They were desperately trying to stretch out the microphone and interview Qin Feng and Zhao Liying.Qin Feng said with a smile, "Everyone let me go! I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask. But it's already very late. Tomorrow we will hold a special press conference at Dingtian Entertainment!"

After the reporters heard Qin Feng's words, they all gave way.Qin Feng turned his head to Zhao Liying, who was a little scared by the scene behind him and said, "Let's go! It's alright!"

Zhao Liying looked at Qin Feng's smiling face, lowered her head and walked forward behind Qin Feng.The three left the airport smoothly, and the reporters also returned to their units one after another.

Qin Feng has always been one of the best interviewed celebrities in China, because Qin Feng has never been pretentious and approachable.No matter when the reporters are interviewing, Qin Feng will be interviewed whenever he has time.

Therefore, the reporters have a good impression of Qin Feng. Qin Feng just proposed to go back to rest. When a special press conference is held tomorrow, the reporters will take the initiative to make way for Qin Feng.

After Qin Feng left, they went back to their unit to report the situation and then went home to rest and prepare to go to Dingtian Entertainment to attend the press conference the next morning.

Qin Feng and the three of them arrived at the love apartment under the escort of the staff.Everyone was very enthusiastic about Zhao Liying's arrival.Zhao Liying's cuteness is also very endearing.

Soon Zhao Liying became familiar with Yang Ying and the others, and there was no more restraint in front of Qin Feng.Qin Feng watched them sit on the sofa with a smile on their faces.

Qin Feng turned his head and said to Bai Yan, "Sister Yan, please inform the company to prepare for tomorrow's press conference!" Bai Yan said with a smile, "I have already notified it, and the company has also notified the major media overnight!"

Qin Feng was very relieved about Bai Yan's work. Bai Yan looked at Zhao Liying, who was chatting happily with Yang Ying and the others, and asked a little worried: "Qin Feng, do you really think Zhao Liying is the most suitable candidate for Hua Qiangu? You commented on the Internet. Read it?"

Qin Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Sister Yan, don't you believe my vision? I won't misunderstand! She is definitely the most suitable candidate for the role of Hua Qiangu in China at present! You put your heart on your stomach. Inside. You'll know when the TV series comes out!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan nodded.Qin Feng's decisions rarely go wrong again, so this time Bai Yan chose to trust Qin Feng.

Early the next morning, the door of the Maple Leaf Building was crowded with reporters.These reporters arrived at the door of the Maple Leaf Building before dawn.

The security guard of the Maple Leaf Building was also startled when he came to work and opened the door.Qin Feng said yesterday that he was going to hold a press conference, but these security guards didn't know what they thought the company was doing.

After receiving a call from the person in charge of the security department, Bai Yan informed Qin Feng after telling them to entertain the reporters.Qin Feng took Zhao Liying and the others to the door of Dingtian Entertainment Company.

When Qin Feng and the others arrived, the reporters at the scene had been waiting for a long time, and there were some passersby who came to watch.Everyone wanted to surround him when they saw Qin Feng appear.Qin Feng waved his hand and said, "Don't worry everyone, the press conference will start soon!"

Qin Feng took the lead in taking Zhao Liying and the others into Dingtian Entertainment after saying this.After waiting patiently for half an hour, the reporters were all invited to Dingtian Entertainment by the security personnel.

The reporters were led by security personnel to the conference room of Dingtian Entertainment.Qin Feng, Zhao Liying and Bai Yan all sat inside.Qin Feng smiled and said, "The press conference is a bit rushed. Everyone please take a seat!"

The reporters didn't care at all about where the press conference took place.What they are curious about now is the news about Qin Feng and Zhao Liying in "Flower Thousand Bone".

The reporters were also seated in an orderly manner.Looking at the reporters, he said, "What do you want to know? You can ask!"

Chapter [-]: Hit wins!

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the reporters asked questions one after another, and many reporters were taking pictures.A reporter asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Qin. Did you go to the imperial capital this time to invite Miss Zhao Liying to appear in the TV series "Flower Thousand Bone"?"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Yes, everyone knows that "Flower Thousand Bone" is the last TV series I starred in. I just hope that my ending will not leave any regrets!"

"Mr. Qin Feng, you have always been very demanding of your partner in filming! But it is understood that Miss Zhao Liying has not acted in any outstanding film and television works before. Is her experience a little lacking?" A reporter stationed with glasses Get up and ask.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "No one is born to make TV dramas! And I believe that Miss Zhao Liying will definitely create the image of Hua Qiangu very well. I am the author of this book and the person who created this character. I believe in myself eyes!"

