In order to shoot a lot of scenery effects, the crew traveled almost all over the country, although Qin Feng has decided to hand over the post-production to the special effects team he invited in Hollywood.But a little more real scenery will make the TV series seem more real.

After this period of hard work, the entire crew finally finished filming all the plots.In the TV series, Hua Qiangu finally died under the sword of Bai Zihua.This made Hua Qiangu's book fans in the crew a little unhappy.

At the filming site, when Qin Feng announced, "The Flower of the Thousand Bone is finished!" As soon as the voice fell, the actors and staff on the scene cheered loudly.During this time, everyone worked very hard for the filming of this TV series.Now that the filming is finally over, I feel so relieved and happy.His efforts finally paid off.

Qin Feng is as happy as everyone else. Qin Feng is also happy to hug each other with the staff and actors.Qin Feng also knew that without everyone's concerted efforts, "Flower Thousand Bone" could not have been filmed so quickly.

Qin Feng will take his crew to Nublar Island for the filming of the Chinese New Year film "Jurassic World" after filming "Thousands of Flowers".

Qin Feng brought the "Flower Thousand Bone" crew back to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the media who had been watching the crew immediately got the news. Facing the reporters' interviews, Qin Feng just told them that "Flower Thousand Bone" had been completed. into the post-production stage.Then he left the scene in a hurry. Qin Feng also missed Yang Ying, Yifei, Liu Yifei, Lin Wanyu and of course his precious daughter Qin Xueer after staying out of town for so long.

Back in the apartment, everyone was waiting for Qin Feng's return early, and the apartment's chef, Guan Gu Qiqi, also cooked a table full of dishes to welcome Qin Feng.

Qin Feng returned to the apartment and sat around eating Guan Gu's neon dishes with his friends. His heart was full of warmth, and he felt the warmth that is only at home here.

Qin Feng has regarded the love apartment as his home and his friends as his relatives.While eating, everyone curiously asked about Qin Feng's experiences in filming.

Zeng Xiaoxian picked up a glass of wine and stood up and said, "Brother Feng, I thank you very much! If it weren't for you, I might still be the host of the show on the radio. You changed my destiny. With your light, I want to set foot on the stage of the host of the Spring Festival Gala. Thank you!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said that he devoted himself to the wine in his hand, expressing his respect by doing it first.Qin Feng held his glass and said, "Xiao Xian, since I arrived at the love apartment, I have treated each of you as my relatives! We are all a family, and the family will say thank you or not. Thank you!" Qin Feng also drank the wine in his glass.

Yang Ying asked, "Brother Feng, should we go to Nublar Island? I've been waiting for a long time!" Qin Feng nodded and said, "It should be set off in the next few days, and "Flower Thousand Bone" is estimated to take more time. Make it for a while!"

Lu Zhanbo hurriedly said, "Brother-in-law, before you leave these two days, you need to go to the opening ceremony of the League of Legends S1 season!"

Qin Feng asked: "When will S1 start?"

Lu Zhanbo hurriedly replied: "It's just two or three days. The final security check is being carried out at the venue. The representative teams from each competition area have arrived in Shanghai and are staying at the Hilton Hotel."

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Well, yes! How is the strength of the team coming this time?"

Lu Zhanbo said with a complacent smile: "HIT is now the No. [-] team in the global overall rankings! I personally feel that there is no threat to HIT from other countries' teams!"

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Be careful!"

Lu Zhanbo said very confidently: "Since we lost to us in the training game, HIT has changed a lot. Ziqiao and Teacher Zeng have also studied a lot of tactics about League of Legends, although they still can't achieve the effect of your operation. , but enough to lead the world!"

After losing to Qin Feng's star team, HIT has also reflected on himself, and has worked hard to change the team's tactics and develop various routines.

HIT is much stronger than when he first won the championship.For the S1 champion HIT is bound to win!

Chapter [-]: Departure to Nublar Island

Qin Feng nodded gratified when he heard Lu Zhanbo's words.His hard work was not in vain.Qin Feng smiled and said, "When will S1 be held?"

Lu Zhanbo replied with a smile, "Two days later!"

