Qin Feng came to the stage amid the cheers of the audience. The HIT team members didn't even know that Qin Feng was their boss behind the scenes. However, when they saw Qin Feng as a national idol, these teenage boys Also full of excitement!

Qin Feng walked to the front of the stage and said with a smile: "First of all, I'm here to congratulate the HIT team for winning the first LPL league championship!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the teenagers became even more excited. Their idols stood in front of them and congratulated them, which made many people excited.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "HIT and the others have used their superb skills to win this supreme honor for their team. They have proved that they are the kings of this league. Of course, this is both an end and a beginning! Because a month later The world-class games of the S1 season will be launched here, and there will be strong teams from all over the world! I congratulate HIT for winning the LPL championship, and I also hope that HIT can defeat other teams in the World League of the S1 season a month later. Win the championship. The world number one throne is waiting for you!"

Previously, the world-class competition in the S1 season was just a rumor, but now that Qin Feng announced this matter as CEO, then this matter must be a certainty.

Everyone cheered for HIT again, and they were all looking forward to HIT winning the championship in world-class competitions to prove that Huaxia's team is the strongest in the League of Legends.

In the warm atmosphere of the scene, Qin Feng awarded each player with a medal that symbolizes the honor of the LPL champion.The eyes of the teenagers were wet, and their countless day and night efforts were rewarded.

The relieved smile and encouraging eyes on Qin Feng's face even encouraged several teenagers to move towards the world-class finals.Their next goal is to win the World Finals in the S1 season.

Qin Feng walked up to his apprentice Promise and said with a smile, "Congratulations on winning the LPL Finals MVP!" He put the trophy symbolizing the MVP honor in Promise's hand.

Promise said excitedly: "Boss, don't worry. I will definitely prove who is the world's number one jungler in the S1 arena!"

Hearing the promise, Qin Feng almost bit his tongue.Because in the previous life, promise once said this sentence, and then he was taught by the Korean jungler to be a man right away in the game.

"Promise, don't despise your enemy! There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people!" Qin Feng also hurriedly reminded the promise.But apparently the promise who just won the championship and mvp didn't care about Qin Feng's words. After all, Qin Feng was his master's business, and he didn't know it yet.

Qin Feng just sighed in his heart, LPL is the earliest league of League of Legends, and now this game is also developed by Huaxia Kingdom.As the strongest jungler promise in LPL, the play style of promise will definitely be learned and targeted by everyone.

The current League of Legends team is just like the team in the early stage of the previous life, which is a complete competition of technology, unlike the various operational and tactical routines after the S5 season.

So once the promise play style is figured out and targeted, then he will not be able to find his own rhythm at all.Understand why jungler positions are so important in League of Legends.

The jungler is the easiest to bring rhythm to.He doesn't need to carry the whole court, he just needs to bring the rhythm of the whole team.Cooperate with teammates to complete the victory of the game.

To know that League of Legends is a team-based game, cooperation is the most important thing.In the later League of Legends professional teams, they don't look at which position is the strongest, they look at which position is the weakest.Once a team has too obvious weaknesses.Then, when encountering excellent teams, their weaknesses will be infinitely targeted and infinitely amplified.Then the entire team simply loses!

After the award ceremony, Qin Feng came to the back, and Deng Chaozheng, the team boss, was thinking about how to celebrate with the team members excitedly.

Seeing Qin Feng coming over, Deng Chao said with a smile: "Qin Feng, we are preparing to celebrate, let's come together!" Hearing Deng Chao's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Well, good! Tonight we celebrate tomorrow during the day. Take a day off, and gather in the team training room in the evening!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Deng Chao said with a smile, "Hey, Qin Feng. How can I say that the team just won the championship, there is still a month left in the S1 world competition, let the players rest!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Brother Chao, do you feel HIT is strong?"

Deng Chao didn't understand what Qin Feng meant, nodded and said, "Of course, how can you win the championship if you are not strong!" Hearing Deng Chao's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "You will know by playing a BO5 tomorrow night!"

Deng Chao looked at Qin Feng suspiciously and said, "Who are you fighting with?"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Me, Zhanbo, Guan Gu, Yifei, Yang Ying!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, the HIT team members showed a smug smile on their faces.

Qin Feng said all five stars.I am a professional player.Five amateur players still want to educate themselves?It's too exaggerated!

Deng Chao said with a smile, "Qin Feng, are you sure you want to fight? You were taught to be a man by a group of children! But you can't save face!" Qin Feng said with a smile, "The game hasn't been played yet. You won't know until after the game! "

Although Qin Feng was very confident, whether it was Deng Chao, Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao, including the team members, did not think that he would be defeated by five amateur players.

