After everyone had lunch in the living room, Yang Ying and Sun Li took a group of people who came for vacation to the beach to bask in the sun.

Qin Feng and Deng Chao came to the shooting venue.All the staff on the venue are arranging everything needed for the shoot.

The assistant director saw Qin Feng and Deng Chao coming and hurriedly greeted them.Qin Feng asked, "How are the preparations for the scene and the props team?"

The assistant director smiled and said, "Director Qin, don't worry, everything is ready. As soon as the extras arrive, we can start shooting!"

Because there are a large number of extras in many places in "Jurassic World", Qin Feng specially asked Bai Yan to find extras for him on the mainland.

Qin Feng asked, "When will the extras arrive at the island?"

The assistant director replied: "Because of the ship, they will probably depart from Shanghai tomorrow night and arrive at the island around the next morning. As long as they come! We can start shooting!"

Qin Feng saw that the scene had not yet been set up, turned around and said to the assistant director: "Today, hurry up and finish the set for the filming scene! If you want to shoot some single-person scenes tomorrow, the rest of the plot will be done. I'll be filming after the group actors arrive!"

The assistant director nodded and said, "Okay! Director Qin!" Qin Feng and Deng Chao walked around the scene and then came to the beach to bask in the sun with Yang Ying, Yifei and the others.

Qin Feng usually has no time to rest when he is often busy. Time like now is quite rare for Qin Feng.

In the Citi NASA conference room, all the senior management gathered together.Everyone's faces were solemn, and of course there was a hint of excitement in their eyes.

Dr. Smith, the director of NASA, said: "Our monitoring station just now detected that a tiny meteorite will fall to the earth at about ten o'clock tonight. And according to the monitoring instruments, it can be seen that this meteorite is very special and contains inside. An energy. This energy does not appear on earth. And the appearance of the meteorite is also full of unusual energy fluctuations. This meteorite is worthy of our study!"

Hearing Dr. Smith's words, everyone was excited.Dr. Smith said: "I will personally lead the team to bring the meteorite back for investigation. It is said that this small island has been sold to a rich man in Huaxia. I will contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ask them to have a fight with Huaxia. Hello!"

Of course, the island they were talking about was Qin Dong's Nabral Island.Everyone had a good time at night, because the filming started the next day, and everyone went back to their rooms very early.

Qin Feng was chatting with Qin Xueer, Yang Ying, and Hu Yifei in the room when a beam of light suddenly illuminated the sky over the entire island.

Suddenly everyone felt the island shaking for a while.Then there was a loud bang that resounded through the heavens and the earth.After that, the light beam disappeared quickly, and the sky over the island returned to darkness again.

Everyone's ears were temporarily deaf from the loud noise just now.Yang Ying, Qin Xue'er, and Hu Yifei all curled up in Qin Feng's arms in fright.

Chapter Nine hundred and forty-six: The long-lost system

In the face of the sudden change, Hu Yifei, a female man, also showed his side of a little woman. In fact, all this is normal.In the face of the fear of the unknown, human beings are very small.

Although Qin Feng was also very flustered, in front of his women and daughters, he still had to shoulder the responsibility of a man to build a safe fortress for them.

After the loud noise, there was no other movement for several minutes.Qin Feng's hearing in their ears also slowly recovered.

Yang Ying asked in a low voice, "Brother Feng! What's the matter?"

Qin Feng patted Yang Ying's back to soothe their emotions and said, "I don't know, don't move in the room, I'll go out and see what's going on?"

Just as Qin Feng was about to get up, Yang Ying tugged at the corner of Qin Feng's clothes and whispered, "Brother Feng, I'm afraid!" She looked at Yang Ying and the others with a terrified expression.Qin Feng took their hands and said, "Okay! Follow me closely! Let's go out and see!"

Qin Feng hugged Qin Xueer, Yang Ying and Hu Yifei followed behind Qin Feng, and the four of them carefully opened the door and walked out. At this time, because of the violent vibration just now, the circuit of the whole island seemed to be broken, and it was still there just now. The brightly lit villa was plunged into endless darkness at this time.

