The system explained to Qin Feng that meteorites are rich in a lot of energy substances. These are not substances on earth, but they play a major role in the repair of the system.

So Qin Feng came down to the meteorite at the mandatory request of the system.With the fireproof suit that the system took the initiative to give him, Qin Feng walked to the side of the meteorite smoothly.

As soon as he arrived next to the meteorite, the system said, "Haha, that's right! This energy is really amazing!" Qin Feng asked angrily, "Then why did we take this meteorite?"

Chapter [-]: The system has been upgraded

Now this meteorite is still exuding amazing heat, making it impossible for people to get close, let alone collect it and absorb the energy inside.Hearing Qin Feng's words, the system said calmly, "Close your eyes, I'll give you a prop!"

Qin Feng closed his eyes as the system said, a warm current from Qin Feng's intuition poured into his palm, and suddenly there was something in his palm.

The system voice came again: "Okay! You can use this thing to extract the energy from the meteorite!" Hearing the system's words, Qin Feng opened his eyes and saw that he was holding an emerald in his hand. 's ring.It looks very deep and long.

The voice of the system came again: "This ring is your reward for helping me absorb the energy of the meteorite this time. As for the purpose of the ring, I will tell you after I have absorbed the energy!"

Qin Feng asked suspiciously, "What are you doing to absorb the energy here?"

The system obviously wants to get the energy contained in this meteorite very much.The system said patiently: "This is not an ordinary meteorite. It contains energy that can repair me. As long as I have the energy in it, I can repair it!"

Hearing the system's words, Qin Feng's expression changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched.In the past two years, the system has no idea how much money has been deducted from Qin Feng and exchanged for SP points to repair itself.

Qin Feng thought that he didn't need to lose a lot of financial resources to repair the system. He didn't hesitate to follow the method taught by the system and put the front of the ring facing the meteorite.

Just as the ring faced the meteorite, a dazzling white light suddenly shot out from the meteorite.Qin Feng, who was in the photo, didn't dare to look directly, but ah, after the white light was emitted, it shot straight into the ring.

If anyone can see this picture at this time, they will scream if they are watching a sci-fi blockbuster.But there was no one on the dark beach at this time, only the sparse stars in the sky kept blinking.

The white light lasted for ten minutes before gradually weakening, and Qin Feng dared to open his eyes.It took another five minutes before the white light completely disappeared.

Qin Feng looked down at the ring in his hand, and there was no change. If there was any change, the emeralds became more colorful.

The voice of the system came again: "Thank you this time! I need time to complete the final self-repair now! I may disappear for a few days! When I reappear, I will tell you the function of the ring. But I tell you that you must Put away the ring, this ring is very important!"

After the system finished speaking, it lost its movement. Qin Feng called the system several times but did not get a reply. Qin Feng was looking at the meteorite beside him.

The originally crimson meteorite turned dark brown, probably because the energy inside was completely absorbed!After scanning the surroundings, Qin Feng quietly went back to the room and lay on the bed after making sure that no one was found.

Early the next morning, Qin Feng was woken up. When Qin Feng got dressed and yawned, he walked out of the room and came to the living room to find several Citizens sitting in the living room.

Qin Feng was a little puzzled as to why these people came suddenly. Could it be that they also came for meteorites?Citi people stood up with a smile on their faces when they saw Qin Feng coming out and said, "Hello! Mr. Qin Feng!"

Qin Feng recovered and smiled and said, "Hello! May I ask who you are?"

The Citi citizen raised his mouth slightly and said, "Hello! I'm Smith, the director of the Citi National Aerospace Administration!" Qin Feng's spirit became tense when he heard Smith's self-introduction, and he was definitely coming for the meteorite!

Qin Feng asked calmly, "Is there any business for Professor Smith to come to us?"

Professor Smith said with a smile: "Yesterday, our NASA monitored a meteorite that landed on this island, and this meteorite contains energy that is not found on Earth. Our NASA wants to take this stone back for research! Because this island is your private island, I'm here to find you!"

Hearing Smith's words, Qin Feng did not rush to answer, but slowly sat down on the sofa.Suddenly Qin Feng's cell phone rang, of course it was Qin Feng's small cell phone.

Looking at the familiar number above, Qin Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and pressed the answer button: "The meteorite cannot be handed over to Citigroup! Our people will arrive in three hours!"

