Said and left the beach with the staff.

Qin Feng and Deng Chao followed them and watched them board the helicopter and leave the island.Only then did Deng Chao and Li Chen realize that Qin Feng really had a shadow of the country behind him.

On the Citi NASA steamship in the Pacific Ocean, the two Citi nationals who tried to steal the stone stood with their heads bowed in front of Dr. Smith.

But Dr. Smith seemed to be playing with something that interested him.If Qin Feng was here, he would definitely recognize that the thing in Smith's hand was a small piece of the meteorite.

Just after seeing Deng Chao and Li Chen, these two people knew that they could not steal the meteorite, so they knocked down such a small piece and brought it back.

Smith looked at it for a long time with a gratified smile on his face and said, "Although you two didn't steal the meteorite back, it's OK to get this small piece! We'll go back to the NASA right now to find out what secrets are hidden in it. I'm trying to get the meteorite back!"

But Smith never imagined that the meteorite they took so much thought to steal was already an ordinary meteorite.If they knew the truth of this matter, they would probably vomit blood in minutes.

On the island, Qin Feng had just eaten breakfast after sending off the people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, when the staff came to report that the ship had arrived and the extras had already arrived.

This made Qin Feng still a little surprised, but then Bai Yan told him that the ships arranged by the mayor of Shanghai City brought the tourists.

After listening to Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng just smiled at the Shanghai mayor's behavior.This is obviously also arranged by the superior.Qin Feng and the others came to the shooting scene after eating.

The scene at this time was already quite lively.This time, the extras Bai Yan was looking for were all students from major art schools. Although they were just extras, Qin Feng was the director and star after all.So these students are also very happy, this is also an opportunity for them.

Qin Feng's ability to discover new people is also well-known in China.Many newcomers have become popular domestic idols after Qin Feng's excavation and packaging.

There are many such examples in Qin Feng's body, so the students still expect that if they are taken in by Qin Feng, their future will be extremely bright.

The staff at the scene were almost ready. When they saw Qin Feng coming, the assistant director hurried over and said with a smile, "Director Qin, you're here!"

Qin Feng asked, "How's the preparation for the scene?" The assistant director said with a smile, "Director Qin, don't worry! We are all ready! We can do it anytime!"

Qin Feng looked at the noisy scene and said, "You have people bring these group performers to the side to gather! I'll tell them roughly what they need to do. Go and urge the actors to quickly put on makeup and change their clothes."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the assistant director nodded and said, "Understood, I'll go right now!" After speaking, the assistant director ran to the side with a loudspeaker and began to organize the extras to gather aside.Then send someone to urge the actors to make up quickly!

After hearing the words of the assistant director, the group performers quickly and disciplinedly went to the side to line up and prepare to start today's scene shooting!

Chapter [-]: The production of "Flower Thousand Bone" is completed

These extras are students who specialize in acting, and they all want Qin Feng to choose them, so they are very accurate in fulfilling Qin Feng's requirements.

After the assistant director organized them, Qin Feng walked over with a smile and said, "Hello everyone! I'm Qin Feng, the director of the crew!"

Qin Feng is accustomed to positioning himself as the most appropriate person wherever he is. Today, he wants to film a movie without his own role, so his identity is the director.And Qin Feng's self-positioning is also a director.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to everyone who came so far to film!" Qin Feng made all the students on the scene completely fall into Qin Feng's hands in just two sentences. fans.

Qin Feng, as such a big-name star in China, doesn't even have the air of being so friendly with their extras.Originally, they had heard on the Internet that Qin Feng was notoriously good-natured, and he took special care of his fans and was very kind.

Qin Feng explained the shooting of the first scene to everyone with a smile. Because of the story told in "Jurassic World", there are actually many scenes of these group performers, the only thing is that there are no lines.Really just extras.

In the first scene, Liu Ying's nephew came to visit the Jurassic World theme park.They were a group of people who came to Nublar Island on a cruise ship.

At this time, on the coast of the island, the props team had already arranged the scene, and the extras followed the staff to the boat after Qin Feng finished speaking.

Two actors who played Liu Ying's nephew also got on board.After boarding the boat, the boat first left the coast and stopped a few kilometers from the coast.

Qin Feng boarded the helicopter with the photographer. Because they wanted to shoot a set of scenes from a bird's-eye view, Qin Feng also rented several helicopters.

However, if other people are so afraid, it is impossible to rent these planes and ships from the military region with twice the money.Qin Feng painted all the equipment after renting them.Cover up the traces of the military on these planes and cruise ships.

This scene was actually not difficult to film, and it went very smoothly.And these students who have not been out of the campus are excited.

They also made cameo appearances more or less when they were in school, but it was the first time they had encountered such a large-scale filming. Helicopters in the sky and ships in the sea.They have all been silently thinking about how much the movie will cost.

Qin Feng's filming on the island was quite smooth, the extras were also very cooperative, and the progress has also improved a lot.

A group of uninvited guests came from the space agency located on the outskirts of the imperial capital.The purpose of these people is to be protected from meteorites inside the NASA center.

They hide in hidden places and talk to each other in English. These people's conversations have betrayed their identities. They are special forces from Citi.They were ordered by their superiors to come and steal the meteorite.

However, it is obvious that Huaguo is also heavily guarded, and this group of people explained everything without passing the first anti-lock.This matter quickly reached the ears of Professor Smith, who was waiting for the news.

Professor Smith said angrily: "Are these people all pigs? They were all caught alive like this!" Professor Smith returned to the laboratory with the fragments of the meteorite and happily began to study by himself.

However, after the research, Professor Smith's mood plummeted to a trough, because he found that the meteorite in his hand was completely an ordinary meteorite, not the meteorite with a strong energy response that he had monitored.

When the two staff who stole the meteorite came back, they felt that they had made a great contribution and were still waiting for Professor Smith to promote them.

But what they waited for was the result of being fired by NASA while being reviewed.This made them die without understanding why Professor Smith did not believe what he said.

So Smith contacted Citigroup's special operations team to help him steal the meteorite.Professor Smith, who was overwhelmed by the meteorite, forgot one thing, that is, China is a forbidden place for special forces.

Because all the special forces or terrorist organizations that have come to China to make trouble, as long as they dare to carry out criminal activities in China.Then it must be killed by a careless mistake by the Chinese military.

A few more self-proclaimed hackers came to Huaxia's website, but they never came back.Over time, China has become a nightmare for these terrorists, and no one dares to be reckless here.

The world of meteorites is open to the public, and obviously this kind of thing cannot be concealed.Countless countries have made small moves on this meteorite.

However, their actions were all watched by Hua Guo.Any of their offensives can be defused by China.If these people knew that it was actually an ordinary meteorite, it was estimated that they would vomit blood every minute.

The content of Qin Feng and the others filming on the island can only be seen on Qin Feng's Weibo.The rest of them can only know after Qin Feng's filming is over.

Just when fans were still concerned about meteorites, another piece of news also caught everyone's attention.That is, the post-production of the TV series "Flower Thousand Bone" has almost been completed.Mango Satellite TV has already begun to lay the groundwork for propaganda.

The brief introduction and analysis of "Flower Thousand Bone" released by Dingtian Entertainment immediately caught everyone's attention .

But the audience couldn't find the difference there.Only some careful film and television companies will find out the whole story.It turns out that Qin Feng really mastered the technology of 3D film and television production.

Chapter [-]: Recruiting the Great Demon King

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