At the shooting scene of a crew in the city center, Zhao Liying was very nervous at this time, because the director team was deliberately trying to find fault with her.Zhao Liying herself is very clear about this reason.

Just two days after Zhao Liying came to the crew, she met the current assistant director of the crew. The assistant director wanted to take advantage of the unspoken rules.But Zhao Liying's character is that she would rather not act than give in to the assistant director.

So Zhao Liying was hated by the deputy director because of this incident. The deputy director gave Zhao Liying shoes every three days. Because the crew had already recorded, the deputy director did not have the right to replace Zhao Liying.Therefore, she can only be rectified every three days.

After Qin Feng came to the crew, the crew did not stop him, because everyone recognized Qin Feng at first sight.Qin Feng's sudden arrival left the crew at a loss.

When the security broke into the scene where the plot point was being filmed, Qin Feng followed behind him. At this time, Zhao Liying was being scolded by the assistant director's nose because of a problem with a character's expression.

Qin Feng walked over and grabbed the assistant director and said with a smile, "Who said she couldn't act? You don't want this actor. Then I want it!"

The assistant director was about to deliver the goods when he turned around and saw that it was Qin Feng.The smile on his face suddenly turned into a chrysanthemum and a flower and said, "Director Qin, why are you here?"

Qin Feng ignored him and walked up to Zhao Liying with a slight smile and said, "Hello, Zhao Liying, I'm Qin Feng, and I invite you to play the female lead Hua Qiangu in "Hua Qiangu"!"

Chapter [-]: Shooting

Although Qin Feng's voice was not loud, after his words fell, the entire studio fell into silence.Qin Feng looked at Zhao Liying in front of him with a smile.

At this time, Zhao Liying is still a bit young and tender, but her temperament is really quite suitable to play Hua Qiangu.Qin Feng became more and more certain that Hua Qiangu was her role.

Zhao Liying asked dumbly, "What did you say?" Hearing Zhao Liying's words, Qin Feng smiled and said, "I said I'm here to invite you to play the female lead of the TV series "Flower Thousand Bone" directed by me! "

Qin Feng repeated one side, only then did Zhao Liying react and screamed and then covered her face, startling Qin Feng.And everyone around was talking about it.

"Qin Feng came to her to play Hua Qiangu? She is really lucky! She can actually act in this play!"

The assistant director just now stood there embarrassed. One second he was scolding Zhao Liying for not being able to act, and the next second Qin Feng actually invited her to appear in "Flower Thousand Bone".But facing Qin Feng, the assistant director did not have the courage to challenge.

Qin Feng asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with you? Do you agree or disagree?" Hearing Qin Feng's question, Zhao Liying's eyes were exposed between her fingers and she looked at Qin Feng.

Zhao Liying asked suspiciously, "I'm not dreaming? You're not joking, are you?"

Qin Feng looked at the cute Zhao Liying with a black line and said, "I just came by plane from the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Do you think I have time to go to the imperial capital to make fun of you?"

Hearing Qin Feng's answer, everyone at the scene was shocked again. Qin Feng came over from the Shanghai stock market in person to find Zhao Liying to play Hua Qiangu?What a face this is.

Zhao Liying said excitedly: "Really? Of course I am willing to act!"

Hearing Zhao Liying's words, Qin Feng nodded and said, "Then change your clothes and follow me!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Zhao Liying nodded hastily.No one will easily miss such a good opportunity, and Zhao Liying has long been fed up with the harassment of the assistant director. If she hadn't insisted on her dream of filming, Zhao Liying would have left long ago.

Zhao Liying jumped to change clothes.The assistant director here is in a hurry.Zhao Liying was originally the fifth female lead in this drama, but now that she is gone, this drama cannot be filmed.

The assistant director hurriedly walked over and said, "Mr. Qin, Miss Zhao Liying can't leave for the time being. She has a contract with our crew, and she can't shoot this movie now that she's gone. This is a breach of contract!"

Qin Feng just smiled and said: "As for the liquidated damages, you can directly contact Bai Yan, the executive chairman of Dingtian Entertainment in Shanghai Stock Exchange. As long as your contract is real and valid, she will pay no amount of liquidated damages. Pay you less!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the assistant director's mouth twitched.But there is no way, Qin Feng is the boss of Dingtian Entertainment, and he has a lot of money, so he doesn't care about the liquidated damages.

Zhao Liying hurriedly changed her clothes, and the other actors in the dressing room looked at Zhao Liying with envy, how much they wished they could also be selected by Qin Feng.