Next, the questions of the entire press conference revolved around Hua Qiangu and Zhao Liying.Zhao Liying had already been instructed by Qin Feng, and knew what to say and what not to say.

And with Qin Feng sitting beside him to escort him, the press conference went quite smoothly.After nearly an hour of interviews, the reporters also left contentedly.

Seeing the reporters leave, Zhao Liying leaned on the chair and sighed: "Oh my god, these reporters have finally left!" Hearing Zhao Liying's words, Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Just get used to it! I will interview you later. There are too many reporters!"

Before Qin Feng and the others left the conference room, Lu Zhanbo walked in.Lu Zhanbo said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, I have good news for you!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "What good news?"

Lu Zhanbo said proudly: "The HIT team has successfully reached the LPL finals! Tonight will be the BO5 finals showdown with the ET team!"

Hearing the news, Qin Feng nodded and said, "Well, this news is not bad. It seems that the players you selected for the other positions are not bad!"

Lu Zhanbo continued: "Because of our promotion and promotion, several countries that have introduced League of Legends, such as Europe, North America, Japan and South Korea, have also held their own professional leagues. Therefore, the top three of the LPL this year will be compared with other regions. The top three teams are selected for the international competition of the S1 season together, and the venue will be set in the Shanghai Stock Exchange!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Yes! You guys have done a good job in this matter! I'll be the presenter tonight, and cheer on HIT by the way!"

Lu Zhanbo nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements later! Brother Chao and Teacher Zeng are already very nervous."

Qin Feng said with a smile, "You will hand me the list of their contestants later." As Qin Feng came from a previous life, the team he formed is naturally the number one team in the country.

If HIT's lineup is placed in later generations, it must be the most powerful League of Legends professional team in China.The five positions are all famous players in later generations.

HIT is the first professional team created by Qin Feng, and their role is to promote the commercialization of e-sports in China.In order to prevent any accident.Qin Feng still has to make sure that they win.So I plan to develop some routines for them.

Lu Zhanbo smiled and said, "Well, I'll send the data to your computer later!" Saying that Lu Zhanbo had walked out, Qin Feng smiled and said to Bai Yan, "Sister Yan, since Zhao Liying has not signed a contract yet. Which company. You go directly to open a contract for her and keep her in our company!"

Bai Yan nodded, then turned to Zhao Liying and said, "Let's go!" Then she led Zhao Liying out of the conference room.Qin Feng sat in the conference room and thought about his plan carefully before leaving.

Back at the office, Lu Zhanbo had already sent the information to Qin Feng's computer.Qin Feng took the coffee brought by the secretary and sat in his chair and looked at it carefully.

In the evening, Qin Feng brought Yang Ying and the others to the scene of the LPL finals.The finals were played at the Shanghai Stadium, a large venue with [-] people.

Qin Feng has held several concerts here before.Still quite familiar with this place.After the site was refitted, it was rented to NetEase for the LPL competition!

Today is the weekend, and it is also the first final since the LPL professional league. This kind of far-reaching game has naturally attracted quite a number of League of Legends fans to watch.The [-]-person venue was packed.

Seeing the situation at the scene, not only Ding Sanshi from NetEase, but also the bosses of other game companies admired Qin Feng. Qin Feng was the only one who could make a game in such a big format in China.

Now the players of these professional teams are treated like the stars.They all have huge numbers of fans.Especially the HIT team.

This team not only has strong players, but also because its boss is Deng Chao, general manager Lu Ziqiao, and coach Zeng Xiaoxian.Such team management has made this team the most watched team in the country.

Of course, this team is also strong and has always been in the leading position in the LPL league. It can be said that it is difficult to lose. Although the finals have not yet come out, [-]% of people already think that HIT must win.Of course, they didn't know that the behind-the-scenes boss of this team was Qin Feng.

At the beginning of the game, it was obvious that the strength of the two teams was not at the same level.In the face of HIT's strong invasion of the wild area, GANK, the opponent has no power to fight back.

HIT swept the opponent with a neat [-]-[-].Won the LPL's first championship.At the end of the game, the host at the scene said excitedly: "Congratulations to HIT for winning the LPL championship! Let's applaud and invite Mr. Qin Feng, CEO of NetEase, to present the award to the winning team!"

Chapter nine hundred and thirty first: arrogant hit

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