Seeing Qin Feng choose a widow, Promise smiled, this is his own signature hero.I know widows too well.He dared to take a widow in front of him, didn't he seek torture?

The last position of HIT chose the mid-lane murloc.Then the game begins.After entering the game.The first wave of both sides is to make vision in the wild area.

HIT's assistant Tian Xin just inserted an eye in the river and let Hu Yifei and Yang Ying cooperate in seconds.Seeing that the two of them had their eyes removed, Tian Xin was stunned for a moment, but he didn't care.

After the monsters are refreshed, Promise and Tian Xin are happily finishing the stone and then hitting the red buff.Qin Feng's widow and Lu Zhanbo's Annie came around from both sides. Obviously, they came directly after the blue buff.

Qin Feng lost an eye position as soon as he emerged.Guan Gu Magic, who placed the order, has long been ready to directly teleport to the landing E + flash to taunt two people.Annie W is halo, Qin Feng's meal EQA.Neither of them ran away.The widow and Shen are headed one by one.

After that, the three of them brushed off F4 again, and then directly surrounded by the middle to cooperate with Yang Ying's flashing yellow card to take the little fish man.Then, together with the little fish people, they reversed the blue BUFF of the team members.Then Qin Feng went to the place where he had his red buff to knock down the red and went home slowly.

Chapter [-]: The educated champion team

In less than five minutes, HIT was beaten 3-0 by the Stars.The promise of the most important jungler position is simply terrible to see the first-level jungle area being played cleanly by the opponent.When I went out and saw the bare wild area, the promise was about to cry.

Just when the promise is waiting until the wild monsters are refreshed and the wild is boring.The prince on the road was controlled and explained by the male gun who did not know when to switch lanes to fight on the road and cooperated with the widow and Annie.

Wei En and Thresh, who were in the bottom lane, did not dare to jump the tower to kill Shen easily. After all, Shen was a man who taunted. If he accidentally crossed the tower before level [-], he would be shown to death by the opponent.

The players of HIT were also quite aggrieved. How could this happen?He is a national champion team.Why let a few amateur stars teach you how to be a man.

Until now, they haven't found out why this game is like this.Just because Thresh's first eye was instantly dropped and the wild area had no vision, Qin Feng and the others seized the opportunity to directly squat successfully.Then a wave of rhythm made the promise abolished in the early stage.You must know that the blind monk is a hero with strong GANK ability in the early stage, but now the wild area is reflected.The level of direct equipment is completely backward, and it is impossible to go to gank at all.

And the yellow card of the card played in the middle was given to the little fish, and the widow went around and directly harvested the head.This made the HIT players want to vomit blood.They also knew that the widow's invisibility was hard to guard against.But after inserting real eyes.Qin Feng was knocked out in the past two strokes.Thirty bucks more.Then circled around and came back.

Promise's blind monk wanted to gank a few times after the level was up, but every time he was clearly seen by the star team who had pushed three outer towers to fight in the wild area, and then all kinds of anti-squatting.

At the twenty-seventh minute, the head-to-head ratio was 32 for the All-Star team and the economic gap between HIT8 was [-]. All six outer towers of HIT were lost.

Of course, the most depressing thing for them was that every time they saw that there were only one or two people on the other side, four of them went up to catch them, but the widow didn't know where to get out of it and throw it big.Shenhe's card's ultimate move instantly turned into a few fights.Coupled with the gap in early equipment.

HIT conceded defeat with a belly full of grievances.The two commentators, Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao, didn't know how to change the commentary when they saw the result of the game.

And the stars below are dumbfounded, they are all playing League of Legends.But they never thought that they could play like this, a direct three-player jungler to play two-player.Looking at the various cooperation of the five members of the star team, no matter how you look at it, everyone feels that they are the professional team.

All five of HIT's faces were depressed, especially the promise in the jungle position.He always thought he was the No. [-] jungler in the world.But I didn't expect that my game was completely educated by Qin Feng.

After a few minutes of rest, the second round began. This round promises the widow. After seeing his widow, Qin Feng directly took out Reksai.

The scene of the match was the same as last time. Although the widow could be invisible, she was still invincible in the face of Rek'Sai's terrestrial hearing.Reverse to death from start to finish.

HIT is a team that always needs a jungler position to drive the rhythm, if there is no jungler GANK.The team simply couldn't find its rhythm.

On the contrary, the star team was frequently harvested under Qin Feng's leadership and command.The five positions are all fat and oily.It would be a bit weird to say that the first game was lost because HIT was too careless, but the second game was lost again.

The third one, HIT, who was already in chaos, was defeated by the star team. The BO5 match was tied 3-0. The members of HIT were completely dumbfounded.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao also had unbelievable expressions on their faces. The champion team they brought out was so vulnerable.In fact, the most uncomfortable is the five players.They are absolutely confident in their own strength.But when facing the star team, the whole is a feeling of power that cannot be used.

