The quotation of 270 million single episodes made all satellite TV hesitate a bit. The previous record for domestic single episodes was only about 130 million.All of a sudden higher than [-] million episodes.This made the people in charge of satellite TV a little hesitant.

The only TVs that did not hesitate are Mango TV and Shanghai TV.And these two TV stations are also Qin Feng's two favorite TV stations.Because they are very familiar with each other.

So they were not surprised by Qin Feng's offer. They knew that Qin Feng dared to ask for so much money, so "Flower Thousand Bone" earned more than what he paid.

And the ratings of these two satellite TVs are also very suitable for broadcasting "Flower Thousand Bone".Although the heads of these satellite TV stations were hesitant at first, they quickly dispelled the hesitation. After all, Qin Feng has created too many miracles.

Li Feng, who had not left the Shanghai stock market, immediately left the Shanghai stock market in a huff after hearing the news from Dingtian. He knew that the price of [-] million per episode would not be published by CCTV anyway.

Qin Feng said this to prevent Li Feng from coming to him to buy the premiere rights.The price is directly quoted, and if you want to buy it, it is clearly marked at the price.

The heads of various David TVs across the country rushed to the Shanghai Stock Exchange after receiving the news.As soon as Qin Feng and Bai Yan got home from get off work, they found that there were guests in the living room.

Qin Feng walked over and saw that it was Mango TV's Ou Dayang and He Jiong.Bai Yan smiled slightly. The news that was just sent this afternoon came from Changsha in just a few hours. He must have arrived by plane immediately after receiving the news.

After seeing Qin Feng's return, Ou Dianchang and He Jiong also greeted him with a smile.Several people sat down on the sofa.Ou Balcony said with a long smile, "Dong Qin, I got the news today and I rushed over immediately!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Mr. He has worked so hard! Let's have a meal together later in the evening!" Ou Danchang smiled and said, "Dong Qin, you must know my purpose. Episode [-] The price of one million is absolutely fine! We Mango TV fully accept it!”

Ou Danchang was worried that Ye Chang had more dreams, so after receiving the news, he and He Jiong flew to the Shanghai market to see Qin Feng and wanted to get the premiere rights in advance!

Yang Ying leaned into Qin Feng's ear and said, "Brother Feng, before you came back, Director Wang of Shanghai TV Station had already called and asked you to have dinner at Hilton in the evening! I said I'll give him a message when you come back!"

As soon as Yang Ying's voice fell, Director Wang, Hua Shao, and Yiyi entered the living room under the leadership of Zeng Xiaoxian.Seeing Wang Taichang come in, Ou Taichang snorted obviously.

Wang Taizhang sneered when he looked at Ou Taipingzhang.Obviously, both of them are very clear about each other's every move. Director Wang came in and sat down and said with a smile: "Qin Dong, regarding the premiere rights, we fully accept your offer, and we can increase the price to a single price. Collect five million."

Director Wang is also bound to win this premiere right.Mr. Ou Baldai sneered when he heard Mr. Wang's words and said, "Why, your Shanghai TV station can afford [-] million, but our Mango TV can't afford it? I will give [-] million!"

Director Wang had to follow the bid, but Qin Feng interrupted them with a smile and said, "You two, today is not a sale. We will wait until the sale! It's rare for everyone to get together today! Let's have a meal together!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, although the two station directors were very reluctant to eat with each other.But now Qin Feng asked them to eat together, Qin Feng's face must be given.

After dinner, both parties knew that there would be no results today.They were all waiting for the press conference to grab it, and soon it was time for the press conference. The heads of domestic provincial satellite TV came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.Their purpose is also very clear to win the premiere rights of "Flower Thousand Bone".The previous battle between Shanghai Stock Exchange and Mango TV has been rumored, but the TVs did not choose to give up after considering it.

The press conference was held at the Maple Leaf Building.The people in charge of satellite TV and the reporters from the media rushed to the scene of the press conference early and waited for the start of the press conference.

Qin Feng brought Zhao Liying and some leading actors to the scene, because today is both the sale of the first broadcast rights and the launch day of "Flower Thousand Bone".

Qin Feng and the others came to the scene and greeted everyone who came to the rostrum.The press conference is about to start.But at this time, Qin Feng's cell phone rang.

At the same time, the cell phones of the person in charge of the satellite TV and the reporters of the media also rang.Qin Feng answered the call from Bai Yan.Bai Yan's voice panicked: "Qin Feng, the General Administration has taken action!"

Chapter nine hundred and thirty-seven-nine hundred and thirty-eight: the storm subsides

Qin Feng put away the phone and said, "This matter is already being resolved! There will be results soon, and the crew of "Flower Thousand Bone" is ready to start at any time!"

