Although they are very unwilling, these people in charge can only watch Mango Satellite TV get the premiere rights of "Flower Thousand Bone". A premiere right caused such a thing, and in the end, Mango Satellite TV became the last laughing person. .

This time, the opening ceremony of "Flower Thousand Bone" was very low-key.Dingtian Entertainment did not notify the media.Therefore, Qin Feng brought the crew to Hengdian and started the filming of "Flower Thousand Bones" before most people knew it!

Chapter [-]: Shooting begins

After the situation subsided, although Qin Feng and Dingtian Entertainment were both hit to a certain extent, the result was still acceptable.Because Qin Feng had to reserve enough shooting time for "Jurassic World", "Thousand Bone Flowers" needed to work overtime to shoot in a hurry.

Qin Feng simply held a popular opening ceremony and then started shooting.After this incident, everyone can understand Qin Feng and cherish this opportunity.

This matter was resolved without much effort. Neither radio, television nor CCTV said much about this matter, so everyone was even more suspicious of Qin Feng's identity.

While everyone was suspicious, Qin Feng was filming "Thousand Bone Flowers" in a completely closed manner. This time, the closure was stricter than ever before.The media has no news at all.

Dingtian Entertainment, from the artists to the staff, kept silent about this matter and avoided talking about it.It is said that Qin Feng's original words were who talked about this matter in public and took the initiative to get out of bed!

Mango Satellite TV was the biggest beneficiary of this incident. Not only did it become the only TV station that could gain Qin Feng's trust, but it also won the premiere rights to "Flower Thousand Bones" at the price of 400 million per episode.

Although this incident had an impact on "Flower Thousand Bone", after the lifting of the ban, the popularity of "Flower Thousand Bone" not only did not decline, but soared sharply.

Instead, CCTV's move this time was to advertise "Flower Thousand Bone", and now the physical novel of "Flower Thousand Bone" has been sold to Japan, South Korea and other Asia-Pacific regions.

Moreover, Hua Qiangu and Bai Zihua's abusive romance has also touched countless foreign readers.

After Bai Yan's active negotiation, Neon TV paid 8000 million yen for an episode, and SBS TV introduced "Flower Thousand Bones" for 7500 million won.In fact, the equivalent of RMB is 400 million per episode.

As soon as the news came out, it caused a huge sensation in China. The first broadcast rights of three countries were sold for [-] million yuan just after the [-] episodes of a TV series began to be filmed.

There is no other TV show in the country that can reach such a level. "Flower Thousand Bone" has become the most profitable TV series of the year before the filming is finished.

And these news all pushed the TV series Hua Qiangu to the forefront.Now everyone is looking forward to whether Hua Qiangu can surprise everyone like Qin Feng's previous works.

There was no Qin Feng on the filming site of "Flower Thousand Bone" today. The main scenes were Zhao Liying, who played Hua Qiangu, and Ma Ke, who killed Qianmo.

All the candidates Qin Feng used for this filming were from Hua Qiangu's lineup in the previous life. Of course, the actor who played Bai Zihua was replaced by himself.

With his handsome appearance and superb acting skills, Qin Feng has fully performed Bai Zihua's image of a noble, indifferent, and indifferent immortal, but his eyes make it clear that Bai Zihua is a fiery heart. people.

There are only two words for everyone's evaluation of Bai Zihua played by Qin Feng, that is expressive.Qin Feng is very clear that the most difficult part of the film "Hua Qiangu" is the test of the actors' acting skills, whether it is Hua Qiangu, Bai Zihua, Shaqianmo, Dongfang Yuqing, Luo Shi, Tangbao...every one People have very distinct personalities and characteristics.

Hua Qiangu's novels have already made audiences preconceived about the personalities of these characters, so when the actors can't play the role in the audience's heart, the TV series is considered a failure.

Under the guidance of Qin Feng, everyone is doing their best to play their roles.Watching Zhao Liying and Ma Ke's rivalry, Qin Feng showed a satisfied look on his face.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Crack! OK! You guys did a great job!" Zhao Liying and Ma Ke were both relieved to hear Qin Feng's words, and this one was finally over.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Let's take a rest first, let's have lunch soon!" After hearing Qin Feng's words, the actors and staff responded and started packing.

The staff in charge of logistical supply distributed the purchased lunch boxes one by one.In order to catch up with the progress, Qin Feng was also with everyone, which made everyone very moved. A big name like Qin Feng actually squatted with them to have a lunch box.Few stars can do that.

