Qin Feng said with a smile: "Let's go! The company's car is already waiting downstairs! This time, because there is no place to park the plane on Nublar Island. We can only take a boat to go there!"

Qin Xue'er also hugged Qin Feng's thigh excitedly and said, "Dad, can we see the sea now!" Qin Feng took Qin Xue'er in his arms and said, "Well! Let's go see the sea now. !"

Qin Feng and the others packed up and went downstairs to take the car arranged by Dingtian Entertainment to the port!Target Nublar Island!Set off!

Chapter [-]: "Jurassic World" begins shooting

When Qin Feng and the others arrived at the port, Bai Yan had already arrived with all the crew and equipment of the "Jurassic World" crew.

Seeing Qin Feng and the others, Bai Yan walked over and said, "Qin Feng, the crew here is ready! The first batch of personnel and equipment have arrived on the island. All things like electricity have been done!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Sister Yan, after we leave here, Dingtian Entertainment will depend on you!" Bai Yan replied with a smile, "Don't worry! You guys also pay attention to safety when you go there! return!"

Qin Feng nodded and said to the people behind him, "Everyone, bring your luggage and board the ship quickly!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Deng Chao and the others began to organize everyone to board the ship.

After Qin Feng said goodbye to Bai Yan, he was the last to board the ship. The reporters who heard the news only took pictures of Qin Feng's back as he stood on the ship and went away.

The ship gradually left the port.Bai Yan, who stayed in the Shanghai stock market, became the target of reporters' interviews.The reporters swarmed around Bai Yan.

"Mr. Bai, I heard that Mr. Qin Feng took those people to an overseas island for filming. Is it true?"

Bai Yan smiled and said: "Yes, our first 3D movie of Dong Qin, and also the first 3D movie in the world, "Jurassic World", the crew has just set off today, and they will be in Nabral. The island was filmed for more than two months."

After hearing Bai Yan's words, the reporters became even more curious!

"As far as I know, Hollywood doesn't have very complete 3D movie technology now. And according to your tone, you mean that Dingtian Entertainment has mastered 3D movie technology now?"

Bai Yan replied confidently with a smile: "Our company has invited a professional team from Hollywood to spend 10 billion US dollars to conduct research on 3D film technology. At present, there has been a qualitative breakthrough. The era of 3D film will have us Dingtian Entertainment. Lead!"

Bai Yan's words seemed to have thrown a blockbuster among the reporters, and everyone was instantly blown up.Dingtian Entertainment has mastered the most advanced 3D movie technology in the world!

The reporters sighed that Qin Feng was at the forefront of the world, and at the same time, he was shocked by Qin Feng's arrogance that he actually spent 10 billion US dollars to develop 3D technology. He was really rich and self-willed!

The news that Bai Yan was interviewed by reporters at the port quickly spread online, and careful netizens brought up the fact that Qin Feng opened a movie theater alone.At that time, there were rumors that Qin Feng's Dingtian Entertainment had mastered 3D film technology, but not many people believed it at that time.But that seems to be true.Qin Feng opened his own cinema just to play 3D movies.

Fans are very excited and excited to know that Hollywood has always been the center of world cinema.And Huaxia's films have always been behind the world.Many Hollywood companies look down on Chinese films and Chinese filmmakers.

Now Qin Feng has actually developed a world-leading 3D film technology, which Hollywood has never done.Qin Feng led Huaxia Film to the forefront of the world.

In addition to the excited fans and filmmakers in China, Hollywood film companies are also suffering.The bosses of the eight major film and television companies in Hollywood gathered for a meeting.

as the boss of a Hollywood studio.They even have the impact of 3D film technology on the film and television industry.They have been working on 3D technology research, but the progress has been very slow, coupled with the high funding required for research technology.As a result, Hollywood has not yet been able to master the core of 3D film technology.

Now, a Huaxia Film and Television Company, which they quickly despised, announced that they had developed 3D technology. How could it not surprise them.

If it is said by others, they may have to consider the authenticity of this matter, but Qin Feng and Dingtian Entertainment announced that they have no doubts.