Two days later, the Shanghai Gymnasium was already crowded early in the morning.Because today is the start day of the world's most popular game League of Legends S1 competition, twelve teams from all over the world will compete here for a week to prove who is the world's No. [-] League of Legends team.

Such a large-scale event is a great temptation for League of Legends players.Moreover, three teams from China will also participate. Among them, the LPL champion HIT team is also the biggest favorite in this competition.Although it is just a game, HIT also represents China when players open it, so everyone came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange to support them.

Moreover, this league has invited several domestic first-line hosts to serve as commentators.It also attracted many fans to the scene.

When the time came to [-] noon, the players who bought the tickets, under the guidance of the on-site staff, came to the competition venue in an orderly manner to find their seats and sit down.

The venues here have been updated and renovated on the basis of the original LPL competition venues.It looks very atmospheric.And the fans who came to the scene were also from all over the world.

Many fans came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange with the teams from their own divisions.The scene was very lively for a while!Today's hosts are He Jiong, Hua Shao, Yiyi, and Liu Yan.

When the four of them stepped onto the stage, the fans at the scene all screamed with excitement.The four are also big fans of League of Legends and often team up with fans to play together.

He Jiong said with a smile: "Good noon to all the audience and friends at the scene! Welcome to the match site of the League of Legends S1 league! I'm He Jiong!"

He Jiong's cadenced tone shows his professional level!After that, Shao Hua and the other three also introduced themselves. In fact, they didn't introduce themselves. Everyone knew them.

He Jiong said with a smile: "Today is the day that all League of Legends players have been looking forward to for a long time! Let's not be too wordy! Please directly invite our twelve participating teams today!"

There was a burst of cheers.The first to come out is LPL's new champion HIT!This time the specifications are in accordance with the rules of the Olympic Games. HIT was the first to enter the field as the representative team of the host country.Subsequent teams entered the field one by one in capital letter order.

In the LPL game, these teams have achieved extremely high popularity, some of the better players are also popular, and the fans on the scene are also very hard to cry.

After the twelve participating teams appeared one by one.Hua Shao smiled and said, "The players from the twelve participating teams are already standing here! Let's send them the warmest applause and shouts!" Hua Shao also kept stirring up the emotions of the audience.

The players from the twelve teams stood on the stage smiling and waving to the audience.Yiyi said with a smile: "The exciting and fierce competition is about to begin! Let's invite Mr. Qin Feng, the CEO of NetEase, who developed League of Legends, to start the competition!"

Qin Feng came to the stage from the backstage along with the shouts of the players on the scene.Qin Feng is very popular in China.The loudest shouts so far erupted from the scene.

There are also many Qin Feng fans who won players from the twelve teams. After all, the players of these teams are generally seventeen or eighteen year olds.Qin Feng came to the stage and said with a smile: "Hello everyone! I'm Qin Feng, President of NetEase! Welcome to the scene of the League of Legends S1 competition!"

Looking at the emotional players at the scene, Qin Feng raised his mouth slightly and said: "Today is the start day of the League of Legends S1 season! Here, twelve top teams from all over the world will present us with a wonderful game. This is a feast for players! Here, I hope that every participating team and player will do their best to play well! Go to win the highest honor for your competition area! The honor of the world's No. [-] team is waiting for you Go grab it! Come on!"

Qin Feng simply said some polite remarks on the scene, and then announced the start of the game and left the scene. The live COSpay show also made the fans on the scene even more crazy!

Qin Feng left the scene after the announcement, because he was going to Nublar Island to shoot his new movie "Jurassic World".

The S1 event was handed over to Ding Sanshi and Lu Zhanbo to manage.Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao were left in the Shanghai stock market as coaches and managers of the HIT team.

When Qin Feng returned to the apartment, the baby and the others had already packed their luggage.Although they are going to film in name, they are actually mostly on vacation.

As one of the leading actors, Deng Chao also brought his family to the love apartment to join Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked at everyone's casual look and said with a smile, "Are you going on vacation?"

Deng Chao said with a smile: "It's a rare opportunity, and there is such a good place where the family can play first, and filming and vacations will not be delayed!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Have you all packed up?"

Deng Chao smiled and said, "Swimming trunks and sunscreen are all ready and ready to go!"

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