Qin Feng and the others could only rely on the faint light of their mobile phones to illuminate the road ahead. Qin Feng and the others carefully groped to the living room.

As soon as they arrived in the living room, there was a faint light flashing across from them, and Yang Ying and Hu Yifei suddenly screamed.There was also a scream from the other side.

Qin Feng heard that it was Deng Chao and Sun Li.Qin Feng hurriedly said, "It's okay, it's Brother Chao and Sister Sun Li!" Hearing Qin Feng's voice, Deng Chao also stopped and asked in confusion, "Qin Feng? Is that you?"

Qin Feng used the light from his mobile phone and said with a smile, "It's me!" With the weak light, Deng Chao could barely see Qin Feng's cheeks clearly.

Deng Chao took Sun Li to Qin Feng's side, and Sun Li was still in shock and asked, "What happened just now? It scared me to death!"

Qin Feng said, "I don't know, I'm about to go out and have a look!"

Deng Chao hurriedly said, "Let's go out together! It feels so strange today!" Faced with the sudden change, no one could maintain a calm state of mind.

Just as Deng Chao and Qin Feng were communicating, Li Chen and the others also walked out of their room. They only dared to come out of their room when they heard Qin Feng and the others speak in the living room.

There were more and more people in the living room, and the staff also rushed over.They are equipped with flashlights, and the living room is illuminated by the flashlight.Everyone felt at ease under the bright light.

Qin Feng decided to go and see what happened. Qin Feng asked Li Chen, Wang Baobao and some of the staff to stay and take care of the people in the villa.

Qin Feng took Deng Chao and a few staff members and went out with flashlights. Seeing Qin Feng and the others walking out, everyone's hearts were lifted.

In fact, Qin Feng and the others were all beating drums in their hearts, especially after Qin Feng experienced the rebirth to the plane of love apartment, he already believed that there are still many anti-scientific existences in the world.It is not something that can be explained clearly by scientific reasoning.

When they walked out of the villa, a heat wave hit them.Deng Chao asked suspiciously, "How could it be? Why is it so hot?"

Qin Feng calmly swept his flashlight around, and everyone saw hot air on the beach not far away under the light of the flashlight.

Qin Feng said: "Let's go, let's go and see! The movement just now came from there!" Qin Feng walked forward first, followed by Deng Chao and the others.

The more people walked, the more they could feel the rushing heat wave.The closer it gets, the hotter it gets. Although everyone doesn't wear much, there is already sweat on their foreheads.

Finally, Qin Feng and the others came to the place where the heat was emitting, but when they were still more than ten meters away, they felt that they could not get close, and it was estimated that everyone would be cooked when they got close.

Qin Feng and the others focused their flashlights on them. After everyone saw it, they all took a deep breath and let out a long breath.

It turned out that a meteorite with a diameter of less than one meter fell on the island, no wonder there was so much movement.But everyone is also glad that it is only a small meteorite. If the meteorite is bigger, the people on the entire island are in danger.

After finding out the cause of the incident, everyone was relieved. It was not a supernatural event, but a meteorite landing.Qin Feng took Deng Chao back to the villa, and told everyone what happened, and everyone's hearts fell.

Qin Feng took the staff to overhaul the wiring. After half an hour of emergency repairs, the villa on the island returned to light again.

Seeing that the villa became brightly lit again, everyone was deeply relieved.Everyone was relieved, and then went back to their own rooms to rest.

After Qin Feng comforted Yang Ying, Yifei, and Qin Xueer, and after confirming that they were really asleep, Qin Feng quietly left the room.

At this time, it was still a suffocating heat wave outside the villa.Qin Feng walked in the direction of the meteorite.At this time, Qin Feng himself was full of doubts.

Qin Feng didn't come here by his own intention, but when the system in his body communicated with him just now, the system's intention was very clear that Qin Feng would go to the meteorite alone.

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