Qin Feng's previous "Huaxia Partner" won the Palme d'Or in one fell swoop, which has proven his strength to the world.And Qin Feng himself is very famous in Europe and America.After all, he was the first Asian who could perform in the White House.

However, in the impression of European and American audiences, Qin Feng was just a singer who sang nice songs and danced very well.But when "Huaxia Partners" defeated all opponents to win the Palme d'Or, all the Europeans and Americans were dumbfounded, and they got to know Qin Feng again.

In their impression, Qin Feng is a very magical person.A man with the power to change everything.Therefore, in the eyes of many Europeans and Americans, he developed 3D technology and felt that it should be normal.

After the research, these bosses decided to send someone to Huaxia to see if Dingtian Entertainment has really developed 3D technology. If it is researched, they will find a way to cooperate with Dingtian Entertainment.

Of course they prefer the latter, on the one hand to maximize their own interests, and on the other hand, they are used to being high above Hollywood.Look down on other filmmakers.

Of course, no matter what everyone talks about, Dingtian Entertainment has now attracted the attention of people around the world.Qin Feng's "Jurassic World" has already become popular all over the world as soon as the filming started.

Many sponsors also came to the door hoping to place their own advertisements in "Jurassic World". For these people, Bai Yan dismissed them on the grounds of Qin Feng's absence.

In fact, it's not that Bai Yan can't be the master, but because Bai Yan doesn't know what kind of movie "Jurassic World" is and what kind of advertisements can be implanted.She didn't dare to pick up ads.After all, she only knew that it was a movie about dinosaurs.

Domestic discussions have not affected Qin Feng and the "Jurassic World" crew on Nublar Island.It took them more than ten hours by boat to reach this small island in the deep ocean of the Pacific Ocean.

When the ship docked, everyone was attracted by the beautiful environment on the island!

Chapter [-]: The sudden meteorite

When the ship docked, everyone was attracted by the beautiful scenery on the shore. This is a small island with a large tropical jungle.

Nublar Island is located in the southwest of Citiland, and the climate here is also a common tropical rainforest climate.It fits the island in Jurassic World very well.

The script Qin Feng chose to shoot "Jurassic World" here is the follow-up to "Jurassic Park" in the previous life. Of course, there is no Jurassic Park in this world, so Qin Feng is only at the beginning of the movie. A brief and rough introduction to the previous plot, of course, the main film is the plot of "Jurassic World".

Qin Feng revised some of the plots in the original script that made people complain, and at the same time changed the names of very European and American characters to Chinese names.

Fang Kai played by Qin Feng is Owen, a retired soldier and a trainer of the Raptors in the original script.This time, the heroine Qin Feng chose Hu Yifei instead of Yang Ying.

Claire in Liu Ying's original play is the director of operations for the Jurassic World theme park.A typical strong woman.Hu Yifei's role in this role is also very in line with Hu Yifei's character.It's just a bit of a show of character.

Qin Han, played by Deng Chao, is Fang Kai's partner to train the Velociraptor together.Good comrades who fought side by side later.Qin Feng found two young newcomers in his company to play Liu Ying's nephew.

This small island had been developed before Qin Feng bought it from Jack Linda.Jack Linda built a huge villa in the center of the island that could accommodate hundreds of people.

Foreigners generally buy islands to enjoy life and freedom.In their opinion, living on the little island they bought was wonderful.

But unfortunately, these overseas isolated islands are very inconvenient in all aspects because they are far away from the inland. For example, the use of electricity and the Internet is not very stable.

Jack Linda also gave up the island because he found that the island could not bring him the kind of beauty and freedom he had imagined before.

But I have to say that Jack Linda has also put a lot of effort into this island. Except for the inconvenience of electricity, water, and internet, the whole island is perfect in other aspects.

And these problems are small CASS for Qin Feng who carries the system with him!With the help of the staff who had arrived on the island before, Qin Feng and the others moved the equipment off the ship and came to the villa in the middle of the island.

After Qin Feng arranged rooms for everyone, everyone carried their luggage and went to rest in their rooms.The ten-hour boat ride is really sour.

And at this time, the sky was only bright.Qin Feng and the others returned to their room to make up for their sleep.It was already afternoon when they woke up.

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