Qin Feng didn't worry too much about this, but after setting the time for the training game, he went to the Hilton Hotel to celebrate with Deng Chao and the HIT team members!

In the face of Qin Feng's competition requirements, the team members did not take it to heart at all.At this time, they are full of confidence in their hearts, and they feel that they have won the LPL championship, and they are the strongest team in China!

Chapter [-]: The match between the star team and the professional team

Qin Feng wanted HIT to win the championship with all his heart, so their mentality made Qin Feng very worried.Although HIT is very powerful, it does not mean that he can be invincible.

So Qin Feng decided to educate them and let them know what is the real operation of invincible team battles.As for Zhanbo Guangu, Yang Ying, Yifei and the others, because they are the first batch of trial players in League of Legends and under the guidance of Qin Feng, a master who is better than professional players, their strength may not be better than that of professional players. Poor, even better than professional players in some small details.

The Hilton Hotel is very lively, and today is also star-studded. Because Deng Chao is the boss of HIT, many friends in the circle are also here. In fact, this is also because these stars are also fans of League of Legends.

Qin Feng sat there quietly holding a wine glass, thinking about how to shoot "Flower Thousand Bone".Yang Ying came over and sat down beside him and asked with a smile, "Brother Feng, are you really going to play against HIT and the others tomorrow?"

Qin Feng returned to his senses, smiled and said, "Of course, they are a little proud now. I want to wake up for them! Winning the championship is a good thing, but if you are arrogant, you will definitely be beaten! Rather than being embarrassed in the S1 world finals Might as well be educated by me!"

Yang Ying nodded and said, "En. Good! I'll play well tomorrow too!" Qin Feng said with a smile, "Tomorrow morning, I will urgently train the four of you. Remember to do as I say!"

The whole celebration feast didn't end until the early morning, because there was a training game the next night, so the players couldn't play too late.I was still a little unhappy about Qin Feng's training team members, because the training game made him unable to play to the fullest.

The stars present heard that there was a confrontation and wanted to go and see it.Qin Feng also agreed, but Qin Feng's request was that everyone could not record the video after entering and not disclose the results.

Everyone readily agreed to Qin Feng's request.

After having dinner the next night, Qin Feng took Lu Zhanbo, Hu Yifei, Guangu Magical Yang Ying and the five friends from the love apartment to the HIT base.

When they arrived, the stars who came to watch the game also arrived one after another. HIT's small training room is almost full.

The team members were also a little surprised when they watched the guests sitting outside watching the game in the competition booth.They are all the top stars in the country.Deng Chao, Sun Li, Fan Wei, Yang Mi, Li Chen, Wang Baobao, Li Lianjie, the Four Heavenly Kings, Tara, were young.

Seeing these stars, the players' hands were shaking with excitement.Compared with the five people in the competition warehouse opposite them, they are very calm, because the stars below are all their acquaintances.

And Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian are guest commentators today.In the middle of the field is a large screen.This is where the live stars tune in to watch the game.

After the staff debugged the machines of ten people, everyone was ready.The game is officially open, and both sides seem confident on the surface.

In the first game, the star team is the blue team and the HIT team is the red team.The star team's top laner is Guan Gu's magical mid laner, Yang Ying's bottom lane ADC is Hu Yifei's assistant Lu Zhanbo and the jungler Qin Feng.

The top laner of the HIT team, Yang Zhonglan, Xu Kui, is the promise. What HIT came up with was yesterday's winning lineup.

This is also what Qin Feng requested.Qin Feng just wanted to educate these main forces and tell them not to be too conceited.Ego to lose.

But the audience off the court didn't think Qin Feng and the others could win.Everyone watched the game with an entertainment mentality.Everyone wants to know how Qin Feng's technology is as a developer of League of Legends.

After the start of the game, the ban lineup, Guan Gu, under Qin Feng's instruction, directly banned the opposing ADC Spear of Vengeance, the top laner who won the championship yesterday, and Reksai in the jungle position. HIT banned Jinx Desert Emperor Ryze with the mentality of playing casually.

After the start of the game, the order Guan Gu Magic directly selects carefully in seconds.After seeing Guan Gu's selection, the members of the opposing professional team all laughed. HIT took the bot lane combination of Thresh and Vayne directly.For the star team, Qin Feng got Annie to help Zhanbo.Yang Ying's mid laner got the card.And HIT got the lineup of the top single prince playing the blind monk in three or four hands. Obviously, they want to show off their operation.Hu Yifei got the pure man gun in the ADC, while Lu Zhanbo got the widow for Qin Feng.

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