In the office of the president of Dingtian Entertainment Building, Qin Feng was revising the script of "Flower Thousand Bone" when Bai Yan walked in: "Qin Feng, Director Li Feng is here!"

Qin Feng raised his head and said with a smile, "Quickly invite him in!" Li Feng has also gotten better and better since working with Qin Feng.He has even been nominated as a candidate for the next director.

Li Feng followed Bai Yan's butt into Qin Feng's office.After Bai Yan poured tea for Li Feng, she closed the office and went out.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Director Li, why do you have time to come to me?"

Li Feng smiled slightly and said, "Why doesn't Director Qin welcome my old friend?"

Qin Feng pretended to be angry and said, "Of course you are not welcome! The price of the premiere rights you give is the lowest in the country every time! I really don't want to give you the premiere rights!"

Li Feng smiled awkwardly and said, "Qin Feng, you know it too. You can make free quotes like a local TV station. And CCTV's unique advantage has high ratings!"

Regarding Li Feng's words, Qin Feng just smiled and did not speak.When it comes to ratings, Qin Feng feels it might be better to sell the premiere rights to Mango TV.

Li Feng said with a smile: "I heard that you are going to film your last TV series "Flower Thousand Bone". The purpose of my visit this time is..."

Qin Feng hurriedly interrupted Li Feng's words: "Stop! If it's for the premiere rights of "Flower Thousand Bone"! Then you better not open your mouth!" Qin Feng rejected Li Feng decisively.

"Fire Phoenix" and "Blade of the Kingdom" are to promote the army. I also want to take away the premiere rights of "Flower Thousand Bone" at a low price.dreaming too!

Chapter nine hundred and thirty fifth: tearing the face

Qin Feng decisively interrupted Li Feng's words.Qin Feng hates that they always put on a high-level look. Although they always feel that their ratings are very high, whether it is "Real Man" or "Run, Brother" and some other satellite TV's are relatively good The variety shows, the ratings of these shows are able to hang their existence.

And there is only one program that they can crush other satellite TV in the whole country, and only once a year, that is the Spring Festival Gala.After all, it is the choice of many domestic audiences for the New Year, and the [-]% viewership rate is also very high.But in recent years, with the colorful and diverse launch of satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala, the ratings of their Spring Festival Gala have also been declining.

Faced with this situation, they also resorted to a magic weapon. The General Administration issued a document on the New Year's Eve, and the TV station could only broadcast their Spring Festival Gala.My TV's Spring Festival Gala can only be pushed back.

Although the TV channel is dissatisfied, it still has to be a good baby in the face of the General Administration.

Qin Feng has publicly stated that "Flower Thousand Bone" is his last TV series. In addition to the current popularity of the book "Flower Thousand Bone" in China, as long as he is not a fool, he will know that once "Flower Thousand Bone" is released The TV series of the filming, the ratings are really going to go against the sky!

Naturally, they also saw this, so they sent Li Feng to come to Qin Feng to discuss the issue of the premiere rights.Li Feng is now at a critical moment in the race for the next director.He also knew that winning the premiere rights of "Flower Thousand Bone" would give him a lot of points, so he was bound to win it.

But Qin Feng didn't like to give "Flower Thousand Bone" to them, because the price they gave was almost no different from Ming Rob.So Qin Feng decisively rejected Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled awkwardly when he heard Qin Feng's words and said, "Dong Qin, let's discuss this matter!" Qin Feng was also unwilling to tear his face with them. Although it was true to them, there was still no need to provoke this backstage. the big guy.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Then how much is Director Li's offer?"

Li Feng heard Qin Feng loosen up and said with a smile, "Dong Qin, we will definitely not give less money this time. How about [-] million in such an episode?"

Qin Feng's head was full of black lines after listening to it: "Well, it's quite a lot, three times more than the [-] episodes of "The Blade of the Nation". It is more than the [-] episodes of "Fire Phoenix". double!"

Li Feng could naturally hear that what Qin Feng was saying was ironic.Li Feng also knew that Qin Feng was angry that the quotations of the two TV series were too low, but these quotations were given by the leaders above, and Li Feng did not have much way to change them.

