Su Yu smiled and said, "Qin Feng, long time no see! Didn't I come to see you!" Hearing Su Yu's words, Qin Feng smiled, he knew that Su Yu would never be alright to run all the way from the imperial capital See yourself here.

Qin Feng said to the crew behind him, "Everyone has worked hard today! Go back to your room and have a rest and go to the restaurant for dinner!" When the crew saw Yang Ying coming, they naturally knew that Qin Feng was going to live with Yang Ying in the two-person world. He sighed and went back to his room.Zhao Liying, who was not far away, felt a bitter feeling in her heart when she saw Qin Feng and Yang Ying being intimate.Go back to your room under the drag of the sugar baby actor.

Qin Feng took Yang Ying, Su Yu, and Bai Yan back to his suite, and the four sat down on the sofa.Qin Feng called the front desk of the hotel: "Front desk, send four dinners to my room!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Director Su, I won't invite you out to dinner because I'm busy with filming, please forgive me!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Su Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Qin Feng, it's all about me here. Your name is too outrageous!"

Qin Feng just smiled and didn't speak. Su Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Qin Feng, I know that Li Feng did something wrong, but this matter is his own attention, and it has nothing to do with CCTV or me!"

Qin Feng just smiled and said, "It's over, don't mention it again!" This matter has nothing to do with Su Yu, Qin Feng believes it, but it has nothing to do with CCTV, Qin Feng doesn't believe a single punctuation mark.Without the encouragement of CCTV, it is impossible for one Li Feng to pull out such a big wave.

The atmosphere in the scene was awkward for a while. Qin Feng took a sip of tea and said, "Director Su, what are you doing here this time? You don't need to be beating around the bush!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Su Yu said with an embarrassed expression, "That's right, I'm here on behalf of CCTV, and I'm inviting you to this year's Spring Festival Gala!"

"Not interested! Don't go!" Qin Feng refused without thinking.This made Su Yu even more unable to step down, but Su Yu was also prepared for this situation.After all, I have dealt with Qin Feng for so long.

CCTV also slapped Tianzao to ease the relationship with Qin Feng.This time Su Yu was called back to deal with this matter, so Su Yu knew very well that there was a daunting backstage behind Qin Feng.

CCTV is also aware of this, so it is hoped that Qin Feng can be invited to participate in the Spring Festival Gala to ease the contradiction between the two sides.But obviously Qin Feng didn't buy it.

Although Su Yu also knew that Qin Feng was difficult to persuade, he still had to persuade him. If he couldn't solve this matter by himself, he would definitely be blamed by the leaders when he returned to the imperial capital.

Su Yu said with a smile: "Qin Feng, I know that something is wrong. This time CCTV also wants to make war with you. This time I not only invited you, but also T-ara, Girls' Generation, Siam, etc. under Dingtian Entertainment. Great King! In addition, Zeng Xiaoxian from Dingtian Entertainment was also invited as the host of the Spring Festival Gala!"

Chapter nine hundred and forty-one: the hot ratings of special forces

After listening to Su Yu's words, Yang Ying and Bai Yan both took a deep breath. This time CCTV really fell for the blood and wanted to soften up with Qin Feng. Although T-ara and Girls' Generation are developing in China, their members are all foreigners without exception, and there were few foreign stars in the previous Spring Festival Gala.

The most important thing is that even Zeng Xiaoxian was invited to host the Spring Festival Gala. You must know how important the host of the Spring Festival Gala is. Those who can host the Spring Festival Gala have always been the master hosts of CCTV.Now this position is actually given to Zeng Xiaoxian, which is also the reason why Qin Feng is very good to his friends.

Qin Feng also cursed inwardly.CCTV's move is very damaging.If Qin Feng doesn't go to the Spring Festival Gala, then none of T-ara, Girls' Generation, and Zeng Xiaoxian can go.

The importance of the Spring Festival Gala to an artist is self-evident.A successful show on the Spring Festival Evening is enough to make a person popular all over the world overnight.For the Spring Festival Gala, countless artists are crowding their heads and want to go inside.

Even though Shao Shi, T-ara, Zeng Xiaoxian and the others were all made famous by Qin Feng, Qin Feng himself couldn't guarantee that if he didn't go, everyone would be dissatisfied.

This is equivalent to indirectly forcing Qin Feng to go. Obviously, Su Yu also knows very well that Qin Feng is a person who is willing to sacrifice for his friends.Qin Feng was silent for a while and said, "One more condition! The premiere rights of "Blade of the Nation" and "Fire Phoenix"..."

Before Qin Feng's words were finished, Su Yu immediately said: "The premiere rights of the two TV series have been increased to 150 million single episodes. In addition, "Fire Phoenix" will be broadcast as a hit drama at the end of the year!"

Hearing Su Yu's words, Qin Feng said with a smile: "It seems that Director Su has made good preparations this time! In this case, I can't be ignorant! The Spring Festival Gala is so settled!"

Qin Feng's release made Su Yu a long sigh of relief.Su Yu said, "How wonderful this is! Everyone will be good friends in the future!" Qin Feng smiled noncommittally at Su Yu's words.

