“Can this façade be bought by this side of the temple?”

Because one of the addresses given to him by the rat was actually near the temple, and after the temple was rebuilt, it became the most popular pedestrian street in the Tianfu Kingdom.

Years later, it was all about selling high-end luxury goods, and the rent for the façade was very expensive.

If you can buy a façade here, not to mention whether you can make money, the value added to this façade is no worse than doing business.

It’s two ends of the spectrum.

“Yes, the original quotation was a little expensive, tens of thousands, I dare not be the master, this is not, please show you!”

“I’ll see the place tomorrow and buy it if I can!”

Zhao Guoqing smiled, in this era, 10,000 yuan households are rich people, let alone tens of thousands, but this location and area are extreme.

Buy, that’s definitely not a loss.

So early the next morning, Zhao Guoqing went to see the place selected by the rat, but found that this place was actually the back door of a courtyard, but this back door faced the street, with a look of one or two hundred square meters, which should actually be similar to the box at the back of the courtyard.

So the area is large.

If one day you close the door that opens on the other side of this room and enter directly from the front door, there is a courtyard with bamboo and rockeries and pools, and there are several doors that are still entered, and there are several other houses where people can live and put goods.

“I bought it, fifty thousand is fifty thousand, I really like this house!” Go back and simply renovate it, a partition in the middle, equivalent to two houses, such a large area, worth it! Seeing

these houses in and out, Zhao Guoqing was very satisfied, no wonder it was such an expensive price.

Expensive is expensive, the location and area are also very large, that is, some places look a little dilapidated, but renovate the antique one, it looks very good.

It should be the ancestral home of a large family.

Sure enough, when Zhao Guoqing went to buy this house, he inquired and learned that someone in this family had been a high-ranking official in his ancestors, and built this house after returning to his hometown.

Because the ancestors worshiped the Buddha, the house built next to the left side of the temple more than 100 meters is also excellent in feng shui.

But because of the scarcity of descendants and other reasons, they want to exchange this house for cash, just because the asking price is very high and has not been sold for a long time, which will meet Zhao Guoqing almost without bargaining, so he bought this house.

They are also happy that they can’t.

I paid in the morning and finished the house contract, leaving the rat here to handle the rest.

Zhao Guoqing took advantage of the fact that it was still early and rushed to his brother-in-law’s side with his mother.

On the way, Liu Zhenfang was still inquiring, how did this house sell so expensive, is it cost-effective?

Why don’t you pay more and so on?

“Mom, don’t worry about it, you’ll go to your brother-in-law’s side soon, you, relax your heart, your son is not stupid!”

Zhao Guoqing smiled and let his mother’s attention go to his brother-in-law.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Guoqing mentioned his brother-in-law, Liu Zhenfang was full of curiosity and kept asking questions about the east and the west.

At this time, the things in Zhao Guoqing’s heart were also solved, and he also patiently answered his mother’s curiosity, and then said something he knew, especially the situation in his brother-in-law’s camp, which made Liu Zhenfang nodded uncontrollably.

On the way, they talked and laughed, and before they knew it, time passed quickly.

In the afternoon, when the sun was still high, they arrived at their brother-in-law’s station.

Zhao Guoqing’s car was stopped, first registered, heard that it was Liu Zhendian’s relatives coming, the sentry also took a special look, but found that it was Zhao Guoqing, immediately waved and let go, and smiled at him.

Because last time Zhao Guoqing lived here.

The sentries and many people in this camp, he was familiar with them.

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This time, I almost didn’t need anyone to lead the way, and I drove the car directly to my brother-in-law’s place.

This jeep is still a rare thing, and it is generally the chief and leader who will sit.

When this car came, the daughter-in-law of the deputy battalion commander of the fifth battalion was still calling her own man, thinking that there was an urgent task, and the brother-in-law upstairs also ran out, and he also thought that the leader was coming.

Who knew that when they ran out to see, it was Zhao Guoqing who helped Liu Zhenfang get out of the car?

“Big sister? Oh, Mom, look quickly, the eldest sister and the National Day are coming…”

Liu Zhendian shouted upstairs, Huang Xiulian also came out over there, and tears fell when he saw it, he never dreamed that the eldest girl actually came from so far away.

There are also many people on the side of the family home who remember Zhao Guoqing, who drank and ate with him, and many people came to say hello at the moment.

The men were interested in his car.


When I asked, I knew that it was Zhao Guoqing who bought it newly, saying that it was more convenient to have a car, which is not convenient for my brother-in-law to say to leave.

“You bought it yourself? Isn’t that a lot of money?

“Well, it’s okay, it’s not very expensive!”

Seeing the surprised look of the deputy battalion commander of the fifth battalion, Zhao Guoqing smiled and did not make a sound, Liu Zhendian on the side would be a little proud, saying that his nephew is powerful, there is a garment factory, hundreds of people.

This statement really made the people around them stunned all of a sudden, and the eyes that looked at Zhao Guoqing were different.

A large factory with hundreds of people, that is really very powerful.

So young, how powerful should that be?

“By the way, I have a relative who is also doing business in Jiangcheng, and people have entered the Chamber of Commerce, and they are also very good, or else, introduce you to each other?”

The deputy commander of the fifth battalion poked his head out to talk to Zhao Guoqing, and said with some bragging that his relatives were members of the Chamber of Commerce.

Very good mix in Jiangcheng.

“Chamber of Commerce members? So who? I just happened to be in the Chamber of Commerce and just became a vice president!

Zhao Guoqing said with a smile, and the deputy battalion commander of the fifth battalion suddenly turned off the fire, and he was a little speechless and didn’t know what to say?

Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce?

Really fake?

Isn’t that bragging?

The deputy commander of the fifth battalion kept muttering in his heart, with an expression of disbelief on his face, saying that his relatives also had a factory, a factory of 1200 people, and had worked in the Chamber of Commerce for many years, and he was an ordinary member.

Zhao Guoqing is so young, why did he get mixed with the vice president?

This wouldn’t be fooling, would it?

Zhao Guoqing smiled and didn’t make a sound, but was pulled upstairs by Liu Zhendian, and Zhao Er helped move things over there.

Liu Zhenfang was happy, and while helping to get things, she went to see Li Ping and hug the child.

Li Ping will still be in confinement, but she is in a normal birth, and she will already be able to walk on the ground, and she looks good.

Liu Zhenfang looked at Li Ping happily, and quietly stuffed a red envelope to Li Ping, saying that it was to replenish her body, but Li Ping didn’t want the money, because she felt that Liu Zhenfang brought too many things.

Guangwa’s clothes can’t be worn for several years, whose sister gave gifts like this, it’s really too expensive.

“Take it, I’ll say it…”

Liu Zhenfang whispered a few words to Li Ping, and Li Ping looked up in surprise and nodded sharply.

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