The five of them will definitely not fight themselves when the number of them is less than or equal to them.As long as the two sides fight together, they will find out within two seconds.Hey, why are there all five people on the opposite side?

Qin Feng and the others walked out of the competition room with a smile.And the five members of HIT are downcast.They still don't understand why they lost.

After sending away the stars who came to watch the game, Qin Feng called the five team members in front of him and said with a smile, "Do you five know why you lost?" Hearing Qin Feng's question, all five of them were He raised his head to look at Qin Feng and then lowered his head.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "It's inevitable that you will lose. First, you are too careless. You feel that if you win the championship, you are the first team, so you don't pay enough attention to other teams. But I know your style of play very well. And the characteristics of each team member, so I can target you indefinitely. And you can only watch the routines that I have! Second, you don't know enough about the game heroes! You don't know the restraint of each hero! For example, the first The second is to take me to Rek'Sai to kill the widow!"

The five of them all listened to Qin Feng's words very seriously.They were listening and thinking just now, and it was exactly what Qin Feng said.Every step of their own is in the calculation of the other party.If you can win, you will be evil!

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Actually, the most important reason for your losses is that you don't know how to run the game!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously, "Brother Feng, what do you mean by running the game?"

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly and said, "The five of you must have had the idea just now that you are surrounded by us every time you fight in a team fight, and you feel that you are powerful and useless! Am I right?"

The five people nodded wildly. Obviously, Qin Feng's words accurately pointed out their inner feelings at that time!Qin Feng said with a smile: "That's because you have already been operated by me!"

Chapter [-]: "Fire Phoenix" and "The Blade of the Country"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Deng Chao, Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao and the five team members looked at Qin Feng in confusion.Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "Brother Feng, don't you just play a game? Do you want to be so tall! Still operating? But what is operation?"

Qin Feng looked at Zeng Xiaoxian angrily. With a coach like Zeng Xiaoxian, HIT probably won't want to know what operational tactics are in this life.

Qin Feng patiently explained to them, of course, this is also one of Qin Feng's purposes today.In addition to letting the HIT who just won the championship not be arrogant, it is also necessary to hand over the operation to them.

In the era of playing games based on personal operation, regardless of personal skills and tactics, when Niu's team encountered an invincible team in the later stage of operation, they would be beaten to the ground and called Dad.

This is beyond the scope of technical tactics, this is the leading edge of the system.A whole system ahead.Of course invincible.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Let's go to the lounge, let's have a good chat about this game!" The five players who were taught to be human just now wanted to know where they lost.

The group came to the lounge and sat down.Qin Feng raised his mouth slightly and said, "As the developer of "League of Legends", my understanding of this game is that it is a game of demolition!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone nodded.Indeed, this is a tower demolition game. No matter how many kills you can't demolish the base, you won't win.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Since this is a tower-demolition game, the number of heads is not so important. Second, this is a team-based game, you are so good with equipment and controlled by cattle. It can't be 1v5! So in my opinion, the team battle is what determines the situation on the field! How to better handle the team battle is very important!"

Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao, as the team's coaches and managers, have already started taking notes and jotting down what Qin Feng said. "If you want to win a team battle, you must have a tacit understanding of five people. Find the best time to start a team, and take advantage of the terrain! In addition, you need to consider your own resources. If one output position occupies too many resources, it will lead to Other positions can’t develop. The front row can’t stand up, even if your output is high, you can’t win teamfights!”

"Operation from the overall point of view, is the control of the rhythm of the entire team, for example, control the dragon, control the line, when to roam, when to go to the tower to kill who, when to push the tower in a group, and when to Where to do eye positions, etc. This series of rhythm points are connected with the tactics you set earlier, allowing the opponent to slowly step into his own rhythm, which is a hidden chronic death, waiting for the opponent to discover When he is completely in the rhythm of the enemy, he is almost doomed." Qin Feng said the meaning of one operation.

After listening to Qin Feng's words, the five team members were completely convinced. If Zeng Xiaoxian and the others' understanding of operations were only in Qin Feng's words, then the five team members had personally experienced what operations are.The power of operation.

Deng Chao looked at Qin Feng with admiration and said, "Qin Feng, you are worthy of being a game developer! You know only cows!" Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly and said, "The professional league is not a passerby game! It considers more. The key is teamwork! Only invincible team battles can win the championship! You are still young, and you still have a long way to go! The S1 championship is just the beginning! Do you understand?"

The five of them promised serious nods on their faces. Today Qin Feng used three games to tell them the correct way to play the League of Legends.Also have a deeper understanding of the professional league.More importantly, they have completely sunk their hearts and lost the conceit they had when they won the championship.

The next day, under the leadership of Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao, they entered the task of preparing for the World League for the S1 season.Qin Feng is also actively preparing for Hua Qiangu's crew.

The TV series "I Am the Blade of the Country of the Special Forces" and "I am the Phoenix of the Fire of the Special Forces" produced by Dingtian Entertainment for the military region have completed the post-production.

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