famous as her previous life.In her previous life, Zhao Liying became one of the most popular actresses in China with "The Legend of Lu Zhen". After that, she went all the way to the top. When she came to "Flower Thousand Bone", she was completely red.

But at this time, Zhao Liying still doesn't know where to fight.For the role of Hua Qiangu, Zhao Liying's performance in the previous life was very good. Although many fans of the original work felt that Zhao Liying was not good enough, in Qin Feng's opinion, Zhao Liying was the most suitable candidate in China. There is no one.

There are not many domestic actresses who are suitable to play the innocent, innocent and lovely female role of Hua Qiangu.In particular, there are very few immortals in ancient costumes.

There are only four or five of them, but neither Yang Mi nor Liu Shishi is as suitable as Zhao Liying.

Although Fan Xian has outstanding acting skills, her style runs counter to the role of Hua Qiangu.These things of temperament are not acting skills, but they are more important than acting skills.

If the temperament does not match, no matter how good the acting is, it will not give people a sense of substitution.How can you attract people without a sense of substitution?

And Zhao Liying is very first-class in both temperament and acting skills. Qin Feng also thought about it and couldn't find a more suitable actor than her, so he decided to find her to play.

Although Qin Feng doesn't know where Zhao Liying is at this time, he is not worried at all, because it is not easy to find an actress in the entertainment industry with the power of Dingtian Entertainment!

Facing everyone's question, Qin Feng just raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "She is the most suitable candidate to play Hua Qiangu, there is no one!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone was full of curiosity about Zhao Liying.Qin Feng almost never had such an evaluation of that actor.

To be precise, there was only one time when Li Youbin came to Dingtian Entertainment to audition for the role of Li Yunlong. Qin Feng said that the role of Li Yunlong must be played by Li Youbin.

Although everyone has not met Zhao Liying yet, Qin Feng's words have aroused everyone's curiosity, and everyone wants to know what kind of actor can make Qin Feng make such a high evaluation.

Everyone knows that the TV series "Flower Thousand Bone" will definitely be popular.Not to mention that the original work of this TV series is already very popular in China.Just the label of Qin Feng's work of harvesting mountains has already pulled down a lot of attraction for this drama.

Qin Feng's fans are the largest fan group in China.The ratings of Qin Feng's "Mountain Collection" for such a meaningful work must not be low.

This play must have attracted much attention, so the main actors of this play, especially the role of Hua Qiangu who played with Qin Feng, will be so popular that no one has friends.What's more, the first protagonist in this TV series is Hua Qiangu.Bai Zihua played by Qin Feng is the male lead, and can only be regarded as the second protagonist in the plot.

Now that Zhao Liying has been handpicked by Qin Feng to play the female lead, it is conceivable how bright her future will be after Zhao Liying finishes filming this TV series.

This made many people envious and hated her.But there is no way anyone can make Qin Feng Qin the only one selected.

Dingtian Entertainment searched for the news of Zhao Liying for three days, Bai Yan hurriedly walked into Qin Feng's office.Looking at Qin Feng's puzzled look.

Bai Yan smiled and said, "Zhao Liying has been found! But he is in the imperial capital now! The female number five filming a play!" Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng wondered if Zhao Liying was too miserable to mix in this plane. .Talented girl number four and five.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "I just happened to go to the imperial capital to handle things, and I'll invite him to our crew together with you." Bai Yan was shocked by Qin Feng's words again.

Qin Feng personally invited actors in China to enjoy this kind of treatment. There are really only a few actors in China.But they are all famous.It's the first time for someone like Zhao Liying.

Qin Feng and Bai Yan took the flight from Shanghai to the imperial capital to find Zhao Liying.When Qin Feng and Bai Yan arrived at the Imperial Capital Airport, the people from Dingtian Entertainment were already waiting for Qin Feng and them at the airport.

As soon as he got in the car, Qin Feng asked with a smile, "Where is Zhao Liying filming? That crew?"

Hearing his boss's question, the staff quickly replied: "Today Zhao Liying's filming address is in the city center. But it is said that the film will be finished soon!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Take me there, I want to see this Zhao Liying." Hearing Qin Feng's words, the driver immediately stopped and turned around and drove towards the city center.

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