No one saw the text messages on Qin Feng's mobile phone, so they didn't know what kind of text messages changed Qin Feng's attitude.But since Qin Feng is so confident, there must be no problem.

Netizens protested fiercely against the actions of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television and the Ministry of Culture, but nothing happened.Because the Ministry of Culture and Radio and Television will not listen to any objection from your netizens.After all, you have the right to be willful.

Except for Mango Satellite TV's appeal to complain about Qin Feng's injustice, there is no second satellite TV to help Qin Feng.Not because everyone wanted to get in trouble, but because they were scared.

The reason why Mango Satellite TV dares to challenge CCTV is also because Mango Satellite TV is the first target of CCTV's suppression. In order to prevent Mango Satellite TV's entertainment programs from lowering CCTV's ratings, an entertainment restriction order was issued.As a result, many programs of Mango Satellite TV can no longer be broadcast.

Mango TV has long held its breath.Moreover, the relationship between Mango TV and Qin Feng is also extraordinary.Although Shanghai Satellite TV also wanted to stand up, it still hesitated.

Li Feng had been waiting for Qin Feng to come to him with the premiere rights of "Flower Thousand Bone", but he waited and waited for Qin Feng to ignore the Ministry of Culture's rectification.

Li Feng felt guilty because no one could be sure whether the rumors about Qin Feng's identity were true or not.But seeing Qin Feng face this matter so calmly, Li Feng was a little worried that those rumors were true.If that's the case, Li Feng doesn't care what the consequences will be.

Li Feng was sitting in the office looking at the documents, and suddenly the door of his office was kicked open with a bang.Li Feng looked up and was stunned. Su Yu, who was supposed to be on a business trip in Dé, stood at his door and looked at him angrily.

Su Yu walked in angrily, and Li Feng stood up and asked suspiciously, "Old Su, when did you come back? Didn't you go on a business trip to the country?"

Su Yu moved a chair and sat down, looking at Li Feng sullenly and said, "Director Li, I also want to go on a business trip in Dé country! But what have you done in China?"

Hearing Su Yu's words, Li Feng suddenly asked in a low voice, "Did you come back from above?"

Su Yu looked at Li Feng angrily and said, "I received an order from above for me to rush back to deal with this matter! You have made a big deal this time!"

Li Feng asked nervously, "What did you say above?"

Su Yu said with a bitter look: "Old Li! You can't deal with anyone, but you have to deal with Qin Feng! This time your director has come to an end! I advise you to write a resignation report as soon as possible, so as to protect yourself, otherwise You can't escape your ruin this time!"

Li Feng was already disheartened at this time: "How did this matter reach the leaders' ears?"

Su Yu glanced at Li Feng helplessly and said, "Qin Feng is not as simple as you see it. Obviously the leader is completely partial to Qin Feng, and the person standing behind Qin Feng is not something we can touch and offend!"

An hour later, Su Yu left, and Li Feng sat down in his seat and wrote a letter of resignation.This matter is a bit big, so someone must come out to take the blame!

On the second day after Su Yu returned to the imperial capital, the Ministry of Culture and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued again most of the books on "One Piece" and "Flower Thousand Bone" and Yingfengfei Literature Network.

After the news came out, the people in charge of satellite TV and the media couldn't keep up with the rhythm. They didn't understand what was going on these days.

However, the resignation of CCTV director Li Feng also caused quite a stir.Everyone knew that what happened this time was done by CCTV to target Qin Feng.

Now not only Qin Feng is fine, but all the novels have been released, and the most important thing is that Li Feng, one of the top executives of CCTV, has resigned.

This made everyone very curious, because everyone did not know why Li Feng resigned.But Li Feng's resignation also means that Qin Feng and Dingtian Entertainment have returned to the original period.The most important thing is to know that Qin Feng actually has his own backstage.And his backstage status is definitely higher than CCTV.

Although this statement has not been confirmed, everyone is almost certain that there is still a strong backstage behind Qin Feng.

And just after this incident was over, Qin Feng announced that he would continue to film "Flower Thousand Bone" and announced that he sold the premiere rights to Mango Satellite TV at a price of [-] million per episode.

This made many people in charge of satellite TV extremely unwilling, but they themselves knew that when Qin Feng was targeted, only Mango TV was on the same front as him.

Just based on this, no other satellite TV would even think of getting the premiere rights of "Flower Thousand Bone". After all, Qin Feng is the second richest man in China, so how could he be moved by money?Mango TV also bet right this time!

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