You must know that the heroine appointed by Qin Feng basically has a very bright future, and it is just around the corner to become a first-line star in China.But they can only have a hard time in this crew.

Zhao Liying changed her clothes and came to the front. Qin Feng looked at Zhao Liying who was wearing a white shirt and jeans and said with a smile, "Is everything packed?"

Zhao Liying nodded and said, "Packed up!"

The bodyguard beside Qin Feng stepped forward to pick up Zhao Liying's luggage, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Let's go then!" Zhao Liying nodded and prepared to leave with Qin Feng.

The assistant director said reluctantly, "Miss Zhao! We haven't finished filming yet? We signed a contract!" Hearing the assistant director's words, Zhao Liying also remembered that she had a contract with them, and she knew that If you breach the contract, you will have to pay a huge penalty.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Qin Feng's face and he said, "Didn't you hear what I said just now? Go to our Dingtian Entertainment to get the liquidated damages! Don't waste my time, it's precious!"

The assistant director wanted to say something, Qin Feng snorted coldly and said, "Whether your TV series can be on TV is another matter, don't delay Miss Zhao Liying's future!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the assistant director suddenly remembered that the person standing in front of him was Qin Feng, who could shock the entertainment industry with a sneeze.He only needs one sentence, even if his TV series is filmed, it is estimated that no TV station dares to broadcast it. If it can't be broadcast, the play will be lost. Don't mention the director, it is estimated that the producers will not release it. Live your own!

Qin Feng, Zhao Liying, and Bai Yan walked out of the filming scene together, came to the car parked on the side of the road, and walked away.Qin Feng said with a smile, "Because the time is tight, I'll take you directly to the Shanghai market for filming!"

Zhao Liying smiled and said, "Well, I see!" At this time, Zhao Liying was full of expectations for this play, and she also knew that this was an opportunity for herself.

Qin Feng turned to Bai Yan and said, "Sister Yan, today's matter. You go and talk to the media!" Bai Yan nodded when she heard Qin Feng's words.

Zhao Liying thought that Qin Feng just asked Bai Yan to tell the media about "Flower Thousand Bone".But in fact it wasn't. The assistant director was still entangled when Qin Feng told him to pay the liquidated damages.So Qin Feng has been blacklisted for this crew.

The reason why Qin Feng asked Bai Yan to tell the media about it was that once the matter was reported in the media, the crew would naturally be blacklisted by various David Video channels, no matter how good their scenes were.None of these media would buy its broadcast rights, and even said that if Su Yu knew about this, it would be one thing whether the TV series of this crew could pass the review!

Qin Feng's status in the entertainment industry is now very high, and he can be called the number one person in the industry.

Chapter [-]: Press Conference

Qin Feng took Bai Yan and Zhao Liying on the plane that night and rushed back to the Shanghai market.When they were still flying in the sky, the domestic media had already reported the incident.

Seeing the reports on the Internet, netizens are all blown up!Qin Feng went to someone else's crew to grab someone.And the person who grabbed it was to play Hua Qiangu.

This made everyone curious for a while, what kind of actor is worthy of Qin Feng's personal grab.You must know that with Qin Feng's fame in China and the popularity of "Flower Thousand Bone" in China, it is estimated that all the stars will post it backwards, but now Qin Feng actually invited the female number one.I still went to a filming site to grab it.

Soon, the media released the photos of the scene, and Zhao Liying also entered everyone's field of vision.Everyone's first impression is wow, she looks like a simple girl.

Is this the actress Qin Feng chose to play Hua Qiangu?Are you sure this is an actor, not a fresh graduate?It looks so simple.

Everyone's first impression of Zhao Liying is still very good.Because in "Flower Qiangu", Hua Qiangu's cute appearance before becoming a demon left a deep impression on everyone, and Zhao Liying seems to have such a temperament.It is very suitable to play Hua Qiangu, but many people start to worry about the temperament of Hua Qiangu who becomes a demon god in the later stage, whether this seemingly innocent little girl can control it.

The dispute between Qin Feng and the assistant director was also disclosed later. The major TV stations had already blacklisted the crew and the assistant director when they knew Qin Feng's words. No one of the major TV stations will buy their copyrights.That assistant director has paid a terrible price for his actions.

On Qin Feng's side, they were blocked by reporters who were staying at the airport early in the morning as soon as they got off the plane.Reporters swarmed around.The accompanying staff hurriedly surrounded Qin Feng, Bai Yan, and Zhao Liying to shield them from reporters.

But apparently the staff couldn't keep the reporters out of the way.The reporters all came with tasks, and they all tried to squeeze forward.

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