Zhao Liying sat there with a box lunch as if she had something on her mind, Qin Feng walked over and sat beside her and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Hearing someone talking, Zhao Liying looked up and saw Qin Feng hurriedly said, "Director, it's okay!"

Seeing Zhao Liying's blushing face, Qin Feng said with a smile, "I have something to do with me, I'll see if I can help you!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Zhao Liying lowered her head and said, "I'm under a lot of pressure right now. !"

Hearing Zhao Liying's words, Qin Feng turned his head and smiled and said, "Did you watch the news online?"

Zhao Liying nodded and said, "Well, director. I didn't mean to stop your words, but I just felt so stressed and I didn't know what to do."

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly and said, "After reading it, you have become less confident and more hopeless, right?" Zhao Liying nodded. "Nowadays, there is a lot of expectation on the Internet for the TV series "Flower Thousand Bone", so I don't let you watch the news because you are all newcomers. I don't want you to be under pressure because of these online news." Qin Feng said with a smile. .

Zhao Liying lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, director!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Nothing to be sorry for! It's good to watch it. At least you all know that you have to film this drama well. If you made mistakes in other dramas, some audiences may say it, but not much. But if You made the audience dissatisfied with "Flower Thousand Bone", and you can imagine the consequences! So this is also your motivation! Turn the pressure into your motivation to work hard, and you will succeed and progress! Do you understand?" Qin Feng was trying his best to encourage Zhao Liying.

Chapter [-]: The Spring Festival Gala's Re-invitation

Zhao Liying nodded and said, "Director, I understand what you said. But I'm afraid that I won't act well, and I will disappoint the director and everyone!"

Zhao Liying was very grateful to Qin Feng for choosing her to play Hua Qiangu, and she also knew that this was a challenge and a very crucial opportunity for her.

If you can play Hua Qiangu well, then your star career will be smooth sailing, but if you can't play Hua Qiangu well, the audience's saliva can drown them.

Zhao Liying was under a lot of pressure, Qin Feng said with a smile, "You just need to remember one thing, as long as you don't let yourself down! I believe in you, do you believe in yourself?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Zhao Liying felt warm in her heart.Zhao Liying raised her head and nodded firmly and said, "Director, don't worry, I will definitely work hard!"

Qin Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Come on! You will succeed! I believe in you!" Qin Feng's encouragement gave Zhao Liying a boost.This made Zhao Liying regain her confidence.

If an actor does not have self-confidence, then she will definitely not be able to play a role well.Therefore, Qin Feng has been encouraging everyone in the crew. Most of the actors in the crew this time are newcomers or actors who have never played any important roles.

But this time playing Hua Qiangu is completely different. "Hua Qiangu" has already attracted more than [-] million yuan before filming, and the attention has always been popular. Countless media are squatting day and night to hope that some inside information can be photographed.

All this brought a lot of shock and pressure to the actors. Qin Feng didn't let them go to the news and Weibo just to reduce their inner pressure and film well.

Especially Zhao Liying, she is the core of this TV series. If Zhao Liying's performance is not good, then the performance of other people in this TV series is useless.

Qin Feng saw Zhao Liying regain her confidence, smiled and nodded, and said, "Hurry up to eat! We have to film in the afternoon!" Zhao Liying nodded with a confident smile.

After lunch, the crew rested for a while, and then started the afternoon filming. The plot of the afternoon filming was the plot of Bai Zihua and Hua Qiangu in the Hall of Love, and Bai Zihua taught Hua Qiangu how to play the piano. .

The plot of this scene is that Hua Qiangu is sitting in front of Bai Zihua, and Bai Zihua is holding Hua Qiangu's hand and playing the piano at the back.Qin Feng grabbed her hands from behind Zhao Liying and put her hands on the piano and plucked the strings. Zhao Liying looked at Qin Feng's side face for a while, and didn't say any lines for a long time. Qin Feng also hurriedly reminded her that Zhao Liying recovered and continued shooting. go down.

The time passed quickly during the shooting, and the time passed without knowing it.There was no drama in the evening, so the crew stopped work and went back to the hotel after filming the afternoon scene.

Qin Feng and the others saw Bai Yan and Yang Ying coming as soon as they arrived at the hotel.Qin Feng thought they were here to visit the class, and he was very happy to go over and prepare to hug Yang Ying.

After walking over, I found that Su Yu was still standing not far away.Seeing Su Yu, Qin Feng asked in surprise, "Director Su? Why are you here?"

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