The waiter brought dinner to the room, and Su Yu left in a hurry after eating, apparently to report the news to the leader.Yang Ying and Bai Yan were sitting in Qin Feng's room. Yang Ying said with a smile, "Brother Feng, this time CCTV is really worth it. Since you are willing to pay such a big price!"

Qin Feng smiled and didn't answer, while Bai Yan calmly analyzed the pros and cons of this matter: "After the news spreads this time, our company's position in the circle will be more stable! Besides, T-ara, girl Times and Zeng Xiaoxian's appearance on the Spring Festival Gala is also a qualitative change to their fame!"

Qin Feng nodded and said, "If you have any news, let me know! I will prepare the songs for their Spring Festival Gala performance!" Bai Yan nodded.

Qin Feng also knew that this was a great opportunity to increase their fame in the country.Therefore, Qin Feng will naturally not miss this opportunity that Bai picked up.

Bai Yan left the room after chatting for a while.Only Qin Feng and Yang Ying were left in the room.It's time for their two worlds again.

The next day, everyone saw Qin Feng looking refreshed. It was obvious that last night had a very wonderful night.And Yang Ying hadn't gotten up yet, which made everyone's face a little more ambiguous smile.

The fact that CCTV invited Qin Feng and the others to the Spring Festival Gala was soon exposed to the media, which caused a heated discussion in China. For fans, their favorite idols can appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and fans are naturally very happy.

Girls' Generation, T-ara, Zeng Xiaoxian are also very happy, especially Zeng Xiaoxian is very excited, being able to host the Spring Festival Gala is a very high honor for the host.

While netizens and the media were somewhat criticized, T-ara and Shao Shi were very popular in China and the Asia-Pacific region.They went to the Spring Festival Gala, and everyone did not have much opinion.It is reasonable for them to go up.

But Zeng Xiaoxian was only known to everyone by running men, and he was not a very good host. Now that he was suddenly invited to the Spring Festival Gala, many hosts were unconvinced.

CCTV invited people who knew the inside story to be even more curious about Qin Feng's background.

No matter how curious or dissatisfied the media are, they can't change the decision that CCTV has made. After all, they are not Qin Feng.

At the same time when CCTV came out with such news, "I Am the Blade of the Country of Special Forces" produced by Dingtian Entertainment was broadcast on CCTV's evening golden theater!

Obviously, everyone can see that the conflict between CCTV and Qin Feng has been resolved.For the TV series "Knife of the Nation", although neither the director nor the starring role is Qin Feng.But this script was written by Qin Feng.Moreover, the starring Wu Jing is also a well-known kung fu actor in China.

Some time ago, the fever of being a soldier brought by "Real Man" has not just dissipated, and "I Am the Blade of the Country of Special Forces" will be broadcast on CCTV.

In the previous publicity, it was said that this was the second part of the trilogy of "I Am Special Forces".Although this TV series has nothing to do with the special forces in the plot.

But because "I Am Special Forces" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the blade of the country is also very popular.Moreover, CCTV also chose to broadcast at the prime time of [-] o'clock in the evening.

The first broadcast day of Blade of the Kingdom attracted a lot of viewers.At a time when the whole country has set off an upsurge of military service, it is indeed very fun to broadcast such a TV series.Many viewers who didn't really care about it at first will also watch it.

The next day, when CCTV leaders got the ratings report of "The Blade of the Nation", their mouths were full of joy, and the ratings topped all the satellite TV channels at the same time.And it was the highest viewership at [-]pm in the past year.This has just begun to air, and if it continues at this pace, it is possible to break the record.

Originally, I was still distressed that I gave hundreds of thousands more per episode, but now I am mentally balanced in an instant.I feel that the TV series filmed by Qin Feng is really good.

Chapter nine hundred and forty second: finish

"I Am the Blade of the Country of Special Forces" suddenly became the TV drama with the highest ratings and attention in China.Although this TV series was not directed by Qin Feng, at his request, the supporting characters except for a few leading actors were all cameos by real soldiers from the military region.

The tactical moves in it are all very professional, and the sparring scenes of Wu Jing and several other leading actors are completely real, punching to the flesh.The visual effects are very exciting.It makes people feel that the special forces are really like this.

And there are many scenes, such as when He Chenguang was lying on the chimney to kill the commander of the Blue Army, Wu Jing really lay on it for a long time.

In order to shoot the real effect, several main actors stayed in the army for a long time before shooting, to get familiar with the life and habits of the real military camp.

On the whole, although this TV series is not Qin Feng's handwriting, the authenticity displayed still makes the audience unable to stop watching.

When people all over the country were paying attention to the special forces, Qin Feng and Hua Qiangu's crew continued to look for suitable shooting locations across the country to work overtime.

This is a very long and painful thing, but the crew of "Flower Thousand Bone" just gritted their teeth and persevered.The other actors and staff watched as they ate and lived with him when they couldn't hold on. When Qin Feng was busy, he gritted his teeth and continued to persevere.

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