Knowing that this matter is related to his future, Li Feng said cheekily: "Dong Qin, can you see this offer?" Qin Feng just stretched out four fingers and said lightly, "I want four million for one episode! Less! Not a penny for sale! A total of 54 episodes! A total of 2.16 million!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Feng almost bit his tongue.Four million is twice as high as the price paid by oneself. Although the total price of 2.16 million is not the most, the price of a single episode is indeed the highest in history!

Li Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Dong Qin, you didn't read the joke, did you?"

Qin Feng just smiled and did not speak.But it is clear that he has made his point.Li Feng was a little angry.But there's no way they've done a bit too much recently.They are family.Naturally, they appear to be very confident, and they don't care about film and television companies and satellite TV media.

Li Feng knows Qin Feng's temper very well, as long as he makes a decision, it will basically not change.But this matter is related to whether he can win the battle for the director in the future.

Li Feng still decided to talk to Qin Feng.But obviously Qin Feng didn't mean to talk to him.Qin Feng said with a smile: "Director Li, if there is nothing else. Please do it, I have a meeting later!"

Qin Feng is very direct to see off the guest.Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Feng's face became ugly.Li Feng looked at Qin Feng and said, "You really decided to do this?"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "It's not the first day you met me! You know my temper!"

"If you do this, you will not give them face! Have you considered the consequences?" Li Feng was a little anxious, and his tone of speaking was a little tough.

Qin Feng could naturally hear the threatening tone of Li Feng's words, and the smile on Qin Feng's face also restrained and looked at Li Feng and said, "They don't have much face here with me! Slow down and don't give up!"

After speaking, Qin Feng lowered his head and continued to read his documents.After Qin Feng said this, Li Feng was also quite embarrassed and could no longer stay.

Li Feng stood up angrily and wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he didn't say it, turned around and left Qin Feng's office, Li Feng angrily left and was caught in Bai Yan's eyes.

Bai Yan walked in and asked, "Qin Feng, what did you guys talk about? Why did he leave in a rage?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "They want to take advantage of it again, and the premiere rights of "Flower Thousand Bone" want to take it for nothing!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan knew the whole story and was sure that Li Feng touched Qin Feng's place. A grey nose.

Bai Yan said with a smile: "Behind them are the Radio and Television and the Ministry of Culture. We also try our best not to have conflicts with them, otherwise the company will be very sad!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Don't worry, with my understanding of Su Yu, he is unlikely to target me! And I still have trump cards. Don't worry!"

Bai Yan nodded and said, "I hope there will be no accidents! The preparations for "Flower Thousand Bone" have been completed, and the filming can be started at any time!"

Chapter nine hundred and thirty sixth: start shooting

Qin Feng asked, "Sister Yan, have the actors' schedules been arranged?" This time Qin Feng used the same team for the filming of "Flower Thousand Bone" in his previous life.

And these actors are generally not well-known, so when they got the opportunity to shoot "Flower Thousand Bone", everyone cherished it. After all, this is an opportunity to make them a hit.

Bai Yan said with a smile, "Everyone is waiting for the director's words now. You can do it anytime. All the actors are already waiting in the Shanghai market!"

Qin Feng nodded and said: "That's good! Now let me know immediately: the launch conference of "Flower Thousand Bone" and the sale of the premiere rights will be held the day after tomorrow!"

Bai Yan froze for a moment and said, "Qin Feng, you just rejected them, isn't it a bit inappropriate to sell "Flower Thousand Bone" immediately before the broadcast!"

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly and said, "No, you can do it!" Seeing Qin Feng's insistence, Bai Yan nodded and said, "Well, good! I'll let you know now!"

Soon all the media and satellite TV received a notice from Dingtian Entertainment about the press conference and the sale of the first broadcast rights.Everyone was startled.This is also the first TV series to sell the premiere rights before it even starts filming.

But it was Qin Feng after all, so everyone still felt it was not too strange, but when the person in charge of each David TV got the offer from Dingtian Entertainment, everyone almost bit their tongues.

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