With just a short sentence, the person on the other side of the phone hung up without even giving Qin Feng time to answer.Originally, Qin Feng didn't intend to hand over the meteorite to Citi, but now that he has this call, he can't do it himself.

Qin Feng just smiled and said, "This small island is my personal property. I want to hand over the meteorite to our own country, so I'm sorry! Professor Smith!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Professor Smith's face suddenly became very ugly.Sure enough, Hua Guo intervened. In fact, Citi National has long known that Qin Feng and Hua Guo have a close relationship. Therefore, the Citi National government has turned a blind eye to the development of Qin Feng and Dingtian Entertainment in Europe and the United States. door.

There is no other reason. Although the economy of Citigroup is developed on the surface, in fact, Citigroup is the poorest country in the world. The reason why it can maintain its current position is because it has borrowed hundreds of billions of dollars in national debts of China.

To put it simply, Huaxia is the creditor of Citi, so Citi does not seem to have turned against Huaxia.If Huaxia turns its face, it will directly sell the government bonds, and Citigroup's economy will collapse in minutes.

Professor Smith also tried to convince Qin Feng: "Mr. Qin, I can buy this meteorite with money! As long as you set a price!" Hearing Smith's words, Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not bad for money!"

Professor Smith almost vomited blood when he heard Qin Feng's words.Qin Feng also didn't want to teach Ink with Smith.Qin Feng said with a smile, "Our country's scientists will be here soon! Professor Smith, would you like to communicate with them!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, how could Professor Smith not know that Qin Feng was actually ordering to evict guests, but Professor Smith said in a gentlemanly manner: "Since Mr. Qin has decided! Then I won't bother you any more!"

Chapter nine hundred and forty eight: filming on the island

After Professor Smith finished speaking, he stood up and left the villa. Qin Feng also politely sent Professor Smith to the door of the villa.After all, Professor Smith is the director of Citi's NASA.

Qin Feng said with a thought: "Brother Chao, hurry up and find a few people to guard the meteorite last night, to prevent Citi people from making any crooked ideas!"

Qin Feng suddenly thought that Citi people prefer to use some improper means to quickly ask Deng Chao to arrange for someone to guard the meteorite.Although Qin Feng knew that the meteorite had actually changed to be no different from an ordinary meteorite.

But after all, it's something the country wants, so it's better to serve snacks yourself, so as not to make any mistakes, not to mention that the energy in the meteorite was absorbed by Qin Feng's system.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng involuntarily touched the emerald ring in his pocket.Hearing Qin Feng's words, Deng Chao nodded and said, "Okay!"

Deng Chao and Li Chen brought more than a dozen staff to the place where the meteorite fell.As soon as they got there, they saw where the two Citizens who had come with Smith were sneaking around.

Deng Chao shouted: "Hey, what are you doing?" Hearing Deng Chao's voice, the two Citizens turned their heads and saw that it was Deng Chao and they turned their heads and ran away.

Deng Chao and Li Chen took the staff there and surrounded the meteorite.Li Chen took someone to chase the two Citizens who were running far away.Deng Chao and several other staff watched the scene just now and guarded the meteorite more carefully.

After a while, Li Chen came back out of breath, and Deng Chao asked, "How is it? Are you catching up?" Li Chen sat on the ground panting and said, "These two Citizens are running faster than rabbits! superior!"

Deng Chao said suspiciously: "These Citizens are all sick! Why do you always want to grab this meteorite?" Deng Chao looked at the black-brown meteorite carefully.

Li Chen shook his head and said, "Ghost knows! Yesterday I was scared to death by this meteorite, and today I almost died of exhaustion. This meteorite doesn't match me, so I have to stay away!"

The two chatted on the beach for about two hours.Qin Feng walked over with a few Chinese people in suits.

Seeing Qin Feng coming, Deng Chao and Li Chen hurried forward. Qin Feng said with a smile, "Brother Chao, your mission is completed!" After speaking, he turned to the middle-aged man with eyes beside him and said: "The meteorite is right there! Let's go!"

The man nodded to the person behind him, and a few people behind him hurried over in two steps.Then carefully move the meteorite into the prepared box.

The man showed a smile when he saw that the meteorite was installed and said, "Thank you for this time, Qin Feng! I have to hurry back to study and leave!" Qin Feng also just smiled and nodded, the man turned to himself The person who brought it said